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62 occurrences of ordinar.

44 documents matching criteria (3.34% of corpus)

207,372 total words in matching documents (4.52% of corpus)

Showing documents 1 - 44 of 44

Results per page: 20 50 100 1000 All | Max word occurrences per document: 5

Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Chaucer Essay O'Gallagher, Niall 2,496 1 0.40

... topos’, uised bi the Franklin, couldnae be cried by-ordinar. Forbye, ither fowk hae argued that ony ‘mismatch’ atween ...

Dipper: 30 - 'Puggie' Begg, Dr James A 1,346 1 0.74

... lads by sicht a mile aff, but didnae bother their heids wi ordinar fishers, an were gey ready-haundit at heukin a saumon by ...

Inaugural speech by John Kirk to launch the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech Kirk, John M Video 6,982 1 0.14

... vowel is is elided altogether, "dictionar", "leeterar", "ordinar", "necessar", "vocabular", right? What's going on there? ...

Letter: 02 Fairnie, Robert 583 1 1.72

... five hunner cairds. They didnae pit wir cairds up on thair ordinar caird rack, but pit thaim in an auld shae-box happit in ...

Makin Pancakes Love, Rowena M 208 1 4.81

... Ah makkit letters for a in the hoose afore feenishin wi ordinar roons. Watchin fur the bubbles as sign fur me tae turn ...

Picters in yer heid Fairnie, Robert 2,174 1 0.46

... Geordie an his wee brither wisnae allooed tae weir thair ordinar, ilkaday playin claes. Thay aye hid tae weir thair Sunday ...

Pillars of Society Thirkell, Alison 29,032 2 0.07

... a woman wi nae siller, a bit lang in the tooth and gey ordinar. JACK: Ordinary? BEAUMONT: Och, nae herm to the lass. I ...
... Aye, aye, aye - BOYTER: Specially when sic a kittle by-ordinar subject is to be raised. Thank God you hae the name and ...

Scots Tung Wittins 100 Fairnie, Robert 2,370 2 0.84

... tae somethin new or tae a new stert, he wis merkin thon bi-ordinar occasion in a tradeetional Scots wey. Scotland haes a ...
... agin Gaelic an Gaelic speakers, threipit this wis a by-ordinar letter an speirt gin nane o thae fowk haed ivver ...

Scots Tung Wittins 102 Fairnie, Robert 2,409 1 0.42

... guid an shawed a meisure o imagination an humour. For ordinar, the can be juist the ae winner but this year the Walin ...

Scots Tung Wittins 114 Fairnie, Robert 2,652 3 1.13

... the precedent for Glesca tae be the backdrap for oot o the ordinar events. Ower 20 year on, Anne Donovan haes setten her ...
... novel, Buddha Da, in Glesca whaur a series o events, some ordinar, some extrae ordinar, taks place in the lives o the three ...
... Glesca whaur a series o events, some ordinar, some extrae ordinar, taks place in the lives o the three heidmaist characters. ...

Scots Tung Wittins 115 Fairnie, Robert 2,413 3 1.24

... that specialises in Scots language buiks for schuils an ordinar readers. Pauline Cairns o the Scottish Language ...
... aw guid writers, Matthew haes the gift o writin aboot the ordinar an in daein this he shaws us the extrae-ordinar an the ...
... aboot the ordinar an in daein this he shaws us the extrae-ordinar an the universal. A fund this mair particular in the bit ...

Scots Tung Wittins 118 Fairnie, Robert 2,374 1 0.42

... as ither years but haes a landscape format insteid o the ordinar portrait format an wi the fawld rinnin alang the left ...

Scots Tung Wittins 121 Fairnie, Robert 2,223 1 0.45

... on Scottish Television wis a wee bit different frae the ordinar rin o Gaelic programs bi wey o it uisin juist aboot equal ...

Scots Tung Wittins 122 Fairnie, Robert 2,558 2 0.78

... this ane got that's different? Weel, this ane is richt by-ordinar cause aw the bands sings in thair ain hamelt, regional, ...
... that blithely sells Scots Tung's Yule cairds alang wi the ordinar English language Christmas cairds is awned an operated bi ...

Scots Tung Wittins 127 Fairnie, Robert 2,494 2 0.80

... Robin on the wee ane. In a wee depairture frae ither ordinar years, the big caird haes the words o the sang, A Guid New ...
... sang, A Guid New Year prentit in a wee sma font ablow the ordinar sized saisonal greetins on the richt haund page. Awbody ...

Scots Tung Wittins 129 Fairnie, Robert 2,468 2 0.81

... R W Smith. He accepps in his innin, the kinches that the ordinar reader haes wi the ancient language an pynts oot the need ...
... the feck o the local population disnae speak English for ordinar but is mair like tae uise the Doric an they hiv pitten up ...

Scots Tung Wittins 130 Fairnie, Robert 2,302 1 0.43

... or a performance o ony poetry for that maitter, for ordinar means juist the ae body recitin some pieces. This, wi ...

Scots Tung Wittins 131 Fairnie, Robert 2,360 2 0.85

... owersettin an official document intae Scots is tae gie the ordinar native Scots speakin public accurate an easy unnerstuid ...
... Scots uisers the day, includin the editor o STW an the ordinar man in the street, scartin thair heids; wyle, adee, makk, ...

Scots Tung Wittins 135 Fairnie, Robert 2,534 1 0.39

... Scotland haed reponed wi compassion an mony thoosands o ordinar Scots haed dug deep intae thair pooches tae help folk on ...

Scots Tung Wittins 145 Fairnie, Robert 2,668 1 0.37

... Schuil, East Lothian, taen a walcome brek frae thair ordinar lessons an heidit up tae Fort Kinnaird on the sooth east ...

Scots Tung Wittins 153 Fairnie, Robert 1,955 1 0.51

... future generations bi lettin fowk hear it bein yaised in ordinar converstaion? If no, whit for no? The Creenge?? Makar's ...

Scots Tung Wittins 155 Fairnie, Robert 2,593 1 0.39

... International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, sae for ordinar, visits shuid be arranged aforehaund. This can be duin bi ...

Scots Tung Wittins 156 Fairnie, Robert 2,436 1 0.41

... Wast o Scotland vernacular. He haes captured the rythm o ordinar Scots speech for his characters tho he only yaises the odd ...

Scots Tung Wittins 159 Fairnie, Robert 2,479 1 0.40

... ain Hogmanay in 2007. Burns Suppers BURNS Nicht faws for ordinar on Januar 25 but Burns Suppers can be hauden onywhaur ...

Scots Tung Wittins 167 Fairnie, Robert 2,335 1 0.43

... whae's level o attainment wis weel ablow the normal for ordinar, stertit tae shaw a weel seen betterment in thair ...

Scots Tung Wittins 176 Fairnie, Robert 2,409 1 0.42

... see past Emily Brontë. Thair lives thegither is incredibly ordinar till the day thair Mammy dees giein birth an things aw ...

Scots Tung Wittins 177 Fairnie, Robert 2,585 1 0.39

... Manager, like aw the ither managers turnt a blinn ee for ordinar, in a situation the likes o this when he cam face tae face ...

Scots Tung Wittins 53 Fairnie, Robert 2,195 1 0.46

... Ticht. Ower ticht! – Ower ticht. Ticht as a doo's ee! – By-ordinar ticht. Ower high! – Ower muckle gress. Oot in the country! ...

Scots Tung Wittins 56 Fairnie, Robert 2,683 1 0.37

... seeven an aicht in the mornin o Seturday 8t o August. For ordinar, the abuin program is cried Out of Doors an praisentit bi ...

Scots Tung Wittins 59 Fairnie, Robert 2,295 1 0.44

... A coorse, the'r no juist the ae Scotland but monie. The by-ordinar particularities o fowks frae different airts – whuther ...

Scots Tung Wittins 60 Fairnie, Robert 2,328 4 1.72

... We wunner gin Wee Alickie's onie kin tae him. ~~~ooo~~~ By-ordinar Scots Tung Forgaitherin. FOR ordinar, wir neist monthly ...
... tae him. ~~~ooo~~~ By-ordinar Scots Tung Forgaitherin. FOR ordinar, wir neist monthly forgaitherin shuid tak place on Monday ...
... thaim. A deceesion wis taen at the last ane tae hae a by-ordinar forgaitherin on Monday 23t. November for the giein oot o ...
... November for the giein oot o Yule cairds an this is a by-ordinar edeetion o the Scots Tung Wittins tae lat aa wir maimbers ...

Scots Tung Wittins 62 Fairnie, Robert 2,606 2 0.77

... Coorse an Fine Raicent social history o language an the by-ordinar effeck o television on the wey fowk spaek. Programme 3. ...
... tae eik up the price. Unholy Wullie's Halloween is a by-ordinar Scots pome bi Robert Menzies Banks, screivit in a souch no ...

Scots Tung Wittins 67 Fairnie, Robert 2,456 1 0.41

... back when watchin TV news reports ye'll fin mair an mair ordinar fowk, when speirt quaistens, is fair blithe noo tae uise ...

Scots Tung Wittins 78 Fairnie, Robert 2,217 2 0.90

... is a man o skill in international law an a maimber o a by-ordinar advisory body pit thegither bi the European Buroo for ...
... in the identity o human beins' an the importance o 'wir by-ordinar sibness tae wir ain airts, language an cultur.' A screive ...

Scots Tung Wittins 79 Fairnie, Robert 2,611 1 0.38

... the follaein heidline:- A wee bit o cash wad dae. Ae by-ordinar journalistic step forrit was taen bi Scotsman reporters on ...

Scots Tung Wittins 80 Fairnie, Robert 2,402 1 0.42

... airt's Gaelic language an cultur as weel as forderin by-ordinar holidays sic as anes tae dae wi the environment an ongauns ...

Scots Tung Wittins 88 Fairnie, Robert 2,712 1 0.37

... guid tent, tho wir forgaitherins is aye on a Monday for ordinar, this ane haes been chynged tae a Thursday tae suit ...

Scots Tung Wittins 95 Fairnie, Robert 2,781 1 0.36

... mair an mair Scots words an weys o sayin things in oor ordinar conversation til it becomes natural. Haein read this ower, ...

Scottish Parliament: Makkin yer voice heard in the Scottish Parliament (Scots) Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 2,911 3 1.03

... Pairlament an become law. The process warks like this for ordinar: Stage 1 The relevant committee luiks intil the general ...
... an Scottish Meenisters. Committees forgaithers for ordinar in wee’er rooms in the Scottish Pairlament in Edinburgh. ...
... that will aften lead til a vote. Debates is hauden for ordinar in the Debatin Chaumer. Devolution: The transfer o pooer ...

The Borth’ick Waitter Rodger, Matt 21,032 2 0.10

... Roberton, wi aa its necessar forerede; wis the maist, past ordinar, extra-curricular happenin, i the academic yeir. Ay, Mrs ...
... maist readily intil ma mynd. Ay! A’ll ne’er forleit hou by-ordinar it wur tae mei, tae wutness; up Borth’ick Waitter, i the ...

The Buik o Ruth: 14 - Anent the Buik o Ruth Borrowman, A S 620 1 1.61

... had they for the Law o God whilk had gart them be a by-ordinar fowk. Ezra and his feres pit stout herts tae a stey brae ...

The Mossflow Holton, Brian 33,939 1 0.03

... awa an sort out the eattocks.” “Dinna fash yirsel - onie ordinar thing’ll dae” says Lu Da. “Ye’re that kind an thochtie, ...

The Quarry Blackhall, Sheena 23,932 1 0.04

... backers, an ma faither needs a kidney transplant. In the ordinar wye o things, we wadnae think o makkin eese o onybody like ...

The Stalking Cure [Content label: lesser] Corbett, Dr John B 6,214 1 0.16

... of the Empire’. The Return of John Macnab haes mair ‘ordinar’ fowk as heroes and heroine (altho they’re aw still ...

Results per page: 20 50 100 1000 All | Max word occurrences per document: 5

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