Document 1221

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 129/2002

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.


Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002


Section B : Business Programme
Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings
Section E : Written questions lodged on 13 September 2002
Section F : Motions and Amendments
Section G : Bills: Notices and Amendments
Section H : New Documents
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section B : Business Programme

As agreed by the Parliament on 12 September 2002

Wednesday 18 September 2002

2.00 pm Time for Reflection – The Reverend Father Paul Fletcher, Minister at The Sacred Heart Church, Edinburgh

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Stage 1 Debate on Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S1M-2952 in Section F)

followed by Financial Resolution in respect of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S1M-3203 in Section F)

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business – debate on the subject of S1M-3191 Irene McGugan: Dundee Heritage Trust (for text of motion see S1M-3191 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 17 June 2002)

Thursday 19 September 2002

9.30 am Stage 1 Debate on Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S1M-3085 in Section F)

followed by Financial Resolution in respect of the Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S1M-3102 in Section F)

followed by Business Motion

2.30 pm Question Time (for text of questions see Section D of Business Bulletin for Thursday 12 September 2002)

3.10 pm First Minister’s Question Time

3.30 pm Executive Debate on the Role of Culture in the Educational Development of Young People

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business – debate on the subject of S1M-3352 Tavish Scott: Support for Crofting in the Highlands and Islands (for text of motion see S1M-3352 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 9 September 2002)

Wednesday 25 September 2002

2.30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Education, Culture and Sport Committee Debate on the Committee’s Report on proposed Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill (for text of motion see S1M-3322 in Section F of Monday 2 September 2002)

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 26 September 2002

9.30 am Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Business

followed by Business Motion

2.30 pm Question Time

3.10 pm First Minister’s Question Time

3.30 pm Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section C : Agendas of Committee Meetings

Subordinate Legislation Committee

17 September 2002

25th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 11.15 am in Committee Room 3

1. Delegated powers scrutiny: The Committee will consider the response from the Scottish Executive to points raised on the following Bill—

Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1.

2. Executive responses: The Committee will consider the responses from the Executive to points raised on the following—

The Food for Particular Nutritional Uses (Addition of Substances for Specific Nutritional Purposes) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/397)

The Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Perth and Kinross Council) Designation Order 2002, (SSI 2002/398)

The Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (Perth and Kinross Council) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/400).

3. Instruments subject to annulment: The Committee will consider the following—

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Registered Social Landlords) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/411)

The Homeless Persons Interim Accommodation (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/412)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Appointment of Arbiter) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/413)

The Homeless Persons Advice and Assistance (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/414)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Scottish Secure Tenancy etc.) Amendment Order 2002, (SSI 2002/415)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Registration of Tenant Organisations) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/416)

The Conservation of Salmon (Prohibition of Sale) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/418)

The Road Humps and Traffic Calming (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/419).

4. Instruments not laid before the Parliament: The Committee will consider the following—

The Police Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No.2) (Scotland) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/420).

5. Committee correspondence: The Committee will consider letters received from the Executive on the following—

The TSE (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/255)

The Adults with Incapacity (Specified Medical Treatments) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/275).

Justice 1 Committee

17 September 2002

30th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 1.30 pm in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh, to consider jointly, with the Justice 2 Committee, the following items:

1. Minister for Justice: The Committees will take evidence on progress to date and future plans of the Scottish Executive from—

Mr Jim Wallace MSP, Minister for Justice.

2. Prisons: The Committees will take evidence on the annual report (2001-2002) of HM Chief inspector of Prisons for Scotland from—

Clive Fairweather, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, and David McAllister, Assistant Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, Malcolm McLennan, Inspector and Miacheal Crossan, Inspector.

Justice 2 Committee

17 September 2002

29th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 1.30 pm in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh, to consider jointly, with the Justice 1 Committee, the following items:

1. Minster for Justice: The Committees will take evidence on progress to date and future plans of the Scottish Executive from—

Mr Jim Wallace MSP, Minister for Justice.

2. Prisons: The Committees will take evidence on the annual report (2001-2002) of HM Chief inspector of Prisons for Scotland from—

Clive Fairweather, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, and David McAllister, Assistant Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, Malcolm McLennan, Inspector and Miacheal Crossan, Inspector.

Audit Committee

17 September 2002

12th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 2

1. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda items 4 and 5 in private. It will also decide whether to consider in private at its next meeting any further draft report on its inquiry into the AGS report entitled ‘Overview of Further Education Colleges in Scotland 2000/01’ (AGS/2002/2) and the next steps in its consideration of arrangements for a possible inquiry into the AGS report entitled ‘Review of the Management of Waiting Lists in Scotland’ (AGS/2002/3).

2. Audit Scotland Work Programme: The Committee will receive a briefing from the Auditor General for Scotland on the Audit Scotland work programme for the period September 2002 to March 2003.

3. External Committee Research: The Committee will consider the progress on its proposal to commission external research.

4. Review of the Management of Waiting Lists in Scotland: The Committee will consider arrangements for a possible inquiry into the report by the Auditor General for Scotland entitled ‘Review of the Management of Waiting Lists in Scotland’ (AGS/2002/3).

5. Overview of Further Education Colleges in Scotland 2000/2001: The Committee will consider a draft report.

Education, Culture and Sport Committee

17 September 2002

23rd Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 3

1. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

The Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/382)

The Education (Disability Strategies) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/391).

2. Petition PE427: The Committee will consider correspondence from the Minister on Petition PE427 on Health Education Guidelines.

3. Purposes of Education: The Committee will consider a draft summary of evidence received and a report of commissioned research.

Local Government Committee

17 September 2002

22nd Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in the Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh

1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 3, 4 and 5 in private.

2. Renewing Local Democracy - Phase 2 inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from—


Pat Watters, President

Jon Harris, Director of Policy and Legislation

Angus Council:

Stewart Maxwell, Principal Community Education Officer

Susan Robb, Former Chair, Angus Youth Congress/Dialogue Youth

Councillor Glennis Middleton, Chair of Dialogue Youth Management Group.

3. Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft Stage 1 report.

4. Local Government in Scotland Bill: The Committee will consider a draft Stage 1 report.

5. Proportional Representation (Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider proposals for consideration of the Bill at Stage 1.

Rural Development Committee

17 September 2002

20th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 1

1. Item in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private.

2. Subordinate legislation: Ross Finnie MSP (Minister for Environment and Rural Development) will move motion S1M-3281—

that the Rural Development Committee, in consideration of the Scotland Act 1998 (Cross-Border Public Authorities) (Adaptation of Functions etc.) (Amendment) Order 2002, recommends that the Order be approved.

3. Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy: The Committee will take evidence from—

Ross Finnie MSP, Minister for Environment and Rural Development.

4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following instruments under the negative procedure—

The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/325)

The Conservation of Seals (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/404).

5. Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider arrangements for its consideration of the Bill at Stage 1.

Health and Community Care Committee

18 September 2002

22nd Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh

1. Item in private: The Committee will consider whether to take item 4 in private.

2. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments –

The Food and Animal Feedingstuffs (Products of Animal Origin from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/356)

The Food and Animal Feedingstuffs (Products of Animal Origin from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/300)

The Food for Particular Nutritional Uses (Addiction of Substances for Specific Nutritional Purposes) (Scotland) Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/397).

3. NHS Boards’ Consultation Processes: The Committee will take evidence from-

Simon Harris, Petitioner, Letitia Murphy, Petitioner and Ms Esther Roberton, Chairman of the Board and George J Brechin, Interim Chief Executive, Fife NHS Board

Father Stephen Dunn, Petitioner, Karleen Collins, Petitioner, Tom Divers, Chief Executive, Greater Glasgow Health Board and Tim Davison, Chief Executive, Greater Glasgow PCT

Malcolm Chisholm, MSP, Minister for Health and Community Care.

4. Mental Health Bill (in private): The Committee will receive a briefing from the Scottish Executive Mental Health Bill Team.

Transport and the Environment Committee

18 September 2002

25th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 2

1. Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider possible lines of questioning for witnesses.

2. Item in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda item 6 in private.

3. Subordinate Legislation: Mr Peter Peacock (Deputy Minister for Finance and Public Services) to move motion S1M-3353—

that the Transport and the Environment Committee recommends that the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (Amendment) Order 2002 be approved.

4. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

The Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002, (SSI 2002/324)

The A9 Trunk Road (Ballinluig) (Temporary 50mph Speed Limit) (Continuation) Order 2002, (SSI 2002/371).

5. Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence at stage 1 on the general principles of the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill from—

Kathy Cameron, Policy Officer, COSLA

Graham U’ren, Director, Royal Town Planning Institute in Scotland

Eric Wilson, Head of Development Planning, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Royal Town Planning Institute in Scotland

Dr Andrew Black, Chairperson, ICE Scottish Hydrological Group

Michael Cunliffe, Head of Scottish Estates, The Crown Estate

David Howell, National Strategy Officer, Scottish Natural Heritage

Professor Alan Alexander, Chairman, Scottish Water

Geoff Aitkenhead, Asset Management Director, Scottish Water.

6. Rail Inquiry: The Committee will consider a draft report on its inquiry into the rail industry in Scotland.

Justice 2 Committee

18 September 2002

30th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 9.45 am in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh

1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No. 3) 2002 (SSI 2002/328)

The Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/389)

The Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/390).

2. Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 4).

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee

18 September 2002

24th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1

1. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments –

The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/335)

The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Rate of Interest) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/336)

The Electricity Act 1989 (Requirement of Consent for Offshore Generating Stations) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/407).

2. Tourism Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from—

COSLA Bob Christie (Head of Policy)

Cllr Willie Dunn (Economic Development Spokesperson)

David Valentine (Chairman of the Scottish Local Authority Economic Development (SLAED) Tourism Sub-Group)

Scottish Tourism Forum

Ivan Broussine (Chief Executive)

Paul Murray-Smith (Chairman of Scottish Tourism Forum, and Director, Dreamhouse Inc. and Eurohostels)

Peter Taylor (Depute Chairman of the Scottish Tourism Forum and Chairman, Townhouse Group)

Federation of Small Businesses

John Downie (Scottish Parliamentary Officer)

John Millward (Managing Partner, Fraser Trading)

Historic Scotland

Graham Munro (Director and Chief Executive)

Owen Kelly (Director of Properties in Care).

3. Electricity Trading and Transmissions Arrangements: The Committee will take evidence from—

Ofgem Callum McCarthy (Chief Executive of Ofgem and Chairman of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority)

Margaret Ford (Member of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority)

David Halldearn (Ofgem Director – Scotland and Europe).

Social Justice Committee

18 September 2002

13th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 3

1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 3, 4 and 5 in private.

2. Statutory Instruments: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—

The Scottish Secure Tenants (Compensation for Improvements) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/312)

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Abandoned Property) Order 2002

(SSI 2002/313)

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Exceptions) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/314)

The Scottish Short Secure Tenancies (Notices) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/315)

The Scottish Secure Tenants (Right to Repair) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/316)

The Housing (Right to Buy)(Houses Liable to Demolition)(Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/317)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Scottish Secure Tenancy etc.) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/318)

The Short Scottish Secure Tenancies (Proceedings for Possession) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/319)

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Proceedings for Possession) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/320).

3. Homelessness (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider its likely approach at Stage 1.

4. Social Inclusion Inquiry: The Committee will consider a draft report.

5. Monitoring the impact of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 – The Committee will consider a draft report on Stages 2 and 3 of the research.

Finance Committee

18 September 2002

15th Meeting, 2002

The Committee will meet at 1.00 pm in The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh

1. PFI/PPP Report (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section E : Written questions lodged on 13 September 2002

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Executive in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

S1W-29248 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the current standard grade history syllabus covers the issue of the Scottish campaign for women’s rights, education and suffrage; if so, whether the issue is covered in a solely Scottish context or is covered as part of the consideration of the campaign in other parts of the UK, and, if it is not covered in the syllabus, what the reasons are for this position.

S1W-29249 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to ensure that the syllabus for standard grade and higher history gives due prominence to Scottish figures and issues and teaches young people about their own nation’s history rather than someone else’s.

S1W-29250 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-10397 by Susan Deacon on 30 October 2000, whether Betnesol eye ointment is now available.

S1W-29251 David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what criteria the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council applies in the awarding of strategic change grants.

S1W-29252 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what national standards of care apply to the provision of warden services in sheltered housing and whether any such standards contain information on the minimum acceptable levels of staffing and hours of provision of the service.

S1W-29253 Michael Russell: To ask the Scottish Executive what priority it gives to the safety and security of those living in local authority sheltered accommodation.

S1W-29254 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) reports have been received by each procurator fiscal of offences in which a firearm other than an air weapon was alleged to have been used and (b) convictions have been obtained following such reports in each sheriff court district in each of the last five years.

S1W-29255 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive how many (a) reports have been received by each procurator fiscal of offences in which an air firearm was alleged to have been used and (b) convictions have been obtained following such reports in each sheriff court district in each of the last five years.

S1W-29256 Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it plans to take to reduce illegal possession of firearms other than air weapons by under-21s.

S1W-29257 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether the proposed private-build, private-operate prison will be entirely for remand prisoners.

S1W-29258 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether the proposed private-build, private-operate prison will have 700 prisoner places.

S1W-29259 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what assessment it has made of the impact of bail supervision services on the number of places required for remand prisoners.

S1W-29260 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether it has made any assessment of the impact an increase in funding of bail supervision services would have on the number of remand prisoners.

S1W-29261 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what assessment it has made of the additional cost of transporting remand prisoners to a 700-place remand prison.

S1W-29262 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what assessment it has made of the financial risk to it of a change in policy leading to there being not sufficient remand prisoners to fill a 700-place privately-operated remand prison.

S1W-29263 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what catchment area is envisaged for the private-build, private-operate remand prison.

S1W-29264 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether women prisoners might be held in the private-build, private-operate remand prison.

S1W-29265 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of prisoners placed on remand before trial received a custodial sentence in each of the last three years.

S1W-29266 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002 and to the remarks by the Minister in the Sunday Herald on 8 September 2002 on market-tested prisons in England, whether it is considering market-testing for the Scottish Prison Service.

S1W-29267 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what criteria it will use to assess the (a) robustness, (b) credibility, (c) competitiveness and (d) value for money of a plan for a public sector prison.

S1W-29268 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what criteria it will use to assess the (a) robustness, (b) credibility, (c) competitiveness and (d) value for money of a plan for a privately-built, publicly-operated prison.

S1W-29269 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether it envisages providing land free of charge or for a peppercorn rent to the new private-build, private-operate prison.

S1W-29270 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether it envisages paying non-domestic rates for the new private-build, private-operate prison.

S1W-29271 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what its estimate is of what the contract monitoring costs of the new private-build, private-operate prison will be, including both construction and operation phases.

S1W-29272 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether a public sector comparator will be calculated as part of the business case for the new private-build, private-operate prison.

S1W-29273 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28127 by Mr Jim Wallace on 29 August 2002, whether it is aware of the internal procedures for preventing conflict of interest in PricewaterhouseCoopers and whether these procedures were applied in the case of the prison estates review.

S1W-29274 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether it will publish the (a) outline business case or (b) full business case for the private-build, private-operate prison once prepared.

S1W-29275 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the commitment given by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice to the Justice 1 Committee on 6 June 2002 (Official Report, col 3821) to reflect on the idea of a not-for-profit trust to own and operate new prisons and to consider whether it could be taken forward, what conclusion the Minister has reached.

S1W-29276 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what specific steps he is taking to improve the management of the Scottish Prison Service.

S1W-29277 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, what steps it will take to ensure that there is not a two-tier workforce in the Scottish Prison Service between the privately-operated and the publicly-operated prisons.

S1W-29278 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, how it will ensure that the workforce in privately-operated prisons are no less well trained than in publicly-operated prisons.

S1W-29279 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, how it will ensure that the workforce in privately-operated prisons are no less well paid than in publicly-operated prisons.

S1W-29280 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, how it will ensure recruitment standards in privately-operated prisons are as high as in publicly-operated prisons.

S1W-29281 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, how it will ensure that staff turnover in privately-operated prisons is no higher than in publicly-operated prisons.

S1W-29282 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002, whether it will give any commitment to ensuring that pensions for staff in privately-operated prisons are on the same or similar terms to those for staff in publicly-operated prisons.

S1W-29283 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-25268 by Mr Jim Wallace on 21 June 2002, what risk is attached to a fixed-price prison construction contract.

S1W-29284 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the ministerial statement on the prison estates review by the Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice on 5 September 2002 and the commitment by the Minister to reflect on the possibility of a fixed-price prison construction contract (Official Report, col.13390), when he expects to reach a conclusion on this matter.

S1W-29285 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-24997 by Mr Jim Wallace on 9 May 2002, why no data is collected on literacy rates in prisons.

S1W-29286 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of prisoners placed on remand before trial received a custodial sentence in each of the last three years.

S1W-29287 Roseanna Cunningham: To ask the Scottish Executive what the cost was of the consultation on the prison estates review.

S1W-29288 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive how many accused persons have absconded while on bail in each of the last 10 years, broken down by category of charge.

S1W-29289 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what the average length of time was for providing substantive answers to written parliamentary questions lodged in the period 1 to 12 September (a) 2001 and (b) 2002.

S1W-29290 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Scottish Prison Service constrains or plans to constrain the ability of serving prisoners to publish material relating to their crime.

S1W-29291 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28420 by Malcolm Chisholm on 11 September 2002, how much funding has been allocated to mental health research in 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03 to date.

S1W-29292 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28445 by Mr Jim Wallace on 11 September 2002, when the studies carried out by Dr David Cooke, Psychological Disturbance amongst Prisoners, and Dr James McManus, Mentally Disturbed Prisoners, will be updated in order to determine the current situation in the prison service on the matters covered by the studies.

S1W-29293 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28446 by Mr Jim Wallace on 11 September 2002, how many prisoners diagnosed with a mental illness are currently in receipt of specialist treatment and what form this treatment takes, broken down by prison.

S1W-29294 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive how all Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network guidelines are monitored to assess their impact and whether their implementation has been successful.

S1W-29295 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has made in order to secure a separate New Opportunities Fund for Scotland.

S1W-29296 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will ensure that national youth organisations can receive an appropriate share of grants from the New Opportunities Fund to develop programmes across Scotland without having to apply in respect of each local authority area.

S1W-29297 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to make application forms and systems simpler for youth and other voluntary organisations seeking funding from lottery, and national or local sources.

S1W-29298 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will ensure that its departments which receive regular reports from voluntary organisations in order to account for their use of grants send feedback to such organisations.

S1W-29299 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make it easier for voluntary youth organisations to recruit, train and retain adult voluntary workers by providing more funding and reducing paperwork.

S1W-29300 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether non-formal and informal youth work are an integral part of the education process and whether it will make supporting such work a statutory duty for local authorities.

S1W-29301 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will reduce pressure on the school curriculum by allowing and funding the non-formal and informal youth sector to contribute more to social, moral and civic education, sport, the arts and character-building activities.

S1W-29302 Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what mechanism it has for monitoring effectively the delivery of New Opportunities Fund projects.

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section F : Motions and Amendments

A full list of outstanding motions is available to view each Monday in paper copy at the Chamber Desk or alternatively on the Scottish Parliament web site as Outstanding Motions. Each Monday the full text of all motions lodged the previous week will appear in the Business Bulletin together with motions previously lodged that are due to be debated that week.

Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members’ business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)

*S1M-3390 Mr Adam Ingram: Scottish Mental Health Week 7-13 October 2002—That the Parliament recognises and celebrates Scottish Mental Health Week 2002; welcomes the various initiatives taking place during this time including the performance by the 7:84 Theatre Company in the Parliament on 10 October 2002, and further welcomes the on-going work carried out by national organisations and the invaluable dedicated support network of local voluntary organisations in their struggle to provide adequate services and to combat the stigma attached to mental illness.

S1M-3389# Richard Lochhead: HM Chief Inspector of Prisons Report on HM Prison Aberdeen—That the Parliament notes the decision by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Clive Fairweather, to publish an unprecedented and highly critical intermediate report on HM Prison Aberdeen that highlights serious staffing difficulties, violence and the lack of any meaningful regime; further notes that the report describes the prison's needs assessment, sentence management and pre-release arrangements as inadequate; condemns the Scottish Prison Service management for allowing such a situation to develop; expresses extreme concern that the report states that no drugs strategy is in place at the prison despite the huge drug problem in the north-east of Scotland and the fact that Aberdeen has some of the highest crime rates in Scotland all of which are drug-related, and considers that both the Scottish Executive and one of the Justice Committees should investigate conditions at Craiginches and the prison's role in reducing re-offending.

Supported by: Stewart Stevenson*

S1M-3388*#* Mr Kenny MacAskill: 50th Anniversary of the Nordic Council—That the Parliament congratulates the Nordic Council on its 50th anniversary; notes the benefits that the council has brought to the peoples, regions and nations of the Nordic area in terms of social, political and economic co-operation; sees the organisation as a potential model for the peoples, regions and nations of the islands of Britain and Ireland, and believes that closer political ties and links with the Nordic Council and between the Scottish Executive and the Nordic Council of Ministers should be developed.

Supported by: Tavish Scott, Irene Oldfather

S1M-3387# Brian Fitzpatrick: New CancerBACUP Scotland Centre Opened in Glasgow—That the Parliament congratulates CancerBACUP Scotland on opening its new centre in Glasgow to provide information and support to anyone affected by cancer; recognises that cancer is one of Scotland's biggest public health problems; notes that CancerBACUP's specialist nurses answer more than 50,000 questions a year on all types of cancer and that the new centre will enable the charity to answer an extra 18,000 enquiries every year, and applauds the efforts of the Sunday Mail and people all over Scotland in raising funds for this initiative to support cancer patients and their families and friends.

S1M-3386 Mr Mike Rumbles on behalf of the Standards Committee: Code of Conduct for Members of the Scottish Parliament: Disclosure of Complaints—That the Parliament agrees to amend paragraph 10.2.1 of the Code of Conduct for Members of the Scottish Parliament as follows: leave out "MSPs should not communicate any complaint to the press or other media until a decision has been made as to how the complaint is to be dealt with" and insert;

"Disclosure of Complaints

10.2.1A Members should not disclose, communicate or discuss any complaint or intention to make a complaint with members of the press or media prior to the lodging of the complaint or while the Standards Committee is receiving assistance from an adviser appointed under paragraph 10.2.8 in relation to the complaint. The Standards Committee is to be regarded as receiving the assistance of an adviser appointed under paragraph 10.2.8 in relation to a complaint until it has confirmed that no assistance or further assistance from any such adviser will be sought. Where, during the period when the restriction applies, any complaint or intention to make a complaint has been publicised in the press or media without the involvement of the Member who is the subject of the complaint, that Member may issue a brief statement. In doing so, a Member should, as far as possible, avoid discussing details of the complaint or intention to make a complaint."

S1M-3385 Dorothy-Grace Elder: Arnold Kemp—That the Parliament pays tribute to the magnificent service rendered to Scotland by Arnold Kemp, former editor of The Herald newspaper and latterly former news editor of The Observer; recognises him as a great and heroic editor, in both Scottish and European terms, who campaigned steadfastly for Scottish devolution and humanitarian causes and who, like his late father Robert Kemp, was an influence for enduring good, delivering his outstanding intellectual gifts with the sparkle of grace, style, kindness and humour, and extends its deep sympathy to Mr Kemp's family and partner on his untimely loss to them and to Scotland.

Supported by: Tommy Sheridan

S1M-3384# Iain Smith: Review of Secondary School Accommodation in North East Fife—That the Parliament believes that Fife Council should conduct an urgent review of secondary school accommodation in the north-east Fife area, including examining the feasibility of a new secondary school to serve north Fife, the creation of a single-site school for Madras College, St Andrews, and ensuring that Waid Academy in Anstruther has sufficient accommodation to meet future demand.

Supported by: Stewart Stevenson

S1M-3383# Ms Sandra White: Government Campaign to Run Down Glasgow—That the Parliament congratulates the Glasgow Evening Times for its excellent exposé of Her Majesty’s Government’s 25-year campaign to run down Glasgow; notes with concern that official documents provide evidence of official efforts to keep new industry and jobs out of Glasgow, move existing firms and jobs from Glasgow and drive Glasgow citizens into new towns; further notes with concern that the Evening Times’ report suggests that Glasgow is still the victim of institutionalised bias, and therefore believes that the Scottish Executive should consider urgently measures to halt any continuing anti-Glasgow bias and adopt policies and provide investment which will end Glasgow’s decline and aid its regeneration.

Supported by: Michael Matheson, Tommy Sheridan

S1M-3377 Irene McGugan: Scottish Football—That the Parliament notes with concern the current demise of Scottish football at both club and international levels; calls on the Scottish Executive to urgently obtain from the Scottish Football Association a detailed report confirming the current status of the report commissioned from Ernie Walker's Think-tank, including any aspects which have been implemented, areas outstanding and parts needing to be updated in view of changing events and circumstances, and further calls on the Executive to ensure that funding by it, either directly or indirectly, to football bodies and organisations is dependent on the report as updated being implemented in full and without further delay.

Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Alex Neil, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Michael Matheson, Tommy Sheridan

S1M-3374# Marilyn Livingstone: National Construction Week 3-10 October 2002—That the Parliament supports National Construction Week from 3 to 10 October 2002 and recognises the many economic advantages for Scotland that an expanding construction industry will bring, notably in employment preservation and creation, training, skills and provision of the built environment; supports the industry’s schemes to register construction firms through the Construction Licensing Executive and workers through approved registration schemes, thereby protecting the public by eradicating rogue traders, enhancing the industry’s image, and improving the skills base and health and safety practices; acknowledges that the Scottish Executive, local authorities and other government bodies can assist by (a) supporting registration schemes by insisting that all public works contractors are committed to them, (b) supporting the education and training infrastructure so that it meets Scotland’s construction requirements, (c) acting as an enlightened client by ensuring, where possible, advanced programmes of work on which the industry can plan its skills requirements and provide its workforce with security of employment and (d) ensuring that public works contracts are fair, open, effective and straightforward to administer and deliver.

Supported by: Alex Neil, Janis Hughes, Michael Matheson

S1M-3373 Ms Sandra White: Colon Cancer Concern CCC Roadshow—That the Parliament congratulates Colon Cancer Concern on its national education campaign, the CCC Roadshow, which is visiting 16 towns and city centres across the UK, notes that the campaign is designed to increase awareness of colorectal cancer, the third most common type of cancer in the UK and the second most common cause of cancer death; wishes Colon Cancer Concern all success in its campaign, and urges the Scottish Executive to give its full support to the campaign and provide whatever assistance is necessary to increase awareness of colorectal cancer.

Supported by: Alex Neil, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Michael Matheson, Tommy Sheridan

S1M-3372# Shona Robison: Ninewells Hospital's Participation in BBC Television Series—That the Parliament congratulates the staff of Ninewells Hospital for taking part in the BBC television series "Ninewells", which is following the work of the accident and emergency department at the hospital; recognises the hard work and dedication of the staff involved, and appreciates their professionalism in often difficult and challenging circumstances, as demonstrated by the programme.

Supported by: Bruce Crawford, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Tommy Sheridan

S1M-3371 Michael Russell: Scottish Media Group - Sale of Publishing Business—That the Parliament notes the decision of the Scottish Media Group to sell The Herald, The Sunday Herald and The Evening Times as well as a range of magazine titles; expresses the view that it is important that the sale, particularly of the newspapers, helps to increase the diversity of media ownership in Scotland and does not further concentrate it in a few hands; calls on Her Majesty’s Government to ensure that any consideration of monopoly issues which may be raised by the sale is based on the recognition of a Scottish media market as opposed to a UK one, and is firmly of the opinion that any sale must not compromise the editorial independence, integrity and overall quality of the newspapers which presently make a considerable contribution to Scottish life. R

Supported by: Christine Grahame, Richard Lochhead, Alex Neil, Michael Matheson

S1M-3370 Paul Martin: Policy Advice on Glasgow in the Post Second World War Period—That the Parliament notes with concern the poor policy advice relating to Glasgow provided by Scottish Office advisers during the period after the second world war and calls on the Scottish Executive to take steps to ensure that the recommendations of the cities review will act as a means towards continuing to develop an ambitious and vibrant Glasgow.

Supported by: Janis Hughes

S1M-3369 Cathy Jamieson: Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill.

S1M-3367# Robin Harper: Torness Nuclear Power Station—That the Parliament considers that the Scottish Executive should request that Her Majesty’s Government seek an urgent and transparent investigation by HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate into the recent failure of the gas circulators at Torness nuclear power station and give an assurance that the power station will not reopen if repair and consequent operation of the existing design could lead to a nuclear accident.

Supported by: Tommy Sheridan

S1M-3356 Drug Testing Regime of the International Olympic Committee (lodged on 5 September 2002) Fiona Hyslop*

S1M-3355 Erskine Hospital (lodged on 4 September 2002) Fiona McLeod*, Mr Kenneth Macintosh*, Jackie Baillie*, Dorothy-Grace Elder*

S1M-3352# Tavish Scott: Support for Crofting in the Highlands and Islands—That the Parliament notes the importance of crofting to the Highlands and Islands; welcomes the publication of the White Paper on crofting reform and encourages crofters to participate in the consultation now underway; further notes the level of agricultural returns to crofting businesses and supports the agri-environmental focus that the Environmentally Sensitive Area scheme has brought to many crofting counties, and encourages continuing support to crofting through such measures as the Crofting Counties Agricultural Grants scheme.

Supported by: Mr Jamie Stone, John Farquhar Munro, Donald Gorrie, Nora Radcliffe

S1M-3340# Unauthorised Transfer of Supplier by Energy Companies (lodged on 3 September 2002) Angus MacKay*

S1M-3339 Thanks to Billy Connolly (lodged on 3 September 2002) Mr Brian Monteith*

S1M-3203 Mr Andy Kerr: Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill: Financial Resolution—That the Parliament, for the purposes of any Act of the Scottish Parliament resulting from the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill, agrees to the following expenditure out of the Scottish Consolidated Fund–

a. expenditure of the Scottish Administration in consequence of the Act, and

(b) increases attributable to the Act in the sums payable out of that fund under any other enactment.

Supported by: Mr Jim Wallace, Dr Richard Simpson, Peter Peacock

S1M-3191# Irene McGugan: Dundee Heritage Trust—That the Parliament recognises that our industrial heritage is of interest to many people from other countries as well as Scots; notes with concern, however, that despite strenuous efforts and exploration of all possible funding opportunities, Dundee Heritage Trust, the charity which owns Dundee's leading tourist attractions, RRS Discovery and the Verdant Works, has been forced by a continuing and critical shortfall in revenue support into a series of cost-cutting exercises and staff redundancies, the latest being the loss of their very experienced and committed chief executive; recognises that the seriousness of this move cannot be underestimated and is a worrying indication that the closure of both Discovery Point and the Verdant Works may now be imminent; considers that the Scottish Executive should put in place a financial package with immediate effect and extend central revenue support as part of a longer term strategy to secure the future of these significant visitor attractions, both of which achieved five star grading by VisitScotland, with Dundee Heritage Trust being the only independent operator in Scotland to achieve this accolade, and notes that the loss of RRS Discovery, which gives the city of Dundee its "identity" and the Verdant Works, the last working jute mill in Scotland and European Industrial Museum of the Year in 1999, to the cultural heritage of the nation would be both significant and irreplaceable.

Supported by: Michael Matheson, Donald Gorrie, Mr Adam Ingram, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Gil Paterson, Nora Radcliffe, Shona Robison, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Ms Sandra White, Tricia Marwick, Mr Keith Raffan, Brian Adam

S1M-3102 Mr Andy Kerr: Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill: Financial Resolution—That the Parliament, for the purposes of any Act of the Scottish Parliament resulting from the Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill, agrees to any increase in expenditure payable out of the Scottish Consolidated Fund in Consequence of the Act.

Supported by: Mr Jim Wallace, Dr Richard Simpson, Peter Peacock

S1M-3085 Mr Jim Wallace: Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill.

Supported by: Ms Margaret Curran, Dr Richard Simpson, Hugh Henry

S1M-2952 Mr Jim Wallace: Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill.

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson, Dorothy-Grace Elder

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section G: Bills: Notices and Amendments

New amendments to Bills lodged on 13 September 2002

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill – Stage 2

Section 17

Ross Finnie

257 In section 17, page 12, line 32, leave out <this section> and insert <section 18 below>

Section 18

Ross Finnie

258 In section 18, page 13, line 18, leave out <implemented> and insert <adopted>

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section H : New Documents

Subordinate Legislation

Negative Instruments

The following instruments were laid before the Parliament on 13 September 2002 and are subject to annulment—

The Nursing and Midwifery Student Allowances (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/423)

laid under section 133 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980

The Food (Figs, Hazelnuts and Pistachios from Turkey) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/424)—

The Food (Peanuts from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/425)—

laid under paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 2 to the European Communities Act 1972

Not Subject to any Parliamentary Procedure

The following instruments were laid before the Parliament on 13 September 2002 and are not subject to any Parliamentary procedure—

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.10) (Scotland) Partial Revocation Order 2002 (SSI 2002/421)—

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.7) (Scotland) Order 2002 Revocation Order 2002 (SSI 2002/422)—

laid under section 1(10) of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985

Other Documents

The following documents were laid before the Parliament on 13 September 2002 and are not subject to any Parliamentary procedure—

Scottish Further Education Funding Council Audit for the year ended 31 March 2002 (SE/2002/262)—

Scottish Higher Education Funding Council Audit for the year ended 31 March 2002 (SE/2002/263)—

laid under section 22(5) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000

Committee Reports

The following Reports are being published on 16 September 2002—

Audit Committee, 6th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Audit Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 623)

Education, Culture and Sport, 13th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 624)

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee, 7th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 625)

Equal Opportunities Committee, 4th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Equal Opportunities Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 626)

European Committee, 4th Report 2002: Annual Report of the European Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 627)

Finance Committee, 4th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Finance Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 628)

Health and Community Care Committee, 11th Report 2002: Annual Report the Health and Community Care Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 629)

Justice 1 Committee, 8th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Justice 1 Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 630)

Justice 2 Committee, 7th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Justice 2 Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 631)

Local Government Committee, 12th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Local Government Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 632)

Public Petitions Committee, 1st Report 2002: Annual Report of the Public Petitions Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 633)

Procedures Committee, 3rd Report 2002: Annual Report of the Procedures Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 634)

Rural Development Committee, 10th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Rural Development Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 635)

Social Justice Committee, 5th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Social Justice Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 636)

Standards Committee, 8th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Standards Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 637)

Subordinate Legislation Committee, 33rd Report 2002: Annual Report of the Subordinate Legislation Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 638)

Transport and the Environment Committee, 13th Report 2002: Annual Report of the Transport and the Environment Committee for the Parliamentary Year 12 May 2001 to 11 May 2002 (SP Paper 639)

Subordinate Legislation Committee, 32nd Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 648)

European Documents

Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerk to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request. Additionally, SPICe holds a set of Briefing Papers produced primarily for MEPs covering the views of the UK Government on proposals for EC/EU legislation. These are now being made available to all MSPs and parliamentary staff. Copies can be obtained on the SPICe page of the Parliament's intranet.

Business Bulletin No. 129/2002
Monday 16 September 2002

Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)

Bills in Progress

Note: Where a Bill is listed below with a date for Stage 2 (or for a day at that Stage), the deadline for lodging amendments for that Stage (or that day) is 2.00 pm, two sitting days earlier (e.g. 2.00 pm on Monday for a Stage 2 meeting on Wednesday). Where a Bill is listed with a date for Stage 3, the deadline is 4.30 pm, three sitting days earlier. Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Stage 2 committee.

Council of the Law Society of Scotland Bill

Introduced 6 September

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 18 September

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 19 September

Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 29 October

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 4, Justice 2 Committee) 18 September

Local Government in Scotland Bill

Stage 1 (Local Government Committee) 17 September

Proportional Representation (Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Local Government Committee) 17 September

Protection of Children (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Education, Culture and Sport Committee) 24 September

Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 17 September

Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm (Navigation and Fishing) (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 27 June

Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Justice 1 Committee) 24 September

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Health and Community Care Committee) 20 March

Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Transport and the Environment Committee) 18 September

Subordinate legislation in progress

(date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative Instruments

Subject to approval by resolution by 21 September 2002

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.5) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/306) (25 June 2002) ) (Health and Community Care)

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.6) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/307) (25 June 2002) ) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to approval by resolution by 27 September 2002

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.10) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/357) (31 July 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.11) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/388) (28 August 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to approval by resolution by 2 October 2002

The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.3) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/408) (5 September 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to approval by resolution by 5 October 2002

The Scotland Act 1998 (Cross-Border Public Authorities) (Adaptation of Functions etc.) (Amendment) Order 2002 (27 June 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to approval by resolution by 9 October 2002

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (Amendment) Order 2002 (28 August 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Negative Instruments

Subject to annulment by 14 September 2002

The Community Care (Disregard of Resources) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/264) (6 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Community Care (Additional Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/265) (6 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Community Care (Deferred Payment of Accommodation Costs) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/266) (6 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 15 September 2002

The Contaminants in Food (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/267) (7 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The National Health Service (General Dental Services) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/268) (7 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Sheriff Court Fees Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/269) (7 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Court of Session etc. Fees Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/270) (7 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/271) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

The Loch Caolisport Scallops Several Fishery (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/272) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No. 2) 2002 (SSI 2002/274) (7 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Adults with Incapacity (Specified Medical Treatments) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/275) (7 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/276) (7 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The New Water and Sewerage Authorities Dissolution (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/277) (7 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Extensification Payment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/278) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

The Plant Protection Products Amendment (No.2) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/279) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 18 September 2002

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Witnesses and Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2002 (SSI 2002/280) (10 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Gaming Act (Variation of Fees) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/281) (10 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Education (Student Loans) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/282) (10 June 2002) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)

The Animal By-Products (Identification) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/283) (10 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Food (Control of Irradiation) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/284) (10 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Feeding Stuffs Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/285) (10 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Teachers’ Superannuation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/288) (10 June 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

The Bus Service Operators Grant (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/289) (10 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Home Zones (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/292) (10 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Travel Concessions (Eligible Services) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/290) (10 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Advisory Council (Establishment) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/293) (10 June 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 2 October 2002

The Food and Animal Feedingstuffs (Products of Animal Origin from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/300) (24 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Adults with Incapacity (Specified Medical Treatments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/302) (24 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 3 October 2002

The National Waiting Times Centre Board (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/305) (25 June 2002) ) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 5 October 2002

The Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/311) (27 June 2002) (Local Government)

The Scottish Secure Tenants (Compensation for Improvements) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/312) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Abandoned Property) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/313) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Exceptions) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/314) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Short Scottish Secure Tenancies (Notices) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/315) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Scottish Secure Tenants (Right to Repair) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/316) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Housing (Right to Buy) (Houses Liable to Demolition) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/317) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Scottish Secure Tenancy etc.) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/318) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Short Scottish Secure Tenancies (Proceedings for Possession) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/319) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

The Scottish Secure Tenancies (Proceedings for Possession) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/320) (27 June 2002) (Social Justice)

Subject to annulment by 6 October 2002

The Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/324) (28 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/325) (28 June 2002) (Rural Development)

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No.3) 2002 (SSI 2002/328) (28 June 2002) (Justice 2)

Subject to annulment by 9 October 2002

The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/335) (4 July 2002) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)

The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Rate of Interest) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/336) (4 July 2002) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)

The Contaminants in Food (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/349) (23 July 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Food and Animal Feedingstuffs (Products of Animal Origin from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/356) (30 July 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The A9 Trunk Road (Ballinluig) (Temporary 50mph Speed Limit) (Continuation) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/371) (16 August 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/382) (22 August 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

The Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/389) (28 August 2002)

The Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/390) (28 August 2002)

The Education (Disability Strategies) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/391) (28 August 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 11 October 2002

The Food for Particular Nutritional Uses (Addition of Substances for Specific Nutritional Purposes) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/397) (2 September 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 12 October 2002

The Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Perth and Kinross Council) Designation Order 2002 (SSI 2002/398) (3 September 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Parking Attendants (Wearing of Uniforms) (Perth and Kinross Council Parking Area) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/399) (3 September 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (Perth and Kinross Council) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/400) (3 September 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Conservation of Seals (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/404) (3 September 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 13 October 2002

The Electricity Act 1989 (Requirement of Consent for Offshore Generating Station) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/407) (4 September 2002) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)

Subject to annulment by 30 October 2002

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Registered Social Landlords) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/411) (9 September 2002) (Social Justice)

The Homeless Persons Interim Accommodation (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/412) (9 September 2002) (Social Justice)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Appointment of Arbiter) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/413) (9 September 2002) (Social Justice)

The Homeless Persons Advice and Assistance (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/414) (9 September 2002) (Social Justice)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Scottish Secure Tenancy etc.) Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/415) (9 September 2002) (Social Justice)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Registration of Tenant Organisations) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/416) (9 September 2002) (Social Justice)

Subject to annulment by 31 October 2002

The Conservation of Salmon (Prohibition of Sale) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/418) (10 September 2002) (Rural Development)

The Road Humps and Traffic Calming (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/419) (10 September 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

Subject to annulment by 3 November 2002

The Nursing and Midwifery Student Allowances (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/423) (13 September 2002)

The Food (Figs, Hazelnuts and Pistachios from Turkey) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/424) (13 September 2002)

The Food (Peanuts from China) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/425) (13 September 2002)

Committee Business

Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place by each Committee.

Audit 17 September

Education, Culture and Sport 17 September

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 18 September

Equal Opportunities 1 October

European 24 September

Finance 18 September

Health and Community Care 18 September

Justice 1 17 September

Justice 2 17 September

Local Government 17 September

Procedures 24 September

Public Petitions 24 September

Rural Development 17 September

Social Justice 18 September

Standards 25 September

Subordinate Legislation 17 September

Transport and Environment 18 September

[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]

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Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 129/2002. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from

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"Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 129/2002." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 129/2002," accessed 20 January 2025,

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Information about Document 1221

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 129/2002


Text audience

General public
Audience size 1000+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2002
Word count 10735
General description Business Bulletin. See

Text medium

Web (webpages, discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms)

Text publication details

Publisher Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Publication year 2002
Place of publication

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction


Author details

Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
