Document 1223

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 170/2002

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.


Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002


Section B : Business Programme
Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings
Section E : Written questions lodged on day date
Section F : Motions and Amendments
Section G : Bills: Notices and Amendments
Section H : New Documents
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002


Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill

Amendments for Stage 2 of the Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill may now be lodged with the clerks to the Justice 1 Committee, Alison Taylor (Room 3.9, Committee Chambers, extn. 85195), Claire Menzies Smith (Room 3.11, extn. 85320) or Jenny Goldsmith (Room 3.11, extn. 85227). The clerks should be consulted about the wording and admissibility of amendments.

The last day on which amendments may be lodged is two days before the Stage (or each day of proceedings at the Stage). Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last day when amendments may be lodged for each day of proceedings at the Stage, when the deadline is 2.00 pm (Rule 9.10.2). Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of the Stage, and as early as possible during the day.

It is expected that the first day of Stage 2 proceedings will be on Tuesday 10 December and therefore that the deadline for lodging amendments for the 1st Marshalled List will be 2.00 pm on Friday 6 December.

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section B : Business Programme

As agreed by the Parliament on 21 November 2002

Wednesday 27 November 2002

2:30 pm Time for Reflection - Reverend Jim Jones, Chairman of the Scottish Methodist Synod

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee Debate on its 9th Report 2002 on Lifelong Learning

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-3565 John Swinney: A9 - Perth to Inverness (for text of motion see S1M-3565 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 18 November 2002)

Thursday 28 November 2002

The Clerk has been advised of the topics of the following Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party business.

9:30 am Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate on Education

followed by Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate on Drugs Courts

followed by Executive Debate on Waste and Emissions Trading Bill - UK Legislation

followed by Business Motion

2:30 pm Question Time (for text of questions see Section D of Business Bulletin for Thursday 21 November 2002)

3:10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3:30 pm Executive Debate on Domestic Abuse

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-3580 Bill Aitken: Glasgow Acute Health Services Review (for text of motion see S1M-3580 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 18 November 2002)

Wednesday 4 December 2002

2:30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Finance Committee Debate on its 5th Report 2002 on PPP/PFI

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Thursday 5 December 2002

9:30 am Stage 1 Debate on Building (Scotland) Bill

followed by Financial Resolution in respect of Building (Scotland) Bill

followed by Executive Business

followed by Business Motion

2:30 pm Question Time

3:10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3:30 pm Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings

Procedures Committee

26 November 2002

16th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 9.00 am in Committee Room 2

1. Consultative Steering Group Inquiry: The Committee will complete its consideration of an issues paper on 'Accountability', and consider an issues paper on 'Power Sharing'.

At 09.30

2. Audit Committee remit: The Committee will hear from Andrew Welsh MSP, Convener of the Audit Committee, and consider an issues paper.

3. Consultative Steering Group Inquiry (resumed).

Justice 2 Committee

26 November 2002

44th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 9.45 am in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh

1. Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence from Dr Richard Simpson MSP, Deputy Minister for Justice, on section 61 of the Bill.

2. Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 4).

Equal Opportunities Committee

26 November 2002

18th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1

1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 3 and 4 in private.

2. Reporters: The Committee will hear from its Reporters.

3. Local Government in Scotland Bill: The Committee will consider its approach to the Bill at Stage 3.

4. Taking Stock - Sexual Orientation: The Committee will consider a draft report.

Subordinate Legislation Committee

26 November 2002

33rd Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 11.15 am in Committee Room 3

1. Delegated powers scrutiny: The Committee will consider the response from the Member in charge of the Bill to points raised on the following Bill-

Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1.

2. Delegated powers scrutiny: The Committee will consider the response from the Scottish Executive to points raised on the following Bill-

Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1.

3. Delegated powers scrutiny: The Committee will consider the delegated powers provisions in the following Bill-

Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1.

4. Executive responses: The Committee will consider the responses from the Executive to points raised on the following-

The Scottish Local Government Elections Regulations 2002, (draft)

The Cairngorms National Park Elections (Scotland) Order 2003, (draft)

The Plastic Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/498)

The Taxi Drivers' Licences (Carrying of Guide Dogs and Hearing Dogs) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/500).

5. Instruments subject to approval: The Committee will consider the following-

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.15) (Scotland) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/511).

6. Instruments not subject to Parliamentary control: The Committee will consider the following-

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.10) (Scotland) Revocation Order 2002, (SSI 2002/510).

7. Instruments not laid before the Parliament: The Committee will consider the following-

The Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002 (Commencement) (Scotland) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/512).

Justice 1 Committee

26 November 2002

40th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 1.30 pm in the Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh

1. Inquiry into alternatives to custody (in private): The Committee will discuss lines of questioning for the witnesses.

2. Prostitution Tolerance Zones (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will discuss lines of questioning for the witnesses.

3. Convener's report: The Committee will consider the Convener's report.

4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following statutory instruments-

the Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/494),

the Advice and Assistance (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/495) and

the Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/496).

5. Inquiry into alternatives to custody: The Committee will consider a paper from the adviser on community sanctions in Europe.

6. Inquiry into alternatives to custody: The Committee will take evidence from-

Colin Mackenzie, Convener and Chris Hawkes, Member, Criminal Justice Standing Committee, Association of Directors of Social Work (ADSW), and

Colin Quinn.

7. Prostitution Tolerance Zones (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence from-

Inspector Elizabeth McLean, Strathclyde Police, and Deputy Chief Constable Tom Wood, Lothians and Borders Police and

Morag McLaughlin, Head of Policy, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

Audit Committee

26 November 2002

16th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Debating Chamber, Assembly Hall, the Mound, Edinburgh.

1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda items 2, 5, 6 and 7 in private.

2. Lines of questioning: The Committee will consider lines of questioning to be put to the witnesses at agenda items 3 and 4.

3. Measuring Up: A Follow Up Report on Performance Measurement in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency: The Committee will take from:

Mr Ken Collins, Chairman, Scottish Environment Protection Agency;

Mr John Ford, Director of Finance and Corporate Support, Scottish Environment Protection Agency;

Mr Willie Halcrow, Director of Operations, Scottish Environment Protection Agency;

Mr Campbell Gemmell; Director of Strategic Planning, Scottish Environment Protection Agency;

Mr John Graham, Head of Department, Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department;

Mr David Rogers, Head of SEPA Sponsorship and Waste Unit Division, Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department;

Mr Don McGillivray, Head of SEPA Team, SEPA Sponsorship and Waste Unit Division, Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department;

on the report by the Auditor General for Scotland entitled 'Measuring Up: A Follow Up Report on Performance Measurement in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency' (AGS/2002/5).

4. How Government Works in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence from :

Dr Peter Collings, Principal Finance Officer, Scottish Executive;

on the report by the Auditor General for Scotland entitled 'How Government Works in Scotland' (AGS/2002/6).

5. Measuring Up: A Follow Up Report on Performance Measures in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency: The Committee will consider the evidence taken at agenda item 3.

6. How Government Works in Scotland: The Committee will consider the evidence taken at agenda item 4.

7. Committee work programme: The Committee will consider its work programme for the period up to the dissolution of the Parliament in March 2003 for the forthcoming General Election.

Education, Culture and Sport Committee

26 November 2002

30th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 1

1. Review of Sport 21: The Committee will take evidence on the Review of Sport 21 from-

Alastair Dempsey, Chairman, sportscotland

Ian Robson, Chief Executive, sportscotland

Lee Cousins, Head of Policy, sportscotland.

2. Scotland's museums: The Committee will consider a paper from its reporters.

3. Scotland's languages: The Committee will consider a report from its reporter.

4. Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider its approach and a timetable for consideration of Stage 1 of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill.

5. Scottish Media Group: The Committee will be updated on the proposed sale of newspapers owned by the Scottish Media Group.

6. Proposed Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will discuss publicity for the launch of the proposed Bill.

Local Government Committee

26 November 2002

30th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 2

1. Item in private: The Committee will consider whether to take item 4 in private.

2. Local Government in Scotland Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (day 4).

3. Proportional Representation (Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the general principles of the Bill at Stage 1 from-

Peter Peacock, MSP, Deputy Minister for Finance and Public Services;

Sarah Morrell, Head of Branch, Local Government Constitution and Governance Division;

Gillian Russell, Office of the Solicitor, Scottish Executive;

Professor Bill Miller, "Edward Caird" Professor of Politics, University of Glasgow;

Tricia Marwick, MSP;

Alyn Smith, Parliamentary Researcher to Richard Lochhead, MSP.

4. Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft Stage 1 report.

Rural Development Committee

26 November 2002

30th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 3

1. Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider a draft stage 1 report.

2. Inquiry into Integrated Rural Development (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee

27 November 2002

30th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 4

1. Inquiry into Tourism (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section E : Written questions lodged on 21 November 2002

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Executive in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

S1W-31814 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive whether airlines seeking to develop international routes are eligible for regional selective assistance.

S1W-31815 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive which airports are located in areas covered by regional selective assistance.

S1W-31816 David McLetchie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30944 by Lewis Macdonald on 13 November 2002, when the proposals for the Colinton flood prevention scheme were first referred to it by the City of Edinburgh Council; how many persons have objected to these proposals, and how many exchanges of correspondence there have been to date between it and objectors.

S1W-31817 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30870 by Mr Andy Kerr on 15 September 2002, how much specific business has been generated by its Property Pages website expressed in (a) value and (b) volume.

S1W-31818 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive how much it cost to develop the Older People's website and how much has been budgeted to maintain the website inclusive of VAT.

S1W-31819 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive how many hits the Older People's website has had in (a) total and (b) each month since its inception and how these figures compare to pre-launch projections.

S1W-31820 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will respond to Scottish Environmental LINK's document Seas Fit for Scotland, launched on 6 November 2002, and whether there are any plans to take forward any of the document's proposals.

S1W-31821 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what monitoring and assessment took place in relation to the closure of fishing grounds last year as part of the cod recovery plan and what the results of such monitoring and assessment were.

S1W-31822 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what role it would play in responding to any incident in Scottish waters similar to the sinking of the oil tanker Prestige off the Spanish coast and whether it will give details of procedures that are in place to deal with any such incident.

S1W-31823 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will respond to correspondence on the use of Coagucheck strips sent on 1 July and 18 September 2002 to the Minister for Health and Community Care.

S1W-31824 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what proposals it has for modernising the law on admissibility of previous convictions and other misconduct in criminal cases so that juries may consider them, where held relevant, when reaching a verdict.

S1W-31825 Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29959 by Allan Wilson on 9 October 2002, whether there will be an announcement in November 2002 about progress in the preparation of data by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in relation to the web-based pollution emissions inventory.

S1W-31826 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what protection exists for goods that belong to third parties on premises that are affected by a sequestration for rent and the consequent exercise of the landlord's hypotech.

S1W-31827 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive when HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary will next undertake a full, partial or regular visit to, or inspection of, the Scottish Criminal Records Office.

S1W-31828 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive when HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary will next publish an interim or full report on issues arising from any visit to, or inspection of, the Scottish Criminal Records Office.

S1W-31829 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Scottish Criminal Records Office fingerprint experts involved in the Shirley McKie case have since their re-instatement given evidence under oath at any criminal trial and, if so, on how many occasions and in which courts.

S1W-31830 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive how many identifications of fingerprints for use as court productions have been undertaken by the Scottish Criminal Records Office fingerprint experts that gave evidence in the Shirley McKie case since their re-instatement.

S1W-31831 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive what action has been taken to increase the quality and variety of homes in the most disadvantaged areas of the Renfrewshire Council area since 1997.

S1W-31832 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive what action has been taken to increase the number of people across the Renfrewshire Council area who take part in voluntary activities since 1997.

S1W-31833 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to accelerate the number of households in disadvantaged areas of the Renfrewshire Council area with access to the internet.

S1W-31834 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive how much of the £250 million for free personal and nursing care was allocated to Renfrewshire Council.

S1W-31835 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive how much of the £17.1 million allocated for mental health services will be given to Argyll and Clyde NHS Board and what instructions the Executive has issued about the use of such funds.

S1W-31836 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive how much of the £100 million over four years in the Health Improvement Fund will be allocated to Argyll and Clyde NHS Board and on what projects any such funds will be used.

S1W-31837 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive how much the Scottish Further Education Funding Council allocated to the (a) Reid Kerr Further Education College and (b) University of Paisley in each year since 1996.

S1W-31838 Ms Wendy Alexander: To ask the Scottish Executive how much of the £108 million over three years for higher education has been, or will be, given to the Renfrewshire Council area and how the University of Paisley will use any such funds.

S1W-31839 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will publish its report on the progress of the national strategy to address domestic abuse.

S1W-31840 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-31210 by Mr Jim Wallace on 14 November 2002, whether it is currently reviewing the legislation on combating abuse of children on the internet.

S1W-31841 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29188 by Dr Richard Simpson on 30 October 2002, what its estimate is of the extent of drug-assisted sexual assault.

S1W-31842 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any monitoring or evaluation is to be carried out on the implementation of the Sexual Offences (Procedures and Evidence) (Scotland) Act 2002.

S1W-31843 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are any plans to broaden the range of offences that will trigger registration on the sex offenders register.

S1W-31844 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive what effect the Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill will have on voluntary organisations.

S1W-31845 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will accept the recommendation of the Justice 1 Committee regarding the Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill that all evidence must be corroborated before someone can be included on the list of those unsuitable to work with children and, if so, how such a recommendation will affect the original intention of the Bill.

S1W-31846 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether voluntary organisations that are involved in working with children are under any legal obligation to carry out Scottish Criminal Record Office checks.

S1W-31847 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will ensure that travellers are provided with concise information on the Scottish Inter-collegiate Guidelines Network guideline 62, Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism.

S1W-31848 Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in providing every primary and secondary school with a broadband internet connection.

S1W-31849 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to send any representatives to the meeting of the EU Maritime Transport Council on 6 December 2002.

S1W-31850 Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive why the number of section 18 episodes under the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 has increased by 5% over the last year.

S1W-31851 Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive what research it is undertaking, or intends to undertake, into the increase in the number of section 18 episodes under the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984.

S1W-31852 Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive how many nurse consultant posts have been created since the announcement on the nursing recruitment and retention action plan by the Minister for Health and Community Care on 7 December 2001.

S1W-31853 Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive how many of the 18 new nurse consultant posts referred to in the announcement on the nursing recruitment and retention action plan by the Minister for Health and Community Care on 7 December 2001 have been created.

S1W-31854 Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive what the timescale is for the creation of the 18 new nurse consultant posts referred to in the announcement on the nursing recruitment and retention action plan by the Minister for Health and Community Care on 7 December 2001.

S1W-31855 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30941 by Malcolm Chisholm on 6 November 2002, what facilities the cardiac response unit has that the ambulances described as having a thrombolytic capability do not have.

S1W-31856 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive how many of the accident and emergency ambulances operating within Angus have a thrombolytic capability.

S1W-31857 Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answers to questions S1W-29496 and S1W-29959 by Allan Wilson on 25 September and 9 October 2002, how much has been allocated to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency specifically to improve public access to pollution data through a web-based pollution emissions inventory.

S1W-31858 Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive how much money has been allocated to (a) the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and (b) any other organisations in relation to the Good Neighbour Agreement between Dundee City Council, Dundee Energy Recycling Limited, Friends of the Earth Scotland and local community groups in Dundee.

S1W-31859 Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive what assessment has been made of the Good Neighbour Agreement between Dundee City Council, Dundee Energy Recycling Limited, Friends of the Earth Scotland and local community groups in Dundee.

S1W-31860 Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive what guidance has been issued to local authorities in relation to the power to make payments under section 13 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968.

S1W-31861 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30906 by Mr Andy Kerr on 21 November 2002, whether the research on the effectiveness of the Learn to Let Go campaign (Bib number 25242) was sent to the Scottish Parliament Information Centre in sufficient time to be available there on 21 November 2002.

S1W-31862 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answers to questions S1W-30864 and S1W-30870 by Cathy Jamieson and Mr Andy Kerr on 15 November 2002, whether the statistics on hits to the National Debate on Education website in the answer to question S1W-30864 show the number of (a) hits to the entire site (successful), (b) page impressions or (c) visits (user sessions).

S1W-31863 Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answers to questions S1W-30879 and S1W-30880 by Malcolm Chisholm on 18 November 2002, what action has been taken to put in place the tumour-specific multi-disciplinary managed clinical networks for neuro-oncology.

S1W-31864 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive what the cost of developing the One Scotland. Many Cultures website was and how much has been budgeted for the maintenance of the site, inclusive of VAT in each case.

S1W-31865 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30863 by Lewis Macdonald on 19 November 2002 giving statistics on the number of page impressions viewed on the Learn to Let Go website, how many single visits the website had over the same period.

S1W-31866 Tommy Sheridan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-31153 by Malcolm Chisholm on 12 November 2002, what the current monetary value is of the nursing and midwifery student bursary; whether this bursary level adequately provides for the living costs of nursing and midwifery students that receive the bursary; how many such students have received the bursary in each of the last three years; how many such students are currently receiving the bursary, and how much would it cost annually, based on current information, to replace the bursary with a salary system providing (a) £10,000 and (b) £15,000 per year.

S1W-31867 Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has received about the "Child Rescue Alert" scheme, introduced by Sussex Police, which aims to apprehend those suspected of abducting children.

S1W-31868 Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make contact with the authorities behind the "Child Rescue Alert" scheme in Sussex and whether it will consider any evidence of "Amber Alert" schemes saving children's lives in the USA.

S1W-31869 Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will investigate introducing a scheme similar to the "Child Rescue Alert" scheme, introduced by Sussex Police, working with the broadcast media and using electronic road signs.

S1W-31870 Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will investigate ways of overcoming any legal or technical problems in the way of introducing a scheme similar to the "Child Rescue Alert" scheme introduced by Sussex Police.

S1W-31871 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-29536 by Lewis Macdonald on 2 October 2002, what the procedures are that Scottish Ministers must follow under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 in considering objections to the draft orders regarding the A90 improvement and what the timetable for such consideration is.

S1W-31872 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive on how many sites in Scotland the bog bush-cricket has been recorded; where these sites are located, and what policies are in place, in both national or local biodiversity action plans, to secure its conservation.

S1W-31873 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any sites on which bog bush-crickets have been recorded have been designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest or receive protection under any other national or international legislation and, if no such sites have been designated, what directions or guidance it has provided to Scottish Natural Heritage in relation to site protection measures for this species and other rare invertebrate fauna.

S1W-31874 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive what its policies are for the protection of rare invertebrate fauna, particularly in relation to development proposals likely to lead to national or local extinction of a species.

S1W-31875 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive what procedures it will use to determine the planning application to allow and extend the waste disposal facility and to construct a leachate treatment plant at Acheninnes landfill site, Dalbeattie, and how it will receive and consider representations concerning Scottish Natural Heritage's proposed conditions to conserve the bog bush-cricket at that location.

S1W-31876 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the legal agreement proposed by Scottish Natural Heritage to protect the population of bog bush-crickets at Acheninnes landfill site, Dalbeattie, will be subject to public consultation before it is entered into and whether such an agreement requires the Executive's approval.

S1W-31877 Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive what procedures it, or Scottish Natural Heritage, will adopt to determine the likely effectiveness of the legal agreement proposed by Scottish Natural Heritage to protect the population of bog bush-crickets at Acheninnes landfill site, Dalbeattie; how the results of any public consultation on the agreement will be considered, and whether a public inquiry is the most appropriate mechanism for such consideration.

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section F : Motions and Amendments

A full list of outstanding motions is available to view each Monday in paper copy at the Chamber Desk or alternatively on the Scottish Parliament web site as Outstanding Motions. Each Monday the full text of all motions lodged the previous week will appear in the Business Bulletin together with motions previously lodged that are due to be debated that week.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.

Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members' business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)

*S1M-3624 Mary Scanlon: Anticoagulation Medication Strips on Prescription-That the Parliament notes that Scotland has a significant and growing number of patients who require oral anticoagulation medication to avoid potentially fatal bleeding or clotting; recognises that diagnostic technology enables these patients to self-monitor their blood-clotting times in order to determine the correct dose of anticoagulation medication, at considerable saving to the NHS and convenience to the patient; notes that anticoagulation monitoring strips are available on prescription in England, Wales and Northern Ireland but not yet in Scotland, and calls on the Scottish Executive to make such strips available on prescription in Scotland without further delay.

*S1M-3623# Mr Duncan Hamilton: Glasgow to Barra Air Link Public Service Obligation-That the Parliament notes with concern the decision to award a public service obligation order to the Glasgow to Barra air link for one year only; recognises that such orders are normally awarded for three years; further recognises the concern felt in Barra that this constitutes a major threat to the long-term future of the air service which, in turn, could engender more social and economic decline in an area already affected by depopulation, and believes that the Scottish Executive should reinstate the order for three years.

*S1M-3622 Ross Finnie: The Cairngorms National Park Elections (Scotland) Order 2003-That the Rural Development Committee, in consideration of the Cairngorms National Park Elections (Scotland) Order 2003, recommends that the Order be approved.

Supported by: Allan Wilson*

*S1M-3621 Ross Finnie: The Cairngorms National Park Designation, Transitional and Consequential Provisions Order 2003-That the Rural Development Committee, in consideration of the Cairngorms National Park Designation, Transitional and Consequential Provisions Order 2003, recommends that the Order be approved.

Supported by: Allan Wilson*

*S1M-3620# Donald Gorrie: Council Tax on Second Homes-That the Parliament considers that the Scottish Executive should give local authorities the power to charge council tax in full on second homes.

*S1M-3619# Donald Gorrie: Security Measures for Holyrood-That the Parliament considers that the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body should abandon its attempt to make the new Parliament building bomb-proof, which has already cost approximately £28 million and threatens to result in much more cost and delay.

*S1M-3618 Michael Russell: Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill - Stage I-That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill.

*S1M-3617 Margaret Jamieson: Health Service Journal Management Awards 2002 - Primary Care Category-That the Parliament congratulates the Ayrshire and Arran Primary Care NHS Trust and East Ayrshire Council on winning the Primary Care Category of the Health Service Journal Management Awards 2002 for their innovative partnership project at Dalmellington and looks forward to further developments of this nature to improve the quality of life of citizens.

*S1M-3616 Donald Gorrie: Delays in Security Clearance for Parliamentary Staff-That the Parliament is dissatisfied with the long delays frequently occurring in the process of obtaining security clearance for new staff and the lack of accountability of the government department involved in the process and urges the Presiding Officer to take up the matter with the relevant authorities.

S1M-3614 Levenmouth Drug and Alcohol Project (lodged on 20 November 2002) Mr Brian Monteith*

S1M-3613 Skye Bridge Tolls (lodged on 20 November 2002) Irene McGugan*

S1M-3611# General Agreement on Trade in Services (lodged on 20 November 2002) Mr Kenneth Macintosh*, Mr Lloyd Quinan*, Des McNulty*

S1M-3610 Carers' Rights Day - 3 December 2002 (lodged on 20 November 2002) Irene McGugan*

S1M-3609 Vascular Disease in Elderly People and the Findings of PROSPER (lodged on 20 November 2002) Scott Barrie*, Ms Wendy Alexander*, Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3603 Strike Action by Staff at North Glasgow NHS Trust (lodged on 19 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3601# Sabhal Mor Ostaig Awarded Queens Anniversary Prize (lodged on 19 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3600# Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (lodged on 19 November 2002) Fiona McLeod*, Donald Gorrie*

S1M-3596# Don't Attack Iraq (lodged on 19 November 2002) Fiona McLeod*

S1M-3595 British Medical Association Position on GM Crop Trials (lodged on 19 November 2002) Brian Adam*

S1M-3593# St Andrew's Day (lodged on 18 November 2002) Michael Russell*, Mr Keith Raffan*, Mr Jamie Stone*, Fiona McLeod*, Irene McGugan*, Brian Adam*

S1M-3590# Delivery of Family Planning Services in Dundee (lodged on 18 November 2002) Roseanna Cunningham*, Mary Scanlon*

S1M-3589# The Sale of The Herald, Sunday Herald and Evening Times by SMG (lodged on 15 November 2002) Rhoda Grant*, Mr Adam Ingram*, Maureen Macmillan*, Fiona McLeod*, Mr Jamie Stone*, Roseanna Cunningham*, Dorothy-Grace Elder*, Alasdair Morgan*, Nora Radcliffe*, Des McNulty*

S1M-3587# Grooming of Children and Vulnerable Adults (lodged on 15 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3586 Heartstart (lodged on 15 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*, Nora Radcliffe*, Nicola Sturgeon*, Shona Robison*, Irene McGugan*

S1M-3584# Edinburgh Park Railway Station (lodged on 14 November 2002) Nora Radcliffe*

S1M-3582 Personal Care (lodged on 14 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3581# Schooling of Children of Asylum Seekers (lodged on 14 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*, Nora Radcliffe*

S1M-3580# Glasgow Acute Health Services Review (lodged on 13 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3579# Centre of Excellence in Genealogy (lodged on 13 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*, Alasdair Morgan*, Mary Scanlon*, Nora Radcliffe*, Mr Kenneth Macintosh*

S1M-3578# Bah Humbug (lodged on 13 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3564 Congratulations to Titanic Historian (lodged on 12 November 2002) Alasdair Morgan*

S1M-3563 Mouth Cancer Awareness Week (lodged on 11 November 2002) Nora Radcliffe*

S1M-3561 Ability of Holyrood Progress Group (lodged on 11 November 2002) Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3559 Street Football for All (lodged on 11 November 2002) Nora Radcliffe*

S1M-3555 The "Scottish Six" and the Prime Minister (lodged on 6 November 2002) Alasdair Morgan*

S1M-3513 Edinburgh Hogmanay "Eurozone" (lodged on 29 October 2002) Alasdair Morgan*

S1M-3371 Scottish Media Group - Sale of Publishing Business (lodged on 10 September 2002) Alasdair Morgan*

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section G: Bills: Notices and Amendments

New amendments to Bills lodged on 21 November 2002

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill - Stage 2

Section 43

Scott Barrie

121 In section 43, page 38, line 22, leave out subsections (1) to (3) and insert-

<( ) Any rule of law to the effect that something done to a child which would otherwise be regarded as assault is not to be so regarded (or is to be regarded as justifiable assault) if done as a physical punishment of the child in exercise of a parental right or a right derived from having charge or care of the child is of no effect.>

Scott Barrie

122 In section 43, page 39, leave out line 12 and insert-

<( ) after subsection (1) there is inserted-

"(1A) It is not a defence for a person charged with an offence of wilful assault under subsection (1) above to claim that what he did was a physical punishment carried out in exercise of a parental right or of a right derived from having charge of care or the child or young person.">

After section 43

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

123 After section 43, insert-

<Provision by Principal Reporter of information to victims

(1) Where the Principal Reporter has received information about a case in which it appears that an offence has been committed by a child, the Principal Reporter may provide any information about the case as is mentioned in subsection (2) to any person mentioned in subsection (3) if (and only if)-

(a) the information is requested by the person; and

(b) the Principal Reporter is satisfied that-

(i) the provision of the information would not be detrimental to the best interests of the child concerned in, or any other child connected (in any way) with, the case; and

(ii) it is appropriate in the circumstances of the case to provide the information.

(2) The information is information as to-

(a) what action the Principal Reporter has taken in the case; and

(b) any disposal of the case,

in so far as the information relates to the offence.

(3) The person is-

(a) any person against whom the offence appears to have been committed; or

(b) where that person is a child, any relevant person.

(4) In this section-

"child" means a person who has not attained the age of eighteen years;

"the Principal Reporter" has the same meaning as it has in Part II of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 (c.36);

"relevant person" has the same meaning as it has for the purposes of Chapter 2 of that Part of that Act.>

Section 56

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

124 In section 56, page 50, line 23, at end insert-

<(5) The Scottish Ministers shall pay to a police authority the prescribed fee for information which the authority provide-

(a) as mentioned in subsection (3)(d); or

(b) in accordance with subsection (4).">

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

125 In section 56, page 51, line 29, at end insert-

<( ) In section 119(1) (sources of information), after the word "application" there is inserted "(whether for a certificate or for registration)".>

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

126 In section 56, page 51, leave out lines 37 to 39

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

127 In section 56, page 51, line 43, at end insert <; and they may also request that information kept under section 81(1) of the Care Standards Act 2000 (c.14) (duty of Secretary of State to keep list of individuals who are considered unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults) be made so available.>

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

128 In section 56, page 52, line 34, leave out <by reason of such failure by him as is mentioned in section 122(3)(a)> and insert <other than by virtue of section 120(3)(b)>

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

129 In section 56, page 53, line 6, at end insert-

<(4) The Scottish Ministers may, for the purposes of this section, make regulations as to procedure; and such regulations may, in particular, make provision in relation to-

(a) information to be included in any notification under subsection (1) or (2); and

(b) the period within which-

(i) a requirement may be made under subsection (2); or

(ii) a decision under subsection (1) is to be implemented.>

Mr Jim Wallace

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson

130 In section 56, page 53, line 24, leave out from <in> to <certificate,> in line 27

Proposals for Members' Bills

Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters' names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member's Bill to give effect to that proposal under rule 9.14.

Ms Sandra White: Proposed Third Party Planning Rights of Appeal (Scotland) Bill-Proposal for a Bill to provide third parties with a right of appeal against decisions made in planning applications under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (lodged 7 November 2002)

Supported by: Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Gil Paterson, Brian Adam, Nicola Sturgeon, Linda Fabiani, Colin Campbell, Richard Lochhead, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Michael Matheson, Mr Adam Ingram, Andrew Wilson, Mike Rumbles, Alex Neil, Kenneth Gibson*

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section H : New Documents

Other Documents

The following documents were laid before the Parliament on 21 November 2002 and are not subject to any Parliamentary procedure-

Scottish Public Pensions Agency Annual Report and Accounts 2001-02 (SE/2002/264)

laid under section 20(6) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000

Further Education in Scotland: A Report by the Scottish Ministers (SE/2002/327)

Committee Reports

The following Reports are being published on 22 November 2002-

Local Government Committee, 16th Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 695)

Subordinate Legislation Committee, 42nd Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 697)

European Documents

Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerk to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request. Additionally, SPICe holds a set of Briefing Papers produced primarily for MEPs covering the views of the UK Government on proposals for EC/EU legislation. These are now being made available to all MSPs and parliamentary staff. Copies can be obtained on the SPICe page of the Parliament's intranet

Business Bulletin No. 170/2002
Friday 22 November 2002

Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)

Bills in Progress

Note: Where a Bill is listed below with a date for Stage 2 (or for a day at that Stage), the deadline for lodging amendments for that Stage (or that day) is 2.00 pm, two sitting days earlier (e.g. 2.00 pm on Monday for a Stage 2 meeting on Wednesday). Where a Bill is listed with a date for Stage 3, the deadline is 4.30 pm, three sitting days earlier. Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Stage 2 committee.

Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Rural Development Committee) 26 November

Building (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Transport and the Environment Committee) 27 November

Council of the Law Society of Scotland Bill

Stage 1 (Justice 1 Committee) 10 December

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 4, Justice 2 Committee) 26 November

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill

Passed 13 November

Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Local Government Committee) 26 November

Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 13 November

Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Social Justice Committee) 27 November

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 completed 5 November

Local Government in Scotland Bill

Stage 2 (Day 4, Local Government Committee) 26 November

Mental Health (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Health and Community Care Committee) 27 November

National Galleries of Scotland Bill

Introduced 28 October

Organic Farming Targets (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 30 September

Proportional Representation (Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 26 November

Prostitution Tolerance Zones (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 17 December

Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 1, Education, Culture and Sport Committee) 3 December

Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 1, Local Government Committee) 3 December

Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm (Navigation and Fishing) (Scotland) Bill

Preliminary Stage (Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm

(Navigation and Fishing) (Scotland) Bill Committee) 11 December

Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 completed 21 November

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Health and Community Care Committee) 20 March

Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 3, Transport and the Environment Committee) 27 November

Subordinate legislation in progress

(date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative Instruments

Subject to approval by resolution by 28 November 2002

The draft Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 Amendment Regulations 2002 (8 October 2002) (Justice 1)

Subject to approval by resolution by 16 December 2002

The draft Budget (Scotland) Act 2002 Amendment Order 2002 (7 November 2002) (Finance)

Subject to approval by resolution by 17 December 2002

The draft Scottish Local Government Elections Regulations 2002 (8 November 2002) (Local Government)

Subject to approval by resolution by 4 January 2003

The Cairngorms National Park Elections (Scotland) Order 2003 (14 November 2002) (Rural Development)

The Cairngorms National Park Designation, Transitional and Consequential Provisions Order 2003 (14 November 2002) (Rural Development)

The draft Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (14 November 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to approval by resolution by 10 January 2003

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No. 15) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/511) (21 November 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Negative Instruments

Subject to annulment by 24 November 2002

The Bovines and Bovine Products (Trade) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/449) (4 October 2002) (Rural Development)

The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/450) (4 October 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/ 451) (4 October 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 29 November 2002

The Scottish Local Government Elections Rules 2002 (SSI 2002/457) (9 October 2002) (Local Government)

The Combined Police Area Amalgamation Schemes 1995 Amendment (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/458) (9 October 2002) (Justice 2)

Subject to annulment by 4 December 2002

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (Transitory and Transitional Provisions) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/469) (23 October 2002) (Local Government)

The Discontinuance of Legalised Police Cells (Ayr) Rules 2002 (SSI 2002/472) (25 October 2002) (Justice 2)

The Water Customer Consultation Panels (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI/2002/473) (25 October 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 7 December 2002

The Plant Health (Phytophthora ramorum) (Scotland) (No.2) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/483) (29 October 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 15 December 2002

The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/489) (6 November 2002) (Rural Development)

The Large Combustion Plants (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/493) (6 November 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 16 December 2002

The Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/494) (7 November 2002) (Justice 1)

The Advice and Assistance (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/495) (7 November 2002) (Justice 1)

The Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/496) (7 November 2002) (Justice 1)

Subject to annulment by 17 December 2002

The Plastic Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/498) (8 November 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 20 December 2002

The Taxi Drivers' Licences (Carrying of Guide Dogs and Hearing Dogs) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/500) (11 November 2002) (Local Government)

Committee Business

Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place by each Committee.

Audit 26 November

Education, Culture and Sport 26 November

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 27 November

Equal Opportunities 26 November

European 3 December

Finance 3 December

Health and Community Care 27 November

Justice 1 26 November

Justice 2 26 November

Local Government 26 November

Procedures 26 November

Public Petitions 3 December

Rural Development 26 November

Social Justice 4 December

Standards 4 December

Subordinate Legislation 26 November

Transport and Environment 27 November

[CENSORED: table inserted here in original]

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Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 170/2002. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from

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Information about Document 1223

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 170/2002


Text audience

General public
Audience size 1000+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2002
Word count 8062
General description Business Bulletin. See

Text medium

Web (webpages, discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms)

Text publication details

Publisher Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Publication year 2002
Place of publication

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction


Author details

Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
