Document 675

The Merriage Service

Author(s): David D Ogston

Copyright holder(s): David D Ogston


[CENSORED: placename]

The Merriage o [CENSORED: forename] tae [CENSORED: forename]

Setterday, 12t September, 1998 at 2:30pm

The Merriage Service

Highland Cathedral… …Korg/Roever

[CENSORED: forename] an [CENSORED: forename] hiv socht us here tae share this day wie them… this affset o their merried life. An so we’ve come, fae hyne awa or near at haun, fae different hames an femmlies, tae wish them weel.

Lat’s aa be gled an lift a sang tae God.

The Twenty-third Psalm o King Dauvit
[CENSORED: text of hymn]

The Lord said “The Creator made them man an wuman fae the beginnin… for that cause sal a man leave his faither an his mither an haud til his wife, and the twa will become ane. Sae they ar nae mair twa, but are ae flesh; an whit God hes jined, man maunna twine."

[CENSORED: forename],[CENSORED: forename] - this is faat brings ye here – tae vow that ye will haud een till ither come faat may. The vows you tak rax forrit tae the roads ye hinna traivelled yet… tae the fowk ye’ll growe tae be faan life his vrocht its chynges… tae the bairns ye’ll hae, gin God gie ye that blissin.

Here’s foo the Bible picter’s for’s the length an breadth o siccan vows as yours…

“Luve is patientfu; luve is couthie an kind; luve is nane jailous; nane sprosie; nane bowdent wi pride; nane mislaired; nane hame-drauchtit; nane toustie; luve keeps nae nickstick o the wrangs it drees; finnds nae pleisur i the ill wark o ithers; is ay liftit up whan truith dings lies; kens ay tae keep a caum souch; is ay sweired tae misdout; ay houps the best; ay bides the warst."

The pledge o luve as steive as this luve, luve sae eident, is a leal an laistin pledge. Lat us speir noo God’s blissin on [CENSORED: forename] an [CENSORED: forename] as they mak ready tae tak their vows tull een anither. Lat us pray. God an Faither, for this day an aa that this day means, we gie thanks tae You. We mind the lass fae Cana that bade Jesus an His kinsfowk tull her waddin feast; we mind foo Jesus set His blissin on them, an we speir that same blissin noo tae be on [CENSORED: forename] an on [CENSORED: forename].

Lord an Maister, for aa the wyes we growe an traivel forrit; for ilka mairch – dyke o experience, we gie thanks tae You. For aa the days that pinted [CENSORED: forename] an [CENSORED: forename] tae this day – for aa the steps that led them tae staun afore You here – we gie You thanks. This is the day their coortin taks a tichter haud an faistens them till een anither; this is the turnin-pint faan they forhoo the bields that they hae kent, in order tae gyng furth themsels.

Jesus, King abeen an here aneth, grant faan they tak their vows till een anither, that they may be aefauld an honest nae juist for noo bit aa the time, so that their luve may aye be fae the hert an nae the teeth aleen. Sae lat it be.

The Question

[CENSORED: forename], wull ye hae this lass [CENSORED: forename] tae be your waddit wife afore God an aa fowk, an wull you be hers alane, noo an aawyes?

I will.

[CENSORED: forename], wull you hae this man [CENSORED: forename] tae be your waddit husband afore God an aa fowk, an wull you be his alane, noo an aawyes?

I will.

The Merriage Vows

I [CENSORED: forename] tak you [CENSORED: forename], tae be my waddit wife; I pledge you, in the sicht o God an aa the fowk that’s here, my true an eident luve; I promise I will haud tae you an look efter you at aa times… weel-aff or in want – dwinin or hale an fere – till daith lowses me. This is my soothfast wird tae you.

I [CENSORED: forename] tak you [CENSORED: forename], tae be my waddit husband; I pledge you, in the sicht o God an aa the fowk that’s here, my true an eident luve; I promise I will haud tae you an look efter you at aa times… weel-aff or in want – dwinin or hale an fere – till daith lowses me. This is my soothfast wird tae you.

The Rings

This band is faistened wie these rings. Weer them for joy.

Afore God an His you twa hiv made your vows till een anither. Sae noo it faa’s tae me tae cry you man an wife in the Name o God the Faither, God the Sin, and God the Holy Spirit.

The Lord bliss ye an keep ye. The Lord airt ye an gaird ye. The Lord hap ye wie His peace, this day an ilka day.

The Quaich

[CENSORED: forename] an [CENSORED: forename] tak wine fae the quaich, an as they share this cup thegither they set doon the wye they will share their life thegither.

The Fower Sainins

The Lord’s Prayer (said bi aa)

Faither o’s aa, bidin abeen Your name be halie; lat Your reign gyang forrit, an Your will be deen here, as it’s deen abeen. Gie us oor breid this day. Forgie the wrangs we’ve vrocht, as we forgie the wrangs we dree. Lat nae temptation pit’s agley, bit keep us weel roadit. For the Kingdom is Yours, Yours the Micht an the Glorie, foriver an aye. Sae let it be.


Gin a body meet a body,
Comin' thro' the rye;
Gin a body kiss a body
Need a body cry.
Ilka lassie has her laddie,
Nane they say hae I;
Yet a' the lads they smile at me,
When comin' thro' the rye.

Gin a body meet a body,
Comin' frae the well;
Gin a body kiss a body,
Need a body tell.
Ilka lassie has her laddie,
Ne'er a ane ha'e I;
But a' the lads they smile on me.
When comin' thro' the rye.

Gin a body meet a body,
Comin' frae the town;
Gin a body greet a body,
Need a body frown?
Ilka lassie has her laddie,
Nane they say ha'e I;
But a' the lads they lo'e me weel,
And what the waur am I.

Amang the train there is a swain
I dearly lo'e my sel;
But whaur his hame, or what his name,
I dinna care to tell.
Ilka lassie has her laddie,
Nane they say ha'e I;
But a' the lads the lo'e me weel,
And what the waur am I.



Lewis Bridal Song

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The Merriage Service. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from

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"The Merriage Service." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.

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Information about Document 675

The Merriage Service


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Audience size 21-100
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Word count 1068

Text medium


Text publication details

Publisher Life and Work
Publication year 1990
Place of publication Edinburgh
Part of a longer series of texts

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction


Author details

Author id 747
Forenames David
Initials D
Surname Ogston
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Minister
Place of birth Ellon
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Perth
Region of residence E & SE Perthshire
Residence CSD dialect area Per
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Farmer
Father's place of birth Auchnagatt
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Mother
Mother's place of birth Fyvie
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes Duty
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes Pleasure
