Document 1618

Pub review of The Living Room, Glasgow

Author(s): Paul English

Copyright holder(s): Derek Stewart-Brown: on behalf of The Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd


Going out : Pubs
PAUL ENGLISH overcomes his aversion to Carrie & Co to enjoy a drink in the Sex And The City-inspired Living Room

LET'S just get one thing straight. I hated Sex And The City. Detested it.

Carrie's torturous ponderings on the meaning of life and love and Samantha's 'if it's got as pulse, it'll do' approach to sex were just two things that made me shout at the telly whenever my flatmate forced me to endure it on Friday nights.

And I'll never forgive Candace Bushnell for creating the monster which forced me to succumb to the knowledge that Jimmy Choos were stupidly expensive shoes and not something you'd find in a two-bob mixture off the ice-cream van.

What hated most about it was how it turned so many girls from this part of the world into cocktail-quaffing air-kissers, deluding themselves into thinking that with a maraschino cherry in their cosmopolitan, they suddenly became more Upper East Side than East Kilbride.

And don't even mention Glasgow lads thinking that they were the local equivalent of Mr Big. It's like Morton thinking they're Real Madrid.

Still, just because some hacked-off hack gets the chance to shout about how naff the whole Sex And The City influence is when it's seen anywhere other than on the telly doesn't mean to say that everyone else agrees.

And as long as the (wo)man on the street knows that Manolo Blahnik is a fashion designer and not a UN weapons inspector, then the SATC legacy endures.

With the recent opening of The Living Room in Glasgow, there now appears to be a place for those that way inclined to act out their Bradshaw-inspired fantasies.

And, despite hating the show it alludes to, The Living Room hit the right mark here.

With outlets in London, Manchester and Edinburgh, the St Vincent Street bar/restaurant is a million miles away from the old Living Room which sat at the bottom of Byres Road.

It's far more, er, chi-chi, as Bradshaw-ites would say. In fact, our party of five (and that includes two confirmed fans, girls) were unanimous that it was sooo SATC.

Our Friday night visit witnessed a thirty-something crowd, many straight from the office, nursing their drinks as the resident smoothie tickled the ivories and crooned through some thoroughly stars-and-stripes themed tracks such as Walking In Memphis.

Subtle opal-tinged lighting, which one of our boozers commented made 'everyone look healthy', big windows, roomy tables, a long bar and creamy drapes give it a relaxed yet classy air.

Through in the restaurant, tables are cubed off into booths and private areas, with low-hanging lights, black and white photos and a the odd canvas featuring female nudes.

The food is thoroughly satisfying and the waiting staff were falling over themselves to help.

The Living Room isn't going to be your number one choice for kicking back with your mates for a quiet no-frills drink. It's certainly a 'make an effort' venue. And the prices are no more than a smidgen above what you'd pay anywhere else.

Saying that, when the barman came back with a bill of £20 for four bottles of beer, I worried city centre prices had gone haywire. But he once the mistake was pointed out, he sorted it with no need for a performance.

It's miles better than a Friday night in your own living room, although dare I suggest that those of a similar mind to me visit The Living Room on a Wednesday to make the most of it - that way you'll miss the double bill repeats of Carrie, Samantha and the girls on Channel 4.

The Living Room,
150 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5NE
Tel: 0870 22 03 028 Open: Mon-Tues:
10am-1am; Wed-Thur: 10am-2am; Fri-Sat 10am-3am; Sun 6pm-midnight.

Drinks: Pint £2.90, bottles £3, vodka dash £2.90, cocktails from £3.95, coffee £1.50.

Food: Served from 12pm Rating: Four out of five

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Pub review of The Living Room, Glasgow. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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Information about Document 1618

Pub review of The Living Room, Glasgow


Text audience

Adults (18+)
General public
Audience size 1000+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2004
Word count 696
General description Newspaper review article

Text medium


Text publication details

Publisher Daily Record
Publication year 2004
Place of publication Glasgow
Edition First
Part of larger text
Contained in Daily Record 14/08/04
Page numbers 6-7

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 1165
Forenames Paul
Surname English
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1970
Educational attainment University
Age left school 17
Upbringing/religious beliefs Catholicism
Occupation Journalist, Daily Record Features Writer
Place of birth Paisley
Region of birth Renfrew
Birthplace CSD dialect area Renfr
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Glasgow
Region of residence Glasgow
Residence CSD dialect area Gsw
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Social club manager
Father's place of birth Port Glasgow
Father's region of birth Glasgow
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Gsw
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation School meals auxiliary
Mother's place of birth Port Glasgow
Mother's region of birth Glasgow
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Gsw
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes Work / home etc
