1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 121 - 140 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 18, recording 1: making jelly, making paper snowflakes and having a bath N/A Audio 9,044
Preparing to Meet the Minotaur Blackhall, Sheena 8,944
Conversation 06: Three Ayrshire sisters reminiscing N/A Audio 8,918
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 29/2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,898
The History and Development of DOST Dareau, Marace 8,854
Conversation 07: Ayrshire woman on her career N/A Audio 8,821
The Win an the Rain Blackhall, Sheena 8,793
Conversation 39: Two female students on student halls, university, philosophy and religion N/A Audio 8,726
Scottish Parliament: Research Briefings: RP 00-04 Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,624
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 153/2001 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,550
Dog's Bite; Bee's Sting [Content label: serious] Grainger, Cecilia 8,532
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 12/2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,456
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 183/2001 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,428
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Procedures: Official Reports: Meeting 13, 2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,370
Conversation 11: Two female students chatting on various topics [Content label: lesser] N/A Video 8,349
Conversation 36: Family in Hamilton on childhood memories and holidays N/A Audio 8,325
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 5/2003 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 8,287
Conversation 40: Two students from near Dumfries on university and home [Content label: lesser] N/A Video 8,270
Extracts from weblog [Content label: serious] Rimbaud, Dee 8,258
The Fanatic (extract 2) Robertson, James 8,234

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