Document 1080
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 47
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
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Vol. 2, No. 47 Session 1
Meeting of the Parliament
Thursday 18 January 2001
Note: (DT) signifies a decision taken at Decision Time.
The meeting opened at 9.31 am.
1. Fisheries: Mr Jamie McGrigor moved S1M-1548—That the Parliament notes the failure of the Scottish Executive to take the lead in producing an appropriate cod recovery plan for presentation as a United Kingdom submission to the European Commission; believes that this failure has led to European proposals for the North Sea which would seriously disadvantage the Scottish fishing fleet; notes that the plan, unless altered, will cause tremendous economic damage to Scotland’s fishing communities, and calls for an alternative plan, devised in co-operation with the Scottish fishing industry, to be promoted immediately, which will lead to the revival of fish stocks and ensure a long-term future for Scotland’s fishing industry.
The Deputy Minister for Rural Affairs moved amendment S1M-1548.2 to motion S1M-1548—
Leave out from "the failure" to end and insert—
"that the Scottish Executive, as part of the UK delegation, is currently involved in negotiations on a cod recovery plan with the European Commission, is aiming to secure the best possible deal for Scottish fishermen whilst ensuring a sustainable fishing industry, and is fully involving the industry in these discussions. "
Richard Lochhead moved amendment S1M-1548.1 to motion S1M-1548—
At end insert—
"; notes that, while other European Member States provide generous financial support for their fishing industries, Scotland’s industry receives minimal support, and therefore calls on the Scottish Executive to announce an appropriate level of new investment in the industry given that such additional support for our fishing communities in their hour of need will ensure that they continue to make an enormous contribution to Scotland."
After debate, amendment S1M-1548.2 was agreed to ((DT) by division: For 61, Against 50, Abstentions 1). As a result, amendment S1M-1548.1 was pre-empted.
The motion as amended was then agreed to ((DT) by division: For 93, Against 18, Abstentions 1).
Accordingly, the Parliament resolved—That the Parliament notes that the Scottish Executive, as part of the UK delegation, is currently involved in negotiations on a cod recovery plan with the European Commission, is aiming to secure the best possible deal for Scottish fishermen whilst ensuring a sustainable fishing industry, and is fully involving the industry in these discussions.
2. Route Action Plan and Priority Trans-European Network Road Links: Mr Murray Tosh moved S1M-1547—That the Parliament recognises the strategic importance of the ports of Stranraer and Cairnryan and the A75 corridor, in linking Northern Ireland and Scotland with the rest of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and in developing priority Trans-European Network links; applauds the efforts of Dumfries and Galloway Council and the North Channel Partnership to highlight the strategic importance of the corridor as well as its economic importance to South West Scotland; notes the concern of the Council and the Partnership that the Scottish Executive’s current proposals for the A75 will neither ensure improvements to the standards required for a Trans-European Networks road link, nor deliver agreed improvements within a timescale which would allow Stranraer and Cairnryan to compete effectively with the A55-Holyhead corridor, and calls upon the Scottish Executive, in recognition of the strategic importance of the A75 corridor, to work with all relevant partners to reassess the A75 Route Action Plan proposals, with a view to promoting a more comprehensive upgrading of the route and bringing forward firm funding proposals.
The Minister for Transport moved amendment S1M-1547.1 to motion S1M-1547—
Leave out from "notes the concern" to end and insert—
"welcomes the Scottish Executive’s decision in the Spending Review 2000 to increase expenditure on transport by £500 million in the period to March 2004, recognises the progressive improvement of the A75 most recently through the scheme at The Glen completed in 1999 and the measures covering the next 10 years set out in the Route Action Plan, and notes that the Scottish Executive has already completed the short term measures and is now implementing the medium term priorities in that Plan."
After debate, the amendment was agreed to ((DT) by division: For 64, Against 49, Abstentions 0).
The motion as amended was then agreed to ((DT) by division: For 64, Against 49, Abstentions 0).
Accordingly, the Parliament resolved—That the Parliament recognises the strategic importance of the ports of Stranraer and Cairnryan and the A75 corridor, in linking Northern Ireland and Scotland with the rest of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and in developing priority Trans-European Network links; applauds the efforts of Dumfries and Galloway Council and the North Channel Partnership to highlight the strategic importance of the corridor as well as its economic importance to South West Scotland; welcomes the Scottish Executive’s decision in the Spending Review 2000 to increase expenditure on transport by £500 million in the period to March 2004, recognises the progressive improvement of the A75 most recently through the scheme at The Glen completed in 1999 and the measures covering the next 10 years set out in the Route Action Plan, and notes that the Scottish Executive has already completed the short term measures and is now implementing the medium term priorities in that Plan.
3. Ministerial Statement: The Minister for Finance and Local Government’s statement on the review of NDPBs in Scotland was taken as read. This item of business was not concluded.
4. Business Motion: Mr Tavish Scott, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, moved S1M-1550—That the Parliament agrees:
(a) the following programme of business—
Wednesday 24 January 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection – The Right Reverend Dr Andrew R C McLellan, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
followed by Ministerial Statement
followed by Justice 1 Committee Debate on its Proposal for a Protection from Abuse Bill
The Clerk has been informed that the following document(s) are relevant to this debate.
Justice and Home Affairs Committee’s 9th Report, 2000 (SP Paper 221)
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1334 Pauline McNeill: Funding of Glasgow’s Museums and Galleries
Thursday 25 January 2001
9.30 am Scottish National Party Business
12.15 pm Ministerial Statement
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Stage 1 Debate on the Budget Bill
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1506 David Mundell: Robert Burns
Wednesday 31 January 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection – The Reverend Ernest Levy, Member of the Jewish Clergy
followed by Stage 1 Debate on the Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) (No. 2) Bill
followed by Financial Resolution on the Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) (No. 2) Bill
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Thursday 1 February 2001
9.30 am Executive Business
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Executive Debate on the Strategy for Enterprise
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business
(b) that Stage 1 of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Bill be completed by 7 March 2001;
(c) that Stage 1 of the Housing (Scotland) Bill be completed by 14 March 2001; and
(d) that the Rural Development Committee reports to the Health and Community Care Committee by 2 February 2001 on the Specified Risk Material Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/3) and the Specified Risk Material Order Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/4).
The motion was agreed to (by division: For 27, Against 15, Abstentions 0).
5. International Criminal Court Bill – UK Legislation: The Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice moved S1M-1528—That the Parliament endorses the principle of establishing the International Criminal Court in the legal systems of the United Kingdom and agrees that the provisions within the International Criminal Court Bill that relate to devolved matters should be considered by the UK Parliament.
After debate, the motion was agreed to ((DT) by division: For 80, Against 33, Abstentions 0).
6. Question Time: Questions were answered by the First Minister and other Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers.
7. Scottish Strategy for Victims: The Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice moved S1M-1556—That the Parliament endorses the principles of the Scottish Strategy for Victims; commends the development of the strategy which gives proper recognition for victims of crime and their needs; welcomes its emphasis on partnership working between criminal justice agencies to achieve the Scottish Executive’s objectives of better support and information for victims, and welcomes the commitment to action and real improvements set out in the Justice Department’s Action Plan.
Roseanna Cunningham moved amendment S1M-1556.1 to motion S1M-1556—
Leave out from "commends" to end and insert—
"recognises the long-standing neglect of victims within the Scottish criminal justice system which the strategy seeks to address, in particular the need for better support and involvement of victims throughout the criminal justice process, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to give higher status to the Victim Steering Group and ensure that sufficient resources are in place for the successful implementation of the Strategy."
After debate, the amendment was disagreed to ((DT) by division: For 34, Against 79, Abstentions 0).
Phil Gallie moved amendment S1M-1556.2 to motion S1M-1556—
Leave out from "gives" to end and insert—
represents a step forward in what has been a lethargic approach by the Scottish Executive."
After debate, the amendment was disagreed to ((DT) by division: For 18, Against 64, Abstentions 31).
The motion was then agreed to (DT).
8. Designation of Committee: Mr Tavish Scott, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, moved S1M-1563—That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 2 Committee is designated as the other Committee in consideration in the Convention Rights (Compliance) (Scotland) Bill.
The motion was agreed to (DT).
9. Decision Time: The Parliament took decisions on items 1, 2, 5, 7 and 8 as noted above.
10. Hepatitis C: The Parliament debated S1M-1454 in the name of Alex Neil—That the Parliament notes with concern that there are currently 10,000 people carrying hepatitis C in Scotland and that there may be 50,000 undiagnosed cases; acknowledges that hepatitis C can be treated in a cost-effective manner through a comprehensive system of education, screening and holistic treatment, and recognises the work of C-Level, Capital C and other such groups in their attempts to gain adequate funding so that they might tackle the issue.
The meeting closed at 5. 47 pm.
P E Grice
Clerk of the Parliament
18 January 2001
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Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 47. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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"Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 47." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.
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