Document 1199
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 166/2000
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
Highlight word:
Friday 3 November 2000
Section B - Business Programme
Section C - Agendas of Committee Meetings
Section E - Written questions lodged on 2 November 2000
Section F - Motions and Amendments
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Section H - New Documents
Section J - Progress of Parliamentary business
Friday 3 November 2000
Section B - Business Programme
As agreed by the Parliament on 2 November 2000
Wednesday 8 November 2000
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Executive Debate on Equality Strategy
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1229 Mr Andrew Welsh: Nuclear Testing Related Illnesses (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 27 October 2000)
Thursday 9 November 2000
9.30 am Ministerial Statement
followed by Executive Debate on NHS Governance and Accountability
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Executive Debate on Sport
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1210 Donald Gorrie: Misuse of Alcohol (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 27 October 2000)
Wednesday 15 November 2000
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Ministerial Statement
followed by Executive Debate on Social Justice
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Thursday 16 November 2000
9.30 am Scottish National Party Business
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Executive Business
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Friday 3 November 2000
Section C – Agendas of Committee Meetings
Equal Opportunities Committee
7 November 2000
21st Meeting, 2000
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1
1. Items in private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 5, 10 and 11 in private.
2. New members of the Committee: The new members of the Committee will make a declaration of their interests.
3. Choice of Deputy Convener: The Committee will choose a Deputy Convener.
4. Travelling People and Public Sector Policies Inquiry: The Convener will update the Committee on the current progress of the Inquiry.
5. Questions for witnesses: The Committee will consider its questions for the Disabled Persons Housing Service.
6. Better Homes for Scotland's Communities (the Executive’s proposals for the Housing Bill) and Building Standards Regulations: The Committee will take evidence from the Disabled Persons Housing Service from –
Wladyslaw P Mejka, Director
Deborah Burns, Property Register Officer
7. Recent consultations: The Committee will consider Learning Teaching Scotland’s consultation ‘Sex Education in Scotland’s Schools’.
8. Equalities checklist and research proposal on mainstreaming equalities in the Scottish Parliament: The Committee will consider papers on an equalities checklist and a research proposal on mainstreaming equalities in the Scottish Parliament.
9. Reporters: The Committee will hear from Reporters on progress since the last Committee meeting.
10. Equality Strategy: The Committee will consider the Executive’s Equality Strategy.
11. Annual budget process: The Committee will consider its Stage 2 Report of the annual budget process.
Procedures Committee
7 November 2000
11th Meeting, 2000
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2
1. Item 8 to be taken in private: The Committee will consider whether to take item 8 in private session.
2. Publication of Rejected Amendments: The Committee will consider a paper.
3. Substitution on Committees of the Parliament: The Committee will consider a paper.
4. Extension of Members' Business Time: The Committee will consider a paper.
5. Draft Committee Report on Private Legislation in the Scottish Parliament: The Committee will consider its draft Report.
6. Enquiry into Committee Operations: The Committee will consider a paper.
7. Draft Committee Report on Changes to the Standing Orders: The Committee will consider its draft Report.
8. Enquiry into the Consultative Steering Group Principles: External Research Consultants: The Committee will consider a paper.
Subordinate Legislation Committee
7 November 2000
31st Meeting, 2000
The Committee will meet at 11.15 am in Committee Room 3
1. Executive Responses: The Committee will consider the response from the Scottish Executive to points raised on the following instrument—
The Budget (Scotland) Act 2000 (Amendment) (No.2) Order 2000, (SSI 2000/draft)
2. Draft Affirmative Instruments: The Committee will consider the following instruments—
The Scotland Act 1998 (Cross–Border Public Authorities) (Adaptation of Functions etc.) (No.2) Order 2000, (SI 2000/draft)
The Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) (No.2) Order 2000, (SI 2000/draft)
Local Government Committee
7 November 2000
29th Meeting, 2000
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 1
1. Items in private: The Committee will decide whether to hold items 4 and 5 in private
2. Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider paper LG/00/29/1 on proposals for consideration at Stage 1 of the Bill.
3. Visits to other Parliaments and Assemblies : The Committee will consider a report from Bristow Muldoon on the visit to Wales
4. Stage 2 of the Budget Process 2001/02: The Committee will consider a draft letter to the Finance Committee
5. Procedures for questioning witnesses: The Committee will consider paper LG/00/29/3
Public Petitions Committee
7 November 2000
16th Meeting, 2000
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh
1. New Petitions: Consideration of new petitions
2. Current Petitions: Consideration of current petitions
3. Conveners Report
Rural Affairs Committee
7 November 2000
29th Meeting, 2000
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 2
1. Membership changes: The Committee will hear any declarations of interests by new members of the Committee and consider the involvement of previous members on work still in progress.
2. Choice of Deputy Convener.
3. Salmon Conservation (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a report by the Subordinate Legislation Committee.
4. Salmon Conservation (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence from— The Association of District Salmon Fishery Boards, the Atlantic Salmon Trust, the Scottish Anglers National Association, the Salmon and Trout Association, the Salmon Net Fishing Association (Scotland) and the Deputy Minister for Rural Development.
5. Salmon Conservation (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider their conclusions following the taking of evidence on this Bill.
6. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider The Specified Risk Material Order Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2000 SS1 2000/344 and the Specified Risk Material Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2000 SSI 2000/345 under the negative procedure.
7. Report into the impact of the closure of the Islay Creamery (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.
8. Scottish Executive Budget Proposals 2000/2001 (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.
Friday 3 November 2000
Section E - Written questions lodged on 2 November 2000
S1W-10848 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to allow patients to return unused and unopened medicines prior to the expiry date and to have prescription charges refunded.
S1W-10849 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what impact this year’s increase in water and sewerage rates has had on small voluntary organisations.
S1W-10850 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to assist charities that have lost rates relief following decisions by the water authorities to end such relief.
S1W-10851 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to empower communities.
S1W-10852 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to encourage local authority officers and members to commit themselves fully to the Best Value programme.
S1W-10853 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive which health boards allow doctors to prescribe (a) temozolomide for the treatment of brain cancer and (b) inrinotecan for the treatment of bowel cancer.
S1W-10854 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to allow tobramycin to be prescribed for the treatment of cystic fibrosis and what guidelines will be issued to health boards regarding this medicine.
S1W-10855 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what treatment guidelines are issued regarding the prescribing of donepezil hydrochlor for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
S1W-10856 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what advice it provides on treating schizophrenia and other mental illnesses with resperidone, olanzapine and quetiapine rather than older medicines such as chlorpromazine.
S1W-10857 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what cost benefit analysis has been undertaken, in partnership with the NHS in England and Wales where appropriate, into the use of newer, safer, more effective medicines rather than older, less expensive drugs which may have a poorer safety profile and a lower level of patient compliance.
S1W-10858 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-10349 by Sarah Boyack on 27 October 2000, whether it will give further details of the personal injury road accidents that have occurred in the last five years on the Strathblane to Aberfoyle stretch of the A81, outlining whether the accidents were slight, serious or fatal.
S1W-10859 Mr Keith Harding: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Minister for Education, Europe and External Affairs will consider visiting Bell Baxter High School in Cupar, Fife.
S1W-10860 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it was invited to contribute to the decision-making process which set the criteria to be used for the 19th round of licensing for exploration for oil and gas in the North Sea; if so, what advice and guidance it gave and, if not, what representations it has made to the Department of Trade and Industry on its involvement in such matters.
S1W-10861 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has made to Her Majesty's Government regarding the promotion of oil exploration and extraction on "fallow field" sites, for which licences have been granted but which have not been developed.
S1W-10862 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has made or intends to make to Her Majesty's Government regarding the reduction or abolition of track access charges for rail freight in Scotland.
S1W-10863 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the rate of financial return assumed by Caledonian MacBrayne in its tender, in conjunction with a private partner, for the Northern Isles passenger ferry subsidy contract was an appropriate commercial rate.
S1W-10864 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether Caledonian MacBrayne’s tender, in conjunction with a private partner, for the Northern Isles passenger ferry subsidy contract was submitted on a commercial basis and, if not, on what basis it was submitted.
S1W-10865 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it assisted in any way with the tender made by Caledonian MacBrayne, in conjunction with a private partner, for the Northern Isles passenger ferry subsidy contract.
S1W-10866 Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive how many notifications have been made by mobile telephone companies of the exercise of their right under existing planning legislation to erect transmission masts on public land adjacent to roads and footpaths in East Lothian since the Executive announced its intention, in August 2000, to amend such legislation, and whether it will apply any such amendments retrospectively in order to address this position.
S1W-10867 Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps have been taken by the Forestry Commission to facilitate the procurement of Scottish timber for structural and other purposes in buildings in the Holyrood Project.
S1W-10868 Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of timber from forests is transported by rail and what steps are being taken to persuade the English, Welsh and Scottish Railway to accept more timber business.
S1W-10869 Mr John Home Robertson: To ask the Scottish Executive what consequential funding it has received as a result of the extra allocations from Her Majesty's Treasury for post offices in rural areas and how those funds are to be applied.
S1W-10870 Alex Neil: To ask the Scottish Executive what would be the difference to the cost of collecting the graduate endowment, as currently proposed by it, if the income threshold was raised from £10,000 to (a) £19,000 and (b) £25,000.
S1W-10871 Alex Neil: To ask the Scottish Executive what the estimated cost is of collection of the graduate endowment, as currently proposed by it, in each of its first five years of operation.
S1W-10872 Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any of Scotland’s Chief Constables have made requests in the last twelve months for additional funding for personnel; whether these requests were made orally or in writing; what these requests amounted to in terms of cash and personnel numbers, and whether requests were met and, if so, whether in whole or in part.
S1W-10873 Dr Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Executive what the latest position is on agri-monetary compensation payments to the arable sector.
S1W-10874 Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will give details of any monitoring of the effect of admission to school at an early age on the performance of children at age 16 in examinations.
S1W-10875 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive when (a) Glasgow Airport and (b) Edinburgh Airport will reach their maximum operating capacities according to current projections of the growth of air traffic.
S1W-10876 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether a public service obligation (PSO) could be imposed on every internal air route within the Highlands and Islands; if not, on which routes a PSO could not be imposed and why a PSO could not be imposed on any such routes.
S1W-10877 Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive when details of the additional funds to tackle Scotland’s drug problems will be announced.
S1W-10878 Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will support the provision of a drug detoxification, rehabilitation and throughcare centre for North East Scotland.
S1W-10879 Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will consider a pilot programme for drug courts in North East Scotland.
S1W-10880 Janis Hughes: To ask the Scottish Executive when it expects the Health Technology Board for Scotland to publish its findings regarding the prescription of beta interferon for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
S1W-10881 Linda Fabiani: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-10427 by Mr Sam Galbraith on 30 October 2000, whether in the light of the evidence submitted by the interim Chief Executive of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee which related only to national qualifications candidates and not to candidates for the other awards which require verification, accreditation, validation or other procedures to be carried out by the SQA before awards can be made, it will clarify that answer.
S1W-10882 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any concerns about the security of employment of the 1,000 Burton’s Biscuits employees in Edinburgh following the sale this week to the venture capital firm Hicks, Muse, Tate and Furst, the same investment firm that financially backed Viasystems.
S1W-10883 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive what services it will seek to buy from the Post Office under Her Majesty's Government "Gateway" proposals approved by the Performance and Innovation unit of Her Majesty’s Cabinet Office, and what is the estimated cost of so doing.
S1W-10884 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive which options it favours for the provision of universal banking services through the Post Office network for those people who cannot or do not wish to use traditional bank accounts.
S1W-10885 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will subsidise the provision of universal banking services by the Post Office and, if so, to what extent.
S1W-10886 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive what contribution it will make to Social Network Payments to prevent any closures of sub-Post Offices in rural and deprived urban areas.
S1W-10887 Mr Adam Ingram: To ask the Scottish Executive what contribution it will make to the establishment of a fund to support Post Offices and their retail facilities in deprived urban areas.
S1W-10890 Rhoda Grant: To ask the Scottish Executive when an announcement will be made on the proposed superquarry at Lingerbay.
S1W-10891 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to find an operator or owner for the oil fabrication yard at Arnish, Isle of Lewis.
S1W-10892 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans to extend the remit of the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive (SPTE) to cover freight transport and what the reasons are for its position on the extension or otherwise of SPTE’s remit to include this issue.
S1W-10893 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive how many tourists visit Scotland for golfing holidays annually (a) in total; (b) broken down by the country which such visitors are from and (c) broken down by the mode of travel used to travel to Scotland.
S1W-10894 Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to reduce the passenger service charge at Inverness Airport and what the reasons are for any such decision.
S1W-10895 Mrs Margaret Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive how many people died from mesothelioma in each year since 1980, broken down by health board area.
S1W-10896 Mrs Margaret Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has made to the Director-General of the Cancer Research Campaign to bring in clinical trials on drugs to combat mesothelioma to Scotland.
S1W-10897 Mrs Margaret Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it is taking to assist companies and organisations in the private and public sector and householders to eradicate asbestos in buildings.
Friday 3 November 2000
Section F - Motions and Amendments
The full text of all outstanding motions and amendments will appear in the Business Bulletin every Monday.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.
Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members’ business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)
*S1M-1317 Brian Adam: Drugs Detoxification, Rehabilitation and Throughcare Centre for North East Scotland—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive to support the provision of a drugs detoxification, rehabilitation and throughcare centre for north east Scotland in conjunction with the health boards and other appropriate agencies.
*S1M-1316 Mr Duncan Hamilton: Scottish Centre for Learning Disability—That the Parliament welcomes the establishment of a Scottish Centre for Learning Disability; notes the Scottish Executive’s commitment to the dispersal of government institutions and services throughout Scotland, and urges it to support the siting of the Centre in Inverness.
Supported by: Fergus Ewing*, Mrs Margaret Ewing*
*S1M-1315# Christine Grahame: Burton's Biscuits—That the Parliament notes with concern the purchase of Burton’s Biscuits by Hicks Muse Tait & Furst for £130 million given the track record of this investment company in Scotland as the financial backer of Viasystems which purchased two profitable companies in the Scottish Borders after securing funding of £12 million from the Department for Trade and Industry on the basis of creating 1,000 jobs there, then closed the companies down one year later with the loss of 1,200 jobs, transferring work from there to North Tyneside; also notes that Hicks Muse Tait & Furst is the financial backer of Horizon Biscuits, a competitor of Burton’s; further notes that there are 1,000 employees of Burton’s in Edinburgh and, against that background, urges the Scottish Executive to seek assurances from Hicks Muse Tait & Furst that those Scottish jobs are secure and to confirm that no public funds are or will be available to that company which could facilitate any loss of Scottish jobs.
*S1M-1314 Colin Campbell: Congratulations to Scottish ENABLE India Charity Bike Riders—That the Parliament congratulates the two parliamentary researchers, John Mellon and Shirley-Anne Somerville, on their efforts to raise £5,000 for the learning disabilities charity ENABLE and wishes them the best of success in their forthcoming 350 km cycle ride through the Indian Himalayas.
Supported by: Kay Ullrich*
*S1M-1313# Mr Andrew Welsh: Nuclear Testing Related Illnesses—That the Parliament recognises the possible correlation between participation in the UK’s Nuclear Test Programme in the 1950s and the development of subsequent illnesses; congratulates Dundee University on its progress toward the development of a new diagnostic procedure and management clinic for individuals exposed to injurious amounts of ionising radiation, and supports the University’s attempts to develop a centre of excellence to deal with the health hazards of long-term and accidental radiation exposure.
Supported by: Richard Lochhead*, Dr Winnie Ewing*, Kay Ullrich*
*S1M-1312 Malcolm Chisholm: The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No 4) (Scotland) Order 2000—That the Health and Community Care Committee recommends that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No 4) (Scotland) Order 2000 be approved.
Supported by: Susan Deacon*
*S1M-1311 Malcolm Chisholm: The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (No2) (Scotland) Order 2000—That the Health and Community Care Committee recommends that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (No 2) (Scotland) Order 2000 be approved.
Supported by: Susan Deacon*
*S1M-1310 Malcolm Chisholm: The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2000—That the Health and Community Care Committee recommends that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2000 be approved.
S1M-1307 Replacement of Montrose Bridge (lodged on 1 November 2000) Alex Johnstone*
S1M-1306 Baillieston Community Care Project (lodged on 1 November 2000) Christine Grahame*
S1M-1300# Beating Bowel Cancer (lodged on 31 October 2000) Christine Grahame*, Hugh Henry*, Helen Eadie*, Margaret Jamieson*, Nick Johnston*, Mary Scanlon*, Trish Godman*
S1M-1296 The Brenda Jane Fund - portable ultra-sound scanner appeal (lodged on 30 October 2000) Mr Murray Tosh*, Mrs Margaret Ewing*, Dr Elaine Murray*
S1M-1290 Gas Safety Recommendations (lodged on 30 October 2000) Fiona Hyslop*, Mrs Margaret Ewing*
S1M-1289 Recognition of British Sign Language in European Year of Languages 2001 (lodged on 27 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Mary Scanlon*
S1M-1288 Recognition of the Success of the British Paralympic Team (lodged on 26 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Michael Matheson*
S1M-1287# Funding for Disabled People and their Carers (lodged on 26 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*, Mrs Margaret Ewing*
S1M-1286 Glasgow Light Rail Scheme (lodged on 26 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*
S1M-1285# Establishment of a Children's Fund (lodged on 26 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*
S1M-1284# Voluntary Sector Access to Criminal Record Information (lodged on 26 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1283 High Fuel Prices (lodged on 26 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*
S1M-1282 Aberdeen Alternative Festival (lodged on 25 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*
S1M-1281# Difficulties Faced by Paper Makers in Scotland (lodged on 25 October 2000) Phil Gallie*, Nora Radcliffe*, Mary Scanlon*
S1M-1280# Palestinian Resolution (lodged on 25 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Michael Matheson*, Mr John Home Robertson*, Ms Sandra White*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*, Trish Godman*
S1M-1279 East Coast Mainline Rail Services (lodged on 25 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1276# Condition of Medical Equipment (lodged on 24 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*, Mrs Margaret Ewing*
S1M-1274 Independent Police Complaints Tribunal (lodged on 24 October 2000) Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1273# Compensation for Mesothelioma Sufferers (lodged on 24 October 2000) Dr Elaine Murray*, Nora Radcliffe*, Michael Matheson*, Mr John Home Robertson*, Ms Sandra White*, Nick Johnston*, Dr Richard Simpson*, Trish Godman*
S1M-1272 Govan Shipyard (lodged on 24 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Mr John Home Robertson*
S1M-1270 Dere Street (lodged on 23 October 2000) Ms Sandra White*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*
S1M-1269# Safety on the Rail Network (lodged on 23 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1268# Govan Shipyard (lodged on 23 October 2000) Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1266# OKI, Cumbernauld (lodged on 20 October 2000) Nora Radcliffe*, Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*
S1M-1265# School Milk (lodged on 17 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*
S1M-1264 Scotland's Participation in Future Olympic Games (lodged on 16 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Mr Duncan Hamilton*
S1M-1263# Caledonian MacBrayne (lodged on 16 October 2000) Trish Godman*
S1M-1259 MMR Vaccine (lodged on 11 October 2000) Michael Matheson*
S1M-1257 Cannabis and the Scottish Criminal Justice System (lodged on 10 October 2000) Ms Sandra White*, Mr Gil Paterson*, Mr Mike Rumbles*, Michael Matheson*
S1M-1255 Review of Sex Offenders Act 1997 (lodged on 6 October 2000) Michael Matheson*
S1M-1253# Scots and Chronic Pain (lodged on 6 October 2000) Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1252 Evaluation of Open Day (lodged on 6 October 2000) Nick Johnston*, Michael Matheson*, Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1250 Release of Executive Documents Relating to the Examination Results Crisis (lodged on 5 October 2000) Fiona Hyslop*, Michael Matheson*
S1M-1248 Macmillan Cancer Relief (lodged on 5 October 2000) Nick Johnston*, Fiona Hyslop*, Michael Matheson*, Dr Richard Simpson*
S1M-1247 Youth Hostels (lodged on 5 October 2000) Nick Johnston*, Ms Sandra White*
S1M-1246 Lord Advocate's Reference in Trident Case (lodged on 4 October 2000) Fiona Hyslop*
S1M-1244 Democracy in Azerbaijan (lodged on 4 October 2000) Michael Matheson*
S1M-1243# SSSI, SPA and SAC Designations (lodged on 4 October 2000) Alex Johnstone*
S1M-1242# Community Care Services for Elderly People (lodged on 4 October 2000) Fiona Hyslop*, Michael Matheson*
S1M-1233# Day Care Centres (lodged on 3 October 2000) Fiona Hyslop*
S1M-1230 Voluntary Organisations for Disabled People (lodged on 29 September 2000) Dr Elaine Murray*, Michael Matheson*
S1M-1227 Health Visitors and Community Nurses (lodged on 28 September 2000) Michael Matheson*
S1M-1226# 50th Anniversary of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (lodged on 28 September 2000) Michael Matheson*
S1M-1221 Steve Redgrave (lodged on 27 September 2000) Dr Elaine Murray*
S1M-1219# Fife and Central Scotland Rail Link (lodged on 26 September 2000) Nick Johnston*
S1M-1218# Tinnitus (lodged on 26 September 2000) Alex Johnstone*, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh*, Dr Elaine Murray*
S1M-1210# Misuse of Alcohol (lodged on 22 September 2000) Dr Richard Simpson*
S1M-1208# Recognition of Pigeon Racing (lodged on 22 September 2000) Dr Elaine Murray*
S1M-1191# Eniola Adewale (lodged on 19 September 2000) Michael Matheson*
S1M-1189# Mental Health Carers (lodged on 15 September 2000) Michael Matheson*
Friday 3 November 2000
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Amendments lodged Thusday 2 November 2000
Transport (Scotland) Bill – Stage 2
Section 40
Mr Murray Tosh
138 In section 40, page 23, line 32, after <strategy> insert <or a joint transport strategy>
Mr Murray Tosh
139 In section 40, page 23, line 34, at end insert—
<( ) the charging authority, or charging authorities, have carried out an impact study of the proposed scheme; and
( ) the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that consultation has been carried out in relation to the proposed scheme.>
Section 41
Mr Murray Tosh
140 In section 41, page 24, line 13, at end insert—
<( ) Where all or part of a charging scheme is located in the area of a joint structure plan, the charging scheme may not be made, varied or revoked, without the approval of all local authorities represented on the plan.>
Section 42
Mr Murray Tosh
141 In section 42, page 24, line 25, leave out subsection (2)
Mr Murray Tosh
142 In section 42, page 24, line 26, at end insert—
<( ) The Scottish Ministers shall not confirm any charging scheme which has effect in an area where a licensing scheme under section 52(1) is in force.>
Section 43
Mr Murray Tosh
143 In section 43, page 24, line 32, leave out <may, at any time> and insert <shall>
Mr Murray Tosh
144 In section 43, page 24, line 33, after <made,> insert <publish an impact study on the effects of the order, and>
Mr Murray Tosh
145 In section 43, page 24, line 33, after <persons> insert <including local residents, local amenity groups, relevant business organisations, and organisations representing road users>
Section 44
Mr Murray Tosh
146 In section 44, page 25, line 16, after <imposed> insert <during the lifetime of the scheme, including any mechanism for increasing such charges after the scheme is first made>
Mr Murray Tosh
147 In section 44, page 25, line 31, at end insert—
<( ) discounts for holders of residential parking permits>
Mr Murray Tosh
148 In section 44, page 25, leave out line 32
Mr Murray Tosh
149 In section 44, page 25, line 32, at end insert—
<( ) In submitting a charging scheme under section 42(1) the charging authority or charging authorities (acting jointly) must provide detailed justification of any proposal to levy differential charges on different classes of motor vehicles.>
Section 47
Mr Murray Tosh
150 In section 47, page 27, line 37, after <a> insert <public>
Friday 3 November 2000
Section H - New Documents
Affirmative Instruments
The following instruments were laid in draft before the Parliament on 2 November 2000 for approval by resolution—
The Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) (No.2) Order 2000—
The Scotland Act 1998 (Cross-Border Public Authorities) (Adaptation of Functions etc.) (No.2) Order 2000—
laid under paras. 1, 2 and 3 of schedule 7 and section 115 of the Scotland Act 1998
European Documents
Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerks to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request.
Friday 3 November 2000
Section J - Progress of Parliamentary business
For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)
Bills in Progress
Abolition of Poindings and Warrant Sales Bill
Stage 2 completed 19 September
Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) Bill
Introduced 5 October
Family Homes and Homelessness (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (Social Inclusion, Housing and Voluntary
Sector Committee) 8 November
Leasehold Casualties (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (Justice and Home Affairs Committee) 8 November
Mortgage Rights (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (report, Social Inclusion, Housing and
Voluntary Sector Committee) No date established
Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Rural Affairs Committee) 14 November
Salmon Conservation (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Rural Affairs Committee) 7 November
Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Amendment (Scotland) Bill
Bill Passed 28 September
Transport (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2 (Day 4, Transport and the Environment Committee) 8 November
Subordinate legislation in progress
(date of laying) (Lead Committee)
Affirmative Instruments
For approval by resolution
The draft Train Operating Companies (Rateable Values) (Scotland) (No.2) Order 2000 (21 September 2000) (Local Government)
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Notification of Authorisations etc.) (Scotland) Order 2000 (SSI 2000/340) (29 September 2000) (Justice and Home Affairs)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.4) (Scotland) Order 2000 (SSI 2000/359) (12 October 2000) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (Scotland) Order 2000 (SSI 2000/360) (16 October 2000) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (East Coast) (No. 2) (Scotland) Order 2000 (SSI 2000/370) (20 October 2000) (Health and Community Care)
The draft Budget (Scotland) Act 2000 (Amendment) (No.2) Order 2000 (24 October 2000)
The Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) (No.2) Order 2000 (2 November 2000)
The Scotland Act 1998 (Cross-Border Public Authorities) (Adaptation of Functions etc.) (No.2) Order 2000 (2 November 2000)
Negative Instruments
Subject to annulment until 6 November 2000
The Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/320) (14 September 2000) (Transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 17 November 2000
The Diseases of Fish (Control) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/330) (25 September 2000) (Rural Affairs)
Subject to annulment until 21 November 2000
The Education and Training (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/342) (29 September 2000) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000 (SSI 2000/343) (29 September 2000) (Justice and Home Affairs)
The Specified Risk Material Order Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/344) (29 September 2000) (Health and Community Care)
The Specified Risk Material Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/345) (29 September 2000) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 25 November 2000
The Agricultural Subsidies (Appeals) (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/347) (3 October 2000) (Rural Affairs)
Subject to annulment until 28 November 2000
The National Health Service (General Dental Services) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/352) (6 October 2000)
Subject to annulment until 1 December 2000
The Brucellosis (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/364) (18 October 2000)
The Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/365) (18 October 2000)
The Teachers’ Superannuation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/366) (18 October 2000)
The Gaming Clubs (Hours) (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (SSI 2000/371) (23 October 2000)
Committee Business
Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place on the relevant subject.
Audit 14 November
Education, Culture and Sport 8 November
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 8 November
Equal Opportunities 7 November
European 14 November
Finance 14 November
Health and Community Care 8 November
Justice and Home Affairs 8 November
Local Government 7 November
Procedures 7 November
Public Petitions 7 November
Rural Affairs 7 November
Social Inclusion, Housing and Voluntary Sector 8 November
Standards 21 November
Subordinate Legislation 7 November
Transport and Environment 8 November
[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]
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Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 166/2000. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 6 October 2024, from
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