Document 1188
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 115/1999
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
Highlight word:
Monday 20 December 1999
Section B - Business Programme
Section E - Written questions lodged on 17 December 1999
Section F - Motions and Amendments
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Section H - New Documents
Section I - Petitions lodged
Section J - Progress of Parliamentary business
Monday 20 December 1999
Section B – Business Programme
As agreed by the Parliament on 16 December 1999
Wednesday 12 January 2000
2.30 pm Time for Reflection
followed by Executive Debate on Children and Young People Looked after by Local Authorities
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Thursday 13 January 2000
9.30 am Executive Debate on Housing
followed by Business Motion
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
2.30 pm Question Time
3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time
3.30 pm Continuation of Executive Debate on Housing
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Monday 20 December 1999
Section E - Written questions lodged on 17 December 1999
S1W-3401 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the local authority funding shortfalls identified by COSLA "will all require to be absorbed by councils either by further reductions in services, staffing levels or alternatively, increases in council tax", as stated by COSLA in convention item 4 on 10 December 1999, and, if not, why not.
S1W-3402 Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive how capital spending by Scottish local authorities in 2000-01, excluding PFI projects, compares to local authority capital spending in 1990-91 (in current prices) and, if its assessment differs from COSLA’s statement in convention item 4 on 10 December that "ten years ago, the Government limited capital spend by Scottish councils to some £700 million at current prices; next year the level of expenditure, excluding PFI, which has been authorised by the Executive is almost half the amount", whether it will explain how it arrived at its figure.
S1W-3403 Kay Ullrich: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-2718 by Mr Jim Wallace on 7 December 1999, in relation to the figure of £34 million quoted as the operating expenses in 1998-99 of the Register of Scotland Executive Agency, what is the level of revenue raised from the charges levied against voluntary groups, community groups and charities for access to information with regard to land ownership.
S1W-3404 Kay Ullrich: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-2718 by Mr Jim Wallace on 7 December 1999, how that answer can be reconciled with section 25 the Land Registers (Scotland) Act 1868, as amended by the Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979.
S1W-3427 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive when and how it first became aware of the French Prime Minister’s recently publicised views on Scottish beef in relation to the current ban on beef imports by France.
S1W-3428 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive what direct discussions and communications it has had with the French Government to persuade it to lift the current ban on beef exports to France.
S1W-3429 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether Her Majesty’s Government informed the First Minister or the Scottish Rural Affairs Minister at any point prior to 14 December 1999, of the French Government’s views on an exemption of Scottish beef from the current ban on UK beef imports to France.
S1W-3430 David Mundell: To ask the Presiding Officer whether the Register of Members’ Interests on the Scottish Parliament web site is updated contemporaneously with the register held in the chamber office.
S1W-3431 David Mundell: To ask the Presiding Officer what is the legal status of the Register of Members’ Interests which appears on the Scottish Parliament web site.
S1W-3432 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make available the technical specifications of computers which qualify for the computers for teachers scheme.
S1W-3433 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive what the total deficit faced by the National Stadium plc and Queens Park FC in connection with the redevelopment of Hampden Park National Stadium is.
S1W-3434 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive who within the National Stadium project team agreed to increased specifications for the National Stadium, additional works which were not part of the original project and the staging of the 1999 Scottish Cup Final at Hampden.
S1W-3435 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will have any role, as a funding partner, in preparing or approving the Scottish Football Association’s business plan for the National Stadium at Hampden.
S1W-3436 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive how much rent the Scottish Football Association will pay to Queen’s Park FC annually in respect of the National Stadium.
S1W-3437 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the agreement of the various funding partners involved in the redevelopment of Hampden was sought prior to increased specifications, additional works and the staging of the 1999 Scottish Cup Final at Hampden being agreed to and, if not, why not.
S1W-3438 Mr Keith Harding: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will identify the specific departmental budgets which have underspent in 1999-2000, enabling savings to be spent on rescue packages for Scottish Opera and Hampden.
S1W-3439 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether, following the statement to the Parliament on its rescue package for the National Stadium at Hampden, it will now publish excerpts of the consultant’s financial and technical assessment of the project, leaving out only the commercially sensitive sections.
S1W-3440 Bruce Crawford: To ask the Scottish Executive, in the event that Fife Health Board and the Acute Services Trust fail to reach agreement on the Business Plan for Acute Services in Fife, what mechanisms exist to enable a successful conclusion to be reached.
S1W-3441 Mr Gil Paterson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the closure of the secondary school at Tomintoul, which only affects one pupil this year, will remain financially advantageous next year, when ten pupils will be affected.
S1W-3442 Nick Johnston: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the functions of the Secretary of State’s (Electricity) Fisheries Committee have been taken over by another body, and if so what is that body, what is its remit, who sits on it, when did it last meet and when will its report, if any, be published.
S1W-3443 Nick Johnston: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the functions of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Panel of Economic Consultants have been taken over by another body, and if so what is that body, what is its remit, who sits on it, when did it last meet and when will its report, if any, be published.
S1W-3444 Nick Johnston: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the functions of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Group on Sustainable Development have been taken over by another body, and if so what is that body, what is its remit, who sits on it, when did it last meet and when will its report, if any, be published.
S1W-3445 Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there will be an opportunity for the Parliament and interested agencies and individuals to suggest amendments to the draft census Order in Council either before or once laid before the Parliament and if so, what format will this take and over what period of time.
S1W-3446 Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what financial and other assistance it intends to make available to allow high quality cycle training to be delivered and to enable local authorities to implement its guidance document Safer Routes To School.
S1W-3447 Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-1557 by Sam Galbraith on 28 September 1999, whether it intends to introduce a new statutory basis for funding family mediation and marriage support services, following the consultation on The Scottish Office document Improving Scottish Family Law.
S1W-3448 Karen Whitefield: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will report on the outcome of the December European Community Fisheries Council meeting.
S1W-3449 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-2971 by Peter Peacock on 17 December 1999, whether it had received any written representations from Cathy Craigie MSP on the subject of school closures in Cumbernauld before 2 December 1999 and, if so, how many.
Monday 20 December 1999
Section F - Motions and Amendments
The full text of all outstanding motions and amendments will appear in the Business Bulletin every Monday.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.
Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members’ business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#).
*S1M-395 Mr Murray Tosh: The Impact of the Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order, 1999—That the Parliament approves of the report of the Rural Affairs Committee on the Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order, 1999; calls upon the Scottish Executive to report the Scottish Parliament’s views to both Her Majesty’s Government and the House of Commons to amend the said Boundaries Order to establish the English/Scottish boundary for fishing purposes along the line of civil jurisdiction; and commends the Bill on this subject presented to Parliament by Archy Kirkwood MP.
Supported by: Mr Brian Monteith*, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton*, Alex Fergusson*
S1M-394 Nick Johnston: Prostate Cancer Screening—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive to set up a national prostate cancer screening program across Scotland in order to end "post code rationing" in this area and standardise testing by GP’s.
Supported by: Mary Scanlon, Alex Johnstone, Mr David Davidson, Alex Fergusson, David Mundell, Mr Murray Tosh, Mr Brian Monteith*
S1M-393# Alex Johnstone: Boharm School—That the Parliament supports the role rural schools play in maintaining the social and economic regeneration of Scotland’s rural town and villages and calls upon the Scottish Executive to reject the proposed closure of Boharm School by Moray Council.
Supported by: Mary Scanlon, Mr David Davidson, Ben Wallace, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mr Brian Monteith*
S1M-392 Michael Russell: Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme—That the Parliament welcomes the report published today by the Rural Affairs Committee on the original and revised ABIS schemes; expresses its concern that there are still around 4000 outstanding applications which, under European rules, will fall if not approved before 31 December 1999; notes that the rules of the revised scheme required applicants in many cases to undertake considerable expenditure in order to meet the approved criteria; accepts the conclusion of the Rural Affairs Committee that the Executive must honour the commitment made in February 1999 by a pre-devolution minister for agriculture to fund all eligible applications, and therefore calls upon the Minister for Rural Affairs to seek from Her Majesty's Government sufficient funds to meet all eligible applications, for all approvals to be made by 31 December 1999 and by so doing to accept the moral obligation that the Executive must carry in this matter given the previous commitment by a Labour Minister for Agriculture in the former Scottish Office.
S1M-391# Fiona Hyslop: Warm Deal—That the Parliament notes with concern the operation of the Warm Deal in Scotland with specific reference to the exclusion of central heating systems from grant eligibility and supports a review of the current operation of the Warm Deal to address this and other concerns.
Supported by: Robin Harper, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Mr John McAllion, Bill Aitken, Richard Lochhead, Linda Fabiani
S1M-390# Donald Gorrie: Statements to Media—That the Parliament establishes a convention that all statements to the media on behalf of the Parliament, any of its Committees, the Executive, a political party group, an individual MSP or a group of MSPs must have the name of the MSP or official making the statement attached to them.
S1M-389 Tommy Sheridan: Water and Sewerage Charges and Low Income Households—That the Parliament agrees with the Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty that the issue of affordability of water and sewerage charges is a serious issue for low income households and calls upon the Scottish Executive to bring forward plans to alleviate this burden.
S1M-387 Brian Adam: Medical Use of Cannabinoids—That the Parliament welcomes the recently announced clinical trials into the pharmacological efficacy of cannabinoids in pain relief for medical use.
Supported by: Kay Ullrich, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Bruce Crawford, Irene McGugan, Cathy Jamieson*, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-386 Ms Irene Oldfather: North Ayrshire Schools' Choirs—That the Parliament congratulates the North Ayrshire School’s Junior Choir on their participation in the Turn of the Tide children’s opera, involving performances alongside Finnish children at the International Forum on Arts Education in Helsinki and at the Millennium Dome; notes the excellence in music among North Ayrshire Schools’ Junior and Senior Choirs; and commends Scottish Opera, North Ayrshire Council and the schools of North Ayrshire for the part they have played in the project, and in promoting music among the area’s children.
S1M-385# Mr Keith Harding: Review of Licensing Laws—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive to review the terms of the Licensing Scotland Act (1976) in order that licensing contracts and practices are brought into line with modern attitudes and social outlook.
Supported by: Mr Brian Monteith, Nick Johnston
S1M-384 Fergus Ewing: Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme—That the Parliament is concerned about the familial exclusion in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme; believes the denial of civil compensatory redress for victims of incestuous sexual abuse before 1979 is a nonsensical and harmful exclusion; agrees with the views expressed by MPs Maria Fyfe and Menzies Campbell that the legal loophole should be closed by Westminster, and wishes to express its support for victims of sexual assault in seeking justice in both the civil and criminal arenas.
Supported by: Colin Campbell, Tommy Sheridan, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-380# Johann Lamont: Cross Examination During Sexual Crimes Trials—That the Parliament recognises the huge distress that can be caused to the victims of rape and other sexual crimes if accused persons are allowed to conduct their own defence and can cross examine victims, and urges the Scottish Executive to bring forward legislation as a matter of urgency which will bring the rights of victims in such cases into line with the new rights of victims in England and Wales.
Supported by: Elaine Smith, Margaret Jamieson, Trish Godman, Janis Hughes, Malcolm Chisholm, Irene McGugan, Ms Margaret Curran, Scott Barrie, Tommy Sheridan, Cathy Jamieson*, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-377# Alex Neil: Malnutrition in Scotland: A Public Health Problem—That the Parliament recognises that malnutrition in Scotland is a serious public health problem; notes that up to 40% of people admitted to hospital are malnourished and the majority continue to lose weight in hospital; further recognises that the major burden of malnutrition lies in the community where one in ten post-operative, cancer and chronic disease patients are malnourished, accepts that many patients move between hospitals and the community on a "malnutrition carousel"; acknowledges that malnutrition has adverse clinical consequences such as post-surgical complications, delayed wound healing and impaired recovery from disease; further acknowledges that malnutrition costs the NHS millions of pounds each year in increased treatment costs and prolonged hospital stay; believes that unrecognised and untreated malnutrition has no place in a modern and dependable health service; welcomes the formation of the Malnutrition Advisory Group, made up of academics, clinicians and other health professionals to produce guidelines on the prevention, treatment and identification of malnutrition in the community, and supports working closely with this group to eradicate malnutrition in Scotland.
Supported by: Mr Gil Paterson, Ms Margo MacDonald, Dr Winnie Ewing, Nick Johnston, Tommy Sheridan, Colin Campbell, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Robert Brown, Richard Lochhead, Ms Sandra White, Linda Fabiani, Alex Fergusson*, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-376 Fergus Ewing: Agricultural Business Improvement Schemes—That the Parliament believes that Her Majesty’s Government is under a moral obligation to fund all eligible applications under both the original and the revised Agricultural Business Improvement Schemes following the specific assurances to that effect given by a Minister of Her Majesty’s Government in February 1999.
Supported by: Mr Duncan Hamilton, Michael Russell, Irene McGugan, Dr Winnie Ewing, Alex Fergusson, Alex Johnstone, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, David McLetchie, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Mr Murray Tosh, Mary Scanlon, Bill Aitken, Phil Gallie, Mr Brian Monteith, Nick Johnston, Mr David Davidson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Colin Campbell, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Michael Matheson, Nicola Sturgeon, Fiona Hyslop, Richard Lochhead, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Linda Fabiani
S1M-375 Maureen Macmillan: Highlands and Islands—That the Parliament expresses its confidence in the people and organisations of the Highlands and Islands; notes the historic and continuing trend of growing population in the Highlands and Islands encouraged by the area’s strong cultural revival; notes the recent downward trend of unemployment that has seen unemployment fall by 5.8% in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise area; welcomes the growth of inward investment, including 1,275 jobs that have stemmed from 18 inward investment projects, that will help sustain a strong and more diversified economy in the Highlands and Islands than at any recent time; condemns those who constantly seek to talk down the capacity of the people of the Highlands and Islands to effectively deal with new challenges to their prosperity, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to continue its support for Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Highland Council and relevant groups to ensure that the revival of the Highland economy over recent years is sustained for the long term.
Supported by: Rhoda Grant, Malcolm Chisholm, Elaine Thomson, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Karen Gillon
S1M-374 Mr Jamie Stone: Joint Working with Northern Ireland Assembly—That the Parliament agrees to establish a joint working committee with the Northern Ireland Assembly.
Supported by: Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Margaret Jamieson, Nora Radcliffe*
S1M-373# Shona Robison: Meeting Tayside's Health Needs—That the Parliament supports the principle of a Scottish health service free for all at the point of delivery; rejects the idea of asking patients to pay for treatments deemed not essential as suggested by the medical director of Tayside University Hospitals NHS Trust, and expects that the Scottish Executive will provide adequate resources to the Scottish health service to meet any funding gap experienced in Tayside or elsewhere.
Supported by: Brian Adam, Kay Ullrich, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Michael Matheson, Nicola Sturgeon, Linda Fabiani, Irene McGugan, Donald Gorrie, Dennis Canavan, Roseanna Cunningham, Mr John Swinney, Mr Andrew Welsh, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Alex Neil, Colin Campbell, Richard Lochhead, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-372# Mr Jamie Stone: Dispersal of Civil Service Jobs to Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross—That the Parliament notes with interest the statement made by Donald Dewar (S1W-1558); recommends that serious consideration be given to the dispersal of civil service jobs to Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, and calls for a comprehensive review in May 2000 to assess the Executive’s commitment to the process.
Supported by: Donald Gorrie, Nora Radcliffe*
S1M-371# Mr Duncan McNeil: Flooding in Inverclyde—That the Parliament notes that the recent flooding in Inverclyde dealt a blow to the area; recognises that this is a long-term, recurring problem; notes that, were it to persist, it may adversely affect investment in the area, and agrees that a multi-agency approach offers the best opportunity to facilitate a permanent solution.
Supported by: Mr Brian Monteith, Mr Jamie Stone, Cathie Craigie, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Dr Richard Simpson, Mr Michael McMahon, Allan Wilson, Trish Godman, Donald Gorrie
S1M-370 Brian Adam: Intergrated Detoxification and Rehabilitation Centre in North East—That the Parliament supports the Aberdeen Independent campaign for an integrated detoxification and rehabilitation centre to tackle the North East’s drug crisis.
Supported by: Irene McGugan, Richard Lochhead, Shona Robison, Colin Campbell, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil
S1M-368 Euan Robson: Scottish Heart at Risk Testing—That the Parliament commends the work of Scottish Heart at Risk Testing (the Cameron Gunn Memorial Fund), the only recognised Scottish charity dedicated to fighting cardiomyopathy in all its forms and raising public awareness of the disease; supports its efforts to set up a national screening programme using echocardiograms and ultra-sound scanners which will provide information to local health boards and cardiology departments, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to support the work of the charity.
Supported by: Tommy Sheridan, Donald Gorrie, Cathy Jamieson*
S1M-367 Fergus Ewing: Jobs Crisis in the Highlands and Islands—That the Parliament expresses grave concern at the loss of over 3000 jobs at the Barmac yards in Ardersier and Nigg and at the threat to a further 400 jobs at the Lewis Offshore fabrication yard at Stornaway, and notes that this job crisis may according to Highlands and Islands Enterprise cost the economy of the Highlands and Islands £74 million per annum; welcomes the assurance given by the Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning to a meeting of Highlands and Islands MSPs on 1 December 1999 that all necessary resources will be made available to Highlands and Islands Enterprise and to local councils to combat this crisis; believes that the estimated £20 billion revenue to the London Exchequer from oil and gas over the next five years is in substantial part attributable to the skills of a dedicated workforce at such yards and that they and their communities deserve a re-investment to secure the Highlands and Islands economy; demands that the Scottish Executive and the Scottish Parliament review the taxation system which has caused uncertainty for present and future investment; notes the importance of the Highlands and Islands Convention as a genuine forum to reach positive recommendations and calls for its immediate re-establishment, and believes that the Highlands and Islands requires nothing less than a comprehensive jobs regeneration plan.
Supported by: Ms Sandra White, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Michael Russell, Colin Campbell, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Michael Matheson, Alasdair Morgan, Alex Neil, Richard Lochhead
S1M-366# Cathy Jamieson: Equality of Opportunity for People with Hearing Impairment—That the Parliament is committed to ensuring that deaf and hearing impaired people have equal access to leisure and social activities, public services, employment and educational opportunities and resolves to promote this by encouraging the provision of deaf awareness classes in workplaces and in the Scottish educational system and by supporting the provision of sign language and lip reading classes, with qualified tutors and at no charge to hearing-impaired users, in each locality.
Supported by: Cathie Craigie, Margaret Jamieson, Elaine Thomson, Dr Richard Simpson, Allan Wilson, Michael Matheson, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Robert Brown, Nora Radcliffe*
S1M-363 Irene McGugan: Campaign for Scotland's Post Offices—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Express on its campaign to save Scotland’s small post offices, recognising that many of these businesses provide vital services to communities without which they would not be able to survive; and wishes the newspaper every success in removing the current threat to their existence.
Supported by: Brian Adam, Alasdair Morgan, Richard Lochhead, Alex Johnstone, Alex Fergusson, Linda Fabiani, Michael Russell, David Mundell, Colin Campbell, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Fiona Hyslop, Mr Andrew Welsh, Shona Robison, Fergus Ewing, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-362# Richard Lochhead: Deprivation in Aberdeen—That the Parliament notes the publication of Deprivation amongst affluence: Social exclusion in the City of Aberdeen and supports this report’s call for additional funding to tackle problems of relative deprivation in Aberdeen, which are often ignored by central Government due to the perception of the city’s affluence.
Supported by: Irene McGugan, Brian Adam, Shona Robison, Colin Campbell, Alasdair Morgan, Alex Neil, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-361# David Mundell: Rural Sub Post Offices—That the Parliament recognises that current Benefit Agency "modernisation" proposals will encourage the payment of more pensions and other benefits by automated bank transfer, rather than at Post Offices, potentially leading to the closure of hundreds of rural sub-post-offices in Scotland, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to make representations to the Benefits Agency and the Post Office as to the serious adverse effects such closures would have on the needs and sustainability of rural communities in Scotland.
Supported by: Alex Fergusson, Mary Scanlon, Mr David Davidson, Nick Johnston, Phil Gallie, Irene McGugan, Alex Johnstone, Bill Aitken, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Brian Monteith, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, David McLetchie, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Tommy Sheridan, Donald Gorrie, Nora Radcliffe*, Cathy Jamieson*
S1M-360# Christine Grahame: Concessionary Fares for Pensioners—That the Parliament notes that the Transport Bill launched by the Department of Transport in England obliges local authorities to fund at least 50% of a concessionary fare scheme for all pensioners and calls upon the Scottish Executive to initiate a similar scheme in Scotland and to provide resources to meet the necessary funding.
Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Mr Adam Ingram, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Michael Russell, Linda Fabiani, Ms Sandra White, Mr Gil Paterson, Colin Campbell, Fiona Hyslop, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Shona Robison, Michael Matheson, Alasdair Morgan, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-359 Mr Gil Paterson: Greengairs: Environmental Award—That the Parliament congratulates the people of Greengairs for being awarded the Friends of the Earth International Award for supporting and taking action to protect the environment of the community.
Supported by: Linda Fabiani, Colin Campbell, Fiona Hyslop, Andrew Wilson, Michael Matheson, Alasdair Morgan, Tommy Sheridan, Karen Gillon, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie
S1M-357 Linda Fabiani: Establishment of Committee on International Relations—That the Parliament notes (a) the Memorandum of Understanding between Her Majesty’s Government and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales and its associated Concordats and notes in particular the terms of the Concordat on International Relations; (b) views the involvement of the Scottish Ministers in the formulation of UK policy and conduct of international negotiations and implementation of international commitments as important matters deserving of scrutiny by this Parliament; (c) resolves to establish a Committee on International Relations to consider and report on matters of international relations outwith the activities of the European Community or European Union that may affect the work of the Parliament, and (d) calls upon the Parliamentary Bureau to bring forward proposals for the membership and duration of such a Committee.
Supported by: Michael Matheson, Michael Russell, Shona Robison, Colin Campbell, Fiona Hyslop, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil, Richard Lochhead, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-356 Fergus Ewing: The Millennium Dome—That the Parliament believes that the money spent on building the Millennium Dome has been wasted and should instead have been spent on providing for all United Kingdom pensioners a Millennium bonus of around £100.
Supported by: Tommy Sheridan, Alasdair Morgan, Christine Grahame, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Michael Matheson, Alex Neil, Richard Lochhead
S1M-355# Mr Brian Monteith: The Education of Children with Severe Low Incidence Disabilities—That the Parliament expresses its concern that the Riddell report on the Education of Children with Severe Low Incidence Disabilities proposes that funding be decentralised to local authorities; notes that this could jeopardise the future of special educational needs schools which provide national centres of excellence, that any change from national funding could dilute specialist provision and detrimentally affect the service to children and that the schools must continue to be funded centrally for this reason, and recommends that no changes be made to the administration or funding regime of these schools for at least a year in order to provide time for the schools to ensure their financial stability for the future and to allow the Education, Culture and Sport Committee of the Parliament to consider the issues involved.
Supported by: Phil Gallie, Bill Aitken, Alex Fergusson, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mr Keith Harding, Nora Radcliffe, David McLetchie, Tommy Sheridan, Donald Gorrie
S1M-353# Mr Kenneth Gibson: Social and Economic Renewal of Glasgow—That the Parliament notes with deep concern the findings of the recently published reports Edinburgh and Glasgow: Competitiveness and Cohesion and The Widening Gap; condemns the shocking complacency of Glasgow City Council, the Scottish Executive and Her Majesty's Government in response to these reports, and demands an urgent, comprehensive and targeted multi-agency approach to social exclusion in Glasgow and the city’s economic regeneration, learning from the successes and failures of the past and examining thriving models of urban renewal elsewhere.
Supported by: Ms Sandra White, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Nicola Sturgeon, Alasdair Morgan, Fergus Ewing, Andrew Wilson, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil
S1M-352 Mr Brian Monteith: Withholding Lottery Money from Wembley—That the Parliament recognises that the rebuilt Wembley Stadium will be inadequate for hosting athletics, despite receiving £120 million from the UK lottery on the understanding it could hold such events including the World Athletics Championships and the Olympic Games; notes that this follows on from a similar funding crisis recently at the National Stadium, Hampden Park; and supports the withholding of lottery money until such a time as Wembley can hold athletic events, or the redistribution of these funds to more pressing sports needs throughout the United Kingdom.
Supported by: Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Ben Wallace, Alex Fergusson, Mr Keith Harding, David McLetchie, Tommy Sheridan
S1M-351# Alex Fergusson: Beauforts Dyke Disturbance—That the Parliament recognises the work done by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, South Ayrshire council and other agencies in seeking to improve the marine environment of South West Scotland, but is concerned at the prospect of hazardous materials and munitions being distributed by the laying of underwater cables through the Beauforts Dyke region of the Irish Sea in order to service the Scotland to Northern Ireland Interconnector.
Supported by: Ben Wallace, Mr Murray Tosh, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, David Mundell, Bill Aitken, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Alex Johnstone, Mary Scanlon, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Nick Johnston, Cathy Jamieson, Mr Jamie Stone, Dr Elaine Murray, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Alasdair Morgan, Fiona McLeod*
S1M-350 Rhoda Grant: Support for Oil Fabrication Workers—That the Parliament notes the recent announcement of job losses at the oil fabrication yards of Nigg and Ardersier; expresses its concern for the workers and their families that have been affected; congratulates Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Highland Council and others on the planning they have undertaken to address the help the workforce will need and on the joint working that is taking place, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to continue supporting the concerned parties, and to ensure continued working together to achieve practical and workable solutions for the long term.
Supported by: Donald Gorrie, Maureen Macmillan, Ben Wallace, Cathy Jamieson, Mr Jamie Stone, Elaine Thomson, Cathie Craigie, Karen Gillon, Margaret Jamieson
S1M-349# Mr Jamie Stone: A9 Improvements—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive to bring forward as a matter of urgency the much needed improvements to the A9 north of Helmsdale.
Supported by: Donald Gorrie, Maureen Macmillan, Rhoda Grant, Mr John Munro, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mary Scanlon, Nick Johnston, Nora Radcliffe, Mr Gil Paterson, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Brian Adam, Dr Winnie Ewing
S1M-348# Dr Sylvia Jackson: National Concessionary Travel Scheme For Older People—That the Parliament acknowledges the importance of affordable public transport for older people and urges the Scottish Executive to phase in a national concessionary travel scheme which includes bus, rail and ferry services in Scotland.
Supported by: Donald Gorrie, Rhoda Grant, Mr Brian Monteith, Dr Richard Simpson, Tavish Scott, Mr Keith Raffan, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Phil Gallie, Bill Aitken, Mary Scanlon, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Pauline McNeill, Brian Adam, Marilyn Livingstone, Cathy Jamieson, Mr Keith Harding, Cathie Craigie, Mr Michael McMahon, Margaret Jamieson, Nora Radcliffe, Elaine Thomson, Dr Elaine Murray, Mr Jamie Stone, Bruce Crawford, Trish Godman, Tommy Sheridan, Karen Gillon, Janis Hughes, Robert Brown, Maureen Macmillan
S1M-347 Richard Lochhead: Nigel Tranter—That the Parliament, in celebration of his 90th birthday, records the gratitude of the people of Scotland to Nigel Tranter, one of Scotland’s greatest living storytellers, for his enormous contribution to the rediscovery and restoration of the fortified houses of Scotland and his role in making Scotland’s history accessible to her people.
Supported by: Irene McGugan, Colin Campbell, Brian Adam, Andrew Wilson, Roseanna Cunningham, Fiona McLeod, Alasdair Morgan, Mr Keith Raffan, Christine Grahame, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Linda Fabiani, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Brian Monteith, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Nick Johnston, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Robert Brown
S1M-345 Mrs Margaret Ewing: Department of Irish and Scottish Studies, Aberdeen University—That the Parliament congratulates the University of Aberdeen on the establishment of the Department of Irish and Scottish Studies; regards this as an important development in the recognition of Scots and Irish relationships from both an historical and future viewpoint and the contribution made by both countries to the international community; congratulates President McAleese on the honour conferred by the University, and wishes the staff and students all future success.
Supported by: Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr Gil Paterson, Fergus Ewing, Alasdair Morgan, Mr Keith Raffan, Christine Grahame, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mary Scanlon, Mr David Davidson, Linda Fabiani, Ms Sandra White, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Robert Brown, Richard Lochhead
S1M-343 George Lyon: Northern Ireland Assembly—That the Parliament sends its best wishes to all Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly in this historic week; recognises the benefits that a just and lasting settlement in Northern Ireland can bring to communities on both sides of the water, and congratulates all those committed to the principles of the Good Friday Agreement who have shown such leadership, vision and courage in the long process of building up new, democratic and accountable institutions.
Supported by: Dennis Canavan, Michael Russell, Patricia Ferguson, Janis Hughes, Karen Whitefield, Linda Fabiani, Fiona McLeod, Maureen Macmillan, Rhoda Grant, Christine Grahame, Mr Keith Raffan, Pauline McNeill, Cathy Jamieson, Margaret Jamieson, Mr Jamie Stone, Nora Radcliffe, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Elaine Thomson, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Karen Gillon, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Donald Gorrie, Robert Brown
S1M-343.1 Mr Brian Monteith: Northern Ireland Assembly—As an amendment to motion (S1M-343) in the name of George Lyon, insert at end "and looks forward to the decommissioning of weapons by all paramilitary groups in recognition of the political settlement and the release of considerable numbers of convicted terrorists."
Supported by: Bill Aitken, Nick Johnston, Alex Johnstone, Alex Fergusson, Mary Scanlon, Miss Annabel Goldie, Mr Jamie McGrigor, David McLetchie, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Murray Tosh, Phil Gallie, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Ben Wallace, John Young
S1M-342# Irene McGugan: Scots in the 2001 Census—That the Parliament gives its support to the demands of the Scots Language Society academic bodies and others for a question regarding Scots in the National Census of 2001 and considers that such a question is the only way of finding the information necessary in order to further the planning of a national policy for Scots in schools, broadcasting and other areas of the public life in Scotland.
Supported by: Michael Russell, Alex Neil, Richard Lochhead, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr Gil Paterson, Fergus Ewing, Fiona McLeod, Alasdair Morgan, Bruce Crawford, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Alex Johnstone, Brian Adam, Ms Sandra White, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Mr Andrew Welsh, Shona Robison, Donald Gorrie
S1M-341 Mr Brian Monteith: Botticelli Painting for Glasgow—That the Parliament notes the purchase by the National Galleries of Scotland of Botticelli’s "The Virgin adoring the sleeping Christ Child" for the nation and calls upon the National Galleries of Scotland to exhibit this work of art initially at the Burrell Collection in Glasgow at the start of a Scottish tour before it begins its residence in the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh.
Supported by: Bill Aitken, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mr David Davidson
S1M-337 Linda Fabiani: Support for Trade Unions in South America—That the Parliament strongly supports SITRAP and associated Trade Unions in the banana producing countries of South America in their efforts to ensure workers rights, and condemns the anti-union actions taken by the multinational banana producers in Guatemala and Costa Rica.
Supported by: Roseanna Cunningham, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr John Swinney, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Alasdair Morgan, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Colin Campbell, Fiona McLeod, Tommy Sheridan, Ms Sandra White, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Michael Matheson, Alex Neil
S1M-335# Ms Irene Oldfather: Teenage Pregnancy—That the Parliament notes the Health Education Board of Scotland survey indicating an increase in under age sex among teenage girls; notes the continuing high levels of teenage pregnancy within Scotland, particularly within Ayrshire and Arran; notes the impact that teenage pregnancy can have on a young person’s life and prospects, and calls for measures to improve sex education and sexual health among Scotland’s teenage population to be implemented.
Supported by: Mr Kenneth Gibson, Margaret Jamieson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Dr Richard Simpson, Malcolm Chisholm, Mr Keith Raffan, Alex Fergusson, Brian Adam, Michael Russell, Mr David Davidson, Elaine Thomson, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison, Alex Neil, Trish Godman, Robert Brown, Donald Gorrie
S1M-332 Tommy Sheridan: Objective 2 Funding—That the Parliament regrets the Scottish Executive’s refusal to make available to MSPs, the press and the public the bid document to the European Commission for Objective 2 Funding; notes that every region of England has been provided with such a document; regrets that the nation of Scotland has been denied this, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to provide this document and include the rank ordering of all wards in Scotland which meet the European Union criteria for Objective 2 funding.
Supported by: Roseanna Cunningham, Linda Fabiani, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Kay Ullrich, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Ben Wallace, Christine Grahame, Mr David Davidson, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Michael Matheson, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie
S1M-331 Tommy Sheridan: European Working Time Directive—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish National Party, Conservative and Liberal Democrat MEPs who voted in the European Parliament to extend the European Working Time Directive to cover junior hospital doctors; regrets that Scottish Labour MEPs failed to support this motion, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to introduce immediately shorter hours for Scottish doctors.
Supported by: Linda Fabiani, Roseanna Cunningham, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Kay Ullrich, Michael Matheson, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Fiona McLeod, Ben Wallace, Mr David Davidson, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie
S1M-330 Mr Brian Monteith: Openness in Scottish Football—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Premier League and the Scottish Football Association to arrange for all four match officials to give post match press conferences in order that they may explain decisions made during the course of games. R
Supported by: Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Phil Gallie, Tommy Sheridan
S1M-329# Allan Wilson: Legal Right to Annual Leave—That the Parliament welcomes the extension of the legal right to paid annual leave from three weeks to four weeks; recognises this as an example of the improvements in employment rights and health and safety standards which have been won through the implementation of EU policies on social and employment rights, and regrets that the last Conservative administration’s record of resisting these policies resulted in the denial of such rights for Scottish workers during their period in office.
Supported by: Hugh Henry, Cathy Jamieson, Mike Watson, Elaine Thomson, Maureen Macmillan, Rhoda Grant, Pauline McNeill, Margaret Jamieson, Dr Elaine Murray, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Karen Gillon, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Trish Godman, Donald Gorrie
S1M-328 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: Answering of Parliamentary Questions—That the Parliament notes with concern that the Executive is giving holding answers to more than 40% of the written Parliamentary Questions lodged, and in the interests of openness, transparency and professionalism, recommends that the Executive gives a substantive reply to all written Parliamentary Questions within the specified 14 days.
Supported by: Bill Aitken, Tricia Marwick, Linda Fabiani, Roseanna Cunningham, Dennis Canavan, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Keith Harding, David McLetchie, Alex Fergusson, Nick Johnston, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Miss Annabel Goldie, Mary Scanlon, Mr Brian Monteith, Alex Johnstone, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Michael Matheson, Mr Duncan Hamilton, David Mundell, Ben Wallace, John Young, Phil Gallie, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Brian Adam, Mr David Davidson, Christine Grahame, Fergus Ewing, Ms Sandra White, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Mr Gil Paterson, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie
S1M-326# Scott Barrie: Transportation of Coal—That the Parliament notes that Longannet is the last remaining deep pit left in the Scottish coalfield; regrets the apparent lack of sufficient capacity to transport coal on the national rail network; notes the increased transportation of imported coal and is concerned that this severely affects the Scottish coal industry by placing increased demands on the existing transportation infrastructure, and agrees to exert pressure to ensure that there is proper regulation of the railfreight industry.
Supported by: Cathy Jamieson, Tricia Marwick, Nick Johnston, David Mundell, Patricia Ferguson, Janis Hughes, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Karen Whitefield, Dr Richard Simpson, Mr Keith Raffan, Phil Gallie, Pauline McNeill, Marilyn Livingstone, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Tommy Sheridan, Karen Gillon, Alex Neil, Trish Godman, Donald Gorrie
S1M-324# Brian Adam: Oil and Gas Centre of Excellence—That the Parliament supports the setting up of a centre of excellence for the oil and gas industry in the North East of Scotland.
Supported by: Mr Mike Rumbles, Nora Radcliffe, Richard Lochhead, Alasdair Morgan, Mr David Davidson, Shona Robison, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie
S1M-323 Brian Adam: Hepatitis C Inquiry—That the Parliament calls for an independent inquiry into hepatitis C and other infections of people with haemophilia contracted from contaminated blood products in Scotland
Supported by: Hugh Henry, Margaret Jamieson, Ian Jenkins, Mary Scanlon, Mr John Swinney, Ms Irene Oldfather, Mr John McAllion, Kay Ullrich, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Fergusson, Michael Russell, Nick Johnston, Bristow Muldoon, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Dr Winnie Ewing, Richard Lochhead, Cathy Jamieson, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Fiona Hyslop, Donald Gorrie, Roseanna Cunningham, Alasdair Morgan, Colin Campbell, Michael Matheson, Patricia Ferguson, Mike Watson, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Fergus Ewing, Karen Whitefield, Mr Brian Monteith, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Fiona McLeod, Ben Wallace, Mr Keith Raffan, Mr David Davidson, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison, Andrew Wilson, Alex Neil, Trish Godman, Maureen Macmillan
S1M-322 Mr David Davidson: Prudence in Scottish Parliamentary Spending—That the Parliament, in the interests of good financial management and value for money, agrees to relocate the plenary sessions of the Parliament to the most cost-effective venue available during the General Assembly period in May 2000.
Supported by: David McLetchie, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Murray Tosh, Alex Fergusson, Miss Annabel Goldie, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mr Jamie McGrigor, David Mundell, Nick Johnston, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Mary Scanlon, Phil Gallie, Bill Aitken, Mr Brian Monteith
S1M-318# Cathie Craigie: Use of British Sign Language in the Scottish Parliament—That the Parliament recognises the importance and necessity of British Sign Language by integrating signing into the plenary sessions of the Parliament.
Supported by: Mr Michael McMahon, Margaret Jamieson, Marilyn Livingstone, Rhoda Grant, Cathy Peattie, Linda Fabiani, Dennis Canavan, Patricia Ferguson, Janis Hughes, Mike Watson, Karen Whitefield, Des McNulty, Mr John Munro, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Dr Elaine Murray, Dr Richard Simpson, Kate Maclean, Trish Godman, Maureen Macmillan, Tommy Sheridan, Karen Gillon, Alex Neil
S1M-312 Mr Nick Johnston: Challenge Cup—That the Parliament extends its congratulations to Alloa Athletic in beating Inverness Caledonian Thistle yesterday and winning their first major honour in over 100 years.
Supported by: Mr Brian Monteith, Mr Keith Raffan, Tricia Marwick, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Fiona McLeod, Dr Richard Simpson, Tommy Sheridan
S1M-311 Mr Brian Monteith: Nicola Oldroyd—That the Parliament deplores the overzealous action of Hugh Dallas, the fourth official at the recent Hibs versus Dundee United game, for reporting Hibernian FC’s 15-year-old ballgirl, Nicola Oldroyd, to match stewards for stating that the "referee needed glasses", regrets Hiberian FC’s overreaction in dismissing Nicola after four years flawless service and calls upon the club to reinstate her and replace the punishment with a modest fine.
Supported by: Mr Jamie McGrigor, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton
S1M-311.1 Mr Lloyd Quinan: Nicola Oldroyd—As an amendment to motion (S1M-311) in the name of Mr Brian Monteith, leave out from "and replace" to end.
Supported by: Michael Matheson, Andrew Wilson, Christine Grahame, Fergus Ewing, Kay Ullrich, Brian Adam, Fiona McLeod, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil
S1M-310 Mr Lloyd Quinan: Fire Fighters and Controllers Millennium Pay—That the Parliament notes the importance of the emergency services over the millennium period; further notes that unlike many other public service workers, fire fighters and controllers will not receive additional payments for providing essential cover over this period, and urges that the vital role played by these public servants be recognised in their remuneration over the holiday period.
Supported by: Mr Kenny MacAskill, Ms Margo MacDonald, Michael Matheson, Linda Fabiani, Andrew Wilson, Tricia Marwick, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Alasdair Morgan, Fiona Hyslop, Tommy Sheridan, Richard Lochhead, Cathy Jamieson, Phil Gallie, Kay Ullrich, Fiona McLeod, Fergus Ewing, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Shona Robison, Alex Neil, Margaret Jamieson, Donald Gorrie
S1M-309# Phil Gallie: SMART Project—That the Parliament recognises the importance of Scottish popular music in respect of job creation, revenue earning and culture; welcomes the SMART (School of Music and Recording Technology) Project, which is designed to ensure that the various talents required to maintain the music industry are developed to the highest of standards; expects that the Scottish Arts Council will honour its share of funding commitment to the project, and asks that the Scottish Executive gives its full support.
Supported by: Mr Murray Tosh, David McLetchie, David Mundell, Nick Johnston, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Fiona McLeod, Mary Scanlon, Mr David Davidson, Cathy Jamieson, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Alex Neil, Margaret Jamieson
S1M-308# Mr Jamie Stone: Funding of Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme—That the Parliament notes that farmers in the Highlands have incurred expenses in drawing up applications to the Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme, recognises that the Executive have given an extra £1 million to the scheme but calls upon it, in the light of the Treasury’s surplus, to make representations to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to release extra funds to meet the deficit.
Supported by: Mr Mike Rumbles, Tavish Scott, George Lyon, Mr John Munro, Alex Fergusson, Nora Radcliffe, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mary Scanlon, Mr David Davidson, Mr Brian Monteith, Fergus Ewing, Donald Gorrie
S1M-306 Tommy Sheridan: National Air Traffic Services—That the Parliament believes that air safety in Scotland is best served through the retention of the national air traffic services in the public sector; rejects Her Majesty's Government’s plans to privatise national air traffic services, and supports the campaign of the relevant trade unions on behalf of the public and in the interests of air safety throughout Scotland to keep air traffic control in the public sector where it belongs.
Supported by: Michael Matheson, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Andrew Wilson, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Linda Fabiani, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Robin Harper, Kay Ullrich, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Christine Grahame, Shona Robison, Alex Neil
S1M-305 Fergus Ewing: Shopmobility Highland—That the Parliament congratulates Shopmobility Highland on reaching its fifth birthday and recognises the invaluable service which it has provided over this period providing for disabled people’s access to shops in Inverness and more recently in Dingwall; notes that Shopmobility Highland now has around 3,200 registered users, and pledges support for its continued success and secure funding to ensure that disabled people can enjoy the access to shops which is taken for granted by other people.
Supported by: Michael Matheson, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Maureen Macmillan, Rhoda Grant, Trish Godman, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mary Scanlon, Linda Fabiani, Mr John Munro, Mr Jamie Stone, Alex Neil
S1M-304# Cathy Jamieson: Asylum and Immigration Act—That the Parliament is concerned that aspects of the Asylum and Immigration Act will effectively amend Scottish legislation pertaining to social work, the health service, mental health, children’s rights and housing; considers that the Scottish Parliament should, therefore, be consulted on this matter; believes that the cash payments to asylum seekers should continue in Scotland, and believes that the Scottish Parliament should consider supplementing financial resources provided to local authorities by the Home Office in relation to the Act’s provisions and that the timetable for the Act’s implementation in Scotland should be extended to April 2000 to allow time to address the specific problems which the Act poses for Scotland.
Supported by: Shona Robison, Donald Gorrie, Mr Adam Ingram, Michael Matheson, Andrew Wilson, Roseanna Cunningham, Fiona Hyslop, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Tommy Sheridan, Linda Fabiani, Margaret Jamieson, Trish Godman, Mrs Mary Mulligan, Cathy Peattie, Dennis Canavan, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Robin Harper, Mike Watson, Fiona McLeod, Malcolm Chisholm, Pauline McNeill, Brian Adam, Marilyn Livingstone, Janis Hughes, Dr Elaine Murray, Mr Jamie Stone, Kate Maclean, Alex Neil, Robert Brown
S1M-303# Dr Winnie Ewing: Sign Language —That the Parliament notes that the British Sign Language is used as an essential communication tool by a substantial number of people in Scotland and has a strong historic tradition; recognises the pressure on interpreters who are in constant demand particularly in rural areas; notes that the British Deaf Association is seeking review of the recognition, rights and support applied to the language, and expresses the hope that the Scottish Executive will assist the process by taking actions to implement the European Parliament’s recognition of Sign Language as an official language in each of the member states.
Supported by: Michael Matheson, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Andrew Wilson, Roseanna Cunningham, Fiona Hyslop, Shona Robison, Richard Lochhead, Irene McGugan, Alasdair Morgan, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Mr Gil Paterson, Michael Russell, Kay Ullrich, Tricia Marwick, Alex Neil, Ms Sandra White, Mr Alex Salmond, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Adam Ingram, Brian Adam, Nicola Sturgeon, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Bruce Crawford, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Mr John Swinney, Linda Fabiani, David McLetchie, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Brian Monteith, Mr David Davidson, Mr George Reid, Cathy Jamieson, Colin Campbell, Dennis Canavan, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Nora Radcliffe, Robin Harper, Mr John Munro, Mr Jamie Stone, Donald Gorrie, Nick Johnston, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Fergus Ewing, Fiona McLeod, Christine Grahame, Phil Gallie, Mary Scanlon, Cathie Craigie, Tommy Sheridan, Margaret Jamieson, Robert Brown
S1M-302# Mr Gil Paterson: Streetlighting in Longriggend—That the Parliament views with concern the implication of the closure of HM Prison Longriggend on the people of Longriggend village and notes that following this closure in April 2000 the village will be left without maintained streetlighting or maintained roads.
Supported by: Alex Neil, Fiona McLeod, Michael Matheson, Linda Fabiani, Alasdair Morgan, Tricia Marwick, Michael Russell, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Donald Gorrie, Andrew Wilson, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Brian Monteith, Phil Gallie, Dr Winnie Ewing, Fergus Ewing, Irene McGugan, Christine Grahame, Mr Jamie Stone, Dorothy-Grace Elder
S1M-301 Mr Brian Monteith: Meetings of the Parliament in Stirling—That the Parliament recognises that it must consider alternative temporary accommodation for the month of May 2000 when the Church of Scotland is likely to require use of the Assembly Hall for its General Assembly and calls upon the Parliamentary Bureau to seriously consider Stirling as a possible location with its modern facilities, historic past, central location and excellent transport links.
Supported by: Mr Keith Harding R, Nick Johnston, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Mr Jamie McGrigor
S1M-300 Tavish Scott: National Air Traffic Control—That the Parliament supports the campaign of the Public and Commercial Services Union to oppose the proposal to privatise 51% of the National Air Traffic Services, believes that the proposal poses a threat to safety in Scottish skies and calls upon the Scottish Executive to make representations to Her Majesty's Government opposing the proposal.
Supported by: George Lyon, Nora Radcliffe, Mr Keith Raffan, Robert Brown, Ian Jenkins, Mr Adam Ingram, Tommy Sheridan, Cathy Jamieson, Donald Gorrie, Fergus Ewing, Alex Neil
S1M-298 Mr Kenneth Gibson: Local Government Funding—That the Parliament agrees to support the motion from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (CoSLA) whereby "Local government calls on the Scottish Executive and the Scottish Parliament to (a) make provision in the local government settlements to fund pay awards; (b) allow councils more discretion and more freedom in setting their budgets; (c) provide, as a matter of urgency, additional resources to enable councils to improve the structure and fabric of their schools, infrastructure and other community facilities; and (d) make a commitment to the early introduction of legislation granting councils a Power of General Competence to act in the interests of their communities."
Supported by: Alex Neil, Mr Adam Ingram, Michael Matheson, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Roseanna Cunningham, Tommy Sheridan, Brian Adam, Fiona Hyslop, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod, Bruce Crawford, Shona Robison, Fergus Ewing, Mr Kenny MacAskill
S1M-294# Alasdair Morgan: Closure of Penninghame Open Prison—That the Parliament is dismayed at the announced closure of Penninghame Open Prison near Newton Stewart, as a result of cuts in the Scottish Prison Service budget imposed by the Scottish Executive; is deeply concerned about the effect on the Newton Stewart area of the loss of 48 jobs and of approximately £1.6 million from the local economy in an area which suffers from one of the worst rates of unemployment in Scotland; is further concerned about the effect on local charitable organisations who rely on prisoners for their day to day operations and about the future lack of rehabilitation facilities for Scottish prisoners, and seeks reversal of the closure decision and the provision of assistance to the Newton Stewart area.
Supported by: Dorothy-Grace Elder, Dr Winnie Ewing, Tricia Marwick, Andrew Wilson, Bruce Crawford, Fiona McLeod, Shona Robison, Mr Andrew Welsh, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr John Swinney, Mr Adam Ingram, Michael Russell, Ms Sandra White, Alex Fergusson, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Alex Neil, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Mr Murray Tosh, David Mundell, Michael Matheson, Christine Grahame
S1M-291 Mr Brian Monteith: Reinstatement of Home International Football Championship—That the Parliament recognises the widespread interest shown in the European Football Championship play-off between Scotland and England on both sides of the border and calls upon the Scottish Executive to encourage the Scottish Football Association to reinstate this game as an annual fixture as part of a renewed Home International Championship including matches against Wales and Northern Ireland.
Supported by: Mr Kenneth Gibson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Dr Winnie Ewing, Dennis Canavan, Mr Keith Harding, Bill Aitken, Nick Johnston, David McLetchie, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod, Fergus Ewing, Mr David Davidson
S1M-290# Mr Nick Johnston: Children's Hospice Association Scotland—That the Parliament congratulates the Children’s Hospital Appeal for Scotland (CHAS) on the work done by it at Rachel House in Kinross and asks the Scottish Executive to examine the funding structures currently in place to enable this organisation to plan ahead on a more structured basis and to remove the uncertainty of short term funding for the provision of respite services.
Supported by: Roseanna Cunningham, Mr Jamie McGrigor, David McLetchie, Mr Keith Raffan, Mr David Davidson, Michael Matheson, Alex Fergusson, Fergus Ewing, Dr Richard Simpson, Phil Gallie, Fiona McLeod, Nick Johnston, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Miss Annabel Goldie, Bruce Crawford, Bill Aitken, David Mundell, Mr Murray Tosh, Cathie Craigie, John Young, Margaret Jamieson
S1M-289 Mr Kenny MacAskill: GM Foods—That the Parliament notes that research indicates that the current 50m exclusion zone around trial sites is inadequate, because pollen can be carried more than 4 km from the site and that the current scientific research does not provide conclusive proof that genetically modified foods are not harmful to health; believes that nature has no boundaries and that undertaking genetically modified trials in Scotland and that undertaking genetically modified trials in Scotland could contaminate conventional crops and land, irrevocably jeopardising Scotland’s reputation as a quality food producer, and recommends the implementation of environmental legislation under the jurisdiction of the Scottish Parliament with the aim of making Scotland a nation free of genetically modified crops and foods.
Supported by: Tricia Marwick, Alex Neil, Tommy Sheridan, Andrew Wilson, Alasdair Morgan, Roseanna Cunningham, Linda Fabiani, Ms Sandra White, Brian Adam, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Michael Russell, Fergus Ewing, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison
S1M-288# Dorothy-Grace Elder: Child Pornography and the Protection of Children—That the Parliament urges the Scottish Executive to set up an urgent investigation into new and better ways of protecting children from paedophiles in Glasgow and the menace of child pornography, including increasing the number of prosecutions and sentences for offenders, funding the cost of sufficient lines to Childline’s main Glasgow switchboard to enable more children to get through on the first call, investigating the shortage of social workers protecting children and further investigating with information technology specialists how the users and providers of internet pornography can be apprehended and prosecuted more efficiently.
Supported by: Mr Jamie McGrigor, Alex Neil, Donald Gorrie, Tommy Sheridan, Michael Matheson, Dr Winnie Ewing, Andrew Wilson, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Alasdair Morgan, Nicola Sturgeon, Mr Gil Paterson, Colin Campbell, Mr Brian Monteith, Miss Annabel Goldie, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Kay Ullrich, Mr Andrew Welsh, Dennis Canavan, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Robin Harper, Nick Johnston, Christine Grahame, Fiona McLeod, Mr David Davidson, Ms Sandra White
S1M-286# Mr John McAllion: Neurosurgical Services in Tayside and Fife—That the Parliament believes that neurological services, including neurosurgery, for Tayside and Fife should be retained and strengthened at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.
Supported by: Ben Wallace, Mr John Swinney, Tommy Sheridan, Brian Adam, Mr Brian Monteith, Mr David Davidson, Shona Robison, Mr Andrew Welsh, Kate Maclean, Irene McGugan
S1M-284 Rhoda Grant: Dangers of Fireworks—That the Parliament notes the unsafe and aggressive use of fireworks by children, young people and adults; congratulates Inverness Family Project for its work in highlighting the dangers of fireworks; urges further action to reduce the dangers and problems of fireworks, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to set up a working party to examine the issue.
Supported by: Elaine Smith, Fergus Ewing, Cathy Jamieson, Cathy Peattie, Fiona McLeod, Malcolm Chisholm, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Margaret Jamieson, Janis Hughes
S1M-283# Mrs Margaret Smith: Social Workers and Violence—That the Parliament deplores the escalating levels of violence visited upon social workers in Edinburgh in the course of their duties; recognises that this is a national problem, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to promote the view that having to face the threat of violence is not an acceptable feature of any profession.
Supported by: Scott Barrie, Irene McGugan, Tommy Sheridan, Trish Godman, Margaret Jamieson, Cathy Jamieson, Fiona Hyslop, Nora Radcliffe, Kay Ullrich, Michael Matheson, Donald Gorrie, Fergus Ewing, Kate Maclean
S1M-282 Ms Margo MacDonald: Cannabis and the Scottish Criminal Justice System—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive, in consultation with the Parliament, to establish a Commission of experts and lay persons to examine and report on social and medical factors which might require changes to be made to Scots Law and the working of the Scottish criminal justice system in relation to the use of cannabis in Scotland.
Supported by: Alex Neil, Linda Fabiani, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Christine Grahame, Ms Sandra White, Dennis Canavan, Nora Radcliffe, Mr Adam Ingram, Irene McGugan, Mr Mike Rumbles, Robin Harper, Robert Brown, Mr John Munro, Donald Gorrie, Tommy Sheridan, Andrew Wilson, Mr Keith Raffan, Mr Brian Monteith, Nick Johnston, Cathy Peattie, Kate Maclean, Mr John McAllion, Scott Barrie, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Brian Adam, Fiona Hyslop, David Mundell, Maureen Macmillan, Mrs Margaret Smith, Bruce Crawford, Nicola Sturgeon
S1M-281# Donald Gorrie: Proposed Accommodation at Holyrood—That the Parliament expresses to the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body its concerns about the inflexibility and layout of the accommodation proposed on the Holyrood site for the staff of MSPs and the staff assisting the party groups and directs the SPCB to consult MSPs and bring forward plans to provide better arrangements to enable MSPs to work as efficiently as possible.
Supported by: Ms Margo MacDonald, Mr John Munro, Nora Radcliffe, Tavish Scott, Mr Jamie Stone, Mr Keith Raffan, Mr Mike Rumbles, Euan Robson, Mr Brian Monteith, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr John McAllion, Mr Gil Paterson, Alex Neil, Ben Wallace, Michael Matheson, Brian Adam, Phil Gallie, Fergus Ewing, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Keith Harding, Mr David Davidson, David Mundell, Robin Harper, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod
S1M-280# Elaine Smith: UN Convention Report on the Rights of the Child —That the Parliament notes the recent publication of the second report by Her Majesty's Government on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; acknowledges the excellent work being undertaken by statutory and voluntary bodies at national and local level in upholding the Convention, including ‘Parents Action for Safe Play Kirkshaws’, an example of good practice in the constituency of Coatbridge and Chryston; affirms its support for the convention, and commits itself to working to ensure that it is fully implemented in Scotland.
Supported by: Dennis Canavan, Malcolm Chisholm, David Mundell, Mr John McAllion, Robert Brown, Irene McGugan, Johann Lamont, Tommy Sheridan, Trish Godman, Karen Whitefield, Michael Russell, Dr Winnie Ewing, Scott Barrie, Marilyn Livingstone, Cathy Jamieson, Cathy Peattie, Rhoda Grant, Maureen Macmillan, Fiona Hyslop, Nicola Sturgeon, Donald Gorrie, Linda Fabiani, Robin Harper, Michael Matheson, Mike Watson, Fiona McLeod, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Cathie Craigie, Mr Michael McMahon, Kate Maclean, Alex Neil, Margaret Jamieson, Janis Hughes, Richard Lochhead, Ms Sandra White, Colin Campbell
S1M-279# Dr Elaine Murray: Crichton University—That the Parliament notes and welcomes the excellent initiatives taken by all partners in the development of the Crichton University campus in Dumfries, in particular the collaboration between educational institutions, and urges the Scottish Executive to investigate this site and model of delivery as a basis for the development of a University of the South of Scotland.
Supported by: Michael Russell, David Mundell, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Alex Neil, Mr Adam Ingram, Alasdair Morgan, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Murray Tosh, Alex Fergusson, Mr Brian Monteith, Cathy Jamieson, Phil Gallie, Donald Gorrie, Christine Grahame, Fiona McLeod, Nick Johnston, Mr David Davidson, Miss Annabel Goldie, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Dr Richard Simpson, Ian Welsh, Allan Wilson, Mr Michael McMahon, Rhoda Grant
S1M-278 Alasdair Morgan: Scottish Beef Exports to France—That the Parliament notes the lack of success of Her Majesty's Government in returning UK beef to the French market; further notes the distinctiveness of Scotland’s high quality beef products and that Scotland’s BSE record is much lower than that of the UK as a whole, and, given that agriculture is a devolved matter, calls upon the Minister for Rural Affairs to take the case for Scotch Beef direct to the French Government to ensure that the ban on Scotch Beef is lifted as soon as possible as opposed to Scotland’s case being dragged down by the UK case as ineffectually put forward by Her Majesty's Government.
Supported by: Dorothy-Grace Elder, Christine Grahame, Mr Adam Ingram, Mr John Swinney, Richard Lochhead, Michael Russell, Linda Fabiani, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Alex Neil, Andrew Wilson, Fergus Ewing, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Fiona McLeod, Shona Robison
S1M-277 Dennis Canavan: Chechnya—That the Parliament notes representations made by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to the Russian Foreign Minister about the situation in Chechnya; expresses deep concern over the Russian military offensive which continues to exact devastating effects upon civilian life and property; salutes the work of agencies working in this area to promote respect for humanitarian principles, and calls upon the international community to take action to alleviate the plight of refugees and to ensure respect for democracy and human rights in Chechnya.
Supported by: Alex Neil, Tommy Sheridan, Linda Fabiani, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr John McAllion, Ben Wallace, Michael Matheson, Brian Adam, Andrew Wilson, Ms Sandra White, Tricia Marwick, Mr Adam Ingram, Fergus Ewing, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Cathy Peattie, Donald Gorrie, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Robin Harper, Kay Ullrich, Christine Grahame, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison
S1M-276 Michael Russell: BBC Resources and BBC Worldwide—That the Parliament notes with concern the proposals contained in the Davies report regarding BBC Resources and BBC Worldwide, believing that any threat to BBC Resources in Scotland will have a detrimental effect on the BBC in Scotland and on the Scottish independent sector and will inevitably be detrimental to training provision for the production industries, lead to job losses and affect the ability to be a public service broadcaster capable of responding in a national emergency; further notes that the sale of BBC Resources and BBC Worldwide will also have little positive impact on the financing of the BBC and, in the case of BBC Worldwide, may actually reduce the income available to the BBC; supports the devolution of broadcasting powers, but in the meantime urges Her Majesty's Government to reject the Davies report and take no steps to sell off such important parts of the broadcasting infrastructure. R
Supported by: Mr Duncan Hamilton, Alex Neil, Andrew Wilson, Fergus Ewing, Roseanna Cunningham, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Alasdair Morgan, Kay Ullrich, Michael Matheson, Fiona McLeod, Christine Grahame, Richard Lochhead
S1M-274 Richard Lochhead: Investigation Into Water Charges—That the Parliament, in the light of the proposed significant increases in water charges particularly in the North of Scotland Water Authority area, calls upon the Transport and Environment Committee to investigate urgently these increases, the Scottish Executive’s response and the implications of the new regulatory regime for customers.
Supported by: Fergus Ewing, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Irene McGugan, Mr Adam Ingram, Fiona McLeod, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Colin Campbell, Ms Sandra White, Mr John Swinney, Christine Grahame, Dr Winnie Ewing, Alex Neil, Linda Fabiani, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Andrew Wilson, Brian Adam, Roseanna Cunningham, Shona Robison, Alasdair Morgan, Nora Radcliffe, Michael Matheson, Dr Richard Simpson
S1M-273# Andrew Wilson: Cumbernauld School Closures—That the Parliament condemns the sham consultation process by North Lanarkshire council over the proposed closure of schools in Cumbernauld and calls upon Councillor Charles Gray, North Lanarkshire Education Convenor, to take full account of parents’ wishes and not dismiss them out of hand.
Supported by: Alex Neil, Linda Fabiani, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Mr Gil Paterson, Colin Campbell, Tommy Sheridan, Alasdair Morgan, Michael Matheson, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod
S1M-272# Karen Whitefield: Credit Union—That the Parliament recognises the benefits brought to many communities such as Airdrie and Shotts by credit unions including access to low cost credit to families who would otherwise have to borrow from high interest loan sharks, encouraging a saving ethos and empowering communities to address their own problems, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to bring forward measures to establish and implement a credit union development strategy for Scotland that will ensure a consistent level of support throughout Scotland.
Supported by: Michael Russell, Rhoda Grant, Malcolm Chisholm, Scott Barrie, Ms Margaret Curran, Dr Elaine Murray, Mr John McAllion, Alex Neil, Mr Andy Kerr R, Elaine Smith, Robert Brown, Mr Michael McMahon, Donald Gorrie, Johann Lamont, Tommy Sheridan, Fergus Ewing, Margaret Jamieson, Trish Godman, Cathie Craigie, Patricia Ferguson, Cathy Jamieson, Cathy Peattie, Robin Harper, Mike Watson, Elaine Thomson, Dr Richard Simpson, Des McNulty, Marilyn Livingstone, Dr Sylvia Jackson, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison, Mr Kenneth Macintosh
S1M-271# Mr Jamie McGrigor: Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning Compensation for Scallop Industry—That the Parliament welcomes the detailed report of the Rural Affairs Committee on the impact of amnesic shellfish poisoning but believes that retrospective compensation should be forthcoming for scallop fishermen who, in complying with the ban, have lost their income and recommends that the Executive act on this immediately.
Supported by: Mr Murray Tosh, Phil Gallie, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr David Davidson, Ben Wallace, Mr Brian Monteith, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Mrs Margaret Ewing, David Mundell, Nick Johnston, Bill Aitken, Fergus Ewing, David McLetchie, Mr Keith Harding, Robin Harper, Mary Scanlon, Mr John Munro, Mr Jamie Stone
S1M-270# Brian Adam: East Coast Electrification—That the Parliament supports the electrification of the east coast railway line from Edinburgh to Aberdeen and calls upon the Scottish Executive to take the lead in funding a partnership with the appropriate local authorities and Railtrack to deliver rail electrification.
Supported by: Shona Robison, Tricia Marwick, Bruce Crawford, Richard Lochhead, Irene McGugan, Fiona Hyslop, Mr Mike Rumbles, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Alex Neil, Nora Radcliffe, Andrew Wilson, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Nick Johnston, Mr John McAllion, Mr Andrew Welsh, Mr David Davidson, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Robin Harper, Michael Matheson, Donald Gorrie, Kate Maclean
S1M-269# George Lyon: Scallop Fishing—That the Parliament applauds the patience and good will shown by Scottish scallop fishermen and scallop processors who are facing severe financial hardship as a result of the ban on scallop and queen scallop fishing which has been in place in Scotland’s Northern and Western waters since mid-Summer; is concerned that many fragile rural economies, and the communities they support, are on the verge of collapse as a result of the ban; recognises that the Scottish scallop fishing industry is in no way responsible for the algae which cause Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP), and calls upon the Scottish Executive to support the scallop industry through the introduction of a compensation package, a through review of current testing and monitoring procedures, and a commitment to work with the industry to safeguard its long term future.
Supported by: Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Nora Radcliffe, Fergus Ewing, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Marilyn Livingstone, Robin Harper, Donald Gorrie, Mr John Munro, Mr Jamie Stone, Kate Maclean
S1M-268 Robin Harper: Field Trials of GM Crops—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive not to licence further field trials of genetically modified crops until the Rural Affairs and Transport & Environment committees have reported to Parliament on the risks from these trials to existing agriculture and to Scotland’s natural heritage.
Supported by: Dennis Canavan, Linda Fabiani, Irene McGugan, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Michael Russell, Robert Brown, Alasdair Morgan, Dr Winnie Ewing, Cathy Jamieson, Fiona Hyslop, Donald Gorrie, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Brian Adam, Christine Grahame, Fiona McLeod, Ms Sandra White, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison, Alex Neil
S1M-267 Robin Harper: Commercial GM Crops—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive to introduce an open-ended moratorium on the planting of genetically modified crops for commercial purposes until they are shown to be safe with respect to existing agriculture and Scotland’s natural heritage.
Supported by: Irene McGugan, Tommy Sheridan, Michael Russell, Linda Fabiani, Alasdair Morgan, Dr Winnie Ewing, Colin Campbell, Cathy Jamieson, Donald Gorrie, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Brian Adam, Fiona McLeod, Ms Sandra White, Kate Maclean, Shona Robison
S1M-265 Richard Lochhead: Location of Meetings of the Parliament—That the Parliament recognises that taking its activities outwith Edinburgh and Glasgow on a regular basis would send a positive signal to the whole of Scotland and calls upon the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and the Parliamentary Bureau to identify a suitable location in the north east of Scotland to host meetings of the Parliament in the event that a temporary home is required.
Supported by: Andrew Wilson, Tricia Marwick, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Irene McGugan, Shona Robison, Michael Matheson, Brian Adam, Kate Maclean
S1M-264# Ms Sandra White: Police Resources and Special Events—That the Parliament calls upon the Scottish Executive to address the anomaly whereby Scottish police forces have to cover the cost of policing visiting dignitaries and other special duties from their existing budgets unlike the Metropolitan Police who were recently given an additional £176 million in 1999-2000 to cover such events.
Supported by: Dr Winnie Ewing, Michael Russell, Tommy Sheridan, Alex Neil, Mrs Margaret Ewing, Dennis Canavan, Mr Gil Paterson, Michael Matheson, Andrew Wilson, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Fergus Ewing, Nicola Sturgeon, Colin Campbell, Irene McGugan, Donald Gorrie, Nora Radcliffe, Robin Harper, Kay Ullrich, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Richard Lochhead
S1M-263 Karen Whitefield: Stane Primary School—That the Parliament expresses its sympathy and support for the pupils, parents and teachers of Stane Primary School, the building of which was destroyed by fire on Sunday 7 November.
Supported by: Rhoda Grant, Michael Russell, Mr Brian Monteith, Ms Margaret Curran, Alex Neil, Elaine Smith, Mr Michael McMahon, Donald Gorrie, Mr Gil Paterson, Michael Matheson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Cathie Craigie, Dr Sylvia Jackson
S1M-262# Mr Nick Johnston: Scottish Gliding Union—That the Parliament notes the threat to the continuing use of Portmoak airfield by the Scottish Gliding Union, due to creeping developments affecting the runways and glide path.
Supported by: Bruce Crawford
S1M-260 Mr Lloyd Quinan: Hamish Henderson—That the Parliament recognises the contribution Hamish Henderson has made, not only to Scottish culture through song, verse and by translation of other nations’ culture into English and Scots, but to the reputation of Scotland as a progressive, forward looking, inclusive nation, both at home and abroad; congratulates him on the occasion of his 80th birthday and recognises that, as a veteran of the Second World War, its co-incidence with armistice day is a fitting point for reflection on the values of peace, social justice and the aspiration to a global community based on trust and mutual respect crossing all boundaries which underpin his work.
Supported by: Michael Russell, Andrew Wilson, Roseanna Cunningham, Kay Ullrich, Ms Margo MacDonald, Mr Gil Paterson, Bill Aitken, Mr Adam Ingram, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Cathy Peattie, Fiona Hyslop, Linda Fabiani, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Andrew Welsh, Alex Neil, Bruce Crawford, Brian Adam, Mr Jamie Stone, Dr Winnie Ewing, Irene McGugan, Mr Mike Rumbles, Robin Harper, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr John McAllion, Fergus Ewing, David McLetchie, Mr Keith Harding, Michael Matheson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod, Mary Scanlon, Mr David Davidson, Shona Robison
S1M-259# Roseanna Cunningham: Traditional Music in Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes the recent initiative set up jointly by the Scottish Arts Council and Scottish Tourist Board with the intention of developing visitor access to traditional music; calls for the extension of this initiative beyond the pilot areas of Fife, Shetland, Ross and Cromarty, the Borders and Orkney, and recognises that this work re-affirms the key role of Scotland’s indigenous arts in any cultural strategy as well as in the economic life of Scotland.
Supported by: Linda Fabiani, Cathy Peattie, Bill Aitken, Alex Neil, Robin Harper, Alex Fergusson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Maureen Macmillan, Dr Elaine Murray, Mr John McAllion, Nora Radcliffe, Andrew Wilson, Nick Johnston, Fergus Ewing, Tommy Sheridan, Mrs Margaret Smith, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod, Mr David Davidson, Richard Lochhead
S1M-256 Linda Fabiani: International Investment Strategies—That the Parliament notes that the World Trade Organisation meets in Seattle this month (November) to commence negotiations on international investment strategies and calls upon the Scottish Executive to initiate a debate and take immediate action to prevent the potential undermining of many of the Parliament’s powers and functions.
Supported by: Cathy Jamieson, Roseanna Cunningham, Michael Matheson, Dennis Canavan, Tommy Sheridan, Robin Harper, Alex Neil, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Mr Jamie Stone, Michael Russell, Brian Adam, Ms Margo MacDonald, Andrew Wilson, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Shona Robison, Ms Sandra White, Irene McGugan, Mr John Swinney, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Mr John McAllion, Nora Radcliffe, Donald Gorrie, Tricia Marwick, Mr Adam Ingram, Robert Brown, Nicola Sturgeon, Rhoda Grant, Colin Campbell, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Cathy Peattie, Kay Ullrich, Fiona Hyslop, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Malcolm Chisholm, Mike Watson, Christine Grahame, Tavish Scott, Fiona McLeod, Kate Maclean
S1M-255 Pauline McNeill: Emergency 999 Calls—That the Parliament notes with concern reports on the number of discrepancies in respect of 999 calls operated by the company Excel Multimedia and calls for an urgent enquiry into the various aspects of this issue which come under the Parliament’s powers including the health and safety risks for those who have to use the service.
Supported by: Cathy Peattie, Tommy Sheridan, Trish Godman, Donald Gorrie, Marilyn Livingstone, Margaret Jamieson
S1M-253# Mr Gil Paterson: Protection of Victims in Rape Cases—That the Parliament notes the recent report produced by Soroptomist International into the way rape victims are treated by the legal system and recognises the need to address the way the legal system, which currently fails to protect adequately women and children, operates in such cases.
Supported by: Dorothy-Grace Elder, Tricia Marwick, Fiona Hyslop, Fiona McLeod, Kay Ullrich, Andrew Wilson, Michael Russell, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Ms Margo MacDonald, Michael Matheson, Christine Grahame, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Mr Adam Ingram, Shona Robison, Linda Fabiani, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Irene McGugan, Alasdair Morgan, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Fergus Ewing, Mr Andrew Welsh, Mr Duncan Hamilton, Brian Adam, Bruce Crawford, Mr John Swinney, Dr Winnie Ewing, Alex Neil, Colin Campbell, Richard Lochhead, Nicola Sturgeon, Tommy Sheridan, Ms Sandra White, Robin Harper, Dennis Canavan, Nick Johnston, Maureen Macmillan, David McLetchie, Bristow Muldoon, Mr David Davidson, Cathy Jamieson, Rhoda Grant, Donald Gorrie, Mr Murray Tosh, Malcolm Chisholm, Kate Maclean, Margaret Jamieson, Dr Sylvia Jackson
S1M-252# Michael Matheson: Solidarity with Cuba—That the Parliament congratulates Salud-Atrade Unionship for Cuba on organising the largest ever donation of aid from these isles to Cuba which serves as a mark of solidarity with the people of Cuba who have unjustly suffered under years of international embargo enforced by the United States government.
Supported by: Mr Lloyd Quinan, Kay Ullrich, Tricia Marwick, Alex Neil, Michael Russell, Cathy Jamieson, Linda Fabiani, Tommy Sheridan, Andrew Wilson, Brian Adam, Robin Harper, Dennis Canavan, Mr Gil Paterson, Nicola Sturgeon, Cathy Peattie, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Fiona Hyslop, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr John McAllion R, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Ms Sandra White, Ms Margo MacDonald, Colin Campbell
S1M-251 Ms Irene Oldfather: Kilwinning Millennium Celebrations—That the Parliament notes the work of the Kilwinning Millennium Committee, in particular the recent opening of the Kilwinning website, and further congratulates the Committee for involving the whole community in the Millennial celebrations. R
Supported by: Kay Ullrich, Michael Russell, Phil Gallie, Mr Adam Ingram, Mr Murray Tosh, Marilyn Livingstone, Alex Neil, Allan Wilson
S1M-249 Lewis Macdonald: Pig Industry—That the Parliament notes the competitive disadvantage faced by Scotland’s pig producers because of the lower standards and costs of animal welfare and health in other European Union countries and the lack of adequate labelling to ensure consumers are aware of the difference, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to address this problem, in the belief that action is necessary to assist the pig industry to continue to make a valuable contribution to agriculture and the economy, while matching the needs of the consumer.
Supported by: Mr Mike Rumbles, Irene McGugan, Alex Fergusson, Cathy Peattie, Rhoda Grant, Nora Radcliffe, Dr Elaine Murray, Brian Adam, Cathy Jamieson, Richard Lochhead, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Mr David Davidson, Mr Murray Tosh, Elaine Thomson, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Donald Gorrie, Mary Scanlon, David McLetchie, Alex Neil
S1M-248 Karen Gillon: Marks and Spencer—That the Parliament regrets the decision of Marks and Spencer PLC to outsource supplies for clothing from quality Scottish companies such as Daks-Simpson Ltd and Bairds to offshore suppliers; recognises the considerable skills, dedication, commitment and expertise of the workforce at Daks-Simpson Ltd and Bairds, and calls upon the Scottish Executive and the economic development agencies to work with these companies to identify new business opportunities and safeguard jobs.
Supported by: Bristow Muldoon, Janis Hughes, David Mundell, Dr Elaine Murray, Fiona Hyslop, Margaret Jamieson, Mrs Mary Mulligan, Cathy Jamieson, Scott Barrie, Marilyn Livingstone, Malcolm Chisholm, Johann Lamont, Gordon Jackson, Ms Margaret Curran, Mr John McAllion, Paul Martin, George Lyon, Allan Wilson, Maureen Macmillan, Mr Duncan McNeil R, Pauline McNeill, Elaine Smith, Rhoda Grant, Cathy Peattie, Euan Robson, Mr Mike Rumbles, Ian Jenkins, Tavish Scott, Tricia Marwick, Des McNulty, Tommy Sheridan, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Alex Neil, Michael Matheson, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Mr Gil Paterson, Mr Michael McMahon, Mr Adam Ingram, Mr Kenny MacAskill, Mr Murray Tosh, Trish Godman, Karen Whitefield, Mike Watson, Donald Gorrie, Fiona McLeod, Cathie Craigie, Kate Maclean, Mr Kenneth Macintosh
S1M-246 Richard Lochhead: Committees Meeting in North East Scotland—That the Parliament supports the inclusion of the North East of Scotland in any study into potential locations for its committee meetings and options for permanently basing committees outwith Edinburgh.
Supported by: Alex Neil, Shona Robison, Brian Adam, Nora Radcliffe, Mr Mike Rumbles, Kate Maclean
S1M-241# Richard Lochhead: Scottish Film Industry—That the Parliament recognises the valuable economic and cultural contribution the film sector makes to Scotland and notes that 24 feature length productions have been filmed in Scotland this year resulting in a record local spend of over £28 million; supports the development of a major film studio in Scotland in recognition of the boost that such a facility would provide, and urges the Scottish Executive to work with the Scottish film industry to ensure that it continues to develop and achieve its full potential.
Supported by: Mr Kenneth Macintosh, Dr Elaine Murray, Andrew Wilson, Mr Kenneth Gibson, Alex Neil, Shona Robison, Ms Sandra White, Irene McGugan, Dr Winnie Ewing, Mr Mike Rumbles, Mr Brian Monteith, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Brian Adam, Fergus Ewing, Mr Keith Harding, Michael Matheson, Fiona McLeod, Bruce Crawford, Cathy Peattie, Mr Lloyd Quinan, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Donald Gorrie, Mr David Davidson, Pauline McNeill
S1M-233# Mr Murray Tosh: Lothian and Borders Sheriff Court Review—That the Parliament expresses its concern about the proposed rationalisation of Sheriff Court Services in Lothian and the Borders, and calls upon the Scottish Executive, when it draws up its proposals for action on the Sheriff Principal’s recommendations, to take into account the financial and operational impact of the proposed changes on the police, district court and social work services in the Borders, as well as the cost and inconvenience of the proposed changes to the public, local press and legal practices in the Borders.
Supported by: Phil Gallie, Alex Fergusson, David Mundell, Euan Robson, Ian Jenkins, Christine Grahame, Johann Lamont, Michael Russell, Nick Johnston, Tricia Marwick, Mr Kenny MacAskill, David McLetchie, Donald Gorrie, Mr Brian Monteith, Mrs Lyndsay McIntosh, Miss Annabel Goldie, Mr David Davidson, Bill Aitken, Mr Keith Harding, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Colin Campbell, Mary Scanlon, John Young, Alex Johnstone
Monday 20 December 1999
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters’ names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member’s Bill to give effect to that proposal under rule 9.14.
Tavish Scott: Proposed Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) (Amendment) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to amend section 7(4) of the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967 to permit Scottish Ministers to authorise the use by fisherman of non-damaging types of fishing gear such as creels in areas covered by Several Fisheries Orders. (lodged 16 December 1999)
Supported by: Dr Winnie Ewing, John Munro, Maureen MacMillan, Rhoda Grant, Mr Mike Rumbles, George Lyon, Allan Wilson, Jamie Stone, Mr Jamie McGrigor, Mary Scanlon
Monday 20 December 1999
Section H - New Documents
Negative Instruments
The following instrument was laid before the Parliament on 17 December 1999 and is subject to annulment
The Hill Livestock (Compensatory Allowances) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/187)
laid under the European Communities Act 1972
Other Documents
The following document was laid before the Parliament on 17 December 1999 and is not subject to any Parliamentary procedure
Explanatory Statement with regard to the pension, allowance or gratuity payable to Dr Eric McCredie Clive, Scottish Law Commissioner
laid under the Law Commissions Act 1965
European Documents
Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerks to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by SPICe in G15, PHQ and copies can be made available on request.
Monday 20 December 1999
Section I - Petitions lodged
The following Petitions were lodged with the Parliament on 17 December 1999—
PE47 Petition by Mr James Strang concerning the Criminal Legal Aid (Fixed Payments) Regulations 1999.
PE48 Petition from the Glasgow North Action Group opposing the proposed siting of a Secure Care Centre within the grounds of Stobhill General Hospital.
PE49 Petition from Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to take action to prevent the United States Navy from using the Cape Wrath live bombardment range.
PE50 Petition from Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to request that Glasgow City Council re-open the disabled toilets in Peel Street, Glasgow.
Monday 20 December 1999
Section J - Progress of Parliamentary business
For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)
Bills in Progress
Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 15 December
Abolition of Poindings and Warrant Sales Bill
Stage 1:(evidence, Justice & Home Affairs Committee) 11 January
:(evidence, Local Government Committee; Social
Inclusion, Housing & Voluntary Sector Committee) 12 January
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 9 December
Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Bill
Bill passed 1 December
Subordinate legislation in progress
(date of laying) (Lead Committee)
Negative Instruments
Subject to annulment until 16 January 2000
The Council Tax (Exempt Dwellings) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/140) (17 November 1999) (Local Government)
Subject to annulment until 24 January 1999
The Non-Domestic Rating and Contributions (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/153) (25 November 1999) (Local Government)
Subject to annulment until 25 January 1999
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1999 (SSI 1999/149) (26 November 1999) (Justice and Home Affairs)
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1999 (SSI 1999/150) (26 November 1999) (Justice and Home Affairs)
The Local Statutory Provisions (Postponement from Repeal) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/156) (26 November 1999) (Local Government)
The Local Statutory Provisions (Exemption from Repeal) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/157) (26 November 1999) (Local Government)
Subject to annulment until 9 February 1999
The Contaminants in Food Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/171) (14 December 1999)
The Building Standards and Procedure Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/173) (14 December 1999)
Subject to annulment until 11 February 2000
The Breeding of Dogs (Licensing Records) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/176) (16 December 1999)
The Sale of Dogs (Identification Tag) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/1777) (16 December 1999)
The Beef Bones (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/186) (16 December 1999)
Committee Business
Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place on the relevant subject.
Audit 11 January
Education, Culture and Sport 11 January
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 12 January
Equal Opportunities 18 January
European No date established
Finance 18 January
Health and Community Care 12 January
Justice and Home Affairs 11 January
Local Government 12 January
Procedures 18 January
Public Petitions 18 January
Rural Affairs 18 January
Social Inclusion, Housing and Voluntary Sector 12 January
Standards 12 January
Subordinate Legislation 11 January
Transport and Environment 19 January
[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]
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