Document 1827

Scots Tung Wittins 176

Author(s): Robert Fairnie

Copyright holder(s): Name withheld


Nummer 176
July 2008

Keep a guid Scots Tung in yer heid, hert an mooth!!

[NOTE: logo here of the dot Sco in original]
Scots Tung WITTINS

Eydently Campaignin tae Uphaud the Scots Language
Ph. [CENSORED: phonenumber] Scots Tung wabsite: Stravaiger Ph. [CENSORED: phonenumber]

A Doric Waddin For Colin & Fiona
SCOTS TUNG bids kenspeckle Scots leid upsteerer Colin Wilson an his new guidwife Fiona Henderson, aw the best for a lang an blithe mairriet life thegither. Thair happy day wis makit aw the mair blithe syne the hail waddin service wis cairriet oot in the N.E. dialeck o Scots, better kent as the Doric.

In the Udny Arms Hotel at Newburgh, no that faur frae the Doric capital o Aiberdeen an in front o 40 waddin guests, the Ellon registrar, Gail Duthie speirt the couple tae "Face ane anither, jyne haunds, an say yer vows tae ane anither."

"A div" wis the repone they baith gied whan speirt if they wad tak ane anither as thair "lawful guidwife/guidman, tae hae an tae haud fae this day on." follaed bi thair pledges, "Aw that I am, A'll gie tae ye; an
aw that A hae, A'll share wi ye."

At the stert o the service, a guid freend, Derek Singer gied a readin that includit the follaein verses:-

"Ye'll hae heard plenty wirdies o wisdom afore,
Fan the secrets o mairriage wis spoken.
Bit ye ken thit the answer hidden inside,
Faur the bond o true luve is unbroken.
Sae bide happy thegither as luvvers an freens,
It's the daun o new life for ye baith,
As ye staun there thegither wi luve in yer een,
Fae the meenit ye fusper: A div."

Anither readin on whit maks a guid mairriage wis gien bi Georgia Buchan:-

"A mairriage is a promise twa herts be gled tae mak, a promise tae be tender, tae help, tae gie an tak.
A mairriage is a promise, tae be kind, tae unnerstan, tae be thochtful and consid'rit, tae be fair an nae demand.
A mairriage is a promise, tae share ae life thegither, fill't wi luve an meant tae be, keepit lik yon foriver."

Efter the service, Colin said that Doric wis a livin language an they war baith keen tae highlicht thon on thair big day.

It wis guid that they war able tae get whit they baith wantit, a waddin service in Scots. Efter aw, if MSPs can gie thair vows in the Scottish pairlament in English, Scots, Gaelic an e'en Catalan, whit wey can ordnar maimbers o the public no gie the maist important vows o thair lives in thair ain language tae?

Anne Donovan's "Being Emily"
A review bi Irene Broon (owerset intae Scots bi the Editor)
EVEN fowk that disnae ken Glesca, thinks they ken Glesca. They've heard aboot its humour; they've heard aboot its hardness. They've heard aboot its bein nae mean city. Anne Donovan's hinnermaist novel, Being Emily, shaws a faimly o Gleswegians that, tho clearly no wantin the kenspeckle humour (" Da what's consumption? " "Consumption no be done aboot it?") crashes thae ither stereotypes an its ootcome is a braith o caller air.

The narrator an heroine is Fiona O'Connell. She is a young lassie bidin in a tenement wi her Mammy, Daddy, big brither Patrick an wee twin sisters, Mona an Rona, an she cannae see past Emily Brontë. Thair lives thegither is incredibly ordinar till the day thair Mammy dees giein birth an things aw sterts tae faw apairt. The story shaws hou ilk-ane o the faimly dales wi the new seetiation in thair ain wey. The banes o this novel is a love story. No a romantic love story, for aw that the buik's no wantin for romance. It's a story whaur love shaws itsel in the warmth, thole an acceppin shawn tae ilk ither an tae thair freends an neibours bi the O'Connells in spite o the dramas an tragedies in thair lives. Donovan micht be fautit for shawin Glesca in a rosy glowe but gin Alexander McCall Smith can dae it for Botswana, whit for shuid she no dae it for Glesca? That's no tae say that bad things disnae happen. They dae - in a big wey. It's hou they're haunnelt that maks the difference.

The characters is fu o surprises the likes o Mrs. Kaur, Fiona's Sikh click's Mum, that's a keen maimber o the local Scrabble club, white shell-suited Declan that isnae juist a braw jiner but a patient faither an aw, Fiona hersel is a fan o Emily Brontë an Jaswinder o Shelley, an the twins that's champion dancers. Fiona finds her talent in conceptual art but disnae forget the aulder farrant craft learnt tae her bi her Granny whan she crochets a shawl for her wee sister's bairn that gets 'wrapped round the pair of them' whan they come hame frae the hospital.

Juist as in Donovan's airlier novel, Buddha Da, this hinnermaist wark is written mainly in the Gleswegian vyce. This warks gey weel for aw there some inconsistencies in the likes o 'heiding' an 'daeing' insteid o 'heidin' an 'daein' aw the wey throu, but the wark is smattered an aw wi the Scots wirds 'baith' 'haunds' 'wursels' 'fae' 'the morra' 'airm' 'wasnae' 'photies' 'aye' 'auld' 'loupin' 'simmet' 'naebody' 'flair' 'deid' 'thegither' 'windaes' 'shaughly' 'isnae' 'oose' 'jeezo' 'maist' sae the Scots vyce an souch owercomes thae anomalies. Her writin can be braith-takin as in the passage whaur Fiona descrives a challengin crack she haes wi her Auntie Janice an in lines the likes o "...droplets if the bushes grat for their lost beauty". The novel taks in consaits anent airt, poetry an music an kivvers maitters o bisexuality, lesbian mithers, unner age pregnancy, miscairryin, religion, daith, sex, loss,betrayal an chynge. Fiona is a Glesca lassie throu an throu an yet Donovan haes makit her able tae hae a gretter warld view nor her sophisticatit gay brither that flittit tae London tae be a fuid stylist an tae mell wi its social whurl. Emily Brontë turns less important the mair Fiona matures sae aiblins the buik shuid hiv been cried Being Fiona. Donovan's characters' lives is hanked thegither like the stitches in the crochet mats ye yaised to mak at the schuil oot o sindry bits o worstit an endit up bi makin a unique pattren o thair ain. Being Emily is juist as comfortin tae hae on yer lap.

Being Emily bi Anne Donovan publisht bi Canongate - price £10.99

Anne Donovan is the owthor o the novel Buddha Da an the cutty story walin Hieroglyphics. She haes written for the wireless an the stage an aw an haes been warkin on the screenplay for the picter o Buddha Da.
© Irene Broon

Scots Tung WITTINS
On the wab.
Copies o the Scots Tung Wittins gaun back tae Nr 41 can be gotten in pdf format frae Scots Tung's wabsite at:-
A hard copy o STW is sent free o chairge tae aw maimbers o Scots Tung ilka month.
Maimbership subscreivins is £5 (Scotland/UK)
Peyed ilka September. €9 (Ireland/EU)

The New Testament in Scots
Owerset bi William Laughton Lorimer an read bi Tom Fleming
A review bi Irene Broon (owerset intae Scots bi the Editor)
[NOTE: image of the cover in original]
ONYBODY that's seen William Dyce's Pre Raphaelite paintin, Man of Sorrows, that hings in the National Gallery o Scotland can see that Christ is shawn sittin in a wilderness. But it's no the wilderness that belangs the Bible. It's in wild dreich hills an muirs that's weel seen tae be Scottish. Dyce's paintin expresses Christ's universality bi takin him oot o his tradeitional backgrund an in daein this makin him closer tae the onleuker's ruits, in this case Scottish anes. This is whit Professor William Laughton Lorimer did whan he owerset the fower Gospels frae the oreiginal Greek intae Scots. He said "Jesus spakna Standard Aramaic – for ordnar, onigate – but plain ('braid') Galilee...". Whan Tom Fleming tells o Jesus gaun 'hither an yent tae the moors' for forty days an forty nichts in his readin o Lorimer's owersettin o the Gospels intae Scots, the listener kens it's a wilderness they can feel at hame wi.

Tom Fleming's rich, uncle-like tones gies a richt mellin an conviction tae the braid an equally rich reinge o wirds. It's like haein the areddy fameiliar stories makit mair fameiliar bi somebody ye ken sittin at yer ain fireside an speakin in yer ain Mither Tongue. His readin is a stoundin feat wi nae sense o aither preachin or performance. It comes ower wi a hertfelt an gey near conversational souch. The umquhile Professor David Daiches said that "The New Testament in Scots is much more like the language of Jesus who spoke and preached in Galilean Aramaic, his local vernacular...". This mellin o a language sae close tae the oreiginal an Tom Fleming's yuiss o't is naethin short o hert stoundin. The parables an stories o Jesus' life as he gaed aboot "toon bi toon, clachan bi clachan" is evendoon kenspeckle. The likes o whan the adultress wifie wis brocht afore him an Jesus sayin " Lat him among ye at has ne'er sinned nane caa the first stane at her" an efter the stane thrawers haed mizzelt awa Jesus sayin tae the wumman, "Gang yer waas an fae this time forrit, sin nae mair" or whan he tells the parable o "a needful weeda drappin twa fardins" an explainin hou " this puir wumman has pitten in mair nor them aa" the listener is gart tae tak a pairt in the painfu ongaun.

Ron Ferguson wrate in the Herald on 12 Mey that this wark "... deserves to be properly celebrated in modern Scotland". It certainly shuid cause it is important no juist for the kirks in Scotland but for Scotland itsell. It is important as pairt o oor cultural identity that we hae a force-fu wark sic as the Bible available in Scots an available tae listen tae syne mony fowk can fund written Scots no easy tae read. This is particlar the kinna step needit tae tak forrit the norrie o the importance o the Scots language in oor culture.

Coorse it'll natural like mean mair tae believers nor tae disbelievers but syne the Bible haes been gey influential tae Wastren culture, it is a richt valuable an relevant text.

Reglar readers o Scots Tung will ken that ma reviews is written in English an owersetten bi the Editor, Bob Fairnie. Like maist Scots, I wis educatit tae juist write in English sae it's the language I'm maist at hame wi yaisin whan writin formally. A nummer o year syne, BBC Radio Scotland haed a Scots language week an pairt o the program includit readins frae Lorimer's owersettins o the Gospels. They spake tae me in a wey that wis baith hert warmin an gey movin. I dinnae aye speak Scots, but I lairnt then hou muckle it speaks tae me. I'm shuir that listenin tae this wonderfu recordin will speak weel tae onybody wi a love o the Scots language.

The W L Lorimer Memorial Trust Fund wis estaiblisht in 1978. In 1983, The New Testament in Scots wis furthset in hardback. It is noo in its 5th prent rin in hardback an paperback.
Tom Fleming is an actor an director wi a kenspeckle career in theatre, wireless an television. Amang his mony pairts wis the first live performance on television o a body takin the pairt o Jesus o Nazareth.
The New Testament in Scots owerset bi William Laughton Lorimer read bi Tom Fleming.
Aw fower Gospels (12 CDs) £59.99 an nae p&p (Special offer tae 30 Juin 2008)
Ane Gospel (3CDs) £15.99 + £2.50 p&p.
Wild Goose Publications
Tel:- [CENSORED: phonenumber]
© Irene Broon

Migraasje - migration o wirds
THE review o Migraasje aboot the owersettin o Frisian poems intae Scots, that kythed in lest month's Scots Tung Wittins Nr. 175 for Juin, for some kinna raison got the contack particlars a wee bit wrang an this gart ane or twa cheques bein makit oot tae the wrang name. Scots Tung apologises for this. The richt particlars is as follaes:-

Migraasje - migration o wirds vairsions in Scots & Shetlandic frae Frisian editit bi Eleanor Livingstone, publisht bi Stravaigers.

ISBN 978-1-905939-15-2 price £3.50
Cheques/POs shuid be makit oot tae:-
Eleanor Livingstone at [CENSORED: postaladdress].

Heather Silverwood, a Scots Tung maimber frae Aiberdeen, haes lat it be kent that she is a fairly fluent Frisian speaker an that she wad be blithe tae dae ony owersettin frae Frisian that micht be wantin duin. She pynts oot an aw that there a Frisian - English dictionar that wis publisht in 2000 an she wis ane o the fower fowk that warkit on it.

Ony enquiries shuid be makit aither bi phone or bi e-mail tae the editor.

The Auld Anes
TWA three year syne, Ronnie Brown, the survivin hauf o the Corries, telt the story o hou he aince gied a visit tae an auld fowks' hame in East Lothian tae sing a puckle sangs for the auld anes. As he gaed throu the front door intae the reception ha, he seen an auld wifie sittin in an easy chyre facin him an giein him a smile as braid as the Firth o Forth sae he gaed ower tae her an speirt, "Hello ma dear. Dae you ken whae I am?"
The auld dearie reponed, "No A dinnae ken son but if ye ask Sister, she micht be able tae tell ye."

Makar's Neuk
The Lord's Prayer
Taen frae the New Testament in Scots

Our Faither in heiven,
hallowt be thy name;
thy Kíngdom come;
thy will be dune
on the yird, as in heiven.

Gíe us our breid for this incomin day;
forgíe us the wrangs we hae wrocht,
as we hae forgíen the wrangs we hae dree'd;
an sey-us-na sairlie, but sauf us
frae the Ill Ane.

William L. Lorimer

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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Scots Tung Wittins 176. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 25 January 2025, from

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"Scots Tung Wittins 176." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 25 January 2025.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Scots Tung Wittins 176," accessed 25 January 2025,

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Information about Document 1827

Scots Tung Wittins 176


Text audience

Audience size N/A

Text details

Method of composition N/A
Word count 2409
General description monthly newsletter

Text medium

Leaflet/brochure (prospectus)

Text publication details

Publisher Scots Tung
Publication year 2008
Part of a longer series of texts
Name of series Scots Tung Wittins

Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Other mixed text type


Author details

Author id 95
Forenames Robert
Surname Fairnie
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1930
Educational attainment College
Age left school 16
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Consultant Marine Structural Engineer (Retired)
Place of birth Musselburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Musselburgh
Region of residence Midlothian
Residence CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Fisherman
Father's place of birth Musselburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Fishwife
Mother's place of birth Musselburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes At work
German Yes Yes Yes Yes In Germany to communicate with two grandsons
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes Wherever Scots is understood
