1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 61 - 80 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Interview with Stan Kirkpatrick, Part 2, for Scottish Readers Remember Project N/A Audio 15,282
Scottish Parliament: Committees: European: Official Reports: Meeting 4, 1999 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 15,274
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 57/2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 14,826
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 115/1999 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 14,664
BBC Voices Recording: Stirling N/A Audio 14,324
BBC Voices Recording: Portree N/A Audio 14,267
Conversation 13: Two male postgraduate students on academic life [Content label: serious] N/A Audio 14,078
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Health and Community Care: Official Reports: Meeting 10, 2003 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 13,883
Interview with Rev. John G. Sinclair for Scottish Readers Remember Project N/A Audio 13,717
BBC Voices Recording: Dunbar [Content label: lesser] N/A Audio 13,714
BBC Voices Recording: Aberdeen N/A Audio 13,536
Bruised Blue Grainger, Cecilia 13,524
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Justice 2: Official Reports: Meeting 7, 2003 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 12,788
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 1/2001 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 12,725
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Equal Opportunities: Official Reports: Meeting 2, 2003 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 12,710
Travel journal: Peru 852 12,382
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Education, Culture and Sport: Official Reports: Meeting 30, 2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 12,368
Serendipity and ither poems in Scots and English Blackhall, Sheena 12,339
Interview with Stan Kirkpatrick, Part 1, for Scottish Readers Remember Project N/A Audio 12,193
Conversation 12: Two male students chatting about pastimes N/A Video 12,111

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