Document 965

GOW Newsletter Feb 2005

Author(s): John Roberts

Copyright holder(s): John Roberts


GOW Triangle
Gibson Street, Otago Street,
Westbank Quadrant, Glasgow G12

February 2005

Gone with the blink of an eye.

No sooner had last months newsletter gone out with me suggesting that the scaffolding on Westband Quadrant would still be up over Christmas, than it had been quickly removed. So I eat my words and congratulate the workers on completing the work to the embankment is such rapid time.

However for a short spell, life was bliss on the Quadrant as there were no noisy speeding cars rushing by.

I also heard third hand that I caused offence to some residents in my article last month covering the scaffolding with my comments about Kylie Manogue's pert bottom. May I offer my sincerest apologies as I meant no offence..

John Roberts

Late Publication

The newsletter is normally sent out in the middle of each month, but unfortunately this month this could not happen. Sorry to those of you who wait with bated breath for this to arrive on your door step.


Tsunami Disaster

The tsunami disaster on Boxing Day has shocked everyone and [CENSORED: forename], [CENSORED: forename] and their family from GOW were in Sri Lanka when it happened. They have taken initiatives to support the local community.

They thanked the community for their help and generosity in helping their family survive and [CENSORED: forename] has been on television to talk about the effects of the tragedy and the steps to start the recovery, support and rebuilding process. Those in the GOW who know [CENSORED: forename] are very glad about their safe return.

Glasgow blows in the New Year!

The fierce winds and storms which begun 2005, have had an effect locally and the river Kelvin has been a torrent for some weeks now. Inside the backcourts themselves have not been without damage either. The long lamented extractor chimney behind Kebbabish which took so long to be erected last year came crashing down on 7th January. It is believed not to have been properly secured to the back wall. Environmental Health and Safety officers are trying to ensure that it is replaced in the very near future so that the strong cooking odours are kept to a minimum. Hopefully the guttering on the extension can be replaced at the same time.

We are not amused!!

A planning application has been placed from Morrison Amusements for the site of the old Clydesdale Bank on Gibson Street, to be used for a retail outlet and coffee shop. This was placed in the public domain for fourteen days, but as this was only recently discovered by one of the GOW residents an application has been placed to extend this period of consultation for all residents to have their say. For more details please contact Eric [CENSORED: surname] at [CENSORED: emailaddress]

So what does GOW do and who is involved in it?

For those of you who are new to the area, or just downright nosy, I thought you might like to find out a bit of the background to the GOW.

[CENSORED: permission not able to be obtained for article]

[CENSORED: permission not able to be obtained for article]

Next month I will be telling you about our exciting plans for the future.

Plus!!!!! May [CENSORED: surname] and her burglary on Christmas Eve.

Sunday 6th February - Backcourt clean up.

Monday 7th February - Meeting in Offshore Cafee. 6.30pm

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GOW Newsletter Feb 2005. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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Information about Document 965

GOW Newsletter Feb 2005


Text audience

General public
Audience size 21-100
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2005
Word count 534
General description Community group newsletter

Text medium

Leaflet/brochure (prospectus)
Other Newsletter

Text setting

Other community

Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Other Newsletter


Author details

Author id 859
Forenames John
Surname Roberts
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1950
Educational attainment College
Age left school 17
Occupation Editor
Place of birth Lanark
Region of birth Lanark
Birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Country of birth Scotland
Region of residence Glasgow
Residence CSD dialect area Gsw
Father's occupation lecturer
Father's place of birth Glenboig
Father's region of birth Lanark
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation accountant
Mother's place of birth Dunoon
Mother's region of birth Argyll
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Arg
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes All
