1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 701 - 800 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Facing Foula Moncrieff, James Hiddo 97
Flying high Moncrieff, James Hiddo 95
The sound of hammers Moncrieff, James Hiddo 130
A few notes on old Kilwinning Town and the Biography of Robert Morrison, Crosshouse. Morrison, Mr Robert 5,211
Sermons Morrison, Mr Robert 3,660
Spech of reminisence given by R. Morrison at Silver wedding of his son in law S. McDonald 1.1.43 Morrison, Mr Robert 982
The Time of Their Lives: Two of Jessie Kesson’s Fictional Heroines Murray, Prof Isobel 5,757
Extract from "Killing Time" Niven, Liz 927
Poem from "Burnin Whins" Niven, Liz 125
Poems from "Stravaigin" Niven, Liz 215
Review of "Buddha Da" (Anne Donovan) Niven, Liz 411
Review of "Dreaming Frankenstein & collected poems 1967-1984" (Liz Lochhead) Niven, Liz 411
Review of "Hieroglyphics and other stories" (Anne Donovan) Niven, Liz 308
Review of "The Colour of Black & White poems 1984-2003" (Liz Lochhead) Niven, Liz 504
Review of "The Crimson Petal and the White" (Michel Faber) Niven, Liz 502
Review of "Voyageurs" (Margaret Elphinstone) Niven, Liz 361
The New Mannie Niven, Liz 363
Chaucer Essay O'Gallagher, Niall 2,496
Advent Antiphons in Scots Ogston, David D 235
An Order o Baptism Ogston, David D 526
Holy Communion (Doric) Ogston, David D 679
The Merriage Service Ogston, David D 1,068
Biggam Collection Letter: 04 O'Rourke, Catherine 372
Due Paisley, Janet 243
Gled Stanes Paisley, Janet 121
Refuge [Content label: serious] Paisley, Janet 22,040
Scotland Paisley, Janet 210
Vampire Paisley, Janet 1,700
Wi Thur Twa Rings Paisley, Janet 149
Sing Us One of the Old Songs - Why Teach Ballads? Petrie, Elaine 3,470
Classroom Approaches to Teaching the Genres of Writing Philp, Andrew 2,380
Dialect, Standard English, and the Child at Home and in School Philp, Andrew 3,083
How do we teach Knowledge about Language? Philp, Andrew 4,340
Language and the Bilingual Pupil Philp, Andrew 1,982
Language Background and Educational Failure Philp, Andrew 1,153
Learning Through Reading and Writing: Informational Texts Philp, Andrew 2,683
Why do we teach Grammar? Philp, Andrew 2,409
Scottish Liberal Democrat Manifesto 2003 Policy Committee Scottish Liberal Democrats 18,684
50 Haikus by Japanese Masters Purves, David 1,039
Alba awa Purves, David 36
Ane Auld Sang Purves, David 7,319
Bed an brekfest Purves, David 65
Chrysants Purves, David 2,567
Craw Purves, David 104
Dounsettil Purves, David 28
Gean Blossoms Purves, David 6,034
Gowd Tree an Siller Tree Purves, David 2,511
Habetrot the Spinstress Purves, David 3,608
Hou Finn Fand Bran Purves, David 3,251
Jade Lute Purves, David 7,581
Keepers Purves, David 55
Litteral Purves, David 55
MacCodrum o the Selkies Purves, David 2,098
Midnicht in Mey Purves, David 33
Murlins Purves, David 65
Ootgang Purves, David 29
Passage Purves, David 50
Pompitie Finnds a Needle Purves, David 1,886
Pompitie Finnds a Needle - play Purves, David 11,406
Rashiecoat Purves, David 984
Ruits Purves, David 78
The Braw Guidwyfe an hir Nicht Veisitors Purves, David 2,460
The Draiglin Hogney Purves, David 1,841
The Ettin's Guidwyfe that Greined for Paerls Purves, David 3,176
The Hether Yill Purves, David 333
The Ill-Gien Guidmither Purves, David 2,005
The Ill Guidmither [Content label: serious] Purves, David 18,119
The Knicht o the Riddils Purves, David 2,721
The Lang Tale o the Weidae an hir Thrie Dochters Purves, David 3,890
The Lest o the Ettins Purves, David 1,071
The Ootlaw Purves, David 7,971
The Page Loun an the Siller Tassie Purves, David 1,469
The Princess wi the Whyte Peiticoat Purves, David 1,656
The Puddock and the Princess Purves, David 19,521
The Pypar o Sutherland Purves, David 1,847
The Reid Bul o Norroway Purves, David 2,742
The Smith's Guidwyfe frae Yarraefuit Purves, David 860
The Storie o Caermoulis Purves, David 1,779
The Thrie Sisters Purves, David 26,409
The Thriftless Guidwyfe Purves, David 2,228
The Tragedie o Macbeth Purves, David 22,141
The Twa Heuchie-backit Men Purves, David 1,181
The Wal at the Warld's End Purves, David 3,678
The Way Forward for the Scots Language Purves, David 11,636
The Weidae's Son an the Streinger Purves, David 2,764
The Wurfs o Merlin's Craig Purves, David 1,526
Tryst Purves, David 101
Whuppitie Stourie Purves, David 1,422
Dipper: 03 - Glenburnie's Gun Reid, John Audio 218
Dipper: 05 - Fishers Tak Tent Reid, John Audio 342
Dipper: 10 - Aippleringie Reid, John 672
Dipper: 13 - The Bull Reid, John Audio 185
Dipper: 15 - The Roe Deer Reid, John Audio 274
Dipper: 19 - Tod Lowrie Reid, John Audio 243
Dipper: 23 - The Red Sea Crossing Reid, John 595
Dipper: 24 - Tribute to W.H.T.Inglis Reid, John 351
Dipper: 29 - Harpin Reid, John Audio 888
Dipper: 33 - The Feather Reid, John 212
Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S. Reid, John 197
Dipper: 38 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1980 - Mr. William Goudie, J.P. Reid, John 208

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