Document 1154
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Rural Development: Minutes: Meeting 11, 2001
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
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11th Meeting, 2001 (Session 1)
Tuesday 24 April 2001
Fergus Ewing
Alex Fergusson
Rhoda Grant
Cathy Jamieson
Alex Johnstone (Convener)
George Lyon
Richard Lochhead
Dr Elaine Murray
Mr Mike Rumbles
Elaine Smith
Also Present: Mr Adam Ingram
Apologies were received from Mrs Margaret Ewing
The meeting opened at 2.02 pm.
1. Committee business: The Committee agreed to take item 7 in public.
2. Petition 272 calling on the Scottish Parliament to amend the Disease of Fish (Control) Regulations 1994: The Committee took evidence from-
Gordon Brown, Dr Ron Stagg and David Cassidy from the Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department and John Kinnaird, Professor Ron Roberts and Richard Clark representing the National Farmers Union of Scotland.
The Committee agreed to note the petition and to write to the Minister expressing the Committee's concerns on some of the issues raised and to consider these issues again.
3. Budget Process 2002-03: The Committee agreed various areas of questioning on the Budget and agreed to invite representatives from the Committee of the Heads of Agriculture and Biological Organisations of Scotland and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities to give evidence on 8 May.
4. Report on the Inquiry by the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee into Fuel Prices in Remoter Rural Areas: The Committee welcomed the report and agreed to consider it again once the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee had considered a reply from the Executive.
5. Foot and Mouth Disease: The Committee noted a report by the Executive on the current situation and agreed to seek further information.
6. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee considered the following instruments under the negative procedure-
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Quota and Third Country Fishing Measures) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/117)
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/127)
The Committee agreed, being content with these Instruments, to make no recommendation to the Parliament.
7. Timetabling of Committee Meetings: The Committee considered a consultation paper and agreed that the Convenor would reply to reflect the Committee's view that some flexibility should be available for Committee meetings outwith core Parliamentary time.
8. Land Reform (in private): The Committee deferred consideration of a draft report.
The meeting closed at 5.17 pm.
Richard Davies
Clerk to the Committee
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Scottish Parliament: Committees: Rural Development: Minutes: Meeting 11, 2001. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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"Scottish Parliament: Committees: Rural Development: Minutes: Meeting 11, 2001." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.
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