1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 561 - 580 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Expressive oo and a boat: The Shetland Schools Craft Residency Hughson, Hazel 1,948
Scots Tung Wittins 47 Fairnie, Robert 1,939
A lock o hellery Johnson, Laureen 1,933
Biggam Collection Letter: 12 Law, Madge Taylor 1,932
Shakespeare's attitude towards women Bell, Rosie 1,920
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Equal Opportunities: Official Reports: Meeting 15, 2001 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,911
Interview with Michael Stipe of REM English, Paul 1,896
"Obituary for Christine Guthrie, 1896-1999" MacGillivray, Alan 1,893
Diaries of William Young: 1957 Young, William 1,892
Pompitie Finnds a Needle Purves, David 1,886
Geordie Jooks an the Sand Boat Fairnie, Robert 1,884
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 3, no 57 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,883
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 04, recording 1: colouring in N/A Audio 1,879
Craiters: 08 - E Forkietailies Fenton, Alexander 1,857
Craiters: 07 - E Oolet Fenton, Alexander 1,856
The Pypar o Sutherland Purves, David 1,847
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 14, recording 3: Alphabet book and stories N/A Audio 1,846
The Draiglin Hogney Purves, David 1,841
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 47 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,840
The Fower Quarters: 04 - Disraeli for Me Blackhall, Sheena 1,832

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