Document 1589

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 13, recording 2: playing over breakfast

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): SCOTS Project, Dr Jennifer Smith

Audio transcription

M1106 [singing]
F1105 Right, what about your breakfast, what would you like?
M1106 I want a toy.
F1105 Mm?
M1106 I want a toy.
F1105 You want fitt?
M1106 I want a toy!
F1105 A toy?
M1106 Uh-huh.
F1105 Well, you've plenty toys up in your bedroom.
M1106 I have.
F1105 Mm.
M1106 I have.
F1105 Right come on then, breakfast. You'res wanting milk, are you?
M1106 Milkshake.
F1105 Milkshake?
M1106 I prefer milk.
F1105 Milkshake.
M1106 There's the milk.
F1105 Go and get your chair and everything.
M1106 You have to get this.
F1105 Oh! You haven't been to the door t-, for my milk. See if the milkie's left a pint of milk for Mam.
M1106 A pint of milk. //Mam, a pint of milk.//
F1105 //Aye.//
M1106 A pint of milk. [wail]. He left!
F1105 Has he left? Good. Can you pop it in the fridge for me?
M1106 Okay. There's two the same!
F1105 Two the same?
M1106 When it's dark, me asleep, the milkie comes to put some mair pints of milk.
F1105 That's right. Fresh milk for your breakfast in the morning.
M1106 Yeah. Fresh milk.
F1105 Mm. Fitt time?
M1106 Past eight erm //eight o'clock.//
F1105 //That was the postie, no the milkman.//
M1106 [exhale] [inhale] There. [laugh] Mum!
F1105 Aye?
M1106 Where's the milkshake? Oh, there, there, in in in there?
F1105 What's in there? What's that called?
M1106 Strawberry.
F1105 Okay. //[?]Get oot[/?].//
M1106 //[sucks air through teeth]// [CENSORED: forename] likes //[CENSORED: forename] likes milkshake//
F1105 //Oh.//
M1106 with bananas in it.
F1105 Does she?
M1106 Uh-huh.
F1105 Who likes strawberry sha-, er, na- banana?
M1106 Shake. Erm, erm [CENSORED: forename] likes that.
F1105 Oh, [CENSORED: forename] likes banana. And what's your favourite? You'll have to try different flavours. Hmm? Did you try different flavours?
M1106 Yes.
F1105 Oh!
M1106 Oops.
F1105 Can you manage? //It's alright. I'll//
M1106 //Oops.//
F1105 wipe it up. Oh look, here's a cloth. There you go. Okay, and then put on your lid.
M1106 Mum, look, it's all red and pink.
F1105 Mmhm. [yawn] Watch where your lid's going. Will Mum check? Oops. [yawn] Excuse //me.//
M1106 //Are you// tired?
F1105 Yes.
M1106 [laugh] We're off to work.
F1105 Okay. //Give it a shake. No, close it first. Aye.//
M1106 //We're off to//
F1105 Well done. Would you like a glass?
M1106 Yeah.
F1105 Yeah. What's the magic word? I'll give yo-, I havena got a glass. I'll give you this one. What's the magic word?
M1106 I can't open it.
F1105 What's the magic word though? //That's a boy.//
M1106 //Please.//
F1105 Would you like a straw?
M1106 [slurp] Mum?
F1105 I'll open it for you.
M1106 Mum, I just s- I just said can I have a drink. //[?]Mum[/?].//
F1105 //Okay?//
M1106 Oh. There's some milk.
F1105 Mmhm. Know what to do? Only a wee drop in that, cause it's er, we must have put in //too much milkshake.//
M1106 //To-.// Shake shake.
F1105 The syrup can-. Give it another shake.
M1106 That's it.
F1105 Okay? Put it in there. [pouring milkshake] //[laugh]//
M1106 //Ooh!// Dollops of that come out.
F1105 Okay?
M1106 Big dollops of milkshake.
F1105 What's on?
M1106 Don't want. Don't want.
F1105 [?]Put them in your dinner[/?].
M1106 Two, three, Mum, that's green,
F1105 Mmhm.
M1106 that's all green.
F1105 Okay, would you like to take your milkshake over to the table?
M1106 [child noises] [shouts] Ah! I will stand. Mum, I will stand. Just stand near the chair. I have to sta- stand sometimes.
F1105 Oh.
M1106 Ma, have to stand sometimes. [background noise] [child noises] [slurp] [inaudible] [inaudible] [humming] [water noises?] [humming]
F1105 [exhale]
M1106 [humming] [slurp]
F1105 Did you enjoy having [CENSORED: forename] down last nicht?
M1106 Yeah.
F1105 Aye. She can come back and play another time.
M1106 Mmhm.
F1105 You'd great fun, didn't you?
M1106 Mmhm.
F1105 Now stay in the kitchen wi your milkshake. Stay in your, no, stay in the kitchen please.
M1106 I don't want that chair there.
F1105 No? Okay.
M1106 I'll just stand.
F1105 Alright.
M1106 I want to just stand!
F1105 Stand, will you?
M1106 Mum, I want to go through to the living room, erm. Mum!
F1105 Mm.
M1106 Mam, this turned into a war sword.
F1105 Mmhm. Try your bedroom. I think the big ones are in your bedroom.
M1106 [exhale] [inhale] My dad changed it into a little one. My dad changed it into a little one. My dad just changed it.
F1105 He's changed it, has he?
M1106 Yeah, he did. Come on up the stair Mum. [inaudible] one, two, three. [inaudible] erm [tut] Thursday, the day [inaudible], see yesterday. Bye bye! [blowing] [snort] [exhale] Come on Scruffy. Come on Scruffy! Come on Scruffy. Come on Scruffy. [child noises] [blowing] [inhale] Come on Scruffy! My daddy thought he'd lost you, yo-. Mummy, Mum. [child noises] [child noises] [child noises] [child noises] Mam?
F1105 Mmhm?
M1106 Will you bide here and watch TV with me?
F1105 I'm going away through to have my breakfast. You're coming through //[inaudible] breakfast.//
M1106 //[exhale] Cool.// Mum, I want this off.
F1105 No, keep it on.
M1106 No, off.
F1105 No, you've to keep it on.
M1106 O- off.
F1105 On.
M1106 No. Mum, you have to squeeze the sides. Mam, [CENSORED: forename] showed me. //No,//
F1105 //Did she?//
M1106 squeeze the sides. That's the doc-. [?]Witch[/?] doctor. The doctor that shooted Action Man.
F1105 Oh?
M1106 Squeeze the sides! See, squeeze the sides. I got to doctor it, see //doctor when.//
F1105 //Well done!// Well done!
M1106 It's a tester, one two three when I was going up the stair.
F1105 That's good.
M1106 [panting] Well, please. [panting] [panting] [?]My glass is[/?]. [exhale] [slurp] Mum! [inaudible] [exhale] [inhale] Mam! [squeal] [child noises] [child noises] It's Scholes v Woods! Where's the ball? Where's the ball? [sucks air through teeth] [child noises] See that. [sound of pages turning] That's the end. [inaudible] [child noises] Mum! Oh [squeals]
F1105 Fitt you daein in there? Right, come on then, //let's go and get breakfast.//
M1106 //Boo!// I want to see dad.
F1105 On you go then.
M1106 See Dad. [snort] Mum, you going to the Tweenies site?
F1105 I'm gonna write a wee [inaudible] an email.
M1106 [exhale] I wanna go to the Tweenie site.
F1105 Okay. Once you've had your breakfast.
M1106 Once you, once you done.

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 13, recording 2: playing over breakfast. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 13, recording 2: playing over breakfast." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 13, recording 2: playing over breakfast," accessed 23 October 2024,

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Information about Document 1589

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 13, recording 2: playing over breakfast


Audio audience

For gender Mixed
Audience size 2

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Participants asked to wear microphone while going about daily life

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2004
Recording person id 509
Size (min) 14
Size (mb) 55

Audio setting

Recording venue Participants' house
Geographic location of speech Buckie

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Family members or other close relationship

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 1170
Year of transcription 2007
Year material recorded 2004
Word count 874

Audio type

General description Dialogue while going about daily life


Participant details

Participant id 1105
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1970
Educational attainment College
Age left school 15
Occupation Support worker
Place of birth Buckie
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Buckie
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Fisherman
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Cullen
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Participant details

Participant id 1106
Gender Male
Decade of birth 2000
Occupation schoolchild
Place of birth Elgin
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Buckie
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Rigger offshore
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Support worker
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland
