Document 703
The Buik o Ruth: 16 - The Goel
Author(s): A S Borrowman
Copyright holder(s): Mrs Lorna F Borrowman
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Gif an Israelite selt a paffle, or aiblins the haill o his mailin, it behoofit the neist o kin tae proffer for the mailin, gin he had the siller.
It is screevit in the Buik o Jeremiah, XXXII. 8. that he coft the mailin o his kizzen, Hanamel, in Anathoth whan askit, Jeremiah bein sib tae Hanamel, and his neist o kin. Anent Naomi and the paffle whilk her deed guidman aucht: Ruth her guid-dochter gaed wi the haudin.
Aiblins Ruth IV: 5 suld be, "Ye maun tak alsweel Ruth the Moabitess the guidwife o the deed".
Sae the Goel, (we dinna hae his name) gied his richts tae Boaz wha was neist o kin tae him.
He sae actit himsel tae mak siccar the haudin for clan and faimly. It was frae the social eese o the Goel that the Israelites got ane o their maist parteeclar thochts o God; the Goel or Hainer o Israel.
The samin thocht o remeid liggs ahint the Christian confession o Jesus Christ, the Hainer or Goel o the warld.
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The Buik o Ruth: 16 - The Goel. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from
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