Document 1581

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 03, recording 4: Playing Kerplunk and bedtimes stories

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): SCOTS Project, Dr Jennifer Smith

Audio transcription

F1113 Right, I'll put on your tea, okay? Okay? //You wantin an, you wanting eggs, is it?//
F1114 //[exhale]//
F1113 Eggie? //Boiled eggs?//
F1114 //Mm.// It's really hot.
F1113 What's hot?
F1114 My [?]bumpy[/?].
F1113 What's hot?
F1114 Er, the egg hot.
F1113 The eggs are hot, aye.
F1114 [exhale]
F1113 Do you like eggs?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Come on we'll boil an egg. Right? Now. What else do you want? Do you want toast?
F1114 Yes, toast.
F1113 Toast with your egg? Okay. [cough]
F1114 Toast and egg, toast and egg, toast and egg, toast and egg! [singing]
F1113 Right?
F1114 Toast and
F1113 Are you hungry?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Yes. Did you enjoy yourself at the park today?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Was it good?
F1114 In the big chute I slided. [cough]
F1113 Went right down the big chute?
F1114 I just slided.
F1113 You was sliding down the chute, wasn't you?
F1114 I was-, remember a big yellow chute.
F1113 Aye, a big yellow chute. And the roundabouts. //Roundabouts is good, isn't they?//
F1114 //Yes.// Yes, big blue chute.
F1113 A big blue chute?
F1114 I [inaudible] I [inaudible] the blue chute.
F1113 Mm.
F1114 [exhale]
F1113 Will we go back again tomorrow?
F1114 Yes. [inaudible]
F1113 Are you hungry?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Yes. Are you hungry? Got your juice? Got your juice.
F1114 I will [inaudible].
F1113 Sorry? Get your plate. Plate for your toast. Now.
F1114 And an egg.
F1113 And your egg, aye. Winna be long. Two minutes for your eggie. Oh. That'll be the microwave wi your
F1114 I'll maybe be [inaudible].
F1113 Eh?
F1114 I'll maybe be [inaudible].
F1113 Put the toast in the toaster.
F1114 I'll maybe [?]be you[/?]. [inaudible] maybe the [inaudible]. //[inaudible]//
F1113 //Where's [CENSORED: forename] gone?// She away to Granny's? [CENSORED: forename] away to Granny's?
F1114 [inhale]
F1113 Yes?
F1114 [child noises]
F1113 What's that?
F1114 It's the [inaudible].
F1113 Aye, you leave it on. [inaudible] speaking. Watch, you're getting tangled up again, watch. Up your leggies. Up your leggies, through that way. You're getting all tangled up again .
F1114 All ta-.
F1113 You gettin tangled up in the wires? //Mmhm.//
F1114 //[exhale]// //Mm.//
F1113 //Right.// //[inaudible] your toast.//
F1114 //[inaudible]// [child noises] //[child noises]//
F1113 //Now.//
F1114 [inaudible]
F1113 Want some butter on your toast?
F1114 Mmhm.
F1113 Mmhm.
F1114 [child noises] [eating noises]
F1113 What are you going to do?
F1114 Um.
F1113 Um um um. Right. Just aboot ready.
F1114 [drinking noises]
F1113 That good juice?
F1114 Mm.
F1113 Is that good juice?
F1114 One knife.
F1113 That's a knife, //for putting on the butter.//
F1114 //[exhale]// [inaudible] Skippy skip!
F1113 Eh?
F1114 Skippin, skippin, //skip.//
F1113 //Are you skippin?//
F1114 Yes, //skip!//
F1113 //Were you skippin at the park?//
F1114 Yes. //Skipping. Park.//
F1113 //[inaudible]// Skip skip. It was a good day at the park, wasn't it?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 There was lots o bairnies there the day?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Aye.
F1114 Whee!
F1113 Playin wi the bairnies?
F1114 Mm. //Buck and b-.//
F1113 //Right. There's your toast.//
F1114 Buck and [?]Billy[/?]. Buck and Billy. What's this [inaudible] Buck and Billy. [inaudible] //Bu-.//
F1113 //Right, here's your toast.//
F1114 Buck and Billy. Buck, Buck and Billy. //Bu-.//
F1113 //Are you dancin? [inaudible]//
F1114 That isn't Buck and Billy.
F1113 Eh.
F1114 Buck and Billy. Oh ah.
F1113 Buck and Billy? What's that? //What are you on aboot?//
F1114 //[exhale]// That's Buck and Billy. [eating noises] //[exhale]//
F1113 //Grr. Is that good?// Right, get you another one.
F1114 [inaudible]
F1113 Your boiled eggs'll be ready in a minute. Okay? There you go.
F1114 Mm. //Mmhm.//
F1113 //Okey-dokey?//
F1114 [child noises] //[child noises]//
F1113 //Now.// //Is that good?//
F1114 //Magical,// magical [humming].
F1113 Now, that's all that in the dishwasher. Plates in the dishwasher.
F1114 [exhale]
F1113 Now. What are you going to do after tea-time?
F1114 There's Buck and Billy.
F1113 Mm. You going to play something? //Watch your knee again, watch your knee.//
F1114 //Something.//
F1113 That's a girl.
F1114 Something, something, something, something.
F1113 What you gonna play?
F1114 Something something.
F1113 It's pourin rain outside now, look at it. //It was a bonny afternoon but it's//
F1114 //Mm mm.// //Where is it?//
F1113 //pourin rain now.//
F1114 Where is it?
F1113 Wait till I show you. I'll open the blinds. Okay? Pourin!
F1114 [inaudible]
F1113 Pourin with rain.
F1114 [exhale]
F1113 Horrible now.
F1114 I don't want it to rain.
F1113 No. At least it was a bonny afternoon. Wasn't it? Now, get your [?]leg[/?] ready. It was a nice afternoon to play.
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Mmhm.
F1114 Yes, yes, yes. Ah. Mm.
F1113 [inaudible]
F1114 [?]This is hot[/?]. [singing] //[singing]//
F1113 //Are you singing?//
F1114 [inaudible]
F1113 Mm? Are you singing to Mum? Good girl. Are you thirsty?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Yes.
F1114 Ah.
F1113 Good. You finish up eating that and we'll get your eggs for you.
F1114 [exhale]
F1113 Now. Is that good?
F1114 Mmhm.
F1113 Mmhm. //Your egg's cooking.//
F1114 //Mm.// [singing] //Uh-huh.//
F1113 //Come on, sit up at peace when you're having your tea.//
F1114 [inaudible]
F1113 You're getting all tangled up in your wires, watch. See now. That's a good girl. Let me check your-. That's it.
F1114 Mum, do you want a bite, Mum?
F1113 Sorry? I want a bite? Okay, thank you. Thank you very much.
F1114 You're welcome.
F1113 Mm, that's a good girl. Oh good toast. //Mm.//
F1114 //Yes.// I remember //a big blue chute.//
F1113 //Yes.//
F1114 The red [inaudible]. //The yellow [inaudible].//
F1113 //The big blue chute?// Mmhm. And you was on the see-saw, remember? //See-saw with [CENSORED: forename].//
F1114 //Red.// Red, red, mm.
F1113 Were you on the see-saw?
F1114 Ha, yes, woah!
F1113 Oops-a-daisy. Come on, sit at peace when you're having your tea. Stop dancing aboot. Put it down. That's a girl. //Watch yourself. Sit on your seat and be good.//
F1114 //I can-//
F1113 That's a girl. [inaudible] phone off [inaudible] as well, haven't you?
F1114 [exhale] That's too noisy, this.
F1113 Fitt's too noisy? Fitt's noisy [CENSORED: forename], [CENSORED: forename].
F1114 It's it's the cup.
F1113 The cup?
F1114 Yes, the cup is making that noise.
F1113 Is that when you're drinking?
F1114 Huh?
F1113 Making too much noise when you're drinking, is it? Right. //That's a girl.//
F1114 //Mm.//
F1113 That's a good girl. You can sit round again //and finish your tea.//
F1114 //[child noises]//
F1113 Come on we'll get a plate for your eggs now. //Well?//
F1114 //[singing]// [singing]
F1113 Mmhm. It's [CENSORED: forename] and [CENSORED: forename] and it's the sixteenth of April two thousand and four.
F1114 And move a wee wee bittie.
F1113 Okay. Right, [CENSORED: forename]. Do you want to play Kerplunk?
F1114 Yes. //Mm.//
F1113 //Yes yes yes, right.// //Get the box open.//
F1114 //[inhale] [squeal]// I've got the sticks out.
F1113 Right, you keep the sticks there for Mum.
F1114 I've got [inaudible] I've got I've got some
F1113 No, it's okay. Sit down there. That's okay. You keep the marbles.
F1114 I've got marbles here.
F1113 Mmhm.
F1114 Here's [?]put it ons[/?]. Here you go, Mum.
F1113 Thank you. You helpin Mum?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Right, we'll move this over here. Right, put this on top. //Okay.//
F1114 //One.//
F1113 Hold on while I put the cups in here. How does this work again? In like this. Do you like this game?
F1114 I play Kerplunk.
F1113 You play Kerplunk.
F1114 Yes. [inaudible] sticks pencils, those maybe sticks pencils.
F1113 Stick pencils?
F1114 Yes, there [?]was[/?].
F1113 Right, here we go. That on here. Is that right? No, it's like this. That's it. //Right, you give Mum the stickies. Thank you!//
F1114 //Eh.// //Another one.//
F1113 //Mmhm.// Another one. Thank you. And another one. Thank you. Thank you. And another one. Thank you.
F1114 Here you go.
F1113 A minutie. Thank you. Like this game the best?
F1114 Yes. There you go.
F1113 Thank you.
F1114 In the balls. There we go.
F1113 Hold on a second then.
F1114 Yes.
F1113 That's it. Thank you.
F1114 [inaudible]
F1113 Now. //Did you enjoy the park the day?//
F1114 //Yes.// Yes, and playing the big chute.
F1113 And playing the big chute?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Do you like the big chute?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Is that your favourite?
F1114 Yes, where's the big yellow chute, I went down the big yellow chute.
F1113 The big yellow chute? Thank you. And there's a roundabout. //You was going fast on the roundabout, wasn't//
F1114 //Look.// //I'll hold the balls.//
F1113 //you?// Right. Right, watch your feeties. You're getting tangled up.
F1114 I got the balls here.
F1113 Right, you count, you count the bouncy balls. //The marbles.//
F1114 //[exhale]// One, one.
F1113 Is there lots o marbles?
F1114 Eh, that ains is red.
F1113 Yeah.
F1114 That ain is purple. Mum, that ain's purple.
F1113 Purple, that's right. And what colour's that one?
F1114 It's gree-, yellow.
F1113 Yellow, mmhm.
F1114 That ain is green.
F1113 That one's green, aye.
F1114 The stick in [inaudible]
F1113 That's white ones, look, and blue and red. //Did you hear that ice-cream van just now?//
F1114 //Yeah.// Yes.
F1113 Aye. Do you like ice-cream?
F1114 Yummy!
F1113 Yummy? Is it //good.//
F1114 //I've got ice-cream// in my tummy.
F1113 You've got what?
F1114 Ice-cream in tummy.
F1113 You've got ice-cream in your tummy.
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Have you?
F1114 Jelly in my tummy.
F1113 And jelly in your tummy?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Do you like jelly?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 You get that at a party, don't you?
F1114 I love ice-cream.
F1113 Ice-cream and jelly.
F1114 Yes, ice-cream and jelly. Here's more sticks, Mum.
F1113 It takes ages, doesn't it, to put up the sticks.
F1114 Eh wait.
F1113 Ages. Right, hold on. Put this on in this way.
F1114 One, two, three, four, fi-. [exhale]
F1113 Count how many sticks? Takes forever. [cough]
F1114 Oops! [laugh] //[laugh] [inaudible]//
F1113 //[laugh] Po-, popped right oot. Oops.// //Oh no.//
F1114 //Mm.//
F1113 It's nae easy, is it? That was a good ain. //Oh,//
F1114 //Oh.//
F1113 no, it fell through. It's nae easy to get this sticks in, [CENSORED: forename]. Do you like this game? Do you like Kerplunk?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Whoops.
F1114 The balls.
F1113 That's the marbles.
F1114 There we go. The balls in, that, on the sticks now.
F1113 Now.
F1114 I've got the balls. Here in my tubby.
F1113 Eh?
F1114 Tubby. Mum, where's the tubby? Mum, where's the tuppy?
F1113 Tuppy?
F1114 Yes, tuppy.
F1113 What's a tuppy?
F1114 Eh that's tuppy.
F1113 I dinna ken what you mean.
F1114 [panting] I love this flower. The baby flowers.
F1113 What are baby flowers that?
F1114 Outside.
F1113 Are they?
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Ah.
F1114 I love baby flowers, Mummy.
F1113 For Mummy?
F1114 Yes, the Mummy.
F1113 I like flowers.
F1114 I like big flowers. You like baby flowers.
F1113 I like baby flowers?
F1114 I love the baby flowers, you love the big ai- flowers.
F1113 Okay.
F1114 [inaudible] that's the baby flowers. You have the big flowers.
F1113 Where's [CENSORED: forename] gone?
F1114 Wh- where's [CENSORED: forename]?
F1113 Away to her club.
F1114 Oh away in the club?
F1113 Mmhm, away to play wi the bairnies. Awa to her Friday club.
F1114 I'm goin to baby school.
F1113 You going to baby school? You want to go to the baby school?
F1114 Yes, [CENSORED: forename]'s going to big school.
F1113 She goes to big school and you'll be going to playschool. And you'll want to paint.
F1114 Yes. I'm going to learn to paint, [?]ain't I[/?]?
F1113 You to paint pictures for Mum?
F1114 Yes. //Oops, oops.//
F1113 //So I can put them up on the wall?//
F1114 S-, look, more sticks. Look.
F1113 How much more sticks have we got?
F1114 One, two, three, four, fi- five.
F1113 Five sticks to go in now. Let's hurry and get this sticks in. Take all night. Look, in we go, that's it.
F1114 [exhale]
F1113 You gettin tied up?
F1114 Yes, mm, two greenies.
F1113 Two green ones? //And yellow sticks.//
F1114 //I've got// a
F1113 This sticks are just hard to go in.
F1114 Yes.
F1113 Aren't they? //Took for ages.//
F1114 //Yes.// Oh yes. It's