Document 1354

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1996

Author(s): 920

Copyright holder(s): Name withheld


The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 24th September 1996

Present: Mrs A.[CENSORED: surname], President, in the Chair, Mr [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and Members.

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Dr L. [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A. [CENSORED: surname], Mrs J. [CENSORED: surname], Miss M. [CENSORED: surname], Miss S. [CENSORED: surname], Miss C. [CENSORED: surname], Miss A. [CENSORED: surname], Miss A. [CENSORED: surname].

2. Minutes of the Last A.G.M.

Mr [CENSORED: surname] stated that the sum of £470 000 was actually raised for the Appeal.

The Minutes of the A.G.M. held on Wednesday 27th September 1995 were then accepted and signed.

Proposed by Mrs K [CENSORED: surname].

Seconded by Mrs E. [CENSORED: surname].

3. Matters Arising

Revision of Constitution re Financial Year.

The proposal that, "The Financial Year shall run from 1st September to 31st August of the following year" was put to the meeting.

Proposed by Mrs M. [CENSORED: surname].

Seconded by Mrs A. [CENSORED: surname].

The alteration was passed unanimously.

4. The President's Report

The President's report was received.

5. The Secretary's Report

The Secretary's report was received.

6. The Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's was received.

The acceptance of the Accounts was proposed by Mrs M. [CENSORED: surname] and seconded by Mrs M. [CENSORED: surname].

7. The Election of the Auditor

Mrs Susan [CENSORED: surname] has agreed to continue in this position and was duly elected for the session 1996-97.

8. Principal's Report

The highlight of the 1995-96 session was the opening of the VI form Centre and Sports' Pavilion. The £470 000 plus total was raised from many small donations and Mr [CENSORED: surname] commended the generosity of individual FPs. The refurbishment of the Science Department has resulted in 8 modern laboratories. The Dining Hall has been redesigned and more children are taking school lunches. Mrs [CENSORED: surname]' splendid new office in Ravelston House will now also be the base for the Guild, its furniture and artifacts.

He reported that there are major concerns over the introduction of Higher Still. The possible loss of the Assisted Places Scheme will alter the social mix of the schools. The BSE scare caused the removal of beef from the menu on two occasions and is still continuing. School Security is being monitored, badges for staff and visitors have been introduced. Finally there is the difficulty of keeping the IT provision up to date.

Mr [CENSORED: surname] referred to a second successful performance of The Land Of Counterpane. In adddition there were some very good Hockey results and the girls had been involved in several overseas tours and exchanges. The Exam Results were extremely pleasing and on a par with the best ever achieved. Numbers of pupils are healthy with 2600 in the schools overall.

He concluded with an appreciation of Paul [CENSORED: surname] the Deputy Principal who retired in June. He congratulated Mrs Margaret [CENSORED: surname] who left Erskine House in good heart after a positive report from HM Inspectors.

The Principal welcomed the initiatives the Guild has made to include activities for younger members and mentioned ways in which the Guild's funds might be used to help individual girls.

9. Branch Clubs

Brief summaries of Club reports were presented by the Secretary. Full reports will be printed in the Newsletter.

10. Election of Junior President

The Junior Section President, Mrs Kirsty [CENSORED: surname] was proposed by Mrs S. [CENSORED: surname] and seconded by Miss M. [CENSORED: surname].

The President thanked Dr Lesley [CENSORED: surname] for her hard work and achievements as President of the Junior Section. The existing Office Bearers remain in their places for the 1996-97 year.

11. Election of Committee Members

Miss Catriona [CENSORED: surname] replaces Mrs Kirsty [CENSORED: surname] as School Staff Representative.

Dr Lesley [CENSORED: surname], Mrs Margaret [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs Susan [CENSORED: surname] leave the committee.

Miss Sally [CENSORED: surname], Mrs Alison [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs Seonaid [CENSORED: surname] were duly elected to serve on the committee, having been proposed by Mrs K. [CENSORED: surname] and seconded by Miss N. [CENSORED: surname].

The President then welcomed Claire [CENSORED: surname] and Lara [CENSORED: surname] who had volunteered to serve as School Pupil Representatives.

12. Date of the next A.G.M.

Thursday 2nd October 1997.

13. A.O.C.B.

Mr [CENSORED: surname] announced that the Memorial Service for the Dowager Countess of Mar and Kellie would take place on Saturday 28th September. She had laid the Foundation Stone for the Ravelston building and was Chair of the Pavilion Appeal. The President stated that she and the Vice-President would be attending on behalf of the Guild.

The Meeting closed at 8.25pm.

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1996. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1996." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Information about Document 1354

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1996


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Informed lay people
Audience size 1000+
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1996
Word count 714

Text medium

Other Circulated at committee meetings

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 920
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 17
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Retired primary teacher
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Edinburgh
Region of residence Midlothian
Residence CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Advocate's clerk
Father's place of birth Edinburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Post office clerk
Mother's place of birth Edinburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
