Document 649
Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S.
Author(s): John Reid
Copyright holder(s): John Reid
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The "Upland Pairish" gave him birth,
An nou the warld kens his worth -
A surgeon chiel, but drugs an doses
Or Hornbook's kailblade diagnosis
Are no for him. By caur an train,
By helicopter an jet-plane
He jaunts aboot, the warld through,
Frae Cronberry tae Katmandu,
An skeely surgeons sit like weans
While Ian lectures on oor pains,
Diseases, strokes, an ilka ailment
That hastens human life's curtailment.
An expert, this, on mortal ills,
Yet nocht delichts him like the hills
Whaur guid yowes thrive nearhaun Glenbuck,
Tho whiles he'll oot wi rod an heuk
Tae try for seatroot on the Esk -
Forgotten then the laden desk!
But no for lang. Aye pressed for time!
Yet, friens, this nicht whan Burns's rhyme
We lae tae his expert dissection
He'll gie't nae scrimpit, scant inspection,
An syne we'll staun in prood ovation
Tae Ian Capperauld's operation.
Upland Pairish/New Cumnock
Kailblade diagnosis/see Death and Dr. Hornbook.
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Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 25 January 2025, from
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"Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 25 January 2025.
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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S," accessed 25 January 2025,
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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.