Document 1057

Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2242

Author(s): 907

Copyright holder(s): Name withheld


Caledonian Philatelic Society

Minutes of Meeting No. 2242

Held in the Colville Building, University of Strathclyde on 10 March 2005

Welcome: The President, [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], gave a warm welcome to visitors [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] (who has now been a member for 50 years) and Mrs [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] (visiting from Guernsey). A special welcome was reserved for the guest speaker, [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname].

Apologies were received from [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] and [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname].

Reports: The President said that [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname]’s application for membership was on the table for the second time..
[CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] said that any member unable to attend the Society auction could leave bids with him beforehand
[CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] reported that forms from members willing to offer displays for Congress in April 2006 were still slow in coming in, although he hoped to receive some at tonight’s meeting, he would therefore extend the closing date for a further week.
[CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] said that more items were needed to make up the Vera Trinder order and he would extend the closing date for one more week. Orders would have to be phoned to his home.

Display: The President then invited Mr [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] (a long standing member now living in Guernsey) to present his display on The Sydney Harbour Bridge.

[CENSORED: forename] began by saying that he had always admired the bridge and upon seeing it ‘in the flesh’ had decided to ‘collect it’. He started by showing a print, and the 1979 stamp, portraying the harbour area before the Bridge (and the Opera House of course) had been built. The ferries were poor and there was talk of building a tunnel, but it was decided that a bridge was the answer. This was started in 1923 and completed in 1932. There now came several postcards with one showing the S. S. Orford. This is the ship shown sailing under the bridge on the stamp. On display was a beautifully illustrated invitation to the opening ceremony and then we saw the stamps. These had been issued on the 14 November 1932 although the actual opening wasn’t until the 19th. Next came a selection of covers, vignettes, letterettes, miniature sheets, labels and Cinderella items. There were souvenir covers and telegrams from the temporary offices in the North and South pylons. These are quite rare and one should be aware of forged cancellations. Registered covers, with vignettes, from the 5th Australian Stamp Exhibition were also on view. Russell closed the first half by inviting us to look at a selection of ephemera he had laid out.

The second round opened with a magnificent display of the Stamps showing the Bridge with the S. S. Orford sailing under. John Ash, the printers, had been awarded the order to print the stamps in 1930 and they were ready in 1932. For some reason forgers had given attention to the 2d stamp and copies were still to be found. The display showed the differences between the recess and typographical printings. Of note were large multiples of the 5/- and examples of major retouches to it. There then followed stamps, showing the bridge, issued for the 50th anniversary of the bridge, the 1995 50th anniversary of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race and the Expo 2000 issue. These were accompanied by commemorative letter sheets, covers, miniature sheets, souvenir sheets from various sources and Aerogrammes.

[CENSORED: forename] finished the second round with a fine selection of items relating to the 1948 Guernsey issue commemorating the 3rd Anniversary of the Liberation of the Channel Islands. It was noted that these had not been generally available in the United Kingdom

Vote of Thanks: Mr [CENSORED: surname] had presented his subject with great enthusiasm which made for a most enjoyable evening. The Society’s appreciation was voiced by [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] who gave a most deserving Vote of Thanks. The members endorsed this with a hearty round of applause.

Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting will take place on Thursday 17 March and will be a display on ‘Law and Order’ by Miss [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname].

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2242. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2242." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Information about Document 1057

Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2242


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Audience size 21-100
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2005
Word count 643

Text medium

Other Circulated at meetings

Text publication details

Part of a longer series of texts
Name of series Series of minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society

Text setting


Text type

Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 907
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1930
Educational attainment College
Age left school 15
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Computer assistant
Place of birth Glasgow
Region of birth Glasgow
Birthplace CSD dialect area Gsw
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Bearsden
Region of residence Dunbarton
Residence CSD dialect area Dnbt
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Insulating Engineer
Father's place of birth Glasgow
Father's region of birth Glasgow
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Gsw
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Tailoress
Mother's place of birth Cambuslang
Mother's region of birth Lanark
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes General life
