Document 1218

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 102/2002

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.


Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002


Section A : Daily Business List
Section B : Business Programme
Section D : Oral Questions
Section E : Written questions lodged on 19 June 2002
Section F : Motions and Amendments
Section G : Bills: Notices and Amendments
Section I : Petitions lodged on 19 June 2002
Section H : New Documents
Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section A : Daily Business List
Revised 9am

At the request of the Scottish Executive the Presiding Officer has this morning decided to take a Ministerial Statement on the HCI Hospital at 12.30 pm. Section A of the Business Bulletin has been duly amended.

Meeting of the Parliament

Thursday 20 June 2002

9.30 am Debate on Railways in Scotland-

S1M-3229 Mr Kenny MacAskill: Railways in Scotland-That the Parliament notes the ongoing problems for freight and commuters on the rail network in Scotland; welcomes the support within the transport and business community for responsibility for the rail network in Scotland to be devolved, and calls on the Scottish Executive to take full charge of the running and operation of the network in Scotland.

The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments

S1M-3229.3 Lewis Macdonald: Railways in Scotland-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3229) in the name of Mr Kenny MacAskill, leave out from "notes" to end and insert "welcomes the Executive's proposals in the transport delivery report Scotland's Transport: Delivering Improvements as the first steps in meeting the objective of a bigger, better and safer railway, and calls upon the Executive to continue to work closely with the Strategic Rail Authority in re-letting the Scottish passenger railway franchise and in developing a rail freight strategy for Scotland and, with Her Majesty's Government, to ensure that Railtrack's successor company delivers improved safety, growth and unity of purpose across the entire network."

S1M-3229.1 David Mundell: Railways in Scotland-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3229) in the name of Mr Kenny MacAskill, leave out from "welcomes" to end and insert "expresses its concern that the Scottish Executive is presenting the renewal of the ScotRail franchise as a panacea for all the difficulties faced by Scotland's railways while offering no guarantees that it can deliver a new franchise within the specified timetable and calls on the Scottish Executive to focus on the immediate priorities for the development of Scotland's railways and as a first step to bring forward the detail of its financial contribution to the redevelopment of Waverley Station."

S1M-3229.2 Tommy Sheridan: Railways in Scotland-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3229) in the name of Mr Kenny MacAskill, insert at end "and commits itself to public ownership of the rail industry in line with the demands of the rail industry trade unions and the public as reflected clearly in opinion polls on a consistent basis, and further believes that the rail industry should be run on the basis of maximum safety and service, not private profit."

followed by Debate on Investment in Public Infrastructure-

S1M-3228 Alasdair Morgan: Investment in Public Infrastructure-That the Parliament notes the recommendations of the Audit Scotland/Accounts Commission report on Private Finance Initiative (PFI) procurement in schools, Taking the Initiative - Using PFI contracts to renew council schools, and believes that PFI has proved to be a costly experiment, that local authorities and other public bodies should be free to use traditional public procurement and that, where "off balance sheet" solutions are desirable or necessary, these should be on a not for profit basis through bodies such as not for profit trusts and community trusts.

The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendments

S1M-3228.2 Mr Andy Kerr: Investment in Public Infrastructure-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3228) in the name of Alasdair Morgan, leave out from "notes" to end and insert "recognises, in developing Scotland's infrastructure, the real progress being made through a balanced and sustained investment programme and the vital contribution which public private partnerships have made already in modernising Scotland's infrastructure and public services, and welcomes the Executive's intention to continue to encourage such partnerships, as part of a range of funding options, wherever and whenever they present themselves as providing the best value solution."

S1M-3228.1 Mr David Davidson: Investment in Public Infrastructure-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3228) in the name of Alasdair Morgan, leave out from "the recommendations" to end and insert "the Audit Scotland/Accounts Commission report on Private Finance Initiative procurement in schools, Taking the Initiative - Using PFI contracts to renew council schools; welcomes the availability of such schemes which enable local authorities and public bodies to work in partnership with the private sector to deliver much needed capital projects early and in a cost-effective manner utilising private sector risk management and construction contract expertise, and further welcomes the Scottish Executive's support for this innovative approach.

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Business Motion

S1M-3230 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Business Motion-That the Parliament agrees-

the following programme of business-

Wednesday 26 June 2002

2.30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Committee of the Whole Parliament: Stage 2 of the University of St Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill

followed by Stage 3 Debate on University of St Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill

followed by Executive Debate on Action on Waiting and Delayed Discharge

followed by Motion on Police Reform Bill - UK Legislation

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Thursday 27 June 2002

9.30 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Stage 3 Debate on Scottish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Bill

followed by Finance Committee Debate on its Report on Stage 1 of the 2003/04 Budget Process

followed by Business Motion

followed by Motions on appointment of Scottish Public Services Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsmen

2.30 pm Question Time

3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3.30 pm Executive Debate on Better Communities in Scotland: Closing the Gap

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

that Stage 1 of the Title Conditions Bill (Scotland) Bill be completed by 21 November 2002; and
(c) that the Justice 1 Committee reports to the Justice 2 Committee by 2 September 2002 on the Sheriff Court Fees Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/269), the Court of Session etc. Fees Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/270), the Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No.2) 2002 (SSI 2002/274), the Act of Sederunt (Fees of Witnesses and Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2002 (SSI 2002/280) and the Gaming Act (Variation of Fees) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/281).

Supported by Euan Robson*

followed by Statement on the HCI Hospital in Clydebank

2.30 pm Question Time

1. Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what the estimated cost would be of providing milk to every nursery and primary school child. (S1O-5378)

2. Scott Barrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to protect children at risk of abuse through prostitution. (S1O-5392)

3. Margaret Jamieson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will comment on the appropriateness of its recent guidance on nursery education which states that pre-school centres are no longer required to include a qualified nursery teacher on the staff register. (S1O-5399)

4. Johann Lamont: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made with the mainstreaming of children and young people with special educational needs under the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000. (S1O-5397)

5. Bill Aitken: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it will take to assist the Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police Force in reducing the outstanding numbers of means warrants. (S1O-5359)

6. Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the methadone treatment programme for opiate addiction has been successful. (S1O-5374)

7. Maureen Macmillan: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to promote arts and culture in education. (S1O-5383)

8. Janis Hughes: To ask the Scottish Executive what work it is undertaking to improve occupational health services. (S1O-5387)

9. Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to ensure adequate funding of the police service. (S1O-5363)

10. Mr Lloyd Quinan: To ask the Scottish Executive what training in European Convention on Human Rights legal issues is provided to magistrates. (S1O-5354)

11. Withdrawn

12. Sarah Boyack: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to improve the diet and health of children and young people from lower income families. (S1O-5393)

13. Ms Margo MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Executive whether its policy on social inclusion is meeting its targets. (S1O-5381)

14. Tommy Sheridan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether public sector workers' wages, conditions and pension rights will be fully protected under any Private Finance Initiative/Public Private Partnership transfers to the private sector. (S1O-5388)

15. Marilyn Livingstone: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to produce guidance on basic standards and best practice for the setting of pay and conditions for university research staff. (S1O-5353)

16. Karen Whitefield: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are any plans to upgrade school playgrounds and community play areas. (S1O-5394)

17. Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to introduce legislation to allow doctors to perform lobotomies on patients who are too mentally ill to agree to the operation. (S1O-5371)

18. Bill Butler: To ask the Scottish Executive how it is supporting initiatives to encourage people to stop smoking. (S1O-5367)

19. Mr Mike Rumbles: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to improve the standard of children's dental hygiene. (S1O-5373)

20. Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive what initiatives it is supporting to promote diversity in school education. (S1O-5362)

21. David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what will happen to those bids by local authorities for funding of school improvements which are unsuccessful in the current bidding rounds. (S1O-5386)

22. Mr Kenneth Macintosh: To ask the Scottish Executive what assessment it has made of the contribution that volunteering makes to the advancement of its policies. (S1O-5390)

23. Mr Jamie Stone: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to tackle head lice amongst schoolchildren. (S1O-5352)

24. Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to reduce the number of female alcohol-related deaths. (S1O-5372)

25. Rhona Brankin: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to support the groups identified in the HM Inspectorate of Education report Moving on from School to College: Helping young people with additional support needs to make a successful transition. (S1O-5369)

26. Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to bring in an appeals procedure in relation to Comments delivered by the Health Technology Board of Scotland on National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidance on Health Technology Assessments. (S1O-5350)

27. Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive how alcohol misuse services are currently being improved. (S1O-5396)

28. Iain Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in the assessment process for those eligible for free personal care on 1 July 2002. (S1O-5395)

29. Mr Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take to ensure an equitable system of rating of gear stores for the aquaculture and fishing industries. (S1O-5370)

30. Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive how much of the resources set aside for the Motorola Task Force has been spent and what percentage of this has been spent on government departments, agencies or non-departmental public bodies. (S1O-5351)

3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time

1. Mr John Swinney: To ask the First Minister what issues will be discussed at the next meeting of the Scottish Executive's Cabinet. (S1F-1982)

2. David McLetchie: To ask the First Minister when he next plans to meet the Prime Minister and what issues he intends to raise. (S1F-1983)

3. Margaret Smith: To ask the First Minister whether all local authorities are on track to deliver free personal and nursing care on 1 July 2002. (S1F-1990)

4. Bill Aitken: To ask the First Minister why the Scottish Executive is increasing the number of policy analysts it employs. (S1F-1989)

5. Dr Sylvia Jackson: To ask the First Minister what progress is being made with the bid for the European Football Championships in 2008. (S1F-1987)

6. Christine Grahame: To ask the First Minister what measures the Scottish Executive is taking regarding the protection and security of young missing persons. (S1F-1985)

3.30 pm Stage 1 Debate on the School Meals (Scotland) Bill-

S1M-3223 Tommy Sheridan: School Meals (Scotland) Bill - Stage 1-That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the School Meals (Scotland) Bill.

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

S1M-3231 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSIs-That the Parliament agrees that the following instruments be approved-

the draft Community Care (Assessment of Needs) (Scotland) Regulations 2002;

the draft Community Care (Personal Care and Nursing Care) (Scotland) Regulations 2002;

the draft Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Weapons) Amendment (Scotland) Order 2002;

the draft Advice and Assistance (Financial Conditions) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002;

the draft Civil Legal Aid (Financial Conditions) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002; and

the Local Government Finance (Scotland) (No.2) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/230).

S1M-3233 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: University of St. Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill - Electronic Voting-That the Parliament directs that under Rule 11.8.3 any division at Stage 2 of the University of St. Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill shall be taken using the electronic voting system.

S1M-3234 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: University of St. Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill - Suspension of Standing Orders-That the Parliament agrees that Rules 9.5.3B, 9.7.9 and 9.8.3 of the Standing Orders be suspended for the purposes of the University of St. Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill.

S1M-3235 Patricia Ferguson on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Designation of Lead Committees-That the Parliament agrees that the Local Government Committee is designated as Lead Committee in consideration of the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill and that the Justice 1 and 2 Committees be secondary committees.

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

debate on the subject of-

S1M-3171 David Mundell: VisitScotland Funding of Dumfries and Galloway Tourist Board Foot-and-Mouth Recovery Plan-That the Parliament notes with extreme concern the failure of VisitScotland to allocate the necessary £280,000 to fund the second year of the foot-and-mouth recovery plan prepared by Dumfries and Galloway Tourist Board; believes that funds allocated nationally to VisitScotland by the Scottish Executive to help the tourist industry recover from the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak should be targeted on those areas most affected by the disease, and considers that the Scottish Executive should enter into urgent dialogue with VisitScotland to review their funding allocation to the board in the expectation that the necessary funding will be made available to support the Board's foot-and-mouth recovery plan which has already had considerable success in its first year.

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section B : Business Programme

As agreed by the Parliament on 13 June 2002

Wednesday 26 June 2002

2.30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Committee of the Whole Parliament: Stage 2 of the University of St Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill

followed by Stage 3 Debate on University of St Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill (for text of motion see S1M-3209 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 17 June 2002)

followed by Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-3173 Trish Godman: Loan Sharks (for text of motion see S1M-3173 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Thursday 6 June 2002)

Thursday 27 June 2002

9.30 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Stage 3 Debate on Scottish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Bill

followed by Finance Committee Debate on its Report on Stage 1 of the 2003/04 Budget Process

followed by Business Motion

followed by Motions on appointment of Scottish Public Services Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsmen

2.30 pm Question Time (for text of questions see Section D)

3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3.30 pm Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section D - Oral questions selected for answer on 27 June 2002

Question Time

1. Margaret Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to extend proposals to allow NHS boards to withhold medical treatment from repeatedly violent patients to include patients who threaten violence. (S1O-5437)

2. Ms Margo MacDonald: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to introduce a certificate in the management of drug misuse in conjunction with the Royal College of General Practitioners in Scotland. (S1O-5428)

3. Nora Radcliffe: To ask the Scottish Executive what action will be taken following publication of the Agriculture and Environment Working Group report. (S1O-5424)

4. Mr Keith Harding: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it remains committed to supporting community schools. (S1O-5427)

5. Brian Fitzpatrick: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to revise the fee payable to optometrists in order to take account of extra time needed to conduct an eye test for an adult with learning disabilities. (S1O-5406)

6. Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive what consideration it is giving to amending police bail conditions. (S1O-5413)

7. Trish Godman: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to support the work of local authorities and the police in respect of loan sharks. (S1O-5433)

8. David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in evaluating local authority bids for funding for school improvements. (S1O-5405)

9. Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to protect Scotland's historic fishing rights. (S1O-5411)

10. Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to reduce the number of alcohol-related deaths in women. (S1O-5444)

11. John Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is considering increasing core funding to Victim Support Scotland, given the increasing number of referrals to Victim Support Scotland following changes in data protection arrangements. (S1O-5407)

12. Alex Johnstone: To ask the Scottish Executive how it is monitoring the introduction of free personal and nursing care for elderly people in the run up to 1 July 2002. (S1O-5418)

13. Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in eradicating any health inequalities between deprived areas and the rest of Scotland. (S1O-5425)

14. Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive what assessment it has made of the impact of abolishing tuition fees and reintroducing student bursaries on the number of school leavers attending higher education. (S1O-5415)

15. Rhoda Grant: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made with the renovation and building of schools. (S1O-5435)

16. Mr Tom McCabe: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will publish its response to the consultation paper, Review of Liquor Licensing in Scotland. (S1O-5440)

17. Robin Harper: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking ahead of the First Minister's attendance at the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in August. (S1O-5436)

18. Bruce Crawford: To ask the Scottish Executive what advice it has sought about the position of the Belgian Government in regard to crop trials of genetically modified oil seed rape and what information it has received about the position of the Belgian Government on this matter. (S1O-5408)

19. Paul Martin: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are any new developments in its community regeneration policies. (S1O-5432)

20. Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to discuss with Communities Scotland the responsibility for maintenance costs of amenity areas and unadopted roads and paths that have been passed to owners of former Scottish Special Housing Association homes. (S1O-5416)

21. Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive whether all assessments for the implementation of free personal care on 1 July 2002 have been carried out. (S1O-5442)

22. Bill Butler: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made in tackling indiscipline in schools and in addressing concerns over violence against teachers. (S1O-5434)

23. Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps are being taken to protect Scotland's historic fishing rights during current negotiations on the Common Fisheries Policy. (S1O-5412)

24. Karen Whitefield: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking in order to encourage more children to walk to school. (S1O-5410)

25. Alasdair Morgan: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will reach a decision on the application by Dumfries and Galloway Council to close Laurieston Primary School in Kirkcudbrightshire. (S1O-5438)

26. Mr Jamie Stone: To ask the Scottish Executive what new proposals it has to address the number of GPs resigning in the Highlands. (S1O-5422)

27. Janis Hughes: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it is introducing in order to tackle drug dealers. (S1O-5430)

28. Mr Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take to ensure an equitable system of rating of gear stores for the aquaculture and fishing industries. (S1O-5421)

29. Mr Mike Rumbles: To ask the Scottish Executive which local authorities provide a textphone service. (S1O-5439)

30. Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to reduce median waiting times for people awaiting cataract operations. (S1O-5417)

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section E : Written questions lodged on 19 June 2002

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Executive in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

S1W-26895 David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the relaunch of the Freight Facilities Grant Scheme has now been completed.

S1W-26896 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what methods for the monitoring and auditing of targets set by the Scottish Prison Service exist in relation to the report Standards for the Health Care of Prisoners.

S1W-26897 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive which targets the Scottish Prison Service failed to meet in each of the last three years in relation to the report Standards for the Health Care of Prisoners.

S1W-26898 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to improve the provision of out-of-hours medical cover in remote and rural areas as suggested in the "Team Working" chapter of the report by the Solutions Group of the Scottish Remote and Rural Areas Resource Initiative, Solutions for the Provision of Health Care in the Remote and Rural Areas of Scotland in the 21st Century.

S1W-26899 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it has taken with regard to the development of mobile health units to improve access to treatment for those in remote areas as suggested in the "Access to Care" chapter of the report by the Solutions Group of the Scottish Remote and Rural Areas Resource Initiative, Solutions for the Provision of Health Care in the Remote and Rural Areas of Scotland in the 21st Century.

S1W-26900 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it plans to introduce to increase recruitment and improve the retention of doctors in practice in remote areas as suggested in the "Recruitment" and "Retention" chapters of the report by the Solutions Group of the Scottish Remote and Rural Areas Resource Initiative, Solutions for the Provision of Health Care in the Remote and Rural Areas of Scotland in the 21st Century.

S1W-26901 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will consider the expansion of local community hospitals to act as out-of-hours bases as suggested in the "Retention" chapter of the report by the Solutions Group of the Scottish Remote and Rural Areas Resource Initiative, Solutions for the Provision of Health Care in the Remote and Rural Areas of Scotland in the 21st Century.

S1W-26902 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has for the development of a fast inshore marine ambulance as suggested in the "Transport" chapter of the report by the Solutions Group of the Scottish Remote and Rural Areas Resource Initiative, Solutions for the Provision of Health Care in the Remote and Rural Areas of Scotland in the 21st Century.

S1W-26903 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it is taking to ensure the highest standards of chronic disease management in light of the report by the Primary Care Modernisation Group, Making the Connections: Developing Best Practice into Common Practice.

S1W-26904 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to improve access to primary care services in light of the report by the Primary Care Modernisation Group, Making the Connections: Developing Best Practice into Common Practice.

S1W-26905 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive how it intends to improve the management of mental health problems in light of the report by the Primary Care Modernisation Group, Making the Connections: Developing Best Practice into Common Practice.

S1W-26906 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how it plans to develop volunteering in the public sector in light of the report by Community Service Volunteers, The State of the Volunteering Nation.

S1W-26907 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-25820 by Mr Andy Kerr on 18 June 2002, whether the retrieval of information to rectify an underpayment of wages and allowances to its staff would qualify as a circumstance where all possible means would be taken to retrieve such information where it had been misplaced or where the timescales for holding the information had been exceeded.

S1W-26908 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take to address any serious management or human resource issues at Motherwell College, detailing any representations it has received on this matter and the reasoning behind its position.

S1W-26909 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is satisfied that no serious management or human resource issues exist at Motherwell College, detailing the reasons why it considers the information upon which it made this judgement to be correct.

S1W-26910 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive how many prisoners categorised as sex offenders were held in each quarter of each year since 1 January 1999, broken down by prison.

S1W-26911 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive which prisons currently hold prisoners categorised as sex offenders.

S1W-26912 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive how many sex offenders can be placed in each prison.

S1W-26913 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what data is available on the re-offending rates of sex offenders.

S1W-26914 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what programmes are currently being run in each prison for prisoners categorised as sex offenders.

S1W-26915 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-16713 by Susan Deacon on 9 August 2001, what the per capita level of funding for each health board was in 2001-02 and is in 2002-03.

S1W-26916 Alasdair Morgan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-25154 by Dr Richard Simpson on 1 May 2002, whether it has any plans to ensure that the funding per capita for NHS funded drug treatment services in Dumfries and Galloway more closely approaches the Scottish average.

S1W-26917 Robert Brown: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to license taxi and private hire radio bases.

S1W-26918 Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive which (a) primary and (b) secondary schools have disabled access and which do not, broken down by local authority area.

S1W-26919 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive what research has been carried out into any links between child abuse and prostitution.

S1W-26920 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has received any representations regarding the licensing of lap dancing clubs.

S1W-26921 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive when the National Group on Domestic Abuse will publish its report.

S1W-26922 Mr Tom McCabe: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are any plans to extend the one-stop health clinics initiative in Glasgow and introduce such clinics in the Hamilton South parliamentary constituency.

S1W-26923 Mr Tom McCabe: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to improve street safety throughout Lanarkshire.

S1W-26924Δ Mr Jamie Stone: To ask the Scottish Executive what arrangements it has made for publication of the report of the Agriculture and Environment Working Group.

S1W-26925 Dr Sylvia Jackson: To ask the Scottish Executive what its position is on the spreading of abattoir waste on agricultural land.

S1W-26926 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are any plans in place to deal with any effort displacement resulting from former deepwater vessels returning to traditional demersal fishing following the adoption of a management regime for the fishing of deep water species by Scottish vessels.

S1W-26927 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the management regime for deep water species agreed by the European Commission Fisheries Council had scientific support.

S1W-26928 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what scientific advice it received in connection with the management regime agreed by the European Commission Fisheries Council for the fishing of deep water species by Scottish vessels.

S1W-26929 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any proposal for the management of deep water species was tabled by it at the recent meeting of the European Commission Fisheries Council and, if so, whether it will give details.

S1W-26930 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will provide details of how the management regime for the fishing of deep water species by Scottish vessels adopted by the European Commission Fisheries Council will work and whether there will be any opportunity to amend or replace that proposed regime.

S1W-26931 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive what funding it has made available for the treatment of diabetes.

S1W-26932 Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the proposed ministerial review of physical education will specifically include school sport.

S1W-26933 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures are in place to tackle the high incidence of dental caries among children throughout Scotland.

S1W-26934 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much it will cost annually to provide free milk for children aged (a) three to five years old, (b) five to seven years old and (c) all primary school children.

S1W-26935 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-25868 by Dr Elaine Murray on 28 May 2002, what specific roles have been identified for the contemporary music industry to play in the schools cultural co-ordinators pilot programme.

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section F : Motions and Amendments

A full list of outstanding motions is available to view each Monday in paper copy at the Chamber Desk or alternatively on the Scottish Parliament web site as Outstanding Motions. Each Monday the full text of all motions lodged the previous week will appear in the Business Bulletin together with motions previously lodged that are due to be debated that week.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.

Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members' business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)

*S1M-3238 David Mundell: Congratulations to Gretna Football Club-That the Parliament congratulates Gretna Football Club on its election to the Third Division of the Scottish Football League; recognises the importance of football in all parts of Scotland; welcomes the fact that the inclusion of Gretna Football Club continues the trend of the football league towards a wider geographic spread of member clubs, and wishes the team, its manager, supporters and everybody else associated with the club well in their endeavours in the new and future seasons.

Supported by: Mr Murray Tosh*, Mr Kenneth Gibson*, Mr Michael McMahon*, Alex Fergusson*, Phil Gallie*, Mr Keith Harding*, Murdo Fraser*, David McLetchie*, Mr Adam Ingram*, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton*, Brian Fitzpatrick*

*S1M-3237 Mr Jim Wallace: Police Reform Bill - UK Legislation-That the Parliament endorses the principle that sex offenders orders made in one jurisdiction within the United Kingdom should be recognised and enforceable throughout the UK with appropriate provisions in place concerning how the orders are applied for, amended and discharged, and agrees that the relevant provisions to achieve these ends should be considered by the UK Parliament in the Police Reform Bill.

Supported by: Dr Richard Simpson*

*S1M-3236 Ross Finnie: Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill - Stage 1-That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill.

Supported by: Mr Andy Kerr*, Iain Gray*, Allan Wilson*

*S1M-3229.1 David Mundell: Railways in Scotland-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3229) in the name of Mr Kenny MacAskill, leave out from "welcomes" to end and insert "expresses its concern that the Scottish Executive is presenting the renewal of the ScotRail franchise as a panacea for all the difficulties faced by Scotland's railways while offering no guarantees that it can deliver a new franchise within the specified timetable and calls on the Scottish Executive to focus on the immediate priorities for the development of Scotland's railways and as a first step to bring forward the detail of its financial contribution to the redevelopment of Waverley Station."

*S1M-3229.2 Tommy Sheridan: Railways in Scotland-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3229) in the name of Mr Kenny MacAskill, insert at end "and commits itself to public ownership of the rail industry in line with the demands of the rail industry trade unions and the public as reflected clearly in opinion polls on a consistent basis, and further believes that the rail industry should be run on the basis of maximum safety and service, not private profit."

Supported by: Dennis Canavan*

*S1M-3229.3 Lewis Macdonald: Railways in Scotland-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3229) in the name of Mr Kenny MacAskill, leave out from "notes" to end and insert "welcomes the Executive's proposals in the transport delivery report Scotland's Transport: Delivering Improvements as the first steps in meeting the objective of a bigger, better and safer railway, and calls upon the Executive to continue to work closely with the Strategic Rail Authority in re-letting the Scottish passenger railway franchise and in developing a rail freight strategy for Scotland and, with Her Majesty's Government, to ensure that Railtrack's successor company delivers improved safety, growth and unity of purpose across the entire network."

Supported by: Iain Gray*

*S1M-3228.1 Mr David Davidson: Investment in Public Infrastructure-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3228) in the name of Alasdair Morgan, leave out from "the recommendations" to end and insert "the Audit Scotland/Accounts Commission report on Private Finance Initiative procurement in schools, Taking the Initiative - Using PFI contracts to renew council schools; welcomes the availability of such schemes which enable local authorities and public bodies to work in partnership with the private sector to deliver much needed capital projects early and in a cost-effective manner utilising private sector risk management and construction contract expertise, and further welcomes the Scottish Executive's support for this innovative approach.

*S1M-3228.2 Mr Andy Kerr: Investment in Public Infrastructure-As an amendment to motion (S1M-3228) in the name of Alasdair Morgan, leave out from "notes" to end and insert "recognises, in developing Scotland's infrastructure, the real progress being made through a balanced and sustained investment programme and the vital contribution which public private partnerships have made already in modernising Scotland's infrastructure and public services, and welcomes the Executive's intention to continue to encourage such partnerships, as part of a range of funding options, wherever and whenever they present themselves as providing the best value solution."

Supported by: Peter Peacock*

S1M-3226 Legal Aid in Peeblesshire (lodged on 18 June 2002) Michael Matheson*

S1M-3222# The Press and Journal's Oil Tax Campaign (lodged on 17 June 2002) Shona Robison*, Phil Gallie*, Alex Johnstone*

S1M-3217 Dalmellington Area Centre Project Management Team and the 2002 Prize for Public Management Leadership (lodged on 13 June 2002) Phil Gallie*

S1M-3213 Faslane Peace Camp (lodged on 13 June 2002) Christine Grahame*

S1M-3210# Causing Death by Dangerous Driving (lodged on 13 June 2002) Mr Tom McCabe*, Trish Godman*, Karen Gillon*, Mr Kenneth Macintosh*, Jackie Baillie*, Margaret Jamieson*, Kate Maclean*, Janis Hughes*, Mr Michael McMahon*, Dr Sylvia Jackson*, Mr John McAllion*

S1M-3205# Neurosurgery for Mental Disorder (lodged on 12 June 2002) Christine Grahame*

S1M-3196 Links Between Scotland and Southern Africa (lodged on 11 June 2002) Christine Grahame*

S1M-3195 Exposure to Dust and Allergens (lodged on 11 June 2002) Karen Gillon*

S1M-3190 Congratulations to Lennox Lewis (lodged on 10 June 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3189 Rural Developments in the Edinburgh Green Belt (lodged on 10 June 2002) Christine Grahame*

S1M-3185# Scotland's Industrial Museums (lodged on 6 June 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3171# VisitScotland Funding of Dumfries and Galloway Tourist Board Foot-and-Mouth Recovery Plan (lodged on 5 June 2002) Christine Grahame*, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3170# Psychiatric Services at Murray Royal Hospital, Perth (lodged on 30 May 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3136 Royal Opening of Millennium Wheel, Falkirk (lodged on 20 May 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3135 Volunteers Week 2002 (lodged on 20 May 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3122 UNISON Campaign to Avoid Cuts in Public Spending (lodged on 15 May 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

S1M-3086 American Society of the University of St Andrews (lodged on 8 May 2002) Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section G: Bills: Notices and Amendments

New Bills introduced or reprinted on 19 June 2002

Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill-A corrected version of the Bill as introduced has been printed. (SP Bill 57 (Revised)) (Executive Bill)

New amendments to Bills lodged on 18 June 2002

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill - Stage 2

Section 6

Murdo Fraser

95 In section 6, page 4, line 28, at end insert-

<( ) which has been sown with plants other than crops for the purpose of providing food or shelter for wild animals, wild birds or insects and on which notices have been erected to indicate that it has been so sown.>

Section 7

Murdo Fraser

96 In section 7, page 5, line 24, at end insert-

<( ) includes headrigs, endrigs and other margins of, or areas within, fields in which crops are growing if those headrigs, endrigs, margins and areas have been sown with plants other than crops for the purpose of providing food or shelter for wild animals, wild birds or insects and if notices have been erected to indicate that they have been so sown;>

Murdo Fraser

97 In section 7, page 5, line 26, at end insert <unless one of the purposes for which they have been left unsown is to provide food or shelter for wild animals, wild birds or insects and notices have been erected to indicate that this is the case>

Section 9

Murdo Fraser

98 In section 9, page 6, line 21, at end insert-

<( ) camping on enclosed land;

( ) deliberately or recklessly disturbing any wild animal or bird.>

Section 25

Murdo Fraser

99 In section 25, page 17, line 7, at end insert <and (in either case) to approve, in relation to the land so specified, a map showing the extent of the land in respect of which access rights are or, as the case may be, are not exercisable>

Section 26

Murdo Fraser

100 In section 26, page 17, line 39, after <it> insert <, after consultation with the owner of the land,>

New amendments to Bills lodged on 19 June 2002

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill - Stage 2

Section 6

Bill Aitken

101 In section 6, page 4, line 28, at end insert-

<(ja) which is enclosed farmland;>

Section 7

Bill Aitken

102 In section 7, page 5, line 28, at end insert-

<( ) For the purposes of section 6(ja) above, farmland is enclosed if contained within fences, walls or other barriers, or is otherwise so marked on the ground as to make its limits clear.>

Section 10

Dr Sylvia Jackson

103 In section 10, page 6, line 31, at end insert-

<( ) The Access Code shall include guidance on how access rights and the rights of an owner of land to use and manage land may be exercised in such a way as not to interfere unreasonably with each other or with the conservation of the natural or cultural heritage of the land.>

Section 26

Dr Sylvia Jackson

104 In section 26, page 17, line 39, leave out from <but> to end of line 40 and insert <stiles, gates and fences) as appear to it appropriate or necessary to protect the natural heritage of land in respect of which access rights are exercisable.

( ) The power conferred by subsection (1) above is without prejudice to any power exercisable by Scottish Natural Heritage under any other enactment.

( ) In exercising the power conferred by subsection (1) above, Scottish Natural Heritage shall have regard to the desirability of securing the protection of any wild qualities of land in respect of which access rights are exercisable.

( ) Scottish Natural Heritage may enter land in order to exercise, or to make any assessment of land preliminary to exercising, the power conferred by subsection (1) above.

( ) Where, under subsection (1) above, Scottish Natural Heritage takes steps which prevent or limit the exercise of access rights by a particular route, it shall (where possible) identify, and make known to persons seeking to exercise those rights, alternative routes.

( ) If, at any time, Scottish Natural Heritage considers that any steps taken under subsection (1) above are no longer required, it shall take such action as it considers appropriate to undo those steps.>

Proposals for Members' Bills

Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters' names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member's Bill to give effect to that proposal under rule 9.14.

Scott Barrie: Proposed High Hedges (Scotland) Bill-Proposal for a Bill to provide local authorities with the power to deal with complaints regarding high hedges. (lodged 21 May 2002)

Supported by: Paul Martin, Alex Johnstone, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Mr John Home Robertson, John Farquhar Munro, Mr Jamie Stone, Mr Duncan McNeil, Mr John McAllion, Brian Fitzpatrick, Maureen Macmillan, Ian Jenkins, Rhona Brankin, Jackie Baillie, Elaine Thomson, David Mundell, Shona Robison, Richard Lochhead, Bill Butler, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Robert Brown, Mr Mike Rumbles, Margaret Jamieson, Mr Michael McMahon, Des McNulty, Mr Keith Harding, Johann Lamont, Phil Gallie, Angus MacKay, Pauline McNeill, Elaine Smith, Marilyn Livingstone, Alasdair Morgan, Mary Scanlon, Cathie Craigie, Helen Eadie, Karen Whitefield, Dennis Canavan, Dr Winnie Ewing, Cathy Peattie, Donald Gorrie, Iain Smith*

David McLetchie: Proposed Council of the Law Society of Scotland Bill-Proposal for a Bill to amend the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 to permit the Council of the Law Society of Scotland to delegate its functions; to allow Council committees to appoint sub-committees; and to allow non-solicitors to be members of committees and sub-committees. (lodged 29 May 2002) R

Supported by: Donald Gorrie, Roseanna Cunningham, David Mundell, Maureen Macmillan, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Pauline McNeill, Bill Aitken, Scott Barrie, Brian Monteith, John Scott, Keith Harding, Fergus Ewing, Mary Scanlon, Rhoda Grant, Christine Grahame*, Henry McLeish*

Elaine Smith: Proposed Breastfeeding (Scotland) Bill-Proposal for a Bill to make it an offence to prevent a mother from breastfeeding her baby in any public place, or licensed premises, where children are otherwise permitted and to make provision for criminal penalties. (lodged 7 June 2002)

Supported by: Dorothy-Grace Elder, Tommy Sheridan, Jamie Stone, John McAllion, Dennis Canavan, Helen Eadie, Margaret Smith, Nora Radcliffe, Brian Adam, John Home Robertson, Robin Harper, Fiona McLeod, Linda Fabiani, Susan Deacon, Kenneth Macintosh*

Mr Kenneth Gibson: Home Safety Officers (Scotland) Bill-Proposal for a Bill to ensure local authority provision of dedicated home safety officers. (lodged 11 June 2002)

Supported by: Michael Russell, Colin Campbell, Linda Fabiani, Mr Andrew Welsh, Richard Lochhead, Michael Matheson, Andrew Wilson, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Brian Adam*, Stewart Stevenson*, Fiona Hyslop*, Dennis Canavan*

Michael Russell: Proposed Gaelic Language Bill-Proposal for a Bill to establish a basis of equality between the Gaelic and English languages in Scotland and to require public bodies and others including local authorities to prepare and implement Gaelic Language Plans. (lodged 18 June 2002)

Supported by: Mr Kenneth Gibson, Colin Campbell, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Bruce Crawford, Alasdair Morgan, Richard Lochhead, Roseanna Cunningham, Irene McGugan, Michael Matheson, Stewart Stevenson, Ms Sandra White

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section H : New Documents

Committee Reports

The following Reports are being published on 20 June 2002-

Education, Culture and Sport Committee, 10th Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 607)

Rural Development Committee, 8th Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 608)

Health and Community Care Committee, 9th Report 2002: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 609)

European Documents

Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerk to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request. Additionally, SPICe holds a set of Briefing Papers produced primarily for MEPs covering the views of the UK Government on proposals for EC/EU legislation. These are now being made available to all MSPs and parliamentary staff. Copies can be obtained on the SPICe page of the Parliament's intranet.

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section I : Petitions lodged on 19 June 2002

The following Petitions were lodged with the Parliament on 19 June 2002-

PE519 Petition by Duncan Shields on behalf of Fathers Fighting Injustice, calling for the Scottish Parliament to give consideration to the creation of a register of interests of the Scottish judiciary.

PE520 Petition by James Duff, calling for the Scottish Parliament to introduce legislation to allow a police force from another area to be brought in to deal with cases of alleged failure by the chief constable or his deputy to carry out investigations into complaints made by members of the public.

PE521 Petition by Ms Zoe P A Woods, calling for the Scottish Parliament to provide equestrian access closer to horse owning communities when it drafts current and future legislation in respect of national parks and access to land.

Business Bulletin No. 102/2002
Thursday 20 June 2002

Section K : Progress of Parliamentary Business

For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)

Bills in Progress

Note: Where a Bill is listed below with a date for Stage 2 (or for a day at that Stage), the deadline for lodging amendments for that Stage (or that day) is 2.00 pm, two sitting days earlier (e.g. 2.00 pm on Monday for a Stage 2 meeting on Wednesday). Where a Bill is listed with a date for Stage 3, the deadline is 4.30 pm, three sitting days earlier. Amendments should be lodged with the clerks to the Stage 2 committee.

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Justice 2 Committee) 25 June

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Social Justice Committee) 4 September

Dog Fouling (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 11 June

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill

Stage 2 (Day 1, Justice 2 Committee) 25 June

Local Government in Scotland Bill

Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 25 June

Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 17 June

School Meals (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 20 June

Scottish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Bill

Stage 3 (meeting of the Parliament) 27 June

Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 6 June

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Scotland) Bill

Stage 1 (Health and Community Care Committee) 20 March

University of St. Andrews (Postgraduate Medical Degrees) Bill

Stage 2 (Committee of the Whole Parliament) 26 June

Stage 3 (meeting of the Parliament) 26 June

Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Bill

Introduced 18 June

Subordinate legislation in progress

(date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative Instruments

Subject to approval by resolution by 23 June 2002

The Local Government Finance (Scotland) (No.2) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/230) (15 May 2002) (Local Government)

The draft Community Care (Assessment of Needs) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (15 May 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The draft Community Care (Personal Care and Nursing Care) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (15 May 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to approval by resolution by 25 June 2002

The draft Civil Legal Aid (Financial Conditions) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (17 May 2002) (Justice 1)

The draft Advice and Assistance (Financial Conditions) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (17 May 2002) (Justice 1)

Subject to approval by resolution by 29 June 2002

Draft Code of Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock: Laying Hens (SE/2002/100) (21 May 2002) (Rural Development)

Draft Code of Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock: Meat Chickens and Breeding Chickens (SE/2002/101) (21 May 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to approval by resolution by 31 August 2002

The draft Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Weapons) Amendment (Scotland) Order 2002 (23 May 2002) (Justice 1)

Subject to approval by resolution by 7 September 2002

The draft Welfare of Farmed Animals (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (30 May 2002) (Rural Development)

Negative Instruments

Subject to annulment until 22 June 2002

The Dairy Produce Quotas (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/228) (14 May 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment until 24 June 2002

The Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002 (Consequential Amendment) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/233) (16 May 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Meat (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/234) (16 May 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 25 June 2002

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2002 (SSI 2002/235) (17 May 2002) (Justice 2)

Subject to annulment by 29 June 2002

The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/238) (21 May 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 30 June 2002

The National Health Service (Clinical Negligence and Other Risks Indemnity Scheme) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/239) ( 22 May 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 31 August 2002

The Criminal Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/246) (23 May 2002) (Justice 1)

The Criminal Legal Aid (Fixed Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/247) (23 May 2002) (Justice 1)

Subject to annulment by 4 September 2002

The St Mary's Music School (Aided Places) (Scotland) Amendments Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/248) (27 May 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

The Education (Assisted Places) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/249) (27 May 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 5 September 2002

The Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/254) (28 May 2002) (Justice 1)

The TSE (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/255) (28 May 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 14 September 2002

The Community Care (Disregard of Resources) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/264) (6 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Community Care (Additional Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/265) (6 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Community Care (Deferred Payment of Accommodation Costs) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/266) (6 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

Subject to annulment by 15 September 2002

The Contaminants in Food (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/267) (7 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The National Health Service (General Dental Services) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/268) (7 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Sheriff Court Fees Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/269) (7 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Court of Session etc. Fees Amendment Order 2002 (SSI 2002/270) (7 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/271) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

The Loch Caolisport Scallops Several Fishery (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/272) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No. 2) 2002 (SSI 2002/274) (7 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Adults with Incapacity (Specified Medical Treatments) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/275) (7 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/276) (7 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The New Water and Sewerage Authorities Dissolution (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/277) (7 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Extensification Payment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/278) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

The Plant Protection Products Amendment (No.2) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/279) (7 June 2002) (Rural Development)

Subject to annulment by 18 September 2002

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Witnesses and Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2002 (SSI 2002/280) (10 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Gaming Act (Variation of Fees) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/281) (10 June 2002) (Justice 2)

The Education (Student Loans) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/282) (10 June 2002) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)

The Animal By-Products (Identification) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/283) (10 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Food (Control of Irradiation) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/284) (10 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Feeding Stuffs Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/285) (10 June 2002) (Health and Community Care)

The Teachers' Superannuation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/288) (10 June 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

The Bus Service Operators Grant (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/289) (10 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Home Zones (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/292) (10 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Travel Concessions (Eligible Services) (Scotland) Order 2002 (SSI 2002/290) (10 June 2002) (Transport and the Environment)

The Advisory Council (Establishment) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (SSI 2002/293) (10 June 2002) (Education, Culture and Sport)

Committee Business

Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place by each Committee.

Audit 25 June

Education, Culture and Sport 25 June

Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 27 June

Equal Opportunities 25 June

European 10 September

Finance 26 June

Health and Community Care 26 June

Justice 1 25 June

Justice 2 25 June

Local Government 25 June

Procedures 25 June

Public Petitions 25 June

Rural Development 25 June

Social Justice 26 June

Standards 26 June

Subordinate Legislation 25 June

Transport and Environment 26 June

[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]

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Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 102/2002. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from

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Information about Document 1218

Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 102/2002


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Audience size 1000+

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Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2002
Word count 9402
General description Business Bulletin. See

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Web (webpages, discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms)

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Publisher Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Publication year 2002
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Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
