Document 863
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 15 - 28.10.81
Author(s): 852
Copyright holder(s): Name withheld
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28th Oct.
Dear Maw & Paw,
Thanks for your last two letters, the latter of which included my G.U. Registration Card - an impressive document! I'm writing a brief note as I'm rushed off my feet trying to get a batch of essays marked.
I was sorry to hear about Uncle Nelson - I hope he's all right, and the tests have proved negative. Give him my best.
I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend in Embro! I can just picture Uncle Bruce with his new wee gadget, playing around with the TV channels.
I received a reply from the British Council today - they've put me on their mailing list for vacancies, but these don't come out until March 1982. I'm going to write to their representative at the British Embassy in Cairo to see if he can give me some more advice. If I did get a job in Egypt it would be ideal - the way I feel at the moment is that I'd like to take a year off academic studies to live in the real world for a while.
Meanwhile, the beat goes on... I received a sizeable bibliography on critical works written on William Dunbar from Caroline [CENSORED: surname] in Glasgow, which was nice of her to send. It's been raining hard for about 3 days, and we had some thunder and lightning this afternoon.
Carole has written again, and wants me to learn a letter of the Arabic alphabet a day. She has some hopes. Apparently my name is something like [?] ٿ ڢ [/?] (remembering to read it backwards). However, I hear the audiovisual dept. here has a machine that teaches Arabic, so I might plug in to that some time and see what's what. I don't have the time now, that's for sure.
What else? I've had my hair cut and I've received my American visa, in case I omitted to tell you. No birthday present yet though. Hope you're well. Regards to all. I'll write soon,
[CENSORED: forename]
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Correspondence from Canada: Letter 15 - 28.10.81. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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"Correspondence from Canada: Letter 15 - 28.10.81." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.
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