F1113 |
Right, I'll put on your tea, okay?
//You wantin an, you wanting eggs, is it?// |
F1114 |
//[exhale]// |
F1113 |
//Boiled eggs?// |
F1114 |
It's really hot. |
F1113 |
What's hot? |
F1114 |
My [?]bumpy[/?]. |
F1113 |
What's hot? |
F1114 |
Er, the egg hot. |
F1113 |
The eggs are hot, aye. |
F1114 |
[exhale] |
F1113 |
Do you like eggs? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Come on we'll boil an egg.
What else do you want? Do you want toast? |
F1114 |
Yes, toast. |
F1113 |
Toast with your egg?
Okay. [cough] |
F1114 |
Toast and egg, toast and egg, toast and egg, toast and egg!
[singing] |
F1113 |
Right? |
F1114 |
Toast and |
F1113 |
Are you hungry? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Did you enjoy yourself at the park today? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Was it good? |
F1114 |
In the big chute I slided. [cough] |
F1113 |
Went right down the big chute? |
F1114 |
I just slided. |
F1113 |
You was sliding down the chute, wasn't you? |
F1114 |
I was-, remember a big yellow chute. |
F1113 |
Aye, a big yellow chute. And the roundabouts.
//Roundabouts is good, isn't they?// |
F1114 |
Yes, big blue chute. |
F1113 |
A big blue chute? |
F1114 |
I [inaudible] I [inaudible] the blue chute. |
F1113 |
Mm. |
F1114 |
[exhale] |
F1113 |
Will we go back again tomorrow? |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
Are you hungry? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Are you hungry? Got your juice?
Got your juice. |
F1114 |
I will [inaudible]. |
F1113 |
Get your plate.
Plate for your toast.
Now. |
F1114 |
And an egg. |
F1113 |
And your egg, aye.
Winna be long. Two minutes for your eggie.
That'll be the microwave wi your |
F1114 |
I'll maybe be [inaudible]. |
F1113 |
Eh? |
F1114 |
I'll maybe be [inaudible]. |
F1113 |
Put the toast in the toaster. |
F1114 |
I'll maybe [?]be you[/?].
[inaudible] maybe the [inaudible].
//[inaudible]// |
F1113 |
//Where's [CENSORED: forename] gone?//
She away to Granny's?
[CENSORED: forename] away to Granny's? |
F1114 |
[inhale] |
F1113 |
Yes? |
F1114 |
[child noises] |
F1113 |
What's that? |
F1114 |
It's the [inaudible]. |
F1113 |
Aye, you leave it on.
[inaudible] speaking. Watch, you're getting tangled up again, watch. Up your leggies.
Up your leggies, through that way.
You're getting all tangled up again . |
F1114 |
All ta-. |
F1113 |
You gettin tangled up in the wires?
//Mmhm.// |
F1114 |
//Mm.// |
F1113 |
//[inaudible] your toast.// |
F1114 |
[child noises]
//[child noises]// |
F1113 |
//Now.// |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
Want some butter on your toast? |
F1114 |
Mmhm. |
F1113 |
Mmhm. |
F1114 |
[child noises] [eating noises] |
F1113 |
What are you going to do? |
F1114 |
Um. |
F1113 |
Um um um.
Just aboot ready. |
F1114 |
[drinking noises] |
F1113 |
That good juice? |
F1114 |
Mm. |
F1113 |
Is that good juice? |
F1114 |
One knife. |
F1113 |
That's a knife,
//for putting on the butter.// |
F1114 |
Skippy skip! |
F1113 |
Eh? |
F1114 |
Skippin, skippin,
//skip.// |
F1113 |
//Are you skippin?// |
F1114 |
//skip!// |
F1113 |
//Were you skippin at the park?// |
F1114 |
//Skipping. Park.// |
F1113 |
Skip skip.
It was a good day at the park, wasn't it? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
There was lots o bairnies there the day? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Aye. |
F1114 |
Whee! |
F1113 |
Playin wi the bairnies? |
F1114 |
//Buck and b-.// |
F1113 |
//Right. There's your toast.// |
F1114 |
Buck and [?]Billy[/?].
Buck and Billy.
What's this [inaudible] Buck and Billy.
//Bu-.// |
F1113 |
//Right, here's your toast.// |
F1114 |
Buck and Billy.
Buck, Buck and Billy.
//Bu-.// |
F1113 |
//Are you dancin? [inaudible]// |
F1114 |
That isn't Buck and Billy. |
F1113 |
Eh. |
F1114 |
Buck and Billy.
Oh ah. |
F1113 |
Buck and Billy? What's that?
//What are you on aboot?// |
F1114 |
That's Buck and Billy.
[eating noises]
//[exhale]// |
F1113 |
//Grr. Is that good?//
Right, get you another one. |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
Your boiled eggs'll be ready in a minute.
Okay? There you go. |
F1114 |
//Mmhm.// |
F1113 |
//Okey-dokey?// |
F1114 |
[child noises]
//[child noises]// |
F1113 |
//Is that good?// |
F1114 |
magical [humming]. |
F1113 |
Now, that's all that in the dishwasher.
Plates in the dishwasher. |
F1114 |
[exhale] |
F1113 |
Now. What are you going to do after tea-time? |
F1114 |
There's Buck and Billy. |
F1113 |
You going to play something?
//Watch your knee again, watch your knee.// |
F1114 |
//Something.// |
F1113 |
That's a girl. |
F1114 |
Something, something, something, something. |
F1113 |
What you gonna play? |
F1114 |
Something something. |
F1113 |
It's pourin rain outside now, look at it.
//It was a bonny afternoon but it's// |
F1114 |
//Mm mm.//
//Where is it?// |
F1113 |
//pourin rain now.// |
F1114 |
Where is it? |
F1113 |
Wait till I show you. I'll open the blinds. Okay?
Pourin! |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
Pourin with rain. |
F1114 |
[exhale] |
F1113 |
Horrible now. |
F1114 |
I don't want it to rain. |
F1113 |
No. At least it was a bonny afternoon.
Wasn't it?
Now, get your [?]leg[/?] ready.
It was a nice afternoon to play. |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Mmhm. |
F1114 |
Yes, yes, yes. Ah. Mm. |
F1113 |
[inaudible] |
F1114 |
[?]This is hot[/?].
//[singing]// |
F1113 |
//Are you singing?// |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
Are you singing to Mum?
Good girl. Are you thirsty? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Yes. |
F1114 |
Ah. |
F1113 |
Good. You finish up eating that and we'll get your eggs for you. |
F1114 |
[exhale] |
F1113 |
Is that good? |
F1114 |
Mmhm. |
F1113 |
//Your egg's cooking.// |
F1114 |
//Uh-huh.// |
F1113 |
//Come on, sit up at peace when you're having your tea.// |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
You're getting all tangled up in your wires, watch.
See now.
That's a good girl. Let me check your-. That's it. |
F1114 |
Mum, do you want a bite, Mum? |
F1113 |
Sorry? I want a bite? Okay, thank you.
Thank you very much. |
F1114 |
You're welcome. |
F1113 |
Mm, that's a good girl.
Oh good toast.
//Mm.// |
F1114 |
I remember
//a big blue chute.// |
F1113 |
//Yes.// |
F1114 |
The red [inaudible].
//The yellow [inaudible].// |
F1113 |
//The big blue chute?//
And you was on the see-saw, remember?
//See-saw with [CENSORED: forename].// |
F1114 |
Red, red, mm. |
F1113 |
Were you on the see-saw? |
F1114 |
Ha, yes, woah! |
F1113 |
Oops-a-daisy. Come on, sit at peace when you're having your tea. Stop dancing aboot. Put it down.
That's a girl.
//Watch yourself. Sit on your seat and be good.// |
F1114 |
//I can-// |
F1113 |
That's a girl.
[inaudible] phone off [inaudible] as well,
haven't you? |
F1114 |
That's too noisy, this. |
F1113 |
Fitt's too noisy?
Fitt's noisy [CENSORED: forename], [CENSORED: forename]. |
F1114 |
It's it's the cup. |
F1113 |
The cup? |
F1114 |
Yes, the cup is making that noise. |
F1113 |
Is that when you're drinking? |
F1114 |
Huh? |
F1113 |
Making too much noise when you're drinking, is it?
//That's a girl.// |
F1114 |
//Mm.// |
F1113 |
That's a good girl. You can sit round again
//and finish your tea.// |
F1114 |
//[child noises]// |
F1113 |
Come on we'll get a plate for your eggs now.
//Well?// |
F1114 |
[singing] |
F1113 |
It's [CENSORED: forename] and [CENSORED: forename] and it's the sixteenth of April two thousand and four. |
F1114 |
And move a wee wee bittie. |
F1113 |
Right, [CENSORED: forename].
Do you want to play Kerplunk? |
F1114 |
//Mm.// |
F1113 |
//Yes yes yes, right.//
//Get the box open.// |
F1114 |
//[inhale] [squeal]//
I've got the sticks out. |
F1113 |
Right, you keep the sticks there for Mum. |
F1114 |
I've got [inaudible] I've got I've got some |
F1113 |
No, it's okay. Sit down there. That's okay. You keep the marbles. |
F1114 |
I've got marbles here. |
F1113 |
Mmhm. |
F1114 |
Here's [?]put it ons[/?].
Here you go, Mum. |
F1113 |
Thank you.
You helpin Mum? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Right, we'll move this over here.
Right, put this on top.
//Okay.// |
F1114 |
//One.// |
F1113 |
Hold on while I put the cups in here.
How does this work again?
In like this.
Do you like this game? |
F1114 |
I play Kerplunk. |
F1113 |
You play Kerplunk. |
F1114 |
Yes. [inaudible] sticks pencils, those maybe sticks pencils. |
F1113 |
Stick pencils? |
F1114 |
Yes, there [?]was[/?]. |
F1113 |
Right, here we go.
That on here.
Is that right? No, it's like this.
That's it.
//Right, you give Mum the stickies. Thank you!// |
F1114 |
//Another one.// |
F1113 |
Another one. Thank you.
And another one.
Thank you.
Thank you. And another one. Thank you. |
F1114 |
Here you go. |
F1113 |
A minutie. Thank you.
Like this game the best? |
F1114 |
There you go. |
F1113 |
Thank you. |
F1114 |
In the balls.
There we go. |
F1113 |
Hold on a second then. |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
That's it. Thank you. |
F1114 |
[inaudible] |
F1113 |
//Did you enjoy the park the day?// |
F1114 |
Yes, and playing the big chute. |
F1113 |
And playing the big chute? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Do you like the big chute? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Is that your favourite? |
F1114 |
Yes, where's the big yellow chute, I went down the big yellow chute. |
F1113 |
The big yellow chute?
Thank you. And there's a roundabout.
//You was going fast on the roundabout, wasn't// |
F1114 |
//I'll hold the balls.// |
F1113 |
Right, watch your feeties.
You're getting tangled up. |
F1114 |
I got the balls here. |
F1113 |
Right, you count, you count the bouncy balls.
//The marbles.// |
F1114 |
One, one. |
F1113 |
Is there lots o marbles? |
F1114 |
Eh, that ains is red. |
F1113 |
Yeah. |
F1114 |
That ain is purple.
Mum, that ain's purple. |
F1113 |
Purple, that's right.
And what colour's that one? |
F1114 |
It's gree-, yellow. |
F1113 |
Yellow, mmhm. |
F1114 |
That ain is green. |
F1113 |
That one's green, aye. |
F1114 |
The stick in [inaudible] |
F1113 |
That's white ones, look, and blue and red.
//Did you hear that ice-cream van just now?// |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Do you like ice-cream? |
F1114 |
Yummy! |
F1113 |
Yummy? Is it
//good.// |
F1114 |
//I've got ice-cream//
in my tummy. |
F1113 |
You've got what? |
F1114 |
Ice-cream in tummy. |
F1113 |
You've got ice-cream in your tummy. |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Have you? |
F1114 |
Jelly in my tummy. |
F1113 |
And jelly in your tummy? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Do you like jelly? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
You get that at a party, don't you? |
F1114 |
I love ice-cream. |
F1113 |
Ice-cream and jelly. |
F1114 |
Yes, ice-cream and jelly.
Here's more sticks, Mum. |
F1113 |
It takes ages, doesn't it, to put up the sticks. |
F1114 |
Eh wait. |
F1113 |
Right, hold on. Put this on in this way. |
F1114 |
One, two, three, four, fi-. [exhale] |
F1113 |
Count how many sticks?
Takes forever.
[cough] |
F1114 |
Oops! [laugh]
//[laugh] [inaudible]// |
F1113 |
//[laugh] Po-, popped right oot. Oops.//
//Oh no.// |
F1114 |
//Mm.// |
F1113 |
It's nae easy, is it?
That was a good ain.
//Oh,// |
F1114 |
//Oh.// |
F1113 |
no, it fell through.
It's nae easy to get this sticks in, [CENSORED: forename].
Do you like this game?
Do you like Kerplunk? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Whoops. |
F1114 |
The balls. |
F1113 |
That's the marbles. |
F1114 |
There we go.
The balls in, that, on the sticks
now. |
F1113 |
Now. |
F1114 |
I've got the balls.
Here in my tubby. |
F1113 |
Eh? |
F1114 |
Mum, where's the tubby?
Mum, where's the tuppy? |
F1113 |
Tuppy? |
F1114 |
Yes, tuppy. |
F1113 |
What's a tuppy? |
F1114 |
Eh that's tuppy. |
F1113 |
I dinna ken what you mean. |
F1114 |
I love this flower.
The baby flowers. |
F1113 |
What are baby flowers that? |
F1114 |
Outside. |
F1113 |
Are they? |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Ah. |
F1114 |
I love baby flowers, Mummy. |
F1113 |
For Mummy? |
F1114 |
Yes, the Mummy. |
F1113 |
I like flowers. |
F1114 |
I like big flowers.
You like baby flowers. |
F1113 |
I like baby flowers? |
F1114 |
I love the baby flowers, you love the big ai- flowers. |
F1113 |
Okay. |
F1114 |
[inaudible] that's the baby flowers.
You have the big flowers. |
F1113 |
Where's [CENSORED: forename] gone? |
F1114 |
Wh- where's [CENSORED: forename]? |
F1113 |
Away to her club. |
F1114 |
Oh away in the club? |
F1113 |
Mmhm, away to play wi the bairnies.
Awa to her Friday club. |
F1114 |
I'm goin to baby school. |
F1113 |
You going to baby school?
You want to go to the baby school? |
F1114 |
Yes, [CENSORED: forename]'s going to big school. |
F1113 |
She goes to big school and you'll be going to playschool.
And you'll want to paint. |
F1114 |
I'm going to learn to paint, [?]ain't I[/?]? |
F1113 |
You to paint pictures for Mum? |
F1114 |
//Oops, oops.// |
F1113 |
//So I can put them up on the wall?// |
F1114 |
S-, look, more sticks.
Look. |
F1113 |
How much more sticks have we got? |
F1114 |
One, two, three, four, fi- five. |
F1113 |
Five sticks to go in now. Let's hurry and get this sticks in.
Take all night.
Look, in we go, that's it. |
F1114 |
[exhale] |
F1113 |
You gettin tied up? |
F1114 |
Yes, mm, two greenies. |
F1113 |
Two green ones?
//And yellow sticks.// |
F1114 |
//I've got//
a |
F1113 |
This sticks are just hard to go in. |
F1114 |
Yes. |
F1113 |
Aren't they?
//Took for ages.// |
F1114 |
Oh yes.
It's |