Document 1535

Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes

Author(s): Prof Christian Kay

Copyright holder(s): Prof Christian Kay


3 tsp = 1 tblsp. = 1 fl.oz.
Eng teacup ¼ pt
Eng breakfast cup ½ pt. 10 fl.oz. = British standard measuring cup
American & Canadian pt is 16 fl.oz. (Brit. 20)
American ½ pt measuring cup = 8 fl.oz

After 1 wk in Fridge has evaporated back to quite nice cream cheese!

Cheese dip (no cooking)

3oz cott. cheese
3 oz cream cheese
¼ pt sour cream
dash tabasco sauce
pinch garlic powder
pinch black pepper
¼ tsp salt.

Blend all the ingredients together; chill thoroughly

Blue cheese dip (no cooking)

4oz blue cheese, crumbled
3 tablsp. salad dressing
carton plain yoghurt
dash chilli sauce
¼ tsp. garlic salt
2 oz chopped parsley
2 tablsp. minced onion

Serve with crisps, celery and carrot sticks

Fontina Dip (cook 10-12 mins)

1 tablesp. butter
French bread
3 " flour
nearly 1 pt milk
1lb Emmental or similar cheese
pinch salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Melt butter over hot water
Add flour and blend well
Stir in milk gradually
Bring to boil and add cheese, stirring constantly with a fork until melted.
Add seasoning.
Serve hot with cubes of Fr. bread or biscuits.

Garlic loaf:
cut long French loaf into 1" thick slices, not cutting right to base
Mix 4oz softened butter + ¼ tsp Garlic powder, spread generously between slices. Wrap in foil, place in oven or under grill.

Sole Fouquet

4 fillets lemon sole
1 pint water
2 bay leaves
pinch of thyme
salt and pepper

1. Place fish in baking dish. Add water and spices, simmer for a few minutes.

2. Pour off liquor, strain, keep.

¼ sliced mushrooms 1 Red pepper
4 oz butter
4 tablespoons flour
Fish liquor
1 tablespoon parmesan cheese
tomato ketchup or white wine

1. Cook mushrooms in butter. Blend in flour. Add hot fish liquor, stirring until thick. Add the rest.
2. Pour sauce over fish in baking dish, place under grill and brown.


In jug - ¼ pt milk ¼ pint water
lemon salt pepper.

Melt 1 oz butter
Add 1 oz flour rub together

Add liquid, boil 3 minutes or till thick
Add 2/3 cheese slices

Pour over cooked cauliflowers (florets 6 min).
Top with grated cheese and bake for 20 minutes at regulo 7.

Cole Slaw.

Slice with grater horizontal;
to make cabbage extra crisp, toss shreds with ice cubes and put in fridge for 1 hour

Spring Coleslaw
1 head cabbage, shredded
1 med cucumber, peeled and sliced
1 sm green pepper, chopped
[ 6 tbsp. salad dr]
2 tbs. vinegar 2 teasp mustard
¼ teasp. paprika ¼ teasp. salt
combine veg and chill. Combine remainder, pour over veg, toss. Serves 6.

1 small can evap milk
2-4 tablesp. sugar ½ teasp. salt
¼ teasp. pepper 2-3 tablesp. vinegar
½ med head cabbage, shredded.
combine milk, sug, salt, pepper; stir; add vinegar slowly to taste. Chill (will thicken) Rinse shredded cabbage in tepid water. Place in bowl, cover, chill for 1 hr. Toss with dressing. Serves 3-4

Clarified Butter

Heat gently, skimming off white scum until butter has stopped bubbling and producing scum.

Use scum for sauces and soups.
Butter - canned new potatoes cooked in it in a covered pan until crisp and golden.

Reduction - demi-glâce
Rich, carefully strained meat stock,
simmered until reduced by ¾, then move slowly until varnishy and thick.

Melt and brush over bird before roasting.
Let a little melt on a steak or cutlet.
Add a teaspoonful to sauce, gravy, soup.

Both keep almost indefinitely in a refrigerator

Bourbon balls, Georgia Style

1 lb castor sugar
small can condensed milk
2 jiggers bourbon.
¼ lb margarine
2 cups finely chopped pecans.

Cream butter and sugar
Add milk, nuts, bourbon
Chill and make into small balls.
Leave in icebox to harden.

Cover in melted chocolate.
(1 pk black choc).

Grilled Bananas

4 bananas
1 ½ oz butter
2 oz soft brown sugar
Single cream.

Halve bananas lengthwise, and place on grill, on foil with edges turned up. Dot with butter and grill gently for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar and grill until sugar is runny.
Serve at once with cream.

Caramel Rice.

Heat tin of creamed rice. Sprinkle with soft brown sugar and grill until sugar forms a caramel.

Coffee Cream.

Beat ¼ pint single cream, ¼ pint double cream, 1 ½ teaspoons nescafé, brandy, rum and/or sugar to taste. Chill.

Angy's cake.
Pkt choc. chip cookies or ginger snaps. Dip each one in sherry or sprinkle sherry over them when assembled; Stick together with dots of cream; coat with cream and chill. (use whipped cream; don't let lower biscuits get too soggy)

Swiss Milk Tablet

2 lbs castor sugar
¼ lb fresh butter
large tin condensed milk
1 teacupful milk
vanilla essence.

Melt butter in pan; add sugar, milk
Stir until sugar is dissolved
Bring to boil; boil for 10 minutes.
Add condensed milk; boil 15-20 mins, stirring continuously, until it forms a soft ball in cup of cold water.
Cool slightly; add vanilla; stir with wooden spoon until it begins to thicken.

Pour into greased tin
Mark in squares before quite cold.

Cheap tablet.

2 lbs sugar 1 breakfast cup milk
1 tblsp. syrup 1 oz marge
Melt sugar and everything
Boil for 7 mins, then beat.

Coconut Ice

1 lb gran sugar
¼ pt milk
4 oz desicc. coconut
8" square tin

Bring sug + milk to boil over low heat
Boil for 5 mins
Add coconut
Stir until it thickens
Pour ½ into tin, put cochineal in other half and pour on top.

Chocolate Truffles.

4 oz choc.
2 oz sieved icing sugar
1 ½ tblsspns. evap. milk
½ teasp. vanilla ess. or rum

Cocoa or choc. vermicelli (1 tbsp.).

Grate choc. into basin
Melt over pan of boiling water [Do not allow to get hot]
Stir in sugar, evap. milk, rum; blend.
Make into balls; roll in cocoa.

Choc. Coffee Truffles (makes c. 15)

2 oz butter
4 oz icing sugar
1 dessrt spn coffee essence
2 oz chopped walnuts (or ground hazlenuts)
3 oz dessic. coconut (or digestive biscuit)

Cream butter & sugar, mix in essence;
Add walnuts and coconut, and mix well;
Form into smallish balls & allow to harden for c. 1hr, then coat with chocolate (melted over a pot of hot water then jiggle about with 2 teaspoons)

Choc. raisin crispies

2 oz marg.
2 oz sugar
1 tblsp milk


add: 1 tblsp. cocoa
3 tblsp. dried milk
4 tblsp. raisins
4 tbslp. cornflakes.

Toffee cake

4 oz butter
4 oz marshmallow
4 oz toffee


Pour over small pkt rice crispies

Gipsy Creams

2 oz sugar Butter icing.
3 oz marg
1 teacup SR flour
1 tsp. porage oats
1 dessertsp. cocoa
2 tsp. syrup dissolved in 2 tsp boiling water.

Cream marge and sugar. Add dry ingred. and syrup. Put in balls on greased tray
D, 350º 15-20 mins
Stick together with butter icing

Bash-up cake

5 oz marge
4 tblsp. cocoa
2 " syrup
1 " sugar


Pour over ½ lb biscuits rolled out. Melt choc. in hot water, milk, pour over cake.

Butter icing: 1 Butter to 2 icing sugar.


4 oz flour
Pinch salt
1 egg
½ pt milk

Mix flour and salt
Break egg into well in centre
Gradually stir in flour, adding ½ milk
Beat for 5 mins.
Add remainder of milk; leave for 2 hrs.
Melt 1 oz lard in frying pan, pour off when smoking.
Pour in batter to cover pan thinly
Cook until golden brown, turn.
Roll up in hot dish, sprinkle with sugar, lemon juice.
Reheat fat and repeat process.

Oven Steak

Slice sirloin per person
Brown, place in baster containing water, peppers, onion, stock cube, touch garlic.
Reg. 4 for about an hour.

Veg casserole

Chop green pepper & celery, boil 5 mins.
Chop onion, apple, mushrooms, fry with ½ lb mince till crumbly (+ spices)
Place veg (including uncooked cucumber) & mince in alternate layers in casserole, dotted with butter or cheese.
Oven, reg 4, ½ hr +

Dinner for 6.

Starter: chop very finely cucumber / apple / celery / green pepper. Add segments from 2 grapefruits without juice. Mix & chill. Spoon into individual dishes. Top with prawns & blob of plain yogurt.

2 lbs shoulder / braising steak. Brown.
Make sauce with steak liquid, cornflour, herbs, handful of raisins.
Reg 4 for 1 hour, covered.
Add chopped cucumber, pepper, mushrooms, apple, top up liquid if necessary, low oven for at least another hour.
Serve with peas & celery and potatoes.

Angy's ginger cake (2 pkts ginger snaps, large double cream).

Foolproof Sponge

4 oz SR flour
1 level tsp. baking powder
4 oz soft marge
4 oz castor sugar
2 large eggs
few drops vanilla

combine ingredients and beat for 1 min in electric mixer, or till smooth
put in 2 7" tins lined with greaseproof paper

Preheat oven to reg. 3 (325º)
Bake for 30 mins on centre shelf.

Mincemeat Alaska

shortcrust pastry - line with mincemeat & cook for 20 mins
make meringue from 2 egg whites & 3 oz sugar
block of v. hard icecream
cover with meringue, making sure that it is completely sealed.
Hot Oven for ? 5 mins.

1lb mixed dried fruit (apricots etc)
1 pt water
1 pt water & sugar
Soak overnight
cook 15 mins
add 6-12 tablespoons brandy.

parsley & butter inside Turkey

Potage D'Eté

1 stock cube (chicken)
1 ¾ pts water
lettuce / cabbage


Sauté in 2 oz butter any old salad veg, eg. radish, cuc, pepper + 1 large onion.
Add 1 oz cornflour, 6 broken up cheese biscuits or similar; stir
Add 8 toms, fresh or peeled.

Gradually combine the 2, boil ¾ hr.
Drain & pound.

Chestnut stuffing (neck-end)

8 oz unsweetened Chestnut puree
4 oz brown breadcrumbs
parsley, salt etc, lemon
(chopped (fried) streaky bacon)
Bind together with beaten egg.

Dried chestnuts - soak for 24 hrs
Simmer in water till soft.

Low Cal Fruit Sal
2-3 segmented oranges
1 grapefruit
deseeded grapes
30 mins bef. serving add slimline G-ale & chill

Pork chops in ginger ale

4 large p.c.'s
2 large onions, sliced
2 oz / 50g / butter
little dem sugar
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp flour
10 fl. oz (300 ml) ginger ale
salt & pepper

Sauté onions in 1 oz butter till golden brown; place in cass; brown chops in remaining butter, place on top of onions. Scatter sugar on top. Mix tomato paste & flour tog., add ginger ale; pour over chops & season.

350ºF (180ºC), Mk 4, 1hr+

Tandoori Chicken

2 lb roasting chick
1 large onion
2-3 cloves garlic
1 in (2cm) piece ginger
1 tsp coriander powder
" cumin "
2 tsp vinegar
1 chilli "
2 tsp Worcester sauce
1 ½ tsp. salt
juice 2 small lemons
carton plain yog
1 ½ oz butter
1 tsp garam masala
(Indian mixed spice)

Make cuts on side of legs of bird. Mince onion, garlic & ginger to paste, add coriander, cumin, chilli, salt, beat yog into ving. & worc. sauce; add juice / lemon; mix thoroughly with spices.
Rub into cuts & leave for 6 hrs.

Mark 3. Melt 1 oz butter in cass, bake with lid on 40 mins +
To serve (4) joint the bird, brush with remaining butter (melted), sprinkle with garam masala & lemon juice

Potage St-Germain (for 4).

1 lb (450g) dried peas
water or stock to cover
1 large onion, diced
1 " carrot, diced
1 leek, diced
½ pt stock, heated; salt, pepper

Soak peas; drain; cover with stock.
Add veg & simmer till tender (1 hr)
Press through sieve, thinning with heated stock to consistency of thin cream.
Season & serve with croutons.

Lentil puree.

1 lb lentils, soak, drain, rinse, bring to the boil with 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 bay leaf, 1 clove garlic in about 1 ½ pts salted water
cook 1-2 hrs depending on lentils
Stir occasionally, then drain & puree

Árter med fläsk (Peas with pork) (6-8)

1 lb split peas 2 tesp. marjoram
5 pts water 1 tesp. ginger
1 lb streaky bacon (piece)
3 onions salt, black pepper

Put split peas in pan with water; bring to boil, cook 1 hr, add bacon, onions, spices. Cook till bacon is done - 1 ½ hrs on low heat - adding water as required & seasoning with salt & pepper.
Remove bacon & serve or sieve

Chicken Soup. (unblended)

1 ½ pt. chicken stock.
Sauté chopped onion in chicken fat.
Discard rest of fat
Put in stock & 4 slices bread (pref. French). Bring to boil; boil 20 mins. Allow to cool slightly & add salt, pepper, little cream.

Sieve / liquidize left-over veg.
Add to stock, heat together.
Stir in spoonful of cream bef. serving.


2 oz cooked rice
3 oz butter
2 chopped hard boiled eggs
¼ pt. double cream
2 oz raisins
1 lb Haddock fillet, cooked & flaked

Melt butter, add cream. Add other ingreds. & cook over low heat for few mins. Garnish with parsley & bits eggs.

Salmon Paté (4-6 port.)

1 x 7 ½ oz can red salmon
4 tablesp. lemon juice
4 teasp. anchovy essence
6 oz double cream
2 oz fresh white breadcrumbs

Drain salmon & remove skin & bones. Liquidize everything (inc. salmon liquid) except breadcrumbs. Mix in breadcrumbs. Chill.

Pears in Cream

1 lb pears
½ oz butter
2 oz sugar
3 tablespoons cream.

Peel, core & quarter pears.
Melt butter, add pears & sugar
Cover & cook 15-20 mins.
Pour in cream - heat-proof dish
Mark 4 / 350 10 mins. Serve at once.

To whip cream.
¼ teasp. sugar - mixer, beater, 2-3 mins
Stop when stiff or butter results.

Icecream (6)

4 eggs - separated
100g (4oz) sieved icing sugar.
¼ teasp. vanilla essence
Cream. ½ pt / 250ml double.

Whisk yolks till light & creamy.
Whisk whites till stiff & gradually whisk in sugar. Whip cream.
Add vanilla to yolks, fold in egg whites then cream.
Freeze 1 hour. Stir well with fork.
Refreeze 2-3 hours.

Chicken fricasee

Small boiling fowl
Pint white sauce
2 egg yolks
3 tablesp. double cream
Pinch cayenne pepper
Teasp. lemon juice
Garnish: croutons, parsley, lemon

Simmer chicken in lightly salted water till tender. Cut into small joints of slices. Keep hot.
Mix egg yolks, cream, pepper, salt.
Add to sauce.
Reheat slowly & add lemon juice.
Pour over chicken.

Serve with boiled rice.

Yorkshire Pudding (for 4)

½ pt milk ¼ lb flour
2 eggs pinch salt.

Put sifted flour in bowl, make a well in the centre & add milk gradually beating hard. Add eggs, beating hard. Add pinch salt. Put into fridge until 35 mins bef. roast has finish cooking.
Pour ½ fat from roasting tin into another baking tin. Make smoking hot then pour in batter. Cook on top shelf, mark 6, 400ºF, 30-35 mins (puffy & golden on top).

Avocado Soup

1 very ripe avocado.
Blend with lemon juice, salt, onion powder, milk / single cream (cream only leaves it too thick; no pepper as peppery enough already)

Optional - add ½ chopped apple.


Boil 15-20 mins, cut each bulb in 4 slices, lay in gratin dish greased with 1 oz butter. Top with another 1 oz butter & grill, turning as nec. until slices are lightly coloured.
Can use fennel liquid & fronds to make sauce for lamb, with added mustard & vinegar.

Sharp sauce for pork or chicken

Gooseberries - boil, sweeten with a little honey; add orange, apples, few raisins, boil a little longer. Pre-cooked rice for solidity.

Watercress Soup.

1 pack watercress (¼ lb approx.)
1 medium onion
½ pt chicken stock
1 ½ tablesp. single cream
1 oz butter.

Chop onion & watercress; saute in butter for few mins. Add little stock & blend 1-2 mins till W is finely chopped.
Return to saucepan, add stock, simmer 7 mins. Add cream, reheat but don't boil. Season to taste.


3-4 tablesp. olive oil
¼ teasp. salt
¼ teasp. dry mustard
½ " caster sugar
shake white pepper
3-4 drops Worcester Sauce
1½ - 2 tablesp. wine or cider
vinegar or lemon juice.

Beat together (or blender) everything ex. vinegar / juice, then gradually add that.

Brandy Fool.

½ pt cream 2 tblsp. brandy
4 oz broken meringue 2 tblsp. caster sugar

Whisk cream; add brandy, sugar & meringue; freeze

Peanut Soup.

2 ¼ pts chicken stock.
heaped tablesp. chopped onion
7 oz salted peanuts.
8-9 oz double cream or evap milk.
salt pepper. + croutons.

Simmer stock & onion 20 mins. Strain off
Process some of liquid with peanuts, till smooth.
Add to clear stock, stir in cream + seasoning; bring to near boil
± sherry / angostura bitters / vinegar at end.

Seasoning mixture - alternative to onion.

Chop: med. onion / 2-3 spring onions /
clove garlic / 1" hot red seeded pepper
sprig thyme / marjoram. Sprinkle on ¼ teasp. ground cloves + teasp. lime / lemon juice.

Veg bake: 375 / 5 1hr

Brown pots, garlic 1st
carrots, pots, parsnips, apple, celery, mushrooms, onion.
Seasoning: parsley, salt, pepper
Chop up & arrange in large baking tin or in layers in pie dish.
Pour over ¾ pt milk approx
Top w. cheese & breadcrumbs


Melt 1 oz lard in frying pan
Brown 1 chopped onion,
chopped raw potatoes
Add meat (cooked),

Transfer to pot, add water.
Simmer for 1½ hrs, till pots are soft
(quick method)
brown onion, pieces pepper, cucumber in pan. Add cooked potatoes and meat.
Fry gently, turning and stirring frequently for 10 minutes.

Potatoes with egg.

Melt 1 oz butter in pan.
Chop up cold cooked potatoes and sauté for a few minutes
Push potatoes to side of pan and scramble one egg on other side.
Mix together.
Pepper can be added.

(1 egg = 1 oz meat)

Potato cakes

Use mashed potatoes softened with a little cream and seasoned with thinly chopped peppers and onions.
Fry, turning once, approx 10 minutes.
Part-cook pots, quarter, place on buttered tray
sprinkle w. pepper, onion powder, dot with butter. Cook in bottom of oven c. 1 hr, top or under grill to brown.

Macaroni Casserole (for two)

1 oz fat 3 oz mince
1 lge chopped onion
2 peeled tomatoes.
¼ pt stock or water
1 rounded tblspn porage oats
2 oz macaroni

Cook macaroni by boiling in lightly salted water 15 mins. Fry onion and mince until mince is crumbly.
Add water and tomatoes, and pinch of mixed herbs, pepper to taste.
Sprinkle in oats and bring to the boil while stirring. Cover and simmer gently 15-20 mins.
Place macaroni and mince in layers in casserolle. Place in oven.
Reg. 5 30 mins.
Serve w. spinach and chips

Silverside (1½ lbs)

Wrap meat in foil, adding a little water. Put in hot oven until it starts to sizzle. Reduce to 5-4, still sizzling. Cook for 2 hrs, unwrap and brown.

Praline cake.

Cream 4 oz butter and 4 oz castor sugar
2 eggs beaten with 1 teasp. flour
2 oz SR flour
2 oz ground almonds
2 oz coconut
2 oz milk flake (crumbled)
2 x 7" tins
Cook 20 mins reg 3½


Cut into chips & roast.
10 mins from end, coat with mixture of maple syrup and coarse mustard.

Sloe gin etc.

Split damsons (but don't stone); put in bottom of container; cover with sugar; add gin; shake daily for 1 month; leave for six months.

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Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes," accessed 23 October 2024,

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Information about Document 1535

Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Other Self
Audience size 1
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1989
Word count 3149

Text type

Instructions (e.g. manual, recipe)


Author details

Author id 606
Title Prof
Forenames Christian
Surname Kay
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Academic
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Glasgow
Region of residence Glasgow
Residence CSD dialect area Gsw
Country of residence Scotland
Father's place of birth Leith
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's place of birth Edinburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes All
Scots No Yes No Yes Work
