Document 730
The Lass Come Back Fae Trystin wi her Jo
Author(s): Tom Hubbard
Copyright holder(s): Tom Hubbard
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Come back wi haunds aa reid. - Her mither speired her:
'An whit fir are your haunds sae reid, my dochter?'
The lassie awnswered, 'I hae poukit roses,
An my haunds were stuggit bi their jags.'
Aince mair she come fae trystin wi her jo,
Come back wi lips aa reid. - Her mither speired her:
'An whit fir are your lips sae reid, my dochter?'
The lassie awnswers, 'I hae eaten rasps,
An my lips are tashed wi berry-bree.'
Aince again she's trystin wi her jo,
Comes back wi peelie chafts. - Her mither speirs her:
'An whit fir are your chafts sae peelie, dochter?'
The lassie awnswered: 'Redd a grave, o mither,
Hide me there, an stell a cross abune,
Then scart upon that cross, juist as I tell you:
Aince she come back hame wi haunds aa reid,
Reid they'd turned atween her luver's haunds.
Aince she come back hame wi lips aa reid,
Reid they'd turned aneath her luver's lips.
Then she come back hame wi peelie chafts,
Peelie that her luver wis sae fause.
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The Lass Come Back Fae Trystin wi her Jo. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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"The Lass Come Back Fae Trystin wi her Jo." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.
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