Document 1222

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 154/2002

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.


Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002


Section A : Daily Business List
Section B : Business Programme
Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings
Section D : Oral Questions selected for answer on 7 November 2002
Section E : Written questions lodged on 30 October 2002
Section F : Motions and Amendments
Section G : Bills: Notices and Amendments
Section H : New Documents
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002


Land Reform (Scotland) Bill

On the tenth day of consideration of the Bill at Stage 2, the Justice 2 Committee reached the end of section 55(3). The Committee is required to complete consideration of the Bill at Stage 2 by Wednesday 6 November. The eleventh day will take place on Tuesday 5 November and the twelfth day will take place on Wednesday 6 November. The last day on which amendments may be lodged for the 11th Marshalled List is therefore Friday 1 November and the last day for lodging amendments for the 12th Marshalled List is Monday 4 November. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last day when amendments may be lodged, when the deadline is 2.00 pm (Rule 9.10.2).

The Committee will only meet on Wednesday 6 November if it does not complete its Stage 2 consideration on Tuesday 5 November. Members are therefore encouraged to lodge any further amendments to the Bill by 2.00 pm on Friday 1 November. Any amendments lodged after 2.00 pm on Friday 1 November but before 2.00 pm on Monday 4 November will only be considered by the Committee if it does not complete its Stage 2 consideration on 5 November and if the point in the Bill to which they relate is not reached during Tuesday’s meeting.

Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Committee, Gillian Baxendine (Room 3.09, Committee Chambers, extn. 85054), Irene Fleming (Room 3.10, extn. 85220) or Richard Hough (Room 3.10, extn. 85047). The clerks should be consulted about the wording and admissibility of amendments.

Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill - Stage 2

The Transport and the Environment Committee will begin Stage 2 consideration of the above Bill on Wednesday 13 November. The last day on which amendments may be lodged for the first Marshalled List is therefore Monday 11 November. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last day when the deadline is 2.00 pm (Rule 9.10.2). Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of the Stage, and as early as possible during the day.

Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Committee, Callum Thomson (Room 3.6 Committee Chambers, extn. 85208), Alastair Macfie (Room 3.6 extn. 85225), Rosalind Wheeler (Room 3.5 extn. 85051) or Euan Donald (Room 3.5 extn. 86227). The clerks should be consulted on the wording and admissibility of amendments.

An announcement on how far the Committee will proceed on the first day will be made in due course.

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section A : Daily Business List

Meeting of the Parliament

9:30 am Debate on Broadcasting and Media in Scotland—

S1M-3507 Michael Russell: Broadcasting and the Media—That the Parliament recognises the vital importance of broadcasting and the print media to the cultural, social and economic life of Scotland and expresses its concern that the present devolution settlement prevents it from legislating in order to secure diversity of ownership and appropriate modern broadcasting regulation in Scotland

The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments

S1M-3507.1 Mike Watson: Broadcasting and the Media—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3507) in the name of Michael Russell, leave out from "and expresses" to end and insert "; recognises the importance to Scotland of UK, Scottish and regional television programming and production; believes that these interests are enhanced by diversity in media ownership, and believes that it is vital that the relevant regulatory bodies reflect those Scottish interests in respect of UK broadcasting regulations and other media matters."

S1M-3507.2 Mr Brian Monteith: Broadcasting and the Media—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3507) in the name of Michael Russell, leave out from "and expresses" to end and insert "; believes that the public interest is best protected by maximising competition and liberalising the current strict laws that apply to the media; supports the principle that such matters are dealt with at a UK level but considers that the current regulatory structure is detrimental to the growth and prosperity of the sector, and supports the right of broadcasters and publishers to make their own commercial decisions with the minimum possible interference from the state.

followed by Debate on Fishing—

S1M-3511 Richard Lochhead: Fishing—That the Parliament recognises that sustainable fisheries are essential for the well-being of our fishing communities but rejects any advice to close Scotland’s mixed fishery as part of a cod recovery plan given the devastating and unjustifiable impact that such a measure would have on our fishing communities and associated sectors; calls on the Scottish Executive to work in partnership with the fishing industry with a view to drawing up proposals for the future management of all fish stocks; notes that technical conservation measures and the recent decommissioning scheme have not been fully taken into account; further notes that other states that fish Scottish waters, or impact on local stocks, have a duty to adopt similar measures including a reduction in the industrial fishery, and believes that any further measures, for which the necessary funding should be made available, should be delayed given that they would be most effectively generated through the new mechanisms proposed as part of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy that will be adopted in a matter of weeks and that Scotland should seek to officially lead the UK delegation during forthcoming European negotiations on which the future of the fishing industry depends.

The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments

S1M-3511.2 Ross Finnie: Fishing—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3511) in the name of Richard Lochhead, leave out from "recognises" to end and insert "rejects the wholesale closure of Scottish fishing grounds as politically unacceptable and economically ruinous for Scotland’s fishing communities; welcomes the fact that the Scottish Executive is working in close collaboration with the Scottish fishing industry to identify alternative approaches, and urges all concerned to pursue a longer-term strategy that will reverse the historic decline in key fish stocks and secure a sustainable basis for our fisheries-dependent communities."

S1M-3511.1 Mr Jamie McGrigor: Fishing—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3511) in the name of Richard Lochhead, leave out from "and believes" to end and insert "regrets that this latest crisis comes on the back of the announcement that Scotland is to receive only 2% of the total allowable catch for deep water species on the west coast of Scotland, and believes that we need to restore national and local control and management of our waters to ensure sensible conservation measures and to protect the interests of Scotland’s fishermen."

2:30 pm Question Time

1. John Farquhar Munro: To ask the Scottish Executive what is being done to address any lack of affordable private housing for first time buyers, particularly in rural areas. (S1O-5790)

2. Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Scottish Executive how the initiatives it announced on 18 October 2002 will assist with the implementation of the youth crime action plan. (S1O-5804)

3. Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive what its position is on recent research which suggests a link between fluoridation of water and bone disease in children. (S1O-5771)

4. Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive when the Minister for Education and Young People will next meet the Secretary of State for Education and Skills. (S1O-5767)

5. David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to develop best practice for local authorities and others in dealing with nuisance caused by seagulls in towns and cities. (S1O-5784)

6. Withdrawn

7. Miss Annabel Goldie: To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of funds from the Comprehensive Spending Review will be allocated to university veterinary teaching and research over the next three years. (S1O-5777)

8. Withdrawn

9. Alasdair Morgan: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to disperse jobs to south-west Scotland. (S1O-5782)

10. Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive when it last met the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation and what matters were discussed. (S1O-5794)

11. Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive when it intends to respond to the report produced by COSLA's Fireworks Task Group. (S1O-5787)

12. Rhona Brankin: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made with its cancer strategy. (S1O-5796)

13. Nora Radcliffe: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take in response to the Transport and Environment Committee’s report on the rail industry in Scotland. (S1O-5806)

14. Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive what specific action has been taken to offset recent job losses in South Ayrshire. (S1O-5798)

15. Mr Lloyd Quinan: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to resolve the issues which have led to the recent situation in the provision of mental health services in Dumbarton, Vale of Leven and Helensburgh. (S1O-5799)

16. Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with financial organisations regarding the impact of irresponsible lending practices on social justice issues. (S1O-5788)

17. Mr Jamie Stone: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has reviewed plans made by BEAR Scotland Ltd for winter road maintenance in the Highlands. (S1O-5789)

18. Mr Mike Rumbles: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the implementation of the National Cultural Strategy is proceeding effectively. (S1O-5769)

19. Dr Sylvia Jackson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to meet the Association of Scottish Colleges and the EIS to discuss on-going industrial relations issues in the further education sector. (S1O-5779)

20. Sarah Boyack: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is making in the encouragement of cycling as a mode of transport. (S1O-5801)

21. Tommy Sheridan: To ask the Scottish Executive what its position is on the views expressed by the Deputy Prime Minister on 22 October 2002 in the House of Commons on lack of necessity and justification for the firefighters’ industrial action. (S1O-5797)

22. John Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to offer breast cancer screening services to all women whose mothers received diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy between 1941 and 1975. (S1O-5764)

23. Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps have been taken to consult the fishing industry on any proposals to impose new effort limitation measures. (S1O-5776)

24. Scott Barrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to improve the recruitment of social workers. (S1O-5802)

25. Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with local authorities in regard to any difficulties that are being experienced in funding the terms and conditions for teachers as agreed under the McCrone settlement. (S1O-5785)

26. Withdrawn

27. Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is making in promoting the use of public transport. (S1O-5795)

28. Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to ensure that car parking charges at hospitals are affordable for patients, visitors and staff. (S1O-5808)

29. Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what it is doing to reverse the population decline in the Western Isles. (S1O-5774)

30. Alex Neil: To ask the Scottish Executive how much public sector expenditure in total there has been on monitoring, running and supporting HM Prison Kilmarnock. (S1O-5791)

3:10 pm First Minister’s Question Time

1. Mr John Swinney: To ask the First Minister what issues will be discussed at the next meeting of the Scottish Executive’s Cabinet. (S1F-2195)

2. David McLetchie: To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Prime Minister and what issues he intends to raise. (S1F-2196)

3. Pauline McNeill: To ask the First Minister when the Cities Review will be finalised and published. (S1F-2207)

4. Tavish Scott: To ask the First Minister how the predicted shortfall in skills in the construction industry is being addressed. (S1F-2204)

5. Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the First Minister what steps the Scottish Executive is taking to ensure minimal disruption of road, rail and ferry services by adverse weather conditions this winter. (S1F-2185)

6. Mary Scanlon: To ask the First Minister whether there will be any measures put in place to extend inoculation against meningitis. (S1F-2182)

3:30 pm Stage 1 Debate on Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill—

S1M-3224 Mr Andy Kerr: Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill - Stage 1—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill.

followed by Financial Resolution in respect of the Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill—

S1M-3349 Mr Andy Kerr: Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill: Financial Resolution—That the Parliament, for the purposes of any Act of the Scottish Parliament resulting from the Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill, agrees to any increase in the sums payable out of the Scottish Consolidated Fund in consequence of the Act.

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

S1M-3515 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Designation of Lead Committee— That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 1 Committee be designated as lead committee in consideration of the draft Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 Amendment Regulations 2002.

S1M-3516 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Designation of Lead Committee—That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 2 Committee be designated as lead committee in consideration of the Combined Police Area Amalgamation Schemes 1995 Amendment (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/458).

S1M-3517 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Committee Membership—That the Parliament agrees that Sarah Boyack be appointed to replace Paul Martin on the Audit Committee.

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

debate on the subject of —

S1M-3406 Sarah Boyack: Edinburgh Waverley Station—That the Parliament notes the importance of Edinburgh Waverley Station to the national rail network; welcomes plans for the development of regional and local services across central Scotland; further notes that current projections state that the station will reach its capacity in 2003; recognises the station’s significance as part of the historic core of Scotland's capital city and its potential as a modern, accessible transport interchange; further welcomes proposals to upgrade the station to enable the significant expansion of rail provision on the east coast, and encourages the Scottish Executive to continue to work in partnership with Her Majesty's Government, City of Edinburgh Council, the Strategic Rail Authority and the railway industry to accelerate the delivery of this vital project.

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section B : Business Programme

As agreed by the Parliament on 30 October 2002

Wednesday 6 November 2002

2:30 pm Time for Reflection – Reverend Moira MacCormick, a Church of Scotland Minister

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Ministerial Statement

followed by Executive Debate on Flexibility and Innovation in Schools

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-3454 Dr Sylvia Jackson: Science and the Parliament – Wednesday 6 November 2002 (for text of motion see S1M-3454 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 7 October 2002)

Thursday 7 November 2002

9:30 am Executive Debate on the Scottish Executive Response to Foot and Mouth Disease Inquiries

followed by Business Motion

2:30 pm Question Time (for text of questions see Section D)

3:10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3:30 pm Executive Debate on Quality of Life

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-3499 David Mundell: Nuisance to Communities Caused by Seagulls (for text of motion see S1M-3499 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 28 October 2002)

Wednesday 13 November 2002

2:30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Thursday 14 November 2002

9:30 am Scottish National Party Business

followed by Business Motion

2:30 pm Question Time

3:10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3:30 pm Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings

Public Petitions Committee

5 November 2002

16th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1

1. New Petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions—

PE546: Tolls on the Erskine Bridge. Councillor Daniel McCafferty (representing West Dunbartonshire Council) will give a presentation in support of this petition.

PE554: Improvements to the planning process. Mr Neil Henrikson will give a presentation in support of this petition.

PE556: Extension of rail commuter services on the east coast mainline. Mr Tom Thorburn (Rail Action Group, East of Scotland) will give a presentation in

support of this petition.

PE557: Scottish Prison Service staff social and recreational facilities. Mr James McGarry will give a presentation in support of this petition.

PE545: Housing stock transfer in Glasgow.

PE553: Housing stock transfer in Glasgow.

PE562: Housing stock transfer in Glasgow.

PE550: Transport infrastructure in the Kincardine area.

PE563: Maintenance of unadopted roads and footpaths.

2. Current Petitions: The Committee will further consider the following current petitions—

PE437: Creation of a Gaelic Language Act.

PE540: Implementation of recommendations from " A Fresh Start for Gaelic".

PE451: Upgrade of the A75 and A77 trunk roads.

PE452: Treatment of Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Psychiatric Wards.

PE496: The Scottish Executive’s domestic abuse advertising strategy.

PE501: Request for an investigation into current bankruptcy procedures.

PE511: Request for a review of current bankruptcy statute.

PE508: Implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requirements.

PE524: Review of Strategic Planning

PE525: Proposed amendments to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002.

PE529: Proposed reform and unification of the civil law enforcement system.

3. Convener's Report.

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section D : Oral Questions selected for answer on 7 November 2002

Question Time

1. Des McNulty: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to promote social work and social care as career options. (S1O-5848)

2. Mr Mike Rumbles: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to alter the funding arrangements for Duff House in Aberdeenshire. (S1O-5839)

3. Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive what health and safety standards for pupils are applicable in schools. (S1O-5831)

4. Alex Fergusson: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to monitor the progress of EAGA in delivering its remit in relation to the central heating installation programme. (S1O-5820)

5. Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Scottish Executive how it is promoting the responsible growth of air travel in and to Scotland. (S1O-5851)

6. Bill Butler: To ask the Scottish Executive what monitoring mechanism is in place to assess the effective implementation of the free concessionary travel scheme for elderly and disabled people. (S1O-5812)

7. Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to improve the performance of students in Higher English, as referred to by the Scottish Qualifications Authority in its recent report on the 2002 exam diet. (S1O-5824)

8. John Farquhar Munro: To ask the Scottish Executive what the current position is with the award of contracts for official veterinary surgeon services in the Highlands. (S1O-5842)

9. David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what support and guidance it now provides in relation to the disposal of dead horses. (S1O-5814)

10. Fergus Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it supports the establishment of Maggie’s Centres and, if so, what assistance it will provide to see more centres established. (S1O-5811)

11. Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive what arrangements are being made to fast-track procedures for children’s hearings to deal with persistent young offenders. (S1O-5835)

12. Nora Radcliffe: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to prevent flooding. (S1O-5833)

13. Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has for the reorganisation of NHS acute services. (S1O-5827)

14. Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made on the Campbeltown to Ballycastle ferry route. (S1O-5815)

15. Phil Gallie: To ask the Scottish Executive what its position is on the future of farming given the impending enlargement of the European Union. (S1O-5826)

16. Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive how many people are currently being prescribed methadone on a regular basis. (S1O-5810)

17. Cathie Craigie: To ask the Scottish Executive how it will ensure that social housing meets acceptable standards. (S1O-5846)

18. Rhoda Grant: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any of its crime statistics support the research by the Scottish Gas and Help the Aged partnership into the fear of crime amongst older people. (S1O-5845)

19. Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive what evaluation is being made of its concessionary travel scheme for elderly and disabled people. (S1O-5830)

20. Mr Lloyd Quinan: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to ensure that local authorities involve service users in the setting up and maintenance of their direct payment services. (S1O-5852)

21. Janis Hughes: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is making in encouraging nurses to return to practice. (S1O-5849)

22. Iain Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to promote environmentally sustainable methods of farming. (S1O-5822)

23. Maureen Macmillan: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to encourage men to take up careers in childcare. (S1O-5850)

24. Alex Johnstone: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has reviewed the timescale for reviewing local authority boundaries in the light of the current review of parliamentary boundaries. (S1O-5825)

25. John Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will arrange for the installation of bar markings or take any further additional safety measures at the Sandyford Toll roundabout on the A77. (S1O-5813)

26. George Lyon: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in tackling GP recruitment in rural areas. (S1O-5841)

27. Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it is taking to attract young people to live and work in rural areas. (S1O-5854)

28. Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking on the current industrial dispute at the Central College of Commerce in Glasgow. R (S1O-5853)

29. Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive how it is tackling the fear of crime Δamongst elderly people. (S1O-5837)

30. Rhona Brankin: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is making in closing the poverty gap. (S1O-5834)

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section E : Written questions lodged on 30 October 2002

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Executive in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

S1W-31001 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive, in light of the underspend in the Historic Buildings Repair Grants Scheme in 2001-02, whether Historic Scotland has discouraged applications being made to the scheme until 2005 and, if so, what the reasons were for the position on the matter.

S1W-31059 Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh: To ask the Scottish Executive what assistance it will make available to the 18 clients currently being offered one-to-one counselling and the 18 clients currently being counselled over the telephone by Facilitate (Scotland) in the light of the decision by judicial factors to close the offices of Facilitate (Scotland).

S1W-31066 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive how it enforces section 2 of the Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) Act 2001.

S1W-31067 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive what advice it has received on whether an action of judicial review could be brought against Scottish Ministers in respect of any failure to perform their obligations under section 2 of the Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) Act 2001 where a Budget Bill introduced into the Parliament does not include provision that the income arising from the graduate endowment for the financial year to which the Bill relates be used for the purposes of student support and what order the court could make if such an action were successful.

S1W-31068 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what the passenger capacity is of the new "Ali Cat" ferry on the Gourock to Dunoon route.

S1W-31069 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive for what capacity the new "Ali Cat" ferry on the Gourock to Dunoon route has been certified.

S1W-31070 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the winter timetable for Caledonian MacBrayne ferry routes was late in being published this year and, if so, what the reasons are for this.

S1W-31071 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what the top speed is of the new "Ali Cat" ferry on the Gourock to Dunoon route.

S1W-31072 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive for how long the new "Ali Cat" ferry on the Gourock to Dunoon route has been chartered.

S1W-31073 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive on what date the negotiations commenced to bring the "Ali Cat" ferry to the Gourock to Dunoon route.

S1W-31074 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive which of its representatives spoke at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting on 14-15 October 2002 in Luxembourg.

S1W-31075 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive when the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 will come into force.

S1W-31076 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will initiate a detailed investigation into the level and standard of service being provided by Argyll and Clyde NHS Board with particular regard to any delayed referrals and financial mismanagement.

S1W-31077 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive why the new passenger-only vehicle has been chartered for the Gourock to Dunoon route before the consultation process in regard to Caledonian MacBrayne has been completed.

S1W-31078 Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-22478 by Patricia Ferguson on 12 February 2002, how many joint ministerial committees and sub-committee meetings have been convened since 12 February 2002; where each meeting took place, which minister attended, and what was discussed.

S1W-31079 Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will list all sub-committees of the Joint Ministerial Committee and detail their membership.

S1W-31080 Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive how many meetings of the Joint Ministerial Committee and its sub-committees have been planned up to December 2003, detailing where and when each meeting will be held, which minister is to attend and what matters will be discussed.

S1W-31081 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, for each prison, what (a) its total budget and (b) the underspend (i) was in each year since 1999-2000 and (ii) is projected to be in 2002-03.

S1W-31082 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29770 by Mr Jim Wallace on 18 October 2002, whether it will publish any of the contracts for provision of education services in prisons and, if so, which specific contracts it will publish, giving the reasons for its position on this matter.

S1W-31083 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29901 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, what the location was of each parcel of land sold shown in the table.

S1W-31084 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29901 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, why the sale of HM Prison Penninghame was not included in the table.

S1W-31085 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30092 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, whether it will give full details of the notice it received under paragraph 6.8 of the Minute of Agreement Between the Secretary of State for Scotland and Kilmarnock Prison Services Ltd for the Design, Construction, Management and Financing of a Prison at Kilmarnock as requested in question S1W-28728.

S1W-31086 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has sought to discover what element of the cost saving asserted for private prisons by PricewaterhouseCoopers comes from (a) lower staff wage costs and (b) management efficiencies.

S1W-31087 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the statement made by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether it intends to appoint an adviser for the procurement of its proposed private-build, private-operate prison and what the projected cost of such an appointment would be.

S1W-31088 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-25569 by Mr Jim Wallace on 16 May 2002, whether it will show the performance points accrued by the operating company of HM Prison Kilmarnock broken down for each heading and by sub-section in sections 2.1(i), 2.2(a), 2.2(b), 2.4(a), 2.4(b), 2.4(c), 2.4(d) and 2.4(e) in Schedule F to the Minute of Agreement between the Secretary of State for Scotland and Kilmarnock Prison Services Ltd for the Design, Construction, Management and Financing of a Prison at Kilmarnock for each quarter of operation of the contract to date.

S1W-31089 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has received about whether any Green Goddess fire engines have broken down during testing and preparations for the impending firefighters’ strike and, if so, where and when any such breakdowns occurred.

S1W-31090 Alex Neil: To ask the Scottish Executive why it is no longer prepared to provide funding to the Scottish Science Trust (SST) and, in particular, whether this decision is a result of any independent assessment or evaluation of SST’s performance or impact.

S1W-31091 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28802 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002 in relation to the three disciplinary charges of possession of an unauthorised item that were incorrectly recorded as the disciplinary charge of holding a person against his will, what the unauthorised item was in each case.

S1W-31092 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28802 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, when the incorrect recording of the three disciplinary charges of possession of an unauthorised item as the disciplinary charge of holding a person against his will was made, by whom it was made and when it was discovered.

S1W-31093 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28802 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, why the incorrect recording of the three disciplinary charges of possession of an unauthorised item as the disciplinary charge of holding a person against his will was not rectified before disciplinary records of prisons were placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre.

S1W-31094 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28802 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, what steps have been taken to date to rectify the disciplinary records of prisons placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) and whether any further steps will be taken to correct the records placed in SPICe

S1W-31095 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28802 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, whether any other instances of incorrect recording of disciplinary offences have been found in the records placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre and, if so, what any such instances are.

S1W-31096 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29718 by Mr Jim Wallace on 23 October 2002, when decisions on future spending on external affairs will be finalised and how it will inform the Parliament of any such decisions.

S1W-31097 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it sent any representative to the meeting of representatives of European crime prevention institutions in Aalborg on 7-8 October 2002 and, if so, whether it will report on the results of the meeting.

S1W-31098 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive how many prisoners were transferred to HM Prison Kilmarnock from HM Prison (a) Barlinnie, (b) Greenock and (c) Edinburgh in each month from April to September 2002.

S1W-31099 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive how many prisoners were transferred from (a) HM Prison Kilmarnock to other local prisons in Scotland and (b) other local prisons in Scotland to HM Prison Kilmarnock in the year to the end of September 2002.

S1W-31100 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive whether, in the formula shown in paragraph 6 of Schedule E to the Minute of Agreement Between the Secretary of State for Scotland and Kilmarnock Prison Services Ltd for the Design, Construction, Management and Financing of a Prison at Kilmarnock, the value of the variable D is presently less than the sum of the variables Ga and Gb and what the ratio is of the variable D to the sum of the variables Ga and Gb.

S1W-31101 Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the research commissioned by the Governor of HM Prison Low Moss comparing incidents in 2001 with incidents so far in 2002 will be made public.

S1W-31102 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-27655 by Mr Jim Wallace on 29 October 2002, what the grounds were for each financial penalty incurred by Medacs and what the value of each such financial penalty was since the beginning of the contract.

S1W-31103 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-27655 by Mr Jim Wallace on 29 October 2002, what the proportion of the financial penalty incurred by Medacs was to the value of the contract for each financial year since the contract with Medacs was made.

S1W-31104 Alex Fergusson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has for the funding of regional and independent museums.

S1W-31105 Mr Keith Harding: To ask the Presiding Officer what the costs were of printing, publishing and distributing the Scottish Parliament Annual Report 2001 to 2002.

S1W-31106 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has provided any funding in addition to the original estimates in respect of the trunk road maintenance contracts.

S1W-31107 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether each trunk road maintenance contract has met the performance indicators set.

S1W-31108 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive what grants are available to communities for the renovation or rebuilding of village halls.

S1W-31109 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive what powers Communities Scotland has to investigate alleged mismanagement in housing associations.

S1W-31110 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive what powers Communities Scotland has to investigate the financial and maintenance performance of housing associations.

S1W-31111 Mr David Davidson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has directed Communities Scotland to assess the performance of any housing association in the last three years.

S1W-31112 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether targeting the £3 million grant to councils for specialist money/debt advice and specifically excluding other forms of advice and assistance represents best value in the light of the complexity of the problems facing people seeking advice on debt.

S1W-31113 Fergus Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has received on why no submission was made to the European Commission from the UK to receive a share of its financial package to fight transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and other animal diseases in the EU in 2003.

S1W-31114Δ Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will respond to the recommendations set out in the report of the MMR Expert Group.

S1W-31115Δ Gordon Jackson: To ask the Scottish Executive when the annual report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner will be laid before the Parliament.

S1W-31116 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what grants were allocated under the Children and Young People’s Grant Scheme in (a) 2001-02 and (b) 2002-03.

S1W-31117 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28604 by Mr Andy Kerr on 17 September 2002, whether all of the £18.4 million was allocated to local authorities and not directly to voluntary organisations.

S1W-31118 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will reconsider its decision to give all the £95 million grants related to promoting healthy lifestyle choices amongst children and young people directly to local authorities and allocate some instead to national youth organisations for their national and local activities.

S1W-31119 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28599 by Dr Richard Simpson on 17 September 2002, whether it will provide an explanation of its statement in that answer that criminal record certificates may be obtained "at no cost to … the voluntary organisations concerned."

S1W-31120 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the programmes under the New Opportunities Fund to help young people and youth organisations in Scotland offer as much support pro rata as the equivalent programmes in England.

S1W-31121 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29299 by Ms Margaret Curran on 26 September 2002, whether adult volunteers working in youth organisations benefit from the £2 million Active Communities Initiative, the £1 million funding to the volunteer centre network and the £700,000 in the Millennium Volunteers programme and whether it will provide funding to help voluntary youth organisations to recruit, train and retain adult volunteers.

S1W-31122 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what external monitoring and evaluation procedures are in place to assess whether projects funded by the New Opportunities Fund have been successful and who performs any such monitoring and evaluation.

S1W-31123 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Central Registered Body Scotland charges voluntary organisations for attending seminars on the system of administering criminal record checks or for advice and help in processing applications.

S1W-31124 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what consultation it has held with YouthLink Scotland or other national youth organisations about any financial problems such organisations might face through decreasing or standstill funding, increased costs arising from the administration of criminal record checks and increasing water charges and insurance costs.

S1W-31125 John Young: To ask the Scottish Executive what courses of treatment available at HCI International Medical Centre, Clydebank, before its purchase by the NHS (a) have been or (b) are planned to be discontinued since the NHS bought the hospital and what the nearest location to Clydebank is where each such course of treatment is available to NHS patients.

S1W-31126 John Young: To ask the Scottish Executive what equipment at the HCI International Medical Centre, Clydebank, (a) has been and (b) is planned to be taken out of service since the NHS bought the hospital; what will be done with each item of such equipment, and, in each case, what the nearest location to Clydebank is where similar equipment will be available for the treatment of NHS patients.

S1W-31127 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to issue guidance on best practice in local area co-ordination in order to underpin the implementation of The Same As You?.

S1W-31128 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether local area co-ordination services, as identified in The Same As You?, are intended to cover all age groups.

S1W-31129 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive which local authority areas do not yet have local area co-ordinators, as identified in The Same As you?, in place.

S1W-31130 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28050 by Mr Frank McAveety on 21 August 2002, how many local area co-ordinators that are already in place are (a) additional to the existing staff complement and (b) form part of an existing member of staff's remit to take forward the implementation of The Same As You?.

S1W-31131 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether local area co-ordinators, as identified in The Same As You?, have been funded from existing local authority and NHS board resources or from the Learning Disability Services Change Fund.

S1W-31132 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Glasgow to Barra air link is subject to a public service obligation for one year only and what the reasons are for the position on this matter.

S1W-31133 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement by the Minister for Environment and Rural Development on 30 October 2002, what scientific data is available on the impact of power station seawater coolants on fish stocks; whether it is estimated that 2 million fish per day per filter are killed, and what information it has which countries have banned the use of sea water coolants at power stations and what the EU policy is on this issue.

S1W-31134 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement by the Minister for Environment and Rural Development on 30 October 2002, which EU countries still permit industrial fishing; what scientific data is available regarding the effect of industrial fishing on young fish stocks, and what representations it is making at the Council of Ministers in this regard.

S1W-31135 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement by the Minister for Environment and Rural Development on 30 October 2002, what assessment it has made of the impact of a ban/limitation on white fish catches should white fish vessels switch to nephrops fishing; what assessment it has made of the impact of the potential increase in nephrops fishing on stocks of nephrops, and what economic data it has on the impact of a loss of nephrops fishing on communities such as Eyemouth in the Scottish Borders.

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section F : Motions and Amendments

A full list of outstanding motions is available to view each Monday in paper copy at the Chamber Desk or alternatively on the Scottish Parliament web site as Outstanding Motions. Each Monday the full text of all motions lodged the previous week will appear in the Business Bulletin together with motions previously lodged that are due to be debated that week.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.

Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members’ business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)

*S1M-3522# Johann Lamont: Regulation of Private Security Firms—That the Parliament notes with concern the lack of regulation of private security firms and the potential impact of unscrupulous activity by these firms on the safety and peace of mind of local communities within Glasgow Pollok constituency, across Glasgow and throughout Scotland; further notes the serious danger posed by any activity that undermines the confidence of the public in the police's capacity to deal with criminal behaviour within communities, and considers that the Scottish Executive, along with local authorities, the police and other relevant agencies, should develop as a matter of urgency means by which private security firms can be regulated and their activities scrutinised.

*S1M-3521 Angus MacKay: Condemnation of the Attack on the Edinburgh Synagogue—That the Parliament condemns the attack on the Edinburgh Synagogue on Salisbury Road, South Edinburgh, on 24 October 2002; expresses its disgust at all manifestations of anti-Semitism and other intolerance; notes that, whilst the perpetrators as yet remain anonymous, Scotland, like the rest of the UK, has seen a rise in anti-Semitism and religious intolerance in the past months and that some extremist political groups and individuals have used the tragic situation in the Middle East as justification for attacks, verbal and physical, on Scotland’s Jewish and other communities, and asserts that the odious creed of anti-Semitism and intolerance runs counter to the principles of tolerance, pluralism and respect for all people which are the central tenets of a devolved Scotland.

Supported by: Donald Gorrie*

*S1M-3520# Janis Hughes: National Carers Rights Day—That the Parliament notes that 3 December 2002 is National Carers Rights Day; recognises the crucial role of carers of all ages in supporting the most vulnerable people in society; welcomes the support provided to carers through the Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002, and considers that the Scottish Executive should continue to support the work of the carers throughout the country.

S1M-3518# End Debt on our Doorstep (lodged on 29 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3513 Edinburgh Hogmanay "Eurozone" (lodged on 29 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3512 Leukaemia Research Fund Campaign (lodged on 29 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

*S1M-3511.1 Mr Jamie McGrigor: Fishing—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3511) in the name of Richard Lochhead, leave out from "and believes" to end and insert "regrets that this latest crisis comes on the back of the announcement that Scotland is to receive only 2% of the total allowable catch for deep water species on the west coast of Scotland, and believes that we need to restore national and local control and management of our waters to ensure sensible conservation measures and to protect the interests of Scotland’s fishermen."

*S1M-3511.2 Ross Finnie: Fishing—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3511) in the name of Richard Lochhead, leave out from "recognises" to end and insert "rejects the wholesale closure of Scottish fishing grounds as politically unacceptable and economically ruinous for Scotland’s fishing communities; welcomes the fact that the Scottish Executive is working in close collaboration with the Scottish fishing industry to identify alternative approaches, and urges all concerned to pursue a longer-term strategy that will reverse the historic decline in key fish stocks and secure a sustainable basis for our fisheries-dependent communities."

Supported by: Allan Wilson*

S1M-3510 Royal National Institute for the Blind Campaign on Photodynamic Therapy Treatment (lodged on 28 October 2002) Brian Adam*, Maureen Macmillan*, Trish Godman*, Mr Murray Tosh*, Mr Kenneth Macintosh*, Nicola Sturgeon*, Scott Barrie*, Dorothy-Grace Elder*, Mary Scanlon*, Michael Matheson*, Cathie Craigie*, Karen Gillon*, Mr Michael McMahon*, Mr Brian Monteith*, Mr Kenneth Gibson*, Helen Eadie*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3508# Osteoporosis (lodged on 28 October 2002) Brian Adam*, Tricia Marwick*, Ms Sandra White*, Roseanna Cunningham*, Colin Campbell*, Michael Russell*, Mr Kenneth Gibson*, Donald Gorrie*

*S1M-3507.1 Mike Watson: Broadcasting and the Media—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3507) in the name of Michael Russell, leave out from "and expresses" to end and insert "; recognises the importance to Scotland of UK, Scottish and regional television programming and production; believes that these interests are enhanced by diversity in media ownership, and believes that it is vital that the relevant regulatory bodies reflect those Scottish interests in respect of UK broadcasting regulations and other media matters."

Supported by: Dr Elaine Murray*

*S1M-3507.2 Mr Brian Monteith: Broadcasting and the Media—As an amendment to motion (S1M-3507) in the name of Michael Russell, leave out from "and expresses" to end and insert "; believes that the public interest is best protected by maximising competition and liberalising the current strict laws that apply to the media; supports the principle that such matters are dealt with at a UK level but considers that the current regulatory structure is detrimental to the growth and prosperity of the sector, and supports the right of broadcasters and publishers to make their own commercial decisions with the minimum possible interference from the state.

S1M-3506 Hairmyres Hospital Ancillary Staff (lodged on 28 October 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3505 UNISON Campaign on Needlestick Injuries (lodged on 25 October 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3504# Provision of Dedicated Mother and Baby Services for Women with Post-Natal Depression (lodged on 25 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3503 60th Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein (lodged on 24 October 2002) Phil Gallie*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3501# Asylum Seekers and Health (lodged on 24 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3499# Nuisance to Communities Caused by Seagulls (lodged on 24 October 2002) Mr Brian Monteith*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3495 Shetland in Scotland in Sweden Event (lodged on 22 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3490 Alain Baxter and the IOC (lodged on 16 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3489# Increased Workload of GPs Under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 (lodged on 16 October 2002) Murdo Fraser*, Mr Keith Harding*, David Mundell*, Fergus Ewing*, Phil Gallie*, Mary Scanlon*, Mr Brian Monteith*

S1M-3487# Human Trafficking (lodged on 14 October 2002) Trish Godman*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3486# Mis-selling of Utilities (lodged on 11 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3485# Breast Cancer Awareness (lodged on 10 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3484 Angus Youth Congress (lodged on 10 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3482 In-House Provision of Public Services (lodged on 10 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3481# Timetable for the Glasgow Airport Rail Link (lodged on 10 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3478 Listen Louder Campaign (lodged on 9 October 2002) Marilyn Livingstone*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3474 European Health and Safety at Work Week, 14-20 October 2002 (lodged on 8 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3472 Use of the Holyrood Building as a Full Public Facility (lodged on 8 October 2002) Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3459# Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (lodged on 3 October 2002) Marilyn Livingstone*

S1M-3454# Science and the Parliament - Wednesday 6 November 2002 (lodged on 2 October 2002) John Young*, Ian Jenkins*

S1M-3448 Death of Yoni Jesner (lodged on 1 October 2002) Ian Jenkins*

S1M-3440 Congratulations to Chris Hoy (lodged on 27 September 2002) Robin Harper*

S1M-3393# Firefighters and Emergency Fire Control Staff (lodged on 16 September 2002) Robin Harper*

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section G: Bills: Notices and Amendments

New Bills introduced or reprinted on 30 October 2002

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill—The Bill was reprinted as amended at Stage 2. (SP Bill 52A) (Executive Bill)

New amendments to Bills lodged on 29 October 2002

Local Government in Scotland Bill – Stage 2

Section 6

Mr Andy Kerr

41 In section 6, page 3, leave out lines 22 to 25 and insert—

<(1) Where, on a recommendation having been made to them under section 103D of the 1973 Act as applied by section 4 above, it appears to the Scottish Ministers—

(a) that a local authority is not complying or has not complied with its duties under section 1, 15, 16 or, as the case may be, 18 above; and

(b) that an enforcement notice is justified,

they may service a preliminary notice on the authority.

(1A) Where, without a recommendation having been so made to them, it appears to Scottish Ministers—

(a) that a local authority is not complying or has not complied with section 1; and>

Mr Andy Kerr

42 In section 6, page 3, line 35, leave out from <a> to <authority> in line 40 and insert <it>

Mr Andy Kerr

43 Move section 6 to after section 23

Section 9

Mr Andy Kerr

44 Move section 9 to after section 30

Section 23

Mr Andy Kerr

45 In section 23, page 14, line 36, at beginning insert <subject to subsection (6A) below>

Mr Andy Kerr

46 In section 23, page 14, line 36, leave out from <defraying> to end of line 37 and insert <anything done by the authority under section 21 above>

Mr Andy Kerr

47 In section 23, page 14, line 37, at end insert—

<(6A) The saving in subsection (6)(b) above does not enable a local authority to impose charges in respect of anything done by it in pursuance of any of the following functions—

(a) functions relating to education in schools;

(b) functions relating to the provision of a public library service;

(c) functions relating to fire fighting, that is, putting out fires and protecting life and property in case of fire;

(d) functions relating to the registration of elections;

(e) functions relating to the conduct of elections;

(f) such other functions as may by order be prescribed for the purposes of this subsection by the Scottish Ministers.

(6B) Before making an order under subsection (6A)(f) above, the Scottish Ministers shall consult such associations of local authorities and such other persons as they think fit.

(6C) Where, under section 21 above, a local authority imposes any charge, it shall publish its reason for doing so and an explanation of how it arrived at the amount of the charge.

(6D) Any order under subsection (6A)(f) above shall be made by statutory instrument which shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of the Scottish Parliament.>

Section 34

Mr Andy Kerr

48 In section 34, page 19, line 9, leave out <Part 1> and insert <Parts 1 and 4>

New amendments to Bills lodged on 30 October 2002

Local Government in Scotland Bill – Stage 2

Section 6

Mr Andy Kerr

49 In section 6, page 3, line 30, leave out <section 1> and insert <its duties under sections 15, 16 or, as the case may be, 18>

Mr Andy Kerr

50 In section 6, page 3, line 33, leave out <section 1> and insert <its duties under section 1, 15, 16 or, as the case may be, 18>

Section 9

Mr Andy Kerr

51 In section 9, page 4, line 35, at end insert <and is complying with its duties under sections 16 to 18 (community planning) of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2002 (asp 00).">

Proposals for Members’ Bills

Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters’ names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member’s Bill to give effect to that proposal under rule 9.14.

Shona Robison: Proposed Licensing Scheme for Retailers of Fireworks (Scotland) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to amend the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 to extend the licensing provisions of the Act to include the retailers of fireworks. (lodged 10 October 2002)

Supported by: Margaret Smith, Mr John McAllion, Elaine Smith, Dennis Canavan, Nora Radcliffe, Ian Jenkins, Margaret Jamieson, Mr Keith Harding, Tricia Marwick, Nicola Sturgeon, Fergus Ewing, Robin Harper, Brian Adam, Robert Brown, Alex Neil, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Fiona Hyslop, Bill Butler, Irene McGugan, Tommy Sheridan*

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section H : New Documents

Other Documents

The following documents were laid before the Parliament on 30 October 2002 and are not subject to any Parliamentary procedure—

Registrar General’s Annual Review of Demographic Trends: Scotland’s Population 2001 (SE/2002/271)

laid under section 1(4) of the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965

Annual Report of the Scottish Committee of the Council on Tribunals for the period 1 August 2001 to 31 July 2002

Committee Reports

The following Reports are being published on 31 October 2002—

Social Justice Committee, 10th Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 679)

Rural Development Committee, 12th Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 680)

European Documents

Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerk to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request. Additionally, SPICe holds a set of Briefing Papers produced primarily for MEPs covering the views of the UK Government on proposals for EC/EU legislation. These are now being made available to all MSPs and parliamentary staff. Copies can be obtained on the SPICe page of the Parliament's intranet

Business Bulletin No. 154/2002
Thursday 31 October 2002

Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)

Bills in Progress

Note: Where a Bill is listed below with a date for Stage 2 (or for a day at that Stage), the deadline for lodging amendments for that Stage (or that day) is 2.00 pm, two sitting days earlier (e.g. 2.00 pm on Monday for a Stage 2 meeting on Wednesday). Where a Bill is listed with a date for Stage 3, the deadline is 4.30 pm, three sitting days earlier. Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Stage 2 committee.

Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Rural Development Committee) 5 November

Building (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Transport and the Environment Committee) 6 November

Council of the Law Society of Scotland Bill

Stage 1 (Justice 1 Committee) 19 November

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 1, Justice 2 Committee) 13 November

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 completed 30 October

Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 5 November

Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Finance Committee) 5 November

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 11, Justice 2 Committee) 5 November

Local Government in Scotland Bill

Stage 2 (Day 1, Local Government Committee) 5 November

Mental Health (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Health and Community Care Committee) 6 November

National Galleries of Scotland Bill

Introduced 28 October

Organic Farming Targets (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 30 September

Proportional Representation (Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Local Government Committee) 17 September

Prostitution Tolerance Zones (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 28 October

Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Education, Culture and Sport Committee) 5 November

Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 31 October

Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm (Navigation and Fishing) (Scotland) Bill

Preliminary Stage (evidence, Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm

(Navigation and Fishing) (Scotland) Bill Committee) 11 November

Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Justice 1 Committee) 19 November

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Health and Community Care Committee) 20 March

Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 30 October

Subordinate legislation in progress

(date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative Instruments

Subject to approval by resolution by 13 November 2002

Codes of Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock: Animal Health and Biosecurity (SE/2002/273) (23 September 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to approval by resolution by 22 November 2002

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.13) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/465) (17 October 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to approval by resolution by 25 November 2002

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.14) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/482) (29 October 2002)

Subject to approval by resolution by 28 November 2002

The Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 Amendment Regulations 2002 (draft) (8 October 2002) (Justice 1)

Negative Instruments

Subject to annulment by 31 October 2002

The Conservation of Salmon (Prohibition of Sale) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/418) (10 September 2002) (Rural Development)

The Road Humps and Traffic Calming (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/419) (10 September 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 3 November 2002

The Nursing and Midwifery Student Allowances (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/423) (13 September 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Food (Figs, Hazelnuts and Pistachios from Turkey) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/424) (13 September 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Food (Peanuts from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/425) (13 September 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 13 November 2002

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Exceptions) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/434) (23 September 2002) (Social Justice)

Subject to annulment by 16 November 2002

The National Health Service (General Medical Services) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/438) (26 September 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 17 November 2002

The Criminal Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/440) (27 September 2002) (Justice 1)

The Criminal Legal Aid (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/441) (27 September 2002) (Justice 1)

The Criminal Legal Aid (Fixed Payments) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/442) (27 September 2002) (Justice 1)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Housing Support Services) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/444) (27 September 2002) (Social Justice)

Subject to annulment by 20 November 2002

The Products of Animal Origin (Third Country Imports) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/445) (30 September 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 24 November 2002

The Bovines and Bovine Products (Trade) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/449) (4 October 2002) (Rural Development)

The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/450) (4 October 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/ 451) (4 October 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 29 November 2002

The Scottish Local Government Elections Rules 2002 (SSI 2002/457) (9 October 2002) (Local Government)

The Combined Police Area Amalgamation Schemes 1995 Amendment (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/458) (9 October 2002) (Justice 2)

Subject to annulment by 4 December 2002

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (Transitory and Transitional Provisions) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/469) (23 October 2002) (Local Government)

The Discontinuance of Legalised Police Cells (Ayr) Rules 2002 (SSI 2002/472) (25 October 2002)

The Water Customer Consultation Panels (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI/2002/473) (25 October 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 7 December 2002

The Plant Health (Phytophthora ramorum) (Scotland) (No.2) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/483) (29 October 2002)

Committee Business

Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place by each Committee.

Audit 12 November

Education, Culture and Sport 5 November

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 13 November

Equal Opportunities 12 November

European 5 November

Finance 5 November

Health and Community Care 6 November

Justice 1 5 November

Justice 2 5 November

Local Government 5 November

Procedures 12 November

Public Petitions 5 November

Rural Development 5 November

Social Justice 6 November

Standards 6 November

Subordinate Legislation 5 November

Transport and Environment 6 November

[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]

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Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 154/2002


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Year of composition 2002
Word count 10702
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Publication year 2002
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Author details

Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
