1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 861 - 880 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
The Critter Blether Vickery, Patrick 560
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 39 - 23.04.82 852 559
Letter from Frances Gardner 07 - 20/12/89 Gardner, Frances 556
Dipper: 28 - O It's Cauld Abune the Blankets Begg, Dr James A 546
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School 300 Club - Minutes May 1994 926 546
Biggam Collection Letter: 18 Law, Madge Taylor 543
Dipper: 43 - Dinner at Downing Street Begg, Dr James A 543
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 46 - 23.06.82 852 542
Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2129 907 540
Biggam Collection Letter: 27 Law, Madge Taylor 539
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 41 - 08.05.82 852 537
Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 8 January 1985 895 537
GOW Newsletter Feb 2005 Roberts, John 534
Homage til Carl Nielsen Hubbard, Tom 532
Learning to Ride a Bicycle Kay, Prof Christian 530
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Transport and the Environment: Minutes: Meeting 21, 2000 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 529
An Order o Baptism Ogston, David D 526
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 45 - 12.06.82 852 523
Geordie Jooks an the Bleck Corn Flakes Fairnie, Robert 523
The Fower Quarters: 01 - Introduction Blackhall, Sheena 523

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