1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 1,101 - 1,120 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Makin Pancakes Love, Rowena M 208
A Small Book of Translations: 03 - Catullus 2 Hutchison, Alexander 201
A Bit of a Wally Blair, Anna 198
Fields Needing Angels Sangster, Maureen 198
Scottish Parliament: Motions and Amendments: 2000 S1M-564 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 198
Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S. Reid, John 197
Letter: 09 Fairnie, Robert 197
My Place in the Shawl Blair, Anna 195
Cookers Blair, Anna 194
Tick Blair, Anna 194
Being Intimate Sangster, Maureen 193
The Lass Come Back Fae Trystin wi her Jo Hubbard, Tom 191
Miss Sixty Templeton, Sheila 189
Starn sign De Luca, Christine 189
A Hoary Story - The Cemet'ry Inspector's Lament Henderson, John 188
A Wee Lick o Vernish Fairnie, Robert 187
Sanctuary Time Sangster, Maureen 187
Scottish Parliament: Motions and Amendments: 1999 S1M-241 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 187
The Buik o Ruth: 16 - The Goel Borrowman, A S 187
Scottish Parliament: Motions and Amendments: 2001 S1M-1885 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 186

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