1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 341 - 360 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Awfy thochts: The closemouth jottings of Wullie MacKersall Glen, Michael Hamish 3,176
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 10, recording 3: washing up and colouring in N/A Audio 3,176
The Ettin's Guidwyfe that Greined for Paerls Purves, David 3,176
Scottish Parliament: Research Briefings: SB 03-03 Commissoner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 3,159
Extracts from looseleaf recipe notes Kay, Prof Christian 3,149
Talking, Reading and Writing about Fiction Texts McGonigal, James,
Philp, Andrew
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Justice 1: Official Reports: Meeting 10, 2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 3,118
Scots version of History of Scots essay Lawson, Robert 3,112
Dialect, Standard English, and the Child at Home and in School Philp, Andrew 3,083
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Audit: Official Reports: Meeting 16, 2001 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 3,075
On the Study of Scottish Literature Duncan, Ian 3,072
The Fremmit Tail Forde, Iain W D 3,072
Conversation 09: Two brothers on early memories N/A Audio 3,071
The Fower Quarters: 02 - Purity Blackhall, Sheena 3,055
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 22, recording 1: painting N/A Audio 2,997
Scottish Parliament: Making your voice heard in the Scottish Parliament (English) Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 2,960
Craiters: 12 - Glory Hole Fenton, Alexander 2,953
Scottish Parliament: Bills: 10 Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill (Bill as passed) Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 2,924
Scottish Parliament: Makkin yer voice heard in the Scottish Parliament (Scots) Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 2,911
Millenium Bug Cairry-oot Ferguson, Chris 2,904

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