Document 397

Biggam Collection Letter: 04

Author(s): Catherine O'Rourke

Copyright holder(s): Mr William Biggam


Toryglen, Glasgow

Dear Joan,

Thank you very much for the money you shouldn't have Jimmy isn't alowd sweets at the moment his food has to be liquidized because of his throat he can't even get porridge in the morning he has to get thickener in his drinks so if its alright with you I'll get him a couple of Light Weight Trousers with the money. He still cant talk but he knows everything your saying to him. I took your letter up and says did you get one and he took your letter out his pocket and gave me it home with me. Anna asked to get him out last Saturday for a couple of hours to my house so he was as happy as Larry but Anna and Loraine took him back at night so he seems a bit more content now. I says to him once he finishes treatment hell get home for good and he gave me a wink and started laughing. When he was home he was watching the racing on TV and pressed the remote controll and lost the picture so he was shouting YO YO YO and I rushed in and it was the picture he lost and didnt know how to get it back. He can go to the toilet himself but thats about all need help to dress and other things so it might come back out of the Blue you never know he's such a good man doesnt deserve this. I miss him a lot but I've got quite a few friends help me and my nephew Gary comes up quiet a bit I just gave him keys so I feel a bit better now. I tried to phone you to-night it was a young Irish man that answered the phone and said sorry I think you have the wrong number. I got a terrible cold at the moment I guess Im just missing my partner I was saying to Jimmy nobody to go for my medicine now nobody to make my tea he had me spoiled really. Welll Joan once more thanks very much hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Cathie

PS Keep Well

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Biggam Collection Letter: 04. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from

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Information about Document 397

Biggam Collection Letter: 04


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Audience size 1
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Word count 372
General description Letter to Joan Taylor

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 697
Forenames Catherine
Surname O'Rourke
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1920
Country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
