1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 601 - 700 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
The Monday club Hynd, George 805
The Red Berets Hynd, George 164
The Upperside Express or (the cycling cyclone) Hynd, George 236
Time Hynd, George 134
TV refugees Hynd, George 245
What happened to the butterflies? Hynd, George 391
Whit is a dug? Hynd, George 367
Who was the man? Hynd, George 302
Wishing fur the fishing Hynd, George 307
A lock o hellery Johnson, Laureen 1,933
Christmas Johnson, Laureen 108
Divinin for cables Johnson, Laureen 571
Saands o Maywick Johnson, Laureen 1,333
Vocabulary: outdoor sports Johnson, Laureen 76
Cairtes in the Scots Leid Kay, Billy 709
Scots - in English Kay, Billy 480
Scots - in Scots Kay, Billy 487
A Picturesque Character Kay, Prof Christian 409
Arithmetic Kay, Prof Christian 429
A Word in George Brown’s Ear Kay, Prof Christian 80
Email from Christian Kay, Prof Christian 86
Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes Kay, Prof Christian 3,149
Finding the words for it Kay, Prof Christian 1,450
Foolish Citizens All Kay, Prof Christian 824
For Aye newsletter Kay, Prof Christian 3,242
Forever Panting and Forever Young Kay, Prof Christian 1,665
Fourth Circular Kay, Prof Christian 1,144
From the school magazine (Merchant Maiden) Kay, Prof Christian 783
History of linguistics II Kay, Prof Christian 2,450
In Charge of the Weather Kay, Prof Christian 678
Journal of the Russian Trip Kay, Prof Christian 6,438
Learning to Ride a Bicycle Kay, Prof Christian 530
LTD1 Workshop Kay, Prof Christian 1,088
Metaphors we liveD by Kay, Prof Christian 3,416
Synonym Clustering in Beowulf Kay, Prof Christian 2,531
Tae See Oorsels. . . Kay, Prof Christian 456
The Rowans Kay, Prof Christian 76
Where are the Songs of Spring? Kay, Prof Christian 798
Email correspondence 1 - C Kay & J McGonigal Kay, Prof Christian,
McGonigal, James
Email correspondence 2 - C Kay & J McGonigal Kay, Prof Christian,
McGonigal, James
A week and its legacy Kerr, Bob 2,201
Inaugural speech by John Kirk to launch the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech Kirk, John M Video 6,982
Biggam Collection Letter: 14 Kirkland, May 136
Biggam Collection Letter: 15 Kirkland, William 271
...Auld Zimmery [Content label: serious] Kydd, Robbie 73,728
Biggam Collection Letter: 07 Law, Madge Taylor 248
Biggam Collection Letter: 09 Law, Madge Taylor 261
Biggam Collection Letter: 11 Law, Madge Taylor 738
Biggam Collection Letter: 12 Law, Madge Taylor 1,932
Biggam Collection Letter: 18 Law, Madge Taylor 543
Biggam Collection Letter: 20 Law, Madge Taylor 482
Biggam Collection Letter: 21 Law, Madge Taylor 410
Biggam Collection Letter: 23 Law, Madge Taylor 881
Biggam Collection Letter: 24 Law, Madge Taylor 376
Biggam Collection Letter: 25 Law, Madge Taylor 325
Biggam Collection Letter: 26 Law, Madge Taylor 595
Biggam Collection Letter: 27 Law, Madge Taylor 539
Biggam Collection Letter: 28 Law, Madge Taylor 315
Biggam Collection Letter: 29 Law, Madge Taylor 1,424
Scots Extended Grammar Essay 1 Lawson, Robert 2,786
Scots version of History of Scots essay Lawson, Robert 3,112
A Scots Revival? Leeming, Mr Bruce 1,466
Scots Haiku Leeming, Mr Bruce 1,102
Scots Haiku II Leeming, Mr Bruce 1,175
A Country Codex Love, Rowena M 59
Culzean Memories Love, Rowena M 133
Hair and There Love, Rowena M 64
Keekin In Love, Rowena M 67
Makin Pancakes Love, Rowena M 208
Ma Mammy Love, Rowena M 229
Preston Mill Love, Rowena M 122
Solstice Night Climb Love, Rowena M 80
Sweet, Sweet Memories Love, Rowena M 155
The Feartie-Cat Love, Rowena M 151
West Highland Campaign Love, Rowena M 64
The Girnin Gates - Chapter 12 MacDonald, Hamish 2,071
The Girnin Gates - Chapter 3 MacDonald, Hamish 564
"Obituary for Christine Guthrie, 1896-1999" MacGillivray, Alan 1,893
Mountain Music - Chapters 1-4 Mackay, Sheila 50,638
Around Clach na Cùdainn: Some Musings on the Gaelic Place Names of Inverness Maclean, Roddy 1,159
Cereal terms in the DOST record Macleod, Iseabail 4,340
Catherine Carswell (1879-1946): Correspondent of D.H. Lawrence, Biographer of Robert Burns and Epistolary Novelist McCulloch, Margery Palmer 5,020
Volksdichter und Künstler: German Responses to Robert Burns McCulloch, Margery Palmer 5,552
Women and Poetry 1972-1999: The Contemporary Scene McCulloch, Margery Palmer 7,863
Women, Poetry and Song in Eighteenth-Century Lowland Scotland McCulloch, Margery Palmer 7,267
A Blether an wee Bevvy McCulloch, Peter Mitchell 253
Concorde McCulloch, Peter Mitchell 108
Haikus posted between 22 July 2006 and 30 July 2006 McDonald, John 378
Daft Jackie McGonigal, James 2,850
Teaching Secondary English in Scotland McGonigal, James 2,576
From Parsing to Politics: A Brief History of School Grammar Teaching McGonigal, James,
Philp, Andrew
Language Games and Activities McGonigal, James,
Philp, Andrew
Talking, Reading and Writing about Fiction Texts McGonigal, James,
Philp, Andrew
Assessing the Productive Skills in Modern Languages S4-6 McGonigal, James,
Templeton, Brian C
Grammar, Reading and Writing in Modern Languages S4-6 McGonigal, James,
Templeton, Brian C
Teaching Modern Languages: How Lessons Develop McGonigal, James,
Templeton, Brian C
Sanstane an Steel McNeil, Andrew 811
Temples Fae Creels McNeil, Andrew 1,663
Broken sleep Moncrieff, James Hiddo 184
Catfirth willow Moncrieff, James Hiddo 163

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