Document 1212
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 183/2001
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
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Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section A : Daily Business List
Section B : Business Programme
Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings
Section D : Oral Questions
Section E : Written questions lodged on 10 December 2001
Section F : Motions and Amendments
Section G : Bills: Notices and Amendments
Section H : New Documents
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Holyrood Progress Group Question and Answer
The elected Members of the Holyrood Progress Group (HPG) are holding a Question and Answer session about the Holyrood Project on Wednesday 12 December at 6.30 pm in the Chamber. Proceedings will be chaired by Deputy Presiding Officer, Mr Murray Tosh. Members of the public and the media are invited to observe.
Questions may be submitted in advance to Judith Proudfoot, Secretary, HPG ( but will also be accepted on the evening itself.
School Education (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill - Stage 3
The debate on Stage 3 of the School Education (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill will take place on Thursday 20 December 2001. The deadline for lodging Stage 3 amendments is three days before the Stage. The last day on which amendments may be lodged is therefore Monday 17 December. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day.
Amendments for Stage 3 may be lodged with the Education, Culture and Sport Committee clerks, Martin Verity (Room 2.7 Committee Chambers, extn. 85204), Judith Evans (Room 2.7 extn. 85214) or Ian Cowan (Room 2.7 extn. 85222). The clerks should be consulted on the wording and admissibility of amendments.
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section A : Daily Business List
Meetings of Committees
All meetings take place in Committee Chambers, Edinburgh unless otherwise indicated.
Procedures Committee
13th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 2
1. Declaration of Interests: The Convener will invite Susan Deacon MSP to declare any relevant interests.
2. CSG Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from:-
John McAllion MSP, Convener of the Public Petitions Committee and the following petitioners:
Agnes MacKenzie
Allan Berry
Averil Watson
Allana M. Parker
William H. Watson
Duncan Hope
Councillor Charles Kennedy, JP.
3. Amendments to Bills - timing and deadlines: The Committee will consider a paper.
Equal Opportunities Committee
20th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh
1. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 2, 4 and 5 in private.
2. Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider lines of questioning for Alex Neil MSP.
3. Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence from-
Alex Neil MSP.
4. Mainstreaming Equality: The Committee will consider a paper on mainstreaming equality in the work of parliamentary committees.
5. Work Programme: The Committee will consider a paper on its work programme.
Finance Committee
27th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1
1. PFI/PPP Inquiry (in private): The Committee will consider its lines of questioning for agenda item 3.
2. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda items 4 and 5 in private.
3. PFI/PPP Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from-
Professor Phillip Beaumont, Professor of Employment Relations, University of Glasgow;
Michael Fuller, Regional Officer, Manufacturing, Science and Finance Union;
Martin Gaughan, Regional Officer, Transport and General Workers' Union;
Alex McLuckie, Senior Organiser, GMB Scotland;
Dave Watson, Scottish Organiser, Unison Scotland.
4. External Research: The Committee will receive an interim report from Norman Flynn.
5. Witness Expenses: The Committee will consider a claim for witness expenses.
Subordinate Legislation Committee
35th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 11.15 am in Committee Room 3
1. Delegated Powers Scrutiny: The Committee will consider the response from the Scottish Executive to points raised on the following Bill-
Marriage (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1
and take evidence from the following Scottish Executive officials-
Paul Parr, Bill team leader
Kay McCorquodale, Bill team solicitor.
2. Delegated Powers Scrutiny: The Committee will consider the delegated powers provisions in the following Bill-
Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman Bill at Stage 1.
3. Executive Responses: The Committee will consider the responses from the Executive to points raised on the following-
The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment (No.3) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/435)
The National Health Service (Superannuation Scheme, Injury Benefits and Compensation for Premature Retirement) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/437)
The Beef Special Premium (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/445)
The Community Care (Direct Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/447).
4. Instruments subject to approval: The Committee will consider the following-
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.14) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/451).
5. Instruments subject to annulment: The Committee will consider the following-
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Satellite Monitoring Measures) (Scotland) Order 2000 Amendment Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/448)
The Inshore Fishing (Prohibition of Fishing for Cockles) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001, (SSI 2001/449)
The Miscellaneous Food Additives (Amendment) (No.2) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/450)
The Plant Protection Products Amendment (No.3) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/454)
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.3) Amendment Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/455).
Justice 1 Committee
34th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 1.45 pm in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh
1. Regulation of the Legal Profession Inquiry (in private): The Committee will consider lines of questioning for witnesses to the inquiry.
2. Regulation of the Legal Profession Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence on the inquiry from-
John Barton, Clerk, Judith Lea, Depute Clerk, Fraser Ritchie, Chairman, Peter Rochwell, Vice Chairman and John Spenceley, Lay member, the Scottish Solicitors Discipline Tribunal,
Dr Alasdair Brown, Deputy Head of Policy, the Crown Office, and
Valerie Macniven, Head of Civil Law, Access to Justice and International Group, David Stewart, Head of Judicial Appointments and Finance Division (Courts Group) and Mike West, Civil Law Division, the Scottish Executive Justice Department.
3. Items in Private: The Committee will decide whether to consider its draft report on the general principles of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1 in private at its meeting on 19 December, and whether to consider lines of questioning on the regulation of the legal profession inquiry in private at future meetings.
4. Work programme (in private): The Committee will discuss its forward work programme.
Audit Committee
18th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh
1. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda items 2 and 3 in private.
2. The New Trunk Road Contracts: The Committee will consider a paper from the clerk on the report by the Auditor General for Scotland entitled 'The New Trunk Road Contracts - An Examination of the Competition for the Maintenance and Management of the Trunk Road Network' (AGS/2001/9).
3. Committee Work Programme: The Committee will consider its work programme for the period January to March 2002.
Local Government Committee
33rd Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 1
1. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 4 and 5 in private.
2. Local Government Finance Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from-
Professor Arthur Midwinter, Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
Land Reform Scotland:
Peter Gibb, Executive Director
Fred Harrison, Director
Duncan Pickard, Director
Professor Peter K Brown, Professor of Property Taxation, Liverpool John University.
3. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following affirmative instruments-
SE 2001/50 - Standards in Public Life, Code of Conduct: Councillors Code
SE 2001/51 - Standards in Public Life, Code of Conduct: Members Model Code.
4. Local Government Finance Inquiry: The Committee will consider the findings of the external project on Council Tax rebanding.
5. Marriage (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft Stage 1 report.
Rural Development Committee
29th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 3
1. Sea Cage Fish Farming: The Committee will consider a paper from the reporter, John Farquhar Munro.
2. Aquaculture: The Committee will consider an invitation to submit comments to the Executive on its long-term strategy for Aquaculture.
3. Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider its approach to the taking of evidence at stage 1.
4. Petitions: The Committee will consider a paper on the status of outstanding petitions.
5. Foot and mouth disease: The Committee will consider a report from SEERAD on foot and mouth disease movement controls and will take evidence from Executive Officials-
David Dickson
Mary Bradley
Leslie Gardiner.
6. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following instrument under the negative procedure-
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.3) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/429).
Education, Culture and Sport Committee
33rd Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 2
1. Scottish Borders Inquiry (in private): The Committee will consider lines of questioning for witnesses.
2. Deputy Convener: The Committee will choose a Deputy Convener.
3. Scottish Borders Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from-
Councillor David Suckling, Scottish Borders Council.
4. Scottish Affairs Committee: The Committee will consider an invitation from the Scottish Affairs Committee to contribute to its inquiry into the effects of devolution on the structure of news and current affairs broadcasting in Scotland.
5. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following Orders which are subject to annulment-
The Protection of Wrecks (Designation) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/384)
The Scottish Social Services Council (Consultation on Codes of Practice) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/424).
6. Public Petitions: The Committee will consider PE402 on the Scottish Borders Council Education Budget.
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section B : Business Programme
As agreed by the Parliament on 6 December 2001
Wednesday 12 December 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection – Neil Morrison, sixth year student, Govan High School, Glasgow
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
followed by Executive Debate on ‘Our National Health’ – Delivering Change (for text of motion see S1M-2538 in Section F)
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business – debate on the subject of S1M-2289 Mr Brian Monteith: Closure of Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department Offices in Stirling, Dundee and Forfar (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Thursday 4 October 2001)
Thursday 13 December 2001
The Clerk has been advised of the topics of the following Scottish National Party business.
9.30 am Scottish National Party Debate on Health
followed by Scottish National Party Debate on the Scottish Prison Service
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time (for text of questions see section D of Business Bulletin for Thursday 6 December 2001)
3.10 pm First Minister’s Question Time (for text of questions see Section D)
3.30 pm Executive Debate on Sea Fisheries
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business – debate on the subject of S1M-2400 Mr Bristow Muldoon: Proposed Closure of Binny House, Sue Ryder Care (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 5 November 2001)
Wednesday 19 December 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
followed by Debate on the Finance Committee’s Report on Stage 2 of the Budget Process
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business
Thursday 20 December 2001
9.30 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions
followed by Stage 3 Debate on the Scottish Local Government (Elections) Bill (for text of motions see S1M-2524 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Thursday 6 December 2001)
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister’s Question Time
3.30 pm Stage 3 Debate on the School Education (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (for text of motions see S1M-2507 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Tuesday 4 December 2001)
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee
12 December 2001
30th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 1
1. Items in Private: The Committee will discuss whether to take items 4 and 5 in private.
2. Declaration of Interests: The Convener will invite new members to declare any interests.
3. Lifelong Learning Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from
Universities Association for Continuing Education
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
Scottish Further Education Funding Council
Scottish University for Industry.
4. Lifelong Learning Inquiry: The Committee will discuss the contents of a draft interim report.
5. Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee Work Programme 2002: The Committee will discuss its work programme.
Health and Community Care Committee
12 December 2001
31st Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in The Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh
1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 5 and 6 in private.
2. Time limit on debate: The Committee will be asked to consider whether they wish to debate the emergency affirmative SSI and if so, to agree to limit debate to 15 minutes.
3. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following emergency affirmative instrument—
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No. 14) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/451).
4. Community Care and Health (Scotland) Bill (Stage 2): The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 1).
5. External Research: The Committee will consider a paper on commissioning external research.
6. Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman Bill (Stage 1): The Committee will consider a draft report.
Transport and the Environment Committee
12 December 2001
31st Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh
1. Declaration of Interests: The new member of the Committee will be invited to declare any relevant interests.
2. Convener: The Committee will choose a Convener.
3. Lines of Questioning (in private): The Committee will consider possible lines of questioning for witnesses on its aquaculture inquiry.
4. Aquaculture Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence as part of its inquiry into aquaculture from—
Dr Kenneth Black, SAMS Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory
Professor Randolph Richards, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling
Dr Dick Shelton
Allan Wilson MSP, Deputy Minister for Environment and Rural Development.
5. Public Petitions: The Committee will consider the following Public Petitions—
Petition PE59 by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to take certain steps to improve passenger safety on public transport in Scotland.
Petition PE187 by the Scottish Gamekeepers Association calling for the Scottish Parliament to allow limited licensed culling of raptors under the terms of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act in areas where local populations have increased beyond normal levels.
Petition PE225 by Mr William Ackland calling for the Scottish Parliament to take steps, including legislation if necessary, to protect the human rights of residents of homes adjacent to quarrying from vibration, noise and environmental threats.
Petition PE346 by Mr Lawrence Fitzpatrick on behalf of Scotland Opposing Opencast, calling for the Scottish Parliament to take various steps to protect local communities and the environment from the adverse effects of opencast coal mining in Scotland.
Petition PE369 by Mr Brian J Rostron, on behalf of Confederation of UK Coal Producers, calling for the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Executive to take certain steps in relation to opencast coal development.
Justice 2 Committee
12 December 2001
35th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2
1. Declaration of interests: The new member of the committee will be invited to declare any relevant interests.
2. Item in private: The Committee will consider whether to take item 6 in private.
3. Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 1).
4. Young offenders: Members will report back on a visit to Her Majesty’s Young Offenders Institution Polmont.
5. Petition PE336 (Frank Maguire on behalf of Clydeside Action on Asbestos): The Committee will consider whether to appoint a reporter to replace Mary Mulligan.
6. Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider what evidence to take on the general principles of the Bill at Stage 1.
Social Justice Committee
12 December 2001
28th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 3
1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 2, 4 and 5 in private.
2. Questions for witnesses: The Committee will consider its lines of questioning for witnesses in relation to the Social Justice Annual Report.
3. Questions for witnesses in private (in private): The Committee will consider its lines of questioning for witnesses in relation to the Inquiry into the Voluntary Sector.
4. Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation) Order 2000: The Committee will consider its draft interim report.
5. Work Plan: The Committee will consider its work plan.
6. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument—
The Mortgage Rights (Scotland) Act 2001 (Prescribed Notice) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/419).
7. Inquiry into the Voluntary Sector: The Committee will take evidence from—
Margaret Curran, MSP, Deputy Minister for Social Justice.
8. Social Justice Annual Report: The Committee will take evidence from—
Margaret Curran, MSP, Deputy Minister for Social Justice.
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section D : Oral Questions
First Minister's Question Time
1. Mr John Swinney: To ask the First Minister when he next plans to meet the Secretary of State for Scotland and what issues he intends to raise. (S1F-1483)
2. David McLetchie: To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Prime Minister and what issues he intends to raise. (S1F-1471)
3. Mr Jamie Stone: To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Executive intends to maximise benefit to the economy from Scotland’s renewable energy resources. (S1F-1463)
4. Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the First Minister what steps the Scottish Executive is taking to tackle drink driving over the festive season. (S1F-1465)
5. Andrew Wilson: To ask the First Minister whether Amey Highways Ltd and BEAR (Scotland) Ltd are adequately prepared to meet all winter requirements of the trunk roads maintenance contracts. (S1F-1488)
6. Rhona Brankin: To ask the First Minister what role is planned for the university sector in respect of developing the economy. (S1F-1489)
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section E : Written questions lodged on 10 December
S1W-20827 Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Presiding Officer how much public funding the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) made available to (a) the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party; (b) the Scottish National Party; (c) the Scottish Green Party, and (d) the Scottish Socialist Party as a result of their representation in the Parliament in 1999-2000 and 2000-01 and how much each party will receive from the SPCB in 2001-02 and 2002-03.
S1W-20828 Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to review its powers under the Firearms Acts in relation to airguns and whether it will also make representations to Her Majesty's Government that it should review and amend the legislation covering the sale, regulation and use of airguns.
S1W-20829 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive how many offences involving air guns there were in each of the past 10 years, broken down by those committed by persons aged (a) under 16 and (b) 16 and over and what representations it has made to Her Majesty’s Government on the control of such weapons. R
S1W-20830 Helen Eadie: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans there are to roll out broadband technology in those areas of central Scotland that do not yet have access.
S1W-20831 Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will lay before the Parliament the Order to dissolve the Scottish Transport Group.
S1W-20832 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1O-4268 by Ross Finnie on 6 December 2001, whether the difference in height between the genetically modified oil-seed rape and the normal oil-seed rape it is being compared with in the GM field trial at Roskil Farm on the Black Isle may itself cause differences in biodiversity associated with the plants.
S1W-20833 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1O-4268 by Ross Finnie on 6 December 2001, why there is a difference in heights between the genetically modified oil-seed rape and the normal oil-seed rape it is being compared with in the trial at Roskil farm on the Black Isle.
S1W-20834 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1O-4268 by Ross Finnie on 6 December 2001, whether the genetically modified oil-seed rape being trialed at Roskil farm on the Black Isle is based on a different variety to the non-GM crop it is being compared with in the trial and, if so, why, and whether any other trials are being conducted using this method.
S1W-20835 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1O-4268 by Ross Finnie on 6 December 2001, whether it will make representations to the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment and the Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission seeking a scientific opinion as to whether the differences in height between the genetically modified oil-seed rape and the normal oil seed rape in the trial at Roskil farm on the Black Isle could adversely affect the comparison of biodiversity between the two.
S1W-20836 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive how many district nurses were employed in each quarter from 1 April 1996 to the most recent quarter for which figures are available.
S1W-20837 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive by how much, and by what percentage, each health board budget increased in each of the past five years (a) in total and (b) per capita and what the cumulative increase was over this period.
S1W-20838 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive how many physiotherapists were employed in each quarter from 1 April 1998 to the most recent quarter for which figures are available and what the average (a) waiting time and (b) size of waiting list was for appointments with physiotherapists in each quarter, broken down by health board area.
S1W-20839 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive how many diabetes nurses were employed in each quarter from 1 April 1998 to the most recent quarter for which figures are available and what the average (a) waiting time and (b) size of waiting list was for appointments with diabetes nurses in each quarter, broken down by health board area.
S1W-20840 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive how many general practitioner (GP) vacancies currently exist in each health board area, what percentage of GP posts this represents in each area and how many GP posts there are in each area per capita.
S1W-20841 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what feedback it has had on the effectiveness of the separation of the Access Fund into four discrete areas.
S1W-20842 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to increase access to hardship funds for part-time higher education students.
S1W-20843 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to extend support to part-time higher education students to assist travel, study and childcare expenses.
S1W-20844 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive when the Scottish Qualifications Authority will publish its accounts for 2000-01 and where they will be publicly accessible.
S1W-20845 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what requirements it sets non-departmental public bodies for publication of accounts and what means it recommends for making such accounts open and accessible.
S1W-20846 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive on what dates the annual accounts for the Scottish Qualifications Authority were published for (a) 1997-98, (b) 1998-99 and (c) 1999-2000.
S1W-20847 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any restrictions prevent local authorities from using (a) the Excellence Fund, (b) special needs funding, (c) grants for pre-schools education and (d) funding from Sure Start Scotland to benefit Gaelic-medium education.
S1W-20848 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to improve the availability, funding and promotion of basic language fluency courses for people who are considering taking up Gaelic-medium teacher training courses.
S1W-20849 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether Grampian Health Board is unable to fund the use of all drugs which have been approved by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence and what the reasons are for the Board’s position on this matter.
S1W-20850 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take to ensure that any notional charge on capital under the resource accounting and budgeting system will not result in health boards being required to cut back on service delivery.
S1W-20851 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will continue to provide support for the community hospital network in the Grampian area and whether it will ensure that there will be no cutback in community hospital provision in rural areas.
S1W-20852 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will undertake research into the provision of maternity services in rural areas.
S1W-20853 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take to ensure that health boards receive the necessary level of funds to meet any expected growth in demand on a per capita basis for their services.
S1W-20854 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to review the funding allocated to Grampian Health Board so that the health board is able to fill all consultant vacancies at a time when it is in a position of budget deficit.
S1W-20855 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what vacant posts at the Scottish Qualifications Authority have been advertised internally only over the past three months and under what criteria it was decided to adopt such an approach to these posts.
S1W-20856 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it approved (a) the internal advertisement and appointment to vacant senior posts at the Scottish Qualifications Authority and (b) the criteria for deciding that such posts be treated in this way.
S1W-20857 Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-18850 by Susan Deacon on 23 November 2001, on what date it expects to place a full list of the members of the Scottish Medicines Consortium in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre.
S1W-20858 Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive when minutes of meetings of the Scottish Medicines Consortium will be published.
S1W-20859 Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive whether agendas of meetings of the Scottish Medicines Consortium will be published in advance of such meetings.
S1W-20860 Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-17591 by Susan Deacon on 6 September 2001, what budget has been allocated to the Scottish Medicines Consortium and what the source of funding is for that budget.
S1W-20861 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-20218 by Nicol Stephen on 6 December 2001, on which dates the annual recurrent grant for St Mary’s Episcopal Primary School in Dunblane was determined in each of the last four years.
S1W-20862 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-19777 by Nicol Stephen on 5 December 2001, what the reasons were for the closure of the four primary schools in the Stirling area.
S1W-20863 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-19986 by Mr Jim Wallace on 29 November 2001, what steps it will take in considering whether or not plans should be put in place to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Union of the Crowns.
S1W-20864 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive where the local area offices of the proposed Scottish Water will be based; how much they will cost to establish, and how many people will work at each base.
S1W-20865 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive how many redundancies resulting from efficiency savings are anticipated at management level and above in each water authority following the creation of the proposed Scottish Water.
S1W-20866 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any advice has been received from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in respect of the Water Industry (Scotland) Bill.
S1W-20867 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) domestic and (b) commercial customers each water authority has had in (i) 1998-99, (ii) 1999-2000, (iii) 2000-01 and (iv) 2001-02.
S1W-20868 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive how many charities in each water authority area have had their water supply cut off for non-payment of water bills in (a) 1998-99, (b) 1999-2000, (c) 2000-01 and (d) 2001-02.
S1W-20869 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive how the board of the proposed Scottish Water will report to the Parliament, ministers and the general public.
S1W-20870 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any difficulties exist between BEAR (Scotland) Ltd and Fife Council, when it first became aware of any such difficulties and what action it has undertaken to resolve them.
S1W-20871 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether developments reported in The Courier on 6 December 2001 in respect of Bear (Scotland) Ltd and Fife Council will have any impact on delivery of contracted provisions for winter under the trunk roads maintenance contract and what action it has taken to ensure that no disruption will occur.
S1W-20872 Nora Radcliffe: To ask the Scottish Executive whether residual bottom ash from incineration or energy from waste plants can be classified as recycled material and, if so, what the criteria are for making such a classification.
S1W-20873 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive how many bank and agency nurses have been used at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee over the last year and what the cost of using such nurses was.
S1W-20874 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive how many nursing posts are currently vacant at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.
S1W-20875 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-16412 by Susan Deacon on 8 August 2001, how much the NHS spent on using bank and agency nurses over the last year.
S1W-20876 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive how it plans to reduce the use of bank and agency nurses in the NHS.
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section F : Motions and Amendments
A full list of outstanding motions is available to view each Monday in paper copy at the Chamber Desk or alternatively on the Scottish Parliament web site as Outstanding Motions. The full text of all motions lodged the previous week will appear in the Business Bulletin the following Monday.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.
Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members’ business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)
*S1M-2538 Malcolm Chisholm: ‘Our National Health’ - Delivering Change—That the Parliament welcomes the progress made by the Executive and the contribution of NHS staff towards delivering the commitments in Our National Health: A Plan for Action, a Plan for Change published in December 2000 but recognises the long-term nature of the Plan and reaffirms its commitment to the various longer-term goals, including major reductions in waiting times and significant public health improvements.
Supported by: Mrs Mary Mulligan*, Hugh Henry*
*S1M-2537 Mr Gil Paterson: Civil Legal Aid—That the Parliament supports the Cross-Party Group on Men’s Violence Against Women and Children in its campaign to make it easier for abused women to access civil legal aid; calls on the Executive to implement the recommendations of the Justice 1 Committee that the eligibility criteria for civil legal aid be widened by removing the inconsistencies in the treatment of benefits and by increasing the lower capital limit; urges the Executive to increase as a matter of urgency the current qualifying income levels which ultimately determine whether or not an application can be considered eligible to receive legal aid; and further urges the Executive to review the scale of contributions payable by applicants to minimise their financial burden in order to recognise that many women who leave their abuser have additional demands on their income which further disadvantage them.
*S1M-2536 Nora Radcliffe: European Notes and Coins—That the Parliament notes that the introduction of the new notes and coins for the single European currency on 1 January 2002 will begin the phasing out of the existing currencies of the eurozone; further notes that a recent survey found that the average British household presently has £35 worth of EU coins squirreled away, which suggests that up to £80 million’s worth of left-over holiday money, which will become worthless after the changeover, may be presently lying about in Scotland, and urges all Scots to take advantage of the schemes run by banks to facilitate the donation of these monies to charities in the run-up to Christmas.
Supported by: John Farquhar Munro*, Dennis Canavan*
*S1M-2535 Mr Kenneth Gibson: Condemnation of Female Circumcision—That the Parliament expresses concern about violence against women and children especially in the form of female genital mutilation (FGM); commends the research on FGM being carried out by the International Centre for Reproductive Health; declares FGM to be a violation of the human rights of girls and women as it represents an attempt to control women’s sexuality and subordinate their status in society; notes the existing legislation on this subject, and supports the continued promotion of women’s rights in an effort to stop FGM.
S1M-2534# Save Post Office Jobs (lodged on 7 December 2001) Tommy Sheridan*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2533# Musical Instrument Instructors (lodged on 7 December 2001) Irene McGugan*, Tommy Sheridan*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2530 Railtrack and the Larkhall Project (lodged on 6 December 2001) Tommy Sheridan*, Trish Godman*
S1M-2529# New Lanark (lodged on 6 December 2001) Irene McGugan*, Tommy Sheridan*, Trish Godman*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2528# Young Runaways (lodged on 6 December 2001) Irene McGugan*, Christine Grahame*, Fiona Hyslop*, Fiona McLeod*, Colin Campbell*, Tricia Marwick*, Tommy Sheridan*, Richard Lochhead*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2526 Breastfeeding Clinic at Yorkhill, Glasgow (lodged on 6 December 2001) Tommy Sheridan*, Trish Godman*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2525# Railtrack and the Gourock Project (lodged on 5 December 2001) Trish Godman*
S1M-2519# Scottish Number Plates (lodged on 4 December 2001) Irene McGugan*
S1M-2516 National Asthma Campaign Scotland (lodged on 4 December 2001) Fiona McLeod*, Tommy Sheridan*, Mr Michael McMahon*, Christine Grahame*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2514 Tartan Army Award (lodged on 4 December 2001) Tommy Sheridan*, Christine Grahame*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2513 Inverness Highland European Capital of Culture 2008 Bid (lodged on 3 December 2001) Christine Grahame*
S1M-2512 Breaking the Organised Child Sex Rings (lodged on 3 December 2001) Christine Grahame*
S1M-2511 Head of Communications at North Ayrshire Council (lodged on 3 December 2001) Christine Grahame*
S1M-2510# Annual St Andrew's Day Cultural Celebration (lodged on 3 December 2001) Irene McGugan*, Fiona McLeod*, Christine Grahame*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2509 Ministerial Responsibility for Education and Schools (lodged on 3 December 2001) Fiona McLeod*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2508 GM Cross Contamination (lodged on 3 December 2001) John Farquhar Munro*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2505 Aggregates Tax: Lack of Scottish Exemptions (lodged on 3 December 2001) John Farquhar Munro*, Christine Grahame*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2504# Minister for Highlands and Islands (lodged on 4 December 2001) Fiona McLeod*, Christine Grahame*
S1M-2501# Criminal Proceedings in Sexual Assault Cases (lodged on 29 November 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-2498# Overcrowding of Trains (lodged on 29 November 2001) Irene Oldfather*, Irene McGugan*
S1M-2496# Lanarkshire Voluntary Housing Forum (lodged on 29 November 2001) Fiona McLeod*
S1M-2472# Promoting Aberdeen as Europe's Energy Capital (lodged on 21 November 2001) Fiona McLeod*
S1M-2471 Atlantic Telecom Collapse (lodged on 21 November 2001) Pauline McNeill*
S1M-2470 Birthplace of John Muir in Dunbar (lodged on 21 November 2001) Irene McGugan*
S1M-2464.1 Anti-Terrorism Measures and the European Convention on Human Rights (lodged on 21 November 2001) Irene McGugan*, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-2435# European Day of Disabled People: 3 December 2001 (lodged on 12 November 2001) Dennis Canavan*
S1M-2401# 15th Anniversaries of Greentrax and Kilbirnie Records (lodged on 2 November 2001) Irene McGugan*
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section G: Bills: Notices and Amendments
New amendments to Bills lodged on 10 December 2001
Community Care and Health (Scotland) Bill - Stage 2
After section 9
Janis Hughes
19 After section 9, insert-
<Carer identification strategies
(1) The Scottish Ministers may require any Health Board to prepare and submit to them a strategy (a "carer identification strategy") for-
(a) identifying carers living in the Health Board's area;
(b) informing such carers about their rights under section 12AA of the 1968 Act and section 24 of the 1995 Act; and
(c) ensuring that advice and information about those rights is available free of charge to any such carers and to carers living elsewhere who care for persons living in the Health Board's area.
(2) In requiring a Health Board to prepare a carer identification strategy, the Scottish Ministers may specify-
(a) the date by which the strategy is to be submitted to them, or the period within which it is to be prepared;
(b) the form of the strategy and (subject to subsection (1) above) the matters which it is to include;
(c) the consultation that the Health Board must undertake in preparing the strategy; and
(d) the period to which the strategy is to relate.
(3) A Health Board must provide a copy of its carer identification strategy to any person who requests it.
(4) A Health Board-
(a) may at any time, and
(b) must, when required to do so by the Scottish Ministers,
review its carer identification strategy and prepare and submit to the Scottish Ministers a revised carer identification strategy.>
Section 12
Mary Scanlon
20 In section 12, page 9, line 2, leave out from <and> to end of line 12 and insert-
<(1A) Each local authority shall enter into arrangements with each NHS body which exercises, within the authority's area, functions mentioned in subsection (2)(b) below, for the establishment and maintenance of a fund for the purposes of subsection (1)(b) above and for the purposes of making payments towards expenditure incurred in exercising functions mentioned in subsection (2) below which are not delegated under subsection (1)(a) above.
(1B) A fund established under subsection (1A) above is one-
(a) which is held by one of the NHS bodies mentioned in subsection (1A) above ("the fund-holding body");
(b) into which each local authority and NHS body which is party to the arrangements mentioned in that subsection ("a contributor") shall make payments; and
(c) out of which the fund-holding body shall make payments towards expenditure incurred by each contributor in exercising functions mentioned in subsection (2) below.
(1C) Arrangements under subsection (1A) above may be made jointly with any other local authority having one or more of the NHS bodies referred to in that subsection within their area.>
Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Bill – Stage 2
Section 2
Bill Aitken
33 In section 2, page 3, leave out lines 6 to 13 and insert—
<( ) A solicitor so appointed shall represent the interests of the accused in proceedings in respect of which the appointment under subsection (2) above has been made.
( ) In representing the interests of the accused, a solicitor so appointed shall attempt to ascertain the instructions of the accused and shall act upon those instructions in so far as they are consistent with his professional duties to the client and the court.
( ) In circumstances where the accused gives no or inadequate instructions or where compliance with the instructions given would result in a breach of the solicitor’s professional duties, the solicitor may act in accordance with his own professional judgement in representing the interests of the accused and may withdraw from acting in accordance with subsection (3A) above if he thinks fit.
( ) A solicitor so appointed shall not be responsible to the accused.
( ) A solicitor so appointed has and may be given the same authority as if engaged by the accused; and any employment of and instructions given to counsel by the solicitor shall proceed and be treated accordingly.
( ) A solicitor so appointed shall act in accordance with any code of practice that may be agreed for the purpose by the Council of the Law Society of Scotland.>
Proposals for Members’ Bills
Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters’ names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member’s Bill to give effect to that proposal under Rule 9.14.
Tricia Marwick: Proposed Proportional Representation for Local Government Bill—Proposal for a Bill to introduce proportional representation for Local Government elections based on the Single Transferable Vote System. (lodged 21 November 2001)
Supported by: Kenneth Gibson, Brian Adam, Michael Russell, Kay Ullrich, Richard Lochhead, Bruce Crawford, Christine Grahame, Alasdair Morgan, Irene McGugan, Alex Neil, Shona Robison, Lloyd Quinan, Linda Fabiani, Tommy Sheridan
Ms Margo MacDonald: Proposed Prostitution Tolerance Zones (Scotland) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to enable local authorities to designate areas within their boundaries inside which it would be legal to solicit. (lodged 26 November 2001)
Supported by: Adam Ingram, Michael Russell, Robin Harper, Alex Neil, Lloyd Quinan, Linda Fabiani, Tommy Sheridan, Nora Radcliffe, Gil Paterson, Cathy Peattie, John McAllion, Donald Gorrie, Christine Grahame*
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section H : New Documents
Committee Reports
The following Report is being published on 11 December 2001
European Committee, 9th Report 2001: Report on the Governance of the European Union and the Future of Europe: What Role for Scotland? (Volume 1) (SP Paper 466)
European Documents
Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerk to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request. Additionally, SPICe holds a set of Briefing Papers produced primarily for MEPs covering the views of the UK Government on proposals for EC/EU legislation. These are now being made available to all MSPs and parliamentary staff. Copies can be obtained on the SPICe page of the Parliament's intranet.
Business Bulletin No. 183/2001
Tuesday 11 December 2001
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business
For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)
Bills in Progress
Note: Where a Bill is listed below with a date for Stage 2 (or for a day at that Stage), the deadline for lodging amendments for that Stage (or that day) is 2.00 pm, two sitting days earlier (e.g. 2.00 pm on Monday for a Stage 2 meeting on Wednesday). Where a Bill is listed with a date for Stage 3, the deadline is 4.30 pm, three sitting days earlier. Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Stage 2 committee.
Community Care and Health (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2 (Day 1, Health & Community Care Committee) 12 December
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (Justice 1 Committee) 19 December
Fur Farming (Prohibition) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (Rural Development Committee) 18 December
Land Reform (Scotland) Bill
Introduced 27 November
Marriage (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (Local Government Committee) 11 December
Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2 completed 4 December
Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 15 January
School Education (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 3 (meeting of the Parliament) 20 December
School Meals (Scotland) Bill
Introduced 14 November
Scottish Local Government (Elections) Bill
Stage 3 (meeting of the Parliament) 20 December
Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 18 December
Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2 (Day 1, Justice 2 Committee) 12 December
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Health and Community Care Committee) 23 January
Water Industry (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 completed 6 December
Subordinate legislation in progress
(date of laying) (Lead Committee)
Affirmative Instruments
Standards in Public Life Code of Conduct: Councillor’s Code (SE/2001/50) (16 November 2001) (Local Government)
Standards in Public Life Code of Conduct: Member’s Model Code (SE/2001/51) (16 November 2001) (Local Government)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.14) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/451) (4 December 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Negative Instruments
Subject to annulment until 16 December 2001
The Northern College of Education (Closure) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/407) (7 November 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
Subject to annulment until 17 December 2001
The Diligence against Earnings (Variation) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/408) (8 November 2001) (Justice 1)
The Fish Health Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/409) (8 November 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 18 December 2001
The Protection of Wrecks (Designation) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/384) (9 November 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Pensions Appeal Tribunals (Scotland) (Amendment) Rules 2001 (SSI 2001/410) (9 November 2001) (Justice 1)
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.2) Amendment (No.5) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/415) (9 November 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 21 December 2001
The Mortgage Rights (Scotland) Act 2001 (Prescribed Notice) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/419) (12 November 2001) (Social Justice)
The Potatoes Originating in Egypt (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/421) (12 November 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 5 January 2002
The Colours in Food Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/422) (15 November 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 6 January 2002
The Scottish Social Services Council (Consultation on Codes of Practice) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/424) (16 November 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
Subject to annulment until 12 January 2002
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.3) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/429) (22 November 2001) (Rural Development)
The National Health Service (Charges for Drugs and Appliances) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/430) (22 November 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 13 January 2002
The Local Government (Exemption from Competition) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/431) (23 November 2001) (Local Government)
The Local Government Act 1988 (Competition) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/432) (23 November 2001) (Local Government)
The Smoke Control Areas (Authorised Fuels) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/433) (23 November 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 16 January 2002
The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment (No.3) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/435) (26 November 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 17 January 2002
The National Health Service (Superannuation Scheme, Injury Benefits and Compensation for Premature Retirement) (Scotland) Amendment regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/437) (27 November 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 19 January 2002
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2001 (SSI 2001/438) (29 November 2001) (Justice 2)
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 2001 (SSI 2001/439) (29 November 2001) (Justice 2)
The Beef Special Premium (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/445) (29 November 2001) (Rural Development)
The Local Government Act 1988 (Competition) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/446) (29 November 2001) (Local Government)
The Community Care (Direct Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/447) (29 November 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 23 January 2002
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Satellite Monitoring Measures) (Scotland) Order 200 Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/448) (3 December 2001) (Rural Development)
The Inshore Fishing (Prohibition of Fishing for Cockles) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/449) (3 December 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 24 January 2002
The Miscellaneous Food Additives (Amendment) (No.2) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/450) (4 December 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 26 January 2002
The Plant Protection Products Amendment (No.3) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/454) (6 December 2001) (Rural Development)
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.3) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/455) (6 December 2001) (Rural Development)
Committee Business
Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place on the relevant subject.
Audit See Section A
Education, Culture and Sport See Section A
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 12 December
Equal Opportunities See Section A
European 18 December
Finance See Section A
Health and Community Care 12 December
Justice 1 See Section A
Justice 2 12 December
Local Government See Section A
Procedures See Section A
Public Petitions 18 December
Rural Development See Section A
Social Justice 12 December
Standards 19 December
Subordinate Legislation See Section A
Transport and Environment 12 December
[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]
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