Document 1209
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 134/2001
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
Highlight word:
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section A : Daily Business List
Section B : Business Programme
Section D : Oral Questions selected for answer on 27 September 2001
Section E : Written questions lodged on 19 September 2001
Section F : Motions and Amendments
Section G : Bills: Notices and Amendments
Section H : New Documents
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section A : Daily Business List
Meeting of the Parliament
9.30 am Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate on Juvenile Justice-
S1M-2205 Bill Aitken: Juvenile Justice-That the Parliament recognises that the Children's Hearings system as at present constituted is manifestly failing to deal with criminal and offending behaviour and calls upon the Executive to carry out a full review of Scotland's system of juvenile justice, such a review to include consideration of giving Children's Hearings an increased range of disposals.
The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments
S1M-2205.2 Nicol Stephen: Juvenile Justice-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2205) in the name of Bill Aitken, leave out from "recognises" to end and insert "confirms its support for the principles of the hearings system in dealing with children who are at risk whether through offending or anti-social behaviour or are in need of care and protection; considers that the children's hearings system provides the best framework within which to identify the needs of vulnerable children and young people and to determine the most appropriate response; praises the commitment and skill of the volunteers who are appointed as members of Children's Panels and Children's Panel Advisory Committees; welcomes the consensus achieved by the Advisory Group on Youth Crime and confirms its support for the Group's recommendations for reducing and stopping youth crime; further welcomes the increased expenditure by the Executive on children's services and Youth Crime Review to support targeted services in local authorities; supports the Executive in its drive to reduce re-offending rates among children and young people, as set out in Working Together for Scotland, as this will benefit communities, victims and young people, and encourages local authorities, service providers and other partners to develop programmes and services which seek to address the offending behaviour and underlying contributory factors in the lives of young people who offend."
S1M-2205.1 Irene McGugan: Juvenile Justice-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2205) in the name of Bill Aitken, leave out from "as" to end and insert "has served society and Scotland's children and families very well and that it will continue to do so in the future, provided that adequate and effective resources are applied to the system to help young people who offend, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to bring forward without further delay the national strategy and framework arising from the youth crime review in order to set out national programmes for effectively working with young people to prevent crime, ensure that measures are in place to support those at risk of offending and recommend proven intervention strategies for offenders.
followed by Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate on Improving Patient Care-
S1M-2207 David McLetchie: Improving Patient Care-That the Parliament welcomes the opening of the new hospitals built thanks to the PFI programme initiated by the last Conservative governments but notes with grave concern that the delivery of health care in Scotland has fallen far short of the standards people expect, with local hospital services under threat and patients waiting longer for treatment and facing the prospect of being forced to go abroad to get the treatment they need in a reasonable time; calls upon the Scottish Executive to extend the principle of partnership with the independent sector to the delivery of health care and begin discussions with the independent sector with a view to signing a "concordat" in similar terms to that already established in England, and further calls upon the Executive to initiate a debate in Scotland about how to improve standards of health care to the levels of the best European countries without raising taxes to unacceptable levels and whilst ensuring that access to high quality care is guaranteed for all.
The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments
S1M-2207.2 Susan Deacon: Improving Patient Care-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2207) in the name of David McLetchie, leave out from "built" to end and insert ", notes the progress that has already been made across Scotland in improving services for patients and believes that continued implementation of Our National Health: a plan for action, a plan for change will deliver increasing benefits for patients, with the objective of high quality care for all."
S1M-2207.1 Shona Robison: Improving Patient Care-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2207) in the name of David McLetchie, leave out from "welcomes" to end and insert "notes that, as a result of successive government policies, Scotland has become the PFI capital of Europe and that PFI is the most expensive method of financing hospital building; further notes that the privatisation of domestic services in hospitals presided over by the last Conservative government has resulted in a deterioration of standards of cleanliness in hospitals and record levels of hospital-acquired infections; believes that further private involvement in the delivery of health services is not in the interests of patients, and is committed to rebuilding a public health service in Scotland that is capable of delivering the highest quality of care for all our citizens."
followed by Business Motion
S1M-2235 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Business Motion-That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business-
Wednesday 26 September 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Executive Debate on its Support for the Voluntary Sector
followed by Motion on the Publication of the Ombudsman for Scotland Annual Report 2000-2001
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-2221 Irene Oldfather: European Languages Day
Thursday 27 September 2001
9.30 am Scottish National Party Business
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Stage 1 Debate on the Police and Fire Services (Finance) (Scotland) Bill
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-2054 Margaret Smith: RCN Scotland's "Value Nurses" Campaign
Wednesday 3 October 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Executive Debate on a Forward Strategy for Agriculture
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-2118 Mrs Mary Mulligan: Oxfam
Thursday 4 October 2001
9.30 am Committee Business
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Executive Business
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-2098 Christine Grahame: Borders' Children with Special Education Needs
2.30 pm Question Time
1. Cathie Craigie: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions have taken place between it, Strathclyde Passenger Transport and ScotRail regarding the provision of parking at Croy Railway Station for travellers wishing to travel from Croy by train. (S1O-3784)
2. Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to fund increased numbers of uniformed police and police support personnel. (S1O-3786)
3. Mr Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Executive what it is doing to alleviate problems in the scallop industry. (S1O-3780)
4. Tommy Sheridan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether its review of cities will take into account the effects of the council tax system on low-paid and pensioner citizens of Glasgow. (S1O-3815)
5. Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is making in improving services for adults with autism. (S1O-3793)
6. Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive how many people in Scotland are currently registered on methadone programmes for drug users. (S1O-3790)
7. Mr Jamie Stone: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to improve the supply of health care professionals in rural areas. (S1O-3805)
8. Withdrawn
9. David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what role the Minister for Environment and Rural Development foresees for rural schools in relation to rural development. (S1O-3778)
10. Mr Andy Kerr: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken, in light of the Learn to Let Go project, to ensure that the public transport system meets the needs of women. (S1O-3806)
11. Dr Richard Simpson: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to improve health at work in line with the aims of Scotland's Health at Work Week. (S1O-3773)
12. Mr John McAllion: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions have been held with Her Majesty's Government regarding the impact of the Competition Act 1998 on the future structure of Scotland's water and sewerage industry. (S1O-3812)
13. Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will publish details on the progress being made by the ministerial group on women's offending, particularly in relation to the proposal to set up time out centres. (S1O-3809)
14. Margaret Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in its discussions with Her Majesty's Government on possible modifications to the role of enrolled dental therapists in the health service. (S1O-3791)
15. Elaine Thomson: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is making in tackling housebreaking. (S1O-3781)
16. Mr Murray Tosh: To ask the Scottish Executive what improvements it is seeking in reviewing compulsory purchase powers and what its position is in relation to proposals for the establishment of a centrally-funded agency to support authorities in the exercise of compulsory purchase powers. (S1O-3788)
17. Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has received regarding the cost of travel on the lifeline air services between the Scottish mainland and the Northern Isles. (S1O-3782)
18. Withdrawn.
19. Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive what further funding will be made available to local authorities to ensure that the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network guidelines on attention deficit and hyperkinetic disorders in children and young people are fully implemented. (S1O-3803)
20. Dr Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the date set by the Water Commissioner for the achievement of efficiency targets by the water authorities should be delayed pending the possible creation of a single water authority. (S1O-3777)
21. Alex Fergusson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to compensate farmers whose cattle went over 30 months of age during the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak and were consequently prevented from entering the food chain. (S1O-3785)
22. Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive to whom the Scottish Prison Service is accountable. (S1O-3792)
23. Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it will take in relation to any delays in seeing a consultant being experienced by hip replacement patients in Glasgow. (S1O-3789)
24. Iain Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive what recent representations it has received about strategic planning arrangements in Fife. (S1O-3798)
25. Withdrawn.
26. Alex Neil: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will review its contractual arrangements with Premier Prison Service with regard to the running of HM Prison Kilmarnock in light of HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland's Report for 2000-2001. (S1O-3811)
27. Nora Radcliffe: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to tackle abuse against health workers. (S1O-3814)
28. Mrs Mary Mulligan: To ask the Scottish Executive what resources are made available to assist community groups who are seeking to respond to planning applications. (S1O-3797)
29. Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will detail the research projects to be funded from the £1.9 million funding awarded to the Scottish Crop Research Institute on 10 September 2001. (S1O-3799)
30. Dr Sylvia Jackson: To ask the Scottish Executive what percentage of secondary schools exceeded their targets for attainment in school examinations in the most recent period for which information is available. (S1O-3808)
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
1. Michael Russell: To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Prime Minister and what issues he plans to discuss. (S1F-1243)
2. David McLetchie: To ask the First Minister whether he has any plans to reshuffle his Cabinet. (S1F-1245)
3. Shona Robison: To ask the First Minister what discussions have been undertaken with Her Majesty's Government regarding the recommendations of the Care Development Group. (S1F-1249)
4. Tommy Sheridan: To ask the First Minister whether the industrial action being taken by medical secretaries in Glasgow and the current ballots for industrial action taking place in the Lothians are related to pay and morale levels across the NHS in Scotland. (S1F-1255)
5. Janis Hughes: To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Executive will assist homeless people who also have mental health problems. (S1F-1252)
6. Nora Radcliffe: To ask the First Minister what health benefits will be derived from setting tougher standards for air pollution. (S1F-1247)
3.30 pm Executive Debate on Effective Assessment in Scotland's Schools-
S1M-2236 Mr Jack McConnell: Effective Assessment in Scotland's Schools-That the Parliament recognises the importance of effective assessment in schools as a means of improving learning and achievement and supports the Executive's plans to create a coherent system of assessment for Scotland; further recognises that the best way to achieve this is by (a) ensuring that the monitoring and reporting of pupils' progress is done in a consistent way throughout the school years; (b) supporting teachers to make sound judgements about pupils' learning and parents to be involved with their children's development; (c) improving national monitoring of achievement in key areas, and (d) bringing together diverse approaches to record-keeping and reporting in a single, integrated framework, and supports the Executive's plans to involve stakeholders in carrying forward these proposals and to introduce a simpler, more streamlined approach which is effective and easier for teachers, parents and pupils to understand.
The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments
S1M-2236.1 Michael Russell: Effective Assessment in Scotland's Schools-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2236) in the name of Mr Jack McConnell, insert at end ", whilst ensuring that the core activities of teaching and learning remain the priorities for our education system."
S1M-2236.2 Mr Brian Monteith: Effective Assessment in Schools-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2236) in the name of Mr Jack McConnell, insert at end "and considers that the Executive should strongly encourage all publicly funded schools to participate in the new assessment system."
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions-
S1M-2233 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Committee Membership-That the Parliament agrees that the following Members be appointed to Committees-
Donald Gorrie to replace Nora Radcliffe on the Justice 1 Committee,
John Farquhar Munro to replace George Lyon on the Rural Development Committee,
George Lyon to replace Tavish Scott on the Justice 2 Committee,
Nora Radcliffe to replace John Farquhar Munro on the Transport and the Environment Committee.
S1M-2232 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSIs-That the Parliament agrees that the following instruments be approved:
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.3) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/255); and
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/256); and
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/273); and
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No. 2) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/281); and
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic, Paralytic and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/282); and
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No. 3) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/284); and
the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No. 4) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/289); and
the draft International Criminal Court (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2001.
S1M-2231 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Lead Committees-That the Parliament agrees that the Local Government Committee is designated as Lead Committee in consideration of the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) (Scotland) Bill.
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business-
debate on the subject of-
S1M-2119 Paul Martin: Community Issues in Sighthill, Glasgow-That the Parliament deplores the recent racist attacks in Sighthill that have been carried out by a minority; recognises that the community in Sighthill welcomes asylum seekers and that they require support and resources to ensure successful community relations; welcomes Glasgow City Council's introduction of an emergency action plan which will take a corporate approach to tackling many of the estate management issues that face residents in Sighthill, and considers that the Executive should ensure that Scottish local authorities share examples of best practice and expertise in implementing the dispersal programme, take steps to ensure that local police levels are kept to the maximum level possible, consider what additional resources can be allocated to assist communities with integration and the delivery of local services and develop an action plan that would work towards ensuring that councils and communities are assisted and informed during the dispersal programme.
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section B : Business Programme
As agreed by the Parliament on 13 September 2001
Wednesday 26 September 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Executive Debate on its Support for the Voluntary Sector
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
followed by Motion on the Publication of the Ombudsman for Scotland Annual Report 2000-2001
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Thursday 27 September 2001
9.30 am Scottish National Party Business
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Stage 1 Debate on the Police and Fire Services (Finance) (Scotland) Bill
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-2054 Margaret Smith: RCN Scotland's "Value Nurses" Campaign (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 17 September 2001)
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section D : Oral Questions selected for answer on 27 September 2001
Question Time
1. Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to ensure that Scottish Transport Group pension scheme members receive the maximum benefit from the group's pension fund surplus. (S1O-3840)
2. Bruce Crawford: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress it is currently making in the establishment of the new single water authority. (S1O-3863)
3. Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive how many people are currently on NHS patient waiting lists. (S1O-3855)
4. Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive what its definition is of a completed telecommunications mast. (S1O-3837)
5. Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is planning more private prisons in the next three years. (S1O-3825)
6. Patricia Ferguson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to address the increase in the number of school exclusions following the transition from primary to secondary school. (S1O-3854)
7. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to allocate resources from the £17 million underspend in the Scottish Prison Service budget for 2000-01 to the phasing out of slopping out in prisons. (S1O-3823)
8. Cathy Jamieson: To ask the Scottish Executive what further steps it plans to take to ensure that all vulnerable people have access to central heating. (S1O-3824)
9. Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive how it compiled the information contained in the first Home Energy Conservation Act progress report to the Parliament. (S1O-3848)
10. Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has considered the report by Dr Andrew Walker into hospital-acquired infections and what action it proposes to take as a result. (S1O-3843)
11. Alex Johnstone: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it can take to assist Alpine Cold Stores Ltd. in upgrading the facilities at the former Christian Salvesen plant in Dundee in order to ensure that the plant meets EU Waste Water Regulation requirements. (S1O-3853)
12. Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in implementing flexible and family friendly policies for NHS staff. (S1O-3858)
13. Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to improve services for people suffering from lung diseases. (S1O-3833)
14. Ms Sandra White: To ask the Scottish Executive what its position is on the EC Regulations currently under consideration by the European Parliament on the award of public service contracts in passenger transport and what representations it has made or plans to make to the European Parliament regarding these regulations. (S1O-3832)
15. Karen Whitefield: To ask the Scottish Executive what financial support is available to local authorities who are seeking to use Public/Private Partnerships for school improvement projects. (S1O-3835)
16. Ms Margo MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps the NHS is taking to consult service users on the design and layout of patient facilities in new build hospitals. (S1O-3847)
17. Mr Keith Harding: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to increase the number of visually impaired people voting in local elections. (S1O-3826)
18. Tommy Sheridan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether Private Finance Initiative and Public/Private Partnership projects offer Best Value to Scotland's citizens. (S1O-3838)
19. Trish Godman: To ask the Scottish Executive how the welfare of children in families affected by alcohol abuse is being addressed following the publication of Getting our Priorities Right. (S1O-3822)
20. Irene Oldfather: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to improve clinical governance in the health service. (S1O-3844)
21. Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive how many cases of Waardenburg Syndrome have been identified in each of the last five years. (S1O-3834)
22. Karen Gillon: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in enabling initial teacher training to be undertaken by distance learning. (S1O-3818)
23. Dr Sylvia Jackson: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in improving educational provision for looked-after children. (S1O-3850)
24. Mr Mike Rumbles: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with NHS staff and their representatives regarding NHS pay modernisation and what progress has been made on this matter. (S1O-3861)
25. Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to improve the availability of dental treatment services in Grampian. (S1O-3839)
26. Hugh Henry: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to increase the accountability of its Inquiry Reporters Unit to the Parliament. (S1O-3841)
27. Mike Watson: To ask the Scottish Executive what financial support is currently available for repairs to, and replacement of, school buildings. (S1O-3856)
28. Fergus Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it supports the proposals for development of the Fort William waterfront. (S1O-3827)
29. Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to improve services on the east coast mainline. (S1O-3846)
30. Mr John McAllion: To ask the Scottish Executive what recent discussions it has had with local authority representatives in relation to the provision of care in the community. (S1O-3836)
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section E : Written questions lodged on 19 September 2001
S1W-18247 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what standard penalty clauses have been included in its Private Finance Initiative contracts and how many have been invoked since May 1999.
S1W-18248 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive how many Private Finance Initiative projects have been managed by it and the Scottish Office in each of the last 10 years; what its estimate is of the cost savings made in each project compared with the public sector alternative, and what outstanding payments will be made in relation to each project in each of the next 15 years.
S1W-18249 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) Private Finance Initiative and (b) Public/Private Partnership contracts have been agreed in each of the last five years; how many were satisfactorily completed, and in how many was compensation (i) claimed from and (ii) paid by contractors, detailing the reason, the amount and the project in each case.
S1W-18250 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will detail any financial penalties imposed on private sector firms in each of the last five years for failures to deliver in relation to key performance indicators in (a) Private Finance Initiative and (b) Public/Private Partnership projects.
S1W-18251 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Lanarkshire branch of Scottish Care has rescinded, or intends to rescind, its termination of its contract with North and South Lanarkshire Councils following the recent agreement reached between the Executive, Scottish Care and CoSLA on the funding of private care home places and, if it does not, how many residents in private care homes will need to find alternative accommodation.
S1W-18252 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will carry out an investigation into why the average cost of providing a local authority residential core place for older people and people with dementia in the South Lanarkshire council area in both 2000-01 and 2001-02 was, according to the South Lanarkshire Joint Community Care Plan 2001-04 Summary of Expenditure 2000-01 and Purchasing Intentions 2001-02, more than double that for an independent or voluntary sector residential care place.
S1W-18253 Mike Watson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it can now give the allocation of end-year flexibility by department.
S1W-18254 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive how many hospital patients categorised as delayed discharges are currently awaiting transfer to (a) local authority and (b) private residential or nursing homes and how many additional bed spaces will now be made available as a result of the recent agreement reached between it, Scottish Care and CoSLA on the funding of private care home places, broken down by health board area.
S1W-18255 George Lyon: To ask the Scottish Executive what assistance it is giving the people of Gigha in relation to a community buy out for the island.
S1W-18256 Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-15092 by Angus MacKay on 26 April 2001, whether its draft budget for 2002-03 is still based on the current rate of basic income tax.
S1W-18257 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-17277 by Ross Finnie on 24 August 2001, when decisions will be made on the 476 applications submitted this year under the Rural Stewardship Scheme.
S1W-18258 Elaine Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive how the members of the sounding board and academic panel established in connection with its review of cities were chosen.
S1W-18259 Elaine Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive what mechanisms were used to try to ensure gender balance on the sounding board and academic panel established in connection with its review of cities and what assessment it has made of the appropriateness of the mechanisms used in the light of the final membership of the board and panel.
S1W-18260 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in securing joined-up working on initiatives aimed at preventing children becoming involved in youth crime.
S1W-18261 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what real term increases in NHS spending and planned spending there were in each quarter from November 1998 to date.
S1W-18262 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what capital baseline for NHS investment was available to it in each quarter from November 1998 to date.
S1W-18263 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what its planned expenditure on NHS modernisation initiatives was in each quarter from November 1998 to date.
S1W-18264 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what the planned per capita spending in the NHS is for 2002-03 and 2003-04.
S1W-18265 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to speed treatment and shorten waiting times in the NHS particularly in the areas of heart disease, cancer and mental health.
S1W-18266 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to ensure equal pay for work of equal value in the NHS.
S1W-18267 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to reduce short-term contracts and promote family-friendly policies in the NHS.
S1W-18268 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions have been held with the Department of Trade and Industry on changes to Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment legislation as it effects the NHS in Scotland.
S1W-18269 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to develop the NHS as a learning organisation and to promote lifelong learning for all staff there.
S1W-18270 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to build career pathways and improve career development in the NHS.
S1W-18271 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what consultations have been held with the Department of Health in England on workforce planning in the NHS; what steps are being taken to ensure that patient and service needs are the main drivers of workforce planning and development in the NHS, and what work in this area is presently being undertaken by the Scottish Integrated Workforce Planning Group.
S1W-18272 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive which specialisms within general, medical and surgical practice and among nursing staff will be invited to participate in the Expert Group on acute services reviews.
S1W-18273 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what advice or guidance has been issued by the NHS to ensure that there is full community representation and participation in the options appraisal exercises being undertaken by health boards and NHS Trusts.
S1W-18274 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what work has been undertaken by the NHS on the merits or otherwise of locating day hospitals or ambulatory care and diagnostic centres in district general hospitals or regional centres.
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section F : Motions and Amendments
The full text of all outstanding motions and amendments will appear in the Business Bulletin every Monday.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.
Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members' business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)
*S1M-2237 Mr Adam Ingram: Mental Health Week 10 - 16 October 2001-That the Parliament supports the sentiments behind Mental Health Week, congratulates all the parents, carers, professionals and organisations who support and care for those affected by a mental illness, and believes that this kind of initiative is an effective tool in awareness campaigning and that it comes at an appropriate time coinciding with the review of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984.
Supported by: Mr Keith Raffan*
*S1M-2236.1 Michael Russell: Effective Assessment in Scotland's Schools-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2236) in the name of Mr Jack McConnell, insert at end ", whilst ensuring that the core activities of teaching and learning remain the priorities for our education system."
Supported by: Kay Ullrich*, Irene McGugan*, Michael Matheson*, Brian Adam*, Stewart Stevenson*
*S1M-2236.2 Mr Brian Monteith: Effective Assessment in Schools-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2236) in the name of Mr Jack McConnell, insert at end "and considers that the Executive should strongly encourage all publicly funded schools to participate in the new assessment system."
S1M-2234 Terrorist Attacks in United States of America and Response of US Government (lodged on 18 September 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2226# The Edinburgh Military Tattoo and its Contribution to Scottish Culture and Tourism (lodged on 18 September 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2224# Religious Minorities in Scotland (lodged on 17 September 2001) Margaret Smith*, Mary Scanlon*, Alex Fergusson*, Mr Murray Tosh*, Robin Harper*, Phil Gallie*, Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2223 Rural Fuel Poverty (lodged on 17 September 2001) Tavish Scott*, Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2221# European Day of Languages (lodged on 14 September 2001) Tavish Scott*, Irene McGugan*, Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2220 Fife Prostate Cancer Support Group's Awareness Week (lodged on 14 September 2001) Mary Scanlon*, Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2219 Eco-friendly Dunino Primary School, Fife (lodged on 14 September 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2218 New Lanark (lodged on 13 September 2001) Irene McGugan*
S1M-2216 Rangers Football Club and UEFA (lodged on 13 September 2001) Hugh Henry*
S1M-2211 Strip 4 Shelter, Friday 14 September 2001 (lodged on 12 September 2001) Tavish Scott*
S1M-2210# Return to practice courses for nurses (lodged on 12 September 2001) Irene McGugan*
*S1M-2207.1 Shona Robison: Improving Patient Care-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2207) in the name of David McLetchie, leave out from "welcomes" to end and insert "notes that, as a result of successive government policies, Scotland has become the PFI capital of Europe and that PFI is the most expensive method of financing hospital building; further notes that the privatisation of domestic services in hospitals presided over by the last Conservative government has resulted in a deterioration of standards of cleanliness in hospitals and record levels of hospital-acquired infections; believes that further private involvement in the delivery of health services is not in the interests of patients, and is committed to rebuilding a public health service in Scotland that is capable of delivering the highest quality of care for all our citizens."
Supported by: Kay Ullrich*, Colin Campbell*, Brian Adam*, Michael Russell*, Nicola Sturgeon*
*S1M-2207.2 Susan Deacon: Improving Patient Care-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2207) in the name of David McLetchie, leave out from "built" to end and insert ", notes the progress that has already been made across Scotland in improving services for patients and believes that continued implementation of Our National Health: a plan for action, a plan for change will deliver increasing benefits for patients, with the objective of high quality care for all."
Supported by: Malcolm Chisholm*
*S1M-2205.2 Nicol Stephen: Juvenile Justice-As an amendment to motion (S1M-2205) in the name of Bill Aitken, leave out from "recognises" to end and insert "confirms its support for the principles of the hearings system in dealing with children who are at risk whether through offending or anti-social behaviour or are in need of care and protection; considers that the children's hearings system provides the best framework within which to identify the needs of vulnerable children and young people and to determine the most appropriate response; praises the commitment and skill of the volunteers who are appointed as members of Children's Panels and Children's Panel Advisory Committees; welcomes the consensus achieved by the Advisory Group on Youth Crime and confirms its support for the Group's recommendations for reducing and stopping youth crime; further welcomes the increased expenditure by the Executive on children's services and Youth Crime Review to support targeted services in local authorities; supports the Executive in its drive to reduce re-offending rates among children and young people, as set out in Working Together for Scotland, as this will benefit communities, victims and young people, and encourages local authorities, service providers and other partners to develop programmes and services which seek to address the offending behaviour and underlying contributory factors in the lives of young people who offend."
Supported by: Mr Jack McConnell*
S1M-2198# The sale of the Isle of Gigha (lodged on 11 September 2001) Mary Scanlon*, Stewart Stevenson*, Irene McGugan*, Mr Kenny MacAskill*
S1M-2197 Parthenon Marbles (lodged on 10 September 2001) Irene McGugan*, Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2187# World Alzheimer's Day (lodged on 7 September 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2182 Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill (lodged on 6 September 2001) Tavish Scott*
S1M-2176 Future of Glasgow Underground (lodged on 5 September 2001) Hugh Henry*
S1M-2158# Highlands and Islands Lifeline Air Links (lodged on 4 September 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2148 Scottish Examination System (lodged on 31 August 2001) Tavish Scott*, Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2145 Community Policing in Fife (lodged on 31 August 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2126 Scottish Ballet (lodged on 23 August 2001) John Scott*
S1M-2125 Doors Open Day (lodged on 23 August 2001) Tavish Scott*
S1M-2108 Number of MSPs (lodged on 13 August 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2106# Arbuthnott Formula and Funding of Grampian Health Board (lodged on 9 August 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2078 Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill (lodged on 19 July 2001) Marilyn Livingstone*
S1M-2055 Byre Theatre (lodged on 27 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2054# RCN Scotland's "Value Nurses" Campaign (lodged on 27 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2037 Frozen Money (lodged on 21 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2035 PHACE West Youth Works Project (lodged on 21 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2018# National Refugee Week (lodged on 18 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2017 National Kidney Research Fund 40th Anniversary (lodged on 15 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2016 National Transplant Week (lodged on 15 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2013 Soweto Day (lodged on 14 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-2010 The Scottish Working People's History Society (lodged on 13 June 2001) Hugh Henry*
S1M-2009 The Scottish Labour History Society (lodged on 13 June 2001) Hugh Henry*
S1M-1998# Forth & Clyde Canal (lodged on 6 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-1987# Scottish Civic Trust and Buildings at Risk (lodged on 1 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-1986 Action on International Debt (lodged on 1 June 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
S1M-1985 Parliament Railway Station (lodged on 31 May 2001) Mr Keith Raffan*
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section G: Bills: Notices and Amendments
Proposals for Members' Bills
Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters' names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member's Bill to give effect to that proposal under rule 9.14.
Michael Russell: Proposed Secure Status for Gaelic Bill-Proposal for a Bill to establish the principle of equal validity for Gaelic and English in Scotland and to require public bodies and others including local authorities to publish and implement plans to use and encourage the use of Gaelic. (lodged 29 August 2001)
Supported by: John Farquhar Munro, Alex Neil, Irene McGugan, Brian Adam, Lloyd Quinan, Adam Ingram, Gil Paterson, Bruce Crawford, Fiona McLeod, Sandra White, Colin Campbell, Dennis Canavan, George Reid*
Bruce Crawford: Proposed Litter (Scotland) Bill-Proposal for a Bill in relation to littering, covering the land affected, the requirements on and the enforcement powers of local authorities, including in relation to occupiers and owners of land. (lodged 4 September 2001)
Supported by: Fiona Hyslop, Roseanna Cunningham, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Andrew Welsh, Robin Harper, Tommy Sheridan, Brian Adam, Linda Fabiani, Nicola Sturgeon, Christine Grahame, Mr Jamie Stone, Andrew Wilson, Donald Gorrie, Alex Neil, Adam Ingram, Dennis Canavan, Robert Brown, Fiona McLeod*
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section H : New Documents
Subordinate Legislation
Affirmative Instruments
The following instruments were laid before the Parliament on 19 September 2001 for approval by resolution-
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.6) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/316)-
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/317)-
laid under section 1(8) of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
Committee Reports
The following Report is being published on 20 September 2001
Rural Development Committee, 11th Report 2001: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 390)
European Documents
Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerks to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by the SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request.
Business Bulletin No. 134/2001
Thursday 20 September 2001
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business
For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)
Bills in Progress
International Criminal Court (Scotland) Bill
Passed 13 September
Police and Fire Services (Finance) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 Report to be published 21 September
Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2 completed (Justice 2 Committee) 19 September
Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 completed 19 September
Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) (Scotland) Bill
Introduced 3 September
Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Justice 2 Committee) 26 September
Subordinate legislation in progress
(date of laying) (Lead Committee)
Affirmative Instruments
The draft International Criminal Court (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2001 (21 June 2001) (Justice 2)
The Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) (Scotland) Scheme 2001 (28 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The draft Criminal Legal Aid (Scotland) (Prescribed Proceedings) Amendment Regulations 2001 (28 June 2001) (Justice 1)
The draft Advice and Assistance (Assistance by Way of Representation) (Scotland) Amendment (No.3) Regulations 2001 (28 June 2001) (Justice 1)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.3) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI/2001/255) (4 July 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI/2001/256) (4 July 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/273) (27 July 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/281) (7 August 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic, Paralytic and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/282) (7 August 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.3) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/284) (13 August 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.4) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/289) (27 August 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Special Grant Report (No.4) and Guidance for Local Authorities: The Domestic Water and Sewerage Charges (Reduction) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SE/2001/132) (31 August 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.5) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/295) (3 September 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.6) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/316) (19 September 2001)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/317) (19 September 2001)
Negative Instruments
Subject to annulment until 21 September 2001
The BSE Monitoring (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/231) (13 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 26 September 2001
The Adoption of Children from Overseas (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/236) (18 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
Subject to annulment until 27 September 2001
The Water Supply (Water Quality) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/238) (19 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 29 September 2001
The Protection of Wrecks (Designation) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/242) (21 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Import and Export Restriction (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.2) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/243) (21 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 3 October 2001
The Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/245) (25 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 5 October 2001
The Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/248) (27 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 6 October 2001
The Plant Health (Great Britain) Amendment (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/249) (28 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Beef Labelling (Enforcement) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/252) (28 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Sea Fish (Specified Sea Areas) (Regulation of Nets and Other Fishing Gear) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/250) (28 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 7 October 2001
The Child Minding and Day Care (Registration and Inspection Fees) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/214) (29 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Nursing Homes Registration (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/215) (29 June 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Nurses Agencies (Increase of Licence Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/216) (29 June 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/251) (29 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 22 October 2001
The Products of Animal Origin (Import and Export) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/257) (4 July 2001) (Rural Development)
The Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Control of Vaccination) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/261) (11 July 2001) (Rural Development)
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/266) (20 July 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
The Home Energy Efficiency Scheme Amendment Order (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/267) (25 July 2001) (Social Justice)
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.2) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/271) (26 July 2001) (Rural Development)
The Processed Animal Protein (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/276) (31 July 2001) (Rural Development)
The Specified Risk Material Amendment (No.3) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/288) (16 August 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Teachers' Superannuation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/291) (29 August 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Teachers' Superannuation (Additional Voluntary Contributions) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/292) (29 August 2001 (Education, Culture and Sport)
Subject to annulment until 27 October 2001
The Right to Time Off for Study or Training (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/298) (6 September 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
Subject to annulment until 28 October 2001
The Rural Stewardship Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/300) (7 September 2001) (Rural Development)
The National Health Service Trusts (Membership and Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/301) (7 September 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Health Boards (Membership and Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/302) (7 September 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 31 October 2001
The Scottish Social Services Council (Appointments, Procedure and Access to the Register) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/303) (10 September 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 2 November 2001
The Criminal Legal Aid (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/306) (12 September 2001)
The Criminal Legal Aid (Fixed Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/307) (12 September 2001)
Subject to approval by resolution by 2 November 2001
The draft Holyrood Park Amendment Regulations 2001 (12 September 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
Subject to approval by resolution by 3 November 2001
The Fireman's Pension Scheme (Pension Sharing on Divorce) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/310) (13 September 2001)
The Education (Student Loans) (Scotland) Regulations 2000 Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/311) (13 September 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
Subject to approval by resolution by 4 November 2001
The Parole Board (Scotland) Rules 2001 (SSI 2001/315) (14 September 2001)
Committee Business
Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place on the relevant subject.
Audit 2 October
Education, Culture and Sport 25 September
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 3 October
Equal Opportunities 2 October
European 25 September
Finance 25 September
Health and Community Care 26 September
Justice 1 25 September
Justice 2 26 September
Local Government 25 September
Procedures 2 October
Public Petitions 2 October
Rural Development 2 October
Social Justice 3 October
Standards 26 September
Subordinate Legislation 25 September
Transport and Environment 26 September
[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]
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