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this morning and i spentthisafternoon and evening reworking my
hoping to nip off earlythisafternoon tuesday morning or weds
cleansed and transformed to celebratethisawaited morning maria my neighbour
morning we referred one tothiscommittee members thanks david mundell
air looking through the windowthisfine morning my eyes stop
woke up this morning andthisguy was standing outside on
after the service coffee morningthishad been booked for saturday
it was only a dreamthisineffable morning in late march
tree the morning m1096: ayethisis a real sword f1095:
services 6 leavers coffee morningthisis arranged for wednesday 22nd
voice said good morning audreythisis mr kinness here [laugh]
their work in the morningthisis not new and as
the chamber this morning ifthisis the major breakthrough that
what s the meaning ofthislilian morning betty dear morning
only had i had onethismorning a new one in
the debate in the parliamentthismorning about the trunk roads
was goin to do itthismorning afore we went to
centres of glasgow and edinburghthismorning after three nights of
but he s been inthismorning already so erm i
suffering from a bad coldthismorning although i thought that
attention to the fact thatthismorning an extra petition has
good day we slept inthismorning and at last woke
i woke up extremely earlythismorning and decided to read
quickly thank you for attendingthismorning and for answering our
the witnesses for their evidencethismorning and for the evidence
all those areas i checkedthismorning and found that the
was comin up the stairsthismorning and he said erm
days ago and yesterday andthismorning and i did knock
from what graeme s saidthismorning and i know talking
got your very welcome letterthismorning and i m delighted
prof [censored: surname] at his homethismorning and i spent this
hurt i heard about itthismorning and i ve come
was on good morning walesthismorning and i was pleased
however the parliament has spokenthismorning and i will be
m really sorry for misbehavingthismorning and i won t
heard something on radio justthismorning and it brought back
else i had an examthismorning and it reconfirmed my
thomson s report was circulatedthismorning and members should have
70 s f in halifaxthismorning and the tv says
the evidence that we takethismorning and the visits that
nine and i woke upthismorning and this guy was
we thought we d relaxthismorning and watch the celebrations
[sniff] i was watchin tellythismorning and we had a
as demonstrated in the debatethismorning and we hope in
issue that has been raisedthismorning and which everyone to
amendments that are before usthismorning are an obituary for
our first set of witnessesthismorning are members of the
from the metro carriage windowthismorning as i rode to
am in much better healththismorning as members can see
curran cannot be with usthismorning as she is being
in wid huv ordered themthismorning before he phoned beth
doon the road gae earlythismorning berna silence della skippin
i was doing terribly wellthismorning but i must pick
good bus service apart fromthismorning but [laugh] f745: [laugh]
it was about 15 cthismorning but that s hard
out to ballyhillock with andythismorning but there was some
am delighted to be joinedthismorning by jackie doyle who
playing wi in the bedroomthismorning can ye nae remember
disclose the total advertising incomethismorning certain newspapers attract advertising
it s [?]well they think they're[/?] i noticedthismorning comin up that they
we have loads of timethismorning concerns were raised about
28th june 1999 inca trailthismorning dawned clear and bright
executive the presiding officer hasthismorning decided to take a
sarah boyack the comments madethismorning demonstrate the value of
evidence that we have heardthismorning does not make it
on a different matter laterthismorning dr brown has played
spencers as an insect fetishthismorning during meditation a cabbage
s paper has been circulatedthismorning elaine thomson i apologise
as well i thought thatthismorning er cause i ve
again cause she done everythingthismorning except for the eggs
they say i feel pantsthismorning f1025: never heard that
that s your weetabix faethismorning f1100: i don t
time did you get upthismorning f1104: six o clock
ve had sunny days thoughthismorning f807: yeah that s
didn t see your notethismorning f809: buy lots of
eh not popular at workthismorning f809: oh i heard
her but she was therethismorning f809: oh it s
f1095: i seen her greetinthismorning fann you went in
monday 3rd october to awakethismorning feeling doped and lazy
there i left it herethismorning fin i cam ooto
to shop in the dietathismorning food stocks in the
stuff fitt did you haethismorning for snack m1110: mm
we had lectures from herthismorning free personal care is
briefing from help the agedthismorning given the work that
that the committee has heardthismorning has underlined that the
including one who contacted methismorning have expressed concerns about
about me doing a phdthismorning he said i shouldn
ful- flew through a lotthismorning hope you got something
comments that angus mackay madethismorning however christine grahame pointed
question you are very popularthismorning however we are running
significant airing of the billthismorning i ask members to
way to tackling those difficultiesthismorning i asked scottish executive
and concerns that were expressedthismorning i cannot be specific
be on my best behaviourthismorning i congratulate hugh henry
information that we have heardthismorning i do not think
several evenings this week andthismorning i even went up
however that i woke latethismorning i eventually got myself
on my heel and fledthismorning i had a second
f1117: fitt did i havethismorning i had alpen and
am not feeling too goodthismorning i have been receiving
impression he has given todaythismorning i just happened to
to legal challenge having checkedthismorning i know that an
i came to the parliamentthismorning i listened to the
fact i was doing itthismorning i ll be doing
t put through any callsthismorning i ll be unobtainable
further enhancement of concessionary travelthismorning i met the chairman
mr gordon heard the evidencethismorning i noticed that he
your desks either yesterday orthismorning i received mine yesterday
running a very tight timetablethismorning i thank the witnesses
anybody else into the housethismorning i think [censored: forename] was
was surprised to be noticedthismorning i usually lug it
and then it was likethismorning i was like f1150:
but it s like coffeethismorning i was like f1155:
a very tight time scalethismorning i will give preference
than any even in glasgowthismorning i worked some more
i apologise for being latethismorning iain montgomery touched on
was delivered in the chamberthismorning if this is the
elements that we have discussedthismorning if we had had
on monday morning which isthismorning in a few hours
your letters i found themthismorning in my trunk along
approach indeed as we sawthismorning in respect of the
comments that have been madethismorning including your comments about
which we have discussed lessthismorning intentionality relates to much
the first item of businessthismorning is a scottish national
material that we have seenthismorning is being used in
of support in the chamberthismorning is disappointing we have
fact that we have overrunthismorning is it agreed that
our final item of businessthismorning is the members business
been asked to deal withthismorning is the sheriff court
was unable to come herethismorning is there behind the
evidence that we have heardthismorning it seems that the
item going through the committeethismorning it will go through
had a violent earth tremorthismorning it woke me up
may have received it onlythismorning john patterson we sent
f1095: how was [censored: forename] greetingthismorning m1096: fitt [inaudible] f1095:
was you doing with grandathismorning m1098: nae bad f1097:
m952: aye m865: just arrivedthismorning m952: yeah du should
told you all about themthismorning my newsagent knows them
was not in my mailthismorning of a forward diary
the key issues i speakthismorning on behalf of scottish
tribunal we had extensive debatethismorning on how someone who
again shoutin mum heard themthismorning on the roof now
and management of scottish deerthismorning our purpose is to
out at 2 o clockthismorning painting green paul bunyan
concerns that we have raisedthismorning perhaps all that we
election announced the first pollsthismorning predict a probable landslide
miss goldie is with usthismorning principally to respond to
a letter which i havethismorning received from hemens it
must stick to our timetablethismorning rhona brankin midlothian lab
and giving us your answersthismorning ron tuck thank you
the meeting was published inthismorning s business bulletin unfortunately
voluntary sector the presiding officerthismorning s business is a
firms at the end ofthismorning s business the daily
30 all right to givethismorning s class on education
the minister to abide bythismorning s clearly expressed will
the first minister agree thatthismorning s debate about trunk
the minister will listen tothismorning s debate and do
be clear about one thingthismorning s debate goes much
jamieson kilmarnock and loudoun labthismorning s debate has focused
i want to reflect onthismorning s debate it is
to have been made duringthismorning s debate or even
particularly in the light ofthismorning s debate that older
his officials for participating inthismorning s discussion subordinate legislation
convener as members know fromthismorning s discussions a busy
care committee as part ofthismorning s evidence dorothy grace
mcneill and christine grahame forthismorning s largesse we will
for her extensive stint conveningthismorning s meeting a task
which is the subject ofthismorning s meeting both of
good morning everybody welcome tothismorning s meeting of the
recent events i have readthismorning s newspapers in full
finished smartly hae you readthismorning s paper then ye
concern scotland as reported inthismorning s press expectations were
david steel before we beginthismorning s proceedings i have
sort as you know fromthismorning s session convener other
there has been heavy snowthismorning saturday we popped up
jess is a bit sleepythismorning says pat f1114: that
tree 16 monday cath badthismorning send for dr she
a letter from helen [censored: surname]thismorning she thoroughly enjoyed sunset
to mention all the concernsthismorning so i ask the
photos letters etc sorted outthismorning so much has been
from 9pm till about 6amthismorning so that wasn t
food 21 monday rain showersthismorning start to paint scullery
hard times as his amendmentthismorning suggests that the number
questions that is all forthismorning thank you for your
war zones the bbc announcedthismorning that a twentieth police
happening here today although eventhismorning that arrangement was not
whether i ll see youthismorning that i can t
say as the minister saidthismorning that it cannot make
there and were both reassuredthismorning that that council has
was reading it in bedthismorning the convener is it
and keith raffan said earlierthismorning the executive responds to
we have a brief agendathismorning the first item is
pleased to say that onlythismorning the hannah research institute
and community care told parliamentthismorning the issue is back
are up against the clockthismorning the meeting has to
system of local authority verifiersthismorning the minister pointed out
adv tomorrow the mornin advthismorning the nicht adv tonight
ready for a 9am startthismorning the non trekkers were
has given to the committeethismorning the report says that
of humour she needed itthismorning the tv studio is
the meditation shawl i wearthismorning the yellow time the
criminals as gordon jackson saidthismorning there are a lot
was loads of people therethismorning there was like six
bachles that havenae turned upthismorning they ll be scunnered
i i i really likedthismorning though when she came
s s koteliansky she wrotethismorning through the newspaper where
that we have heard evidencethismorning to justify the committee
mcgugan who has come herethismorning to speak on the
have not heard much evidencethismorning to suggest that that
stayed up till 1 30amthismorning to undergo yet another
[?]oh did you nae[/?] you woke me upthismorning too early [censored: forename] did
we are to take evidencethismorning varies there are those
round the maggie the temperaturethismorning was about 11 c
train that i was takingthismorning was cancelled and i
the feeling of the parliamentthismorning was that the tendering
that we have not heardthismorning we cannot come to
issues at a european levelthismorning we heard that we
they are good or badthismorning we referred one to
yeah f1054: and in grangemouththismorning we said the same
what the parliament is enactingthismorning we should be aware
of amendments that is whythismorning we unfortunately had to
to go to my workthismorning we ve a rush
1 july 1999 la pazthismorning we were up at
that in the time availablethismorning we will succeed in
cat smootie has come homethismorning wearing a collar and
glad we got up latethismorning well i didn t
the kids whom i metthismorning were great some of
society twa metrical psaums andthismorning were prentit in the
the minister said to methismorning when i said that
did you hae a baththismorning when i was at
scots they normally say nothismorning when i was thinking
in the public petitions committeethismorning when it had a
convener there may be occasionsthismorning when the convener s
2 there will be occasionsthismorning when we can dispose
you to be so dourthismorning when you arrived nearly
to the last section ofthismorning which concerns the effectiveness
the petitioners for their attendancethismorning which was helpful multiple
we had a great walkthismorning who would have thought
our consideration of the billthismorning who would have thought
to be debated in parliamentthismorning you said that you
dear sheena as i writethismorning you will be sound
emerging from morning mist atthistime of the year more
can i help you andthisvoice said good morning audrey
because of my restless nightthiswasn t my happiest morning
the st john several eveningsthisweek and this morning i
a saturday morning in marchthisyear along with her studio
me f1104: he says neighthisa girl ain f1103: mmhm
f1125: haud on then movethisain a minute f1126: huh
i think i ll stickthisain along here f1140: i
then m1128: that ain f1127: thisain and fitt aboot you
doon here haud tight andthisain and haud tight there
look okay we ll readthisain and then we ll
aye f1104: we re makingthisain aren t we f1103:
mummy farr can i putthisain at f1103: no this
policemans right mm what willthisain be m1096: it s
we canna make it onthisain can we f1103: no
up we ll finish dointhisain cause this is a
here we ll take doonthisain cause you ve no
fitt ain m1096: this ainthisain [child noise] f1095: right okay
you fitt though look atthisain come on then sit
one aye right f1104: sothisain comes oot f1103: aye
[laugh] f1127: mammy ll getthisain daen m1128: aye him
singing the last time withisain dancing in the moonlight
you use do you wantthisain div ye f1133: no
will phone her what doesthisain do f1089: mmhm oh
now i want to dothisain f1089: a mannie and
no i want to dothisain f1089: fitt ain m1090:
there s not fluff onthisain f1089: no m1090: it
yeah i m gonna makethisain f1089: right that s
want more m1090: can ithisain f1089: [water running] oh fitt
what next f1091: erm m1092: thisain f1091: that ain m1092:
this one i m doingthisain f1093: thank you m1094:
on it i ve donethisain f1093: what s that
m1094: you going to dothisain f1093: yes i ll
f1095: okay then m1096: [inaudible]thisain f1095: fitt ain m1096:
up to help me withthisain f1103: aye but you
f1104: [inaudible] fa s onthisain f1103: eh f1104: fa
eh f1104: fa s onthisain f1103: i dinna ken
aboot doon a bit f1104: thisain f1103: yey f1104: [clapping]
gonna mak the tea afterthisain f1104: i m gonna
this ain at f1103: nothisain f1104: oh i think
do you want to daethisain f1104: so boring f1103:
f1103: right come on thenthisain f1104: yeah f1103: careful
okay and i ll daethisain f1104: yeah f1103: okay
you nae want to daethisain f1104: yeah no f1103:
on then we ll daethisain f1104: yes big one
come on then f1114: andthisain f1113: and that one
the rest o them f1114: thisain f1113: [censored: forename] do the
in there no f1114: [inaudible]thisain f1113: no here look
yes well done where sthisain f1113: oh very good
f1116: [child noises] f1115: fitt sthisain f1116: mm f1115: ted
f1122: i m gonna eatthisain f1121: are you f1122:
f1122: i m gonna havethisain f1121: do you just
ain isn t it f1122: thisain f1121: do you like
she f1122: look what sthisain f1121: ehm i think
this over here i dothisain f1121: mmhm f1122: i
don t they go inthisain f1121: oh right just
to eat a biscuit onthisain f1121: oh what kind
f1122: read that ain readthisain f1121: read you wantin
well done darling f1122: dothisain f1121: right [toy says 'let's play'] what
choose the next one f1122: thisain f1121: right [toy says 'you are right'] what
gonna do another one mmthisain f1121: that s good
f1121: skipping rope f1122: andthisain f1121: your computer i
bits are those bits forthisain f1126: oh yes yes
we put the top onthisain f1126: yeah no i
ain ll be the samethisain f1127: oh that s
m1128: rrr and there sthisain f1127: that s fruit
am goin to colour inthisain f1127: you dae this
okay f1134: see f1133: trythisain f1134: see [inaudible] f1133:
then f1104: fa got methisain fa got me that
let me see fa sthisain fae oh you ve
ll dae f1122: okay f1121: thisain first are you ready
can we can we dothisain first f1121: mmhm that
mmhm m1110: this one f1109: thisain fitt s this ain
cause you ve no madethisain for ages f1104: no
mmhm f1104: we havena donethisain for ages have we
bit there m1094: where doesthisain go [child noise] f1093: in
this go [?]mama[/?] where doesthisain go f1093: erm in
t you m1094: where doesthisain go f1093: [laugh] you
f1093: [inaudible] m1094: where sthisain go f1093: [laugh] you
t ye m1094: where doesthisain go here [?]here ma[/?] f1093:
there m1094: and where doesthisain go i know f1093:
be go in farr sthisain goin to go mummy
f1121: okay and who sthisain gonna be for next
see put some more onthisain here f1126: i have
f1109: this ain fitt sthisain here james he might
think it will be nothisain here m1096: beak f1095:
see no this hen herethisain here no this ain
i m going to havethisain i m goin to
need a bittie mair inthisain i think eh ah
a police car what sthisain if you fall and
big too big you wantinthisain in m1098: no too
there for you m1094: putthisain in put this in
f1104: [child noise] [?]you got me ain, got[/?] mm makethisain [inaudible] f1103: uh huh
where does it go f1114: thisain is goin there f1113:
f1113: you tired f1114: yesthisain is goin there f1113:
here m1096: ehm [child noise] f1095: thisain is it a breakdown
sorted f1104: is belle inthisain is it f1103: aye
s higher up m1090: butthisain is that ain [?]that ain that ain[/?]
maybe well done f1104: seethisain isna very tricky after
colour s nemo f1114: dothisain it s it s
ken there we go divthisain just see has the
plates m1094: what is inthisain [laugh] f1093: what s
from mrs [censored: surname] fa sthisain let me see oh
shirts m1090: this fitted onthisain let s see sorry
a new page m1128: ayethisain ll be the same
stair wait till you seethisain look f1116: ah f1115:
hair s a right messthisain look it s all
one f1091: er fitt abootthisain look look buses and
to be daein it sthisain look see fitt aboot
dae the same fitt sthisain m1096: erm a fire
pile f1095: right fitt sthisain m1096: erm f1095: aye
ye going to do nextthisain m1096: that a rabbit
big fitt aboot this ainthisain m1098: oh aye f1097:
this ain f1127: you daethisain m1128: inside f1127: aye
s a bit missing fromthisain must be in the
to wash f1122: this ainthisain needs washed f1121: that
what s inside this onethisain next this one s
that ain gonna eat lookthisain no wait look fitt
i m gaun to daethisain noo i m gonna
making a noise f1114: doesthisain oops then that ain
do you want to keepthisain out and you can
it oh i ll keepthisain out cause it s
f1103: there you go f1104: thisain s a bit hard
s that ain f1089: [tut]thisain s apple m1090: what
the straight edges f1104: mumthisain s boring this one
right do you know whatthisain s called f1122: a
can we f1103: no causethisain s carpet well we
he carrying m1110: mam f1109: thisain s carrying stones or
m1094: mmhm helping for youthisain s done can you
next this one s a-thisain s done f1093: okay
we re nearly finished m1094: thisain s done f1093: well
then that ain see fathisain s fae look that
aye f1095: i wonder fittthisain s gaun to be
f1114: no f1113: no f1114: thisain s going there f1113:
[inhale] oh do you thinkthisain s gonna dae he
yet have ye f1104: nothisain s gonna go erm
just put on the stickersthisain s gonna [inaudible] horsie
mum this is a f1103: thisain s in here f1104:
bite f1127: well look seethisain s nae very bonny
f1133: well fitt f1134: mamthisain s to you f1133:
ains f1133: hm f1134: [inaudible]thisain s your ains f1133:
cause mam s speakin intaethisain see mam s got
is it f1099: no daethisain stand here first here
again we re nearly finishedthisain t we mum f1103:
s the horsie what sthisain that ain s little
ain f1134: fitt ain f1133: thisain that ll hae tae
mmhm and fitt colour sthisain that mammy s got
s this for that onethisain that one s broken
f1089: fitt ain m1090: uhthisain the bo- oh the
here this ain here nothisain the hen here that
right fitt animals are inthisain then m1092: mm [inaudible]
m1096: -plete f1095: fitt sthisain then m1096: erm a
m1096: aye f1095: right onthisain then oh my goodness
[child noises] f1103: we ll makthisain then we ll mak
i dinna want to dothisain then wow just put
ain f1095: fitt ain m1096: thisain this ain [child noise] f1095:
s too big fitt abootthisain this ain m1098: oh
next one to wash f1122: thisain this ain needs washed
you enjoy doin puzzles f1122: thisain this f1121: oh it
[inhale] [exhale] f1089: and seethisain this is a magic
you see fitt s onthisain though come and see
f1104: mum can i movethisain to you f1103: aye
i m going to putthisain up here cause i
aye and we ll brakthisain up noo f1104: mmhm
here well i ll brakthisain up you go and
ll just have to usethisain [whisking] now come up
on the middle one movethisain will i on that
i think dad would likethisain wow look f1122: mm
now i want to dothisain you do that and
the mud f1121: what sthisain you no going t-
fitt ain will we makethisains got jigsaws here as
pits his ain interpretation onthisauctoritee bi offerin a solution
the nest in there besidethisbig ain f1113: the baby
ain look see fitt abootthisbitties eh f1134: no i
isn t he fa sthisblue ain here m1110: aye
one f1109: fitt ain sthisbob the builder m1110: it
mummy i m gonna dothisbook f1121: [censored: forename] that ain
f1114: that s ain tthisbroken f1113: that one s
ain under here f1089: underthiscan you see it m1090:
[inaudible] i have got ermthischristmas ain haven t i
jalousie for ain tae reddthisconneckion oot it s necessar
ll make another ain likethisf1103: aye go and get
of my books mam wouldthisf1109: choo- aye choose ain
doin puzzles f1122: this ainthisf1121: oh it s a
on that f1089: shirts m1090: thisfitted on this ain let
ain we ve nae donethisfor ages f1122: i m
wh- it- f1113: what sthisfor that one this ain
fufills his hechts a saythisfrae ma ain expairience o
ain kintrie the grund inthisglen wes aw cuivert wi
ain f1104: oh i thinkthisgoes there f1103: well done
try it an see nothishen here this ain here
put this ain in putthisin with the other green
clever ain well done f1100: thisis a clever ain as
[inaudible] f1103: now f1104: mumthisis a f1103: this ain
can you manage f1122: ayethisis a good ain f1121:
nursery rhyme you makin upthisis a good ain we
f1089: and see this ainthisis a magic ain look
tae gether their ain straethisis a maitter for the
finish doin this ain causethisis a really good one
s mum s ain f1113: thisis [censored: forename] s one f1114:
ain bairns is easy pleasedthisis kent as environmental studies
i ve nae i thinkthisis the ain with all
aboot their ain leid sincethisis the furst means bi
that yellow bit up andthisis the last ain m1096:
we ve got the hensthisis the tricky ain m1096:
ain definitely goes there m1110: thisis to go in here
wes tammas s loud plaintthisis yeir ain waddin reponed
tarzan ain m1092: we didthismm me know me know
do i like that ainthismust have been a a
s hert greined ti haethisnit tae for hir ain
ain aye m1092: now wantthisone bus bus f1091: the
s a one [inaudible] [?]done[/?]thisone f1091: finished that ain
ain are you daein m1092: thisone f1091: which one s
heavy m1094: which ain notthisone f1093: mm m1094: not
and the belle ain f1104: thisone f1103: do you want
thomas m1110: next we needsthisone f1109: fitt ain s
in here f1109: mmhm m1110: thisone f1109: this ain fitt
ain f1113: look right andthisone f1114: yes f1113: this
ain here f1126: i havethisone f1125: this one that
that ain watch your fingersthisone look no your tops
here s a good ainthisone m1092: cat f1091: pussy
do that ain f1121: [toy says 'let's play']thisone okay what one s
this one this ain nextthisone s a- this ain
mum this ain s boringthisone s boring f1103: do
m1092: no not that ainthisone that ain f1091: that
here f1114: yes and thenthisone the big ain f1113:
it m1094: what s insidethisone this ain next this
pretend slap on the bottomthispoet can mak her ain
o their ain hames despitethisrestrictit uis o the leid
o their ain hames despitethisrestrictit uis o the leid
three f1104: mum i playedthist- f1103: ain wi three
cawdor hail maist wurthie thanethisteitil is yeir ain banquo
right tell me what sthisthen f1122: a green ain
kind of car you wantinthistime m1098: a black ain
crap plantin the veggies buildingthiswi oor ain hands then
in their ain richt forbythiswid no necessarily be taen
first year in glasgow butthis1966 banned bbc documentary about
another 250 extra students inthisacademic year we have increased
reimbursement may be claimed underthisallowance in each financial year
till christmas 21st december wednesdaythisand the year s midnight
of one year after whichthisarrangement would be reviewed 2
of today christmas shopping inthisatheist country new year tinsel
thrie hunder year lyfe onthisauld warld o oors wul
the masters in a yearthisbeing the case i would
it is worth stressing inthisbi centennial year that our
year an we went onthisboat thing on this catrama-
that the means to dothisby the year 2000 can
projects by the end ofthiscalendar year mr mcgrigor thank
even th- really thought aboutthiscoming year cause i m
meeting of new year hopethiscontinues t vj starts 1st
year syne and returned taethiscountry he brocht the pursuer
fur i ve waited langthisday an the hale year
coming new year notes thatthisdecision comes at a time
commens canongate books for reprentinthisefter 14 year bi popular
times for its hosting ofthisevent for the 38th year
expenditure of 39 million inthisfinancial year a further 270
until after the beginning ofthisfinancial year and urge him
increased to 39 million inthisfinancial year much of that
requires to be repaired duringthisfinancial year s1w 7677 mr
requires to be repaired duringthisfinancial year s1w 7678 mr
roads network will be resurfacedthisfinancial year s1w 7680 mr
over the projected shortfall forthisfinancial year that places a
denner he hid been deeinthisfor thirty odd year an
in place and what differencethisfour year plan will make
occasion as the proceedings ofthisfour year session draw to
entry to formal primary schoolthisfull time teacher led year
hay fever same as methishas been a bad year
news via the times howeverthishas been quite a year
and sixth year studies levelthishas given wider currency to
year i ve bade inthishoose never expected then we
masters in one calendar yearthisi am sure was not
recent financial year for whichthisinformation is available s1w 1990
experienced over the past yearthisinformation was analysed in order
the eu social policy agendathisis a five year work
targets would you say thatthisis a particularly good year
year uh huh [laugh] f1149: thisis her last one i
she have left f1148: ohthisis her last year uh
there for a year wellthisis her second year m959:
fifth year was just likethisis how you interpret hamlet
of around 20t per yearthisis now a subsistence fishery
day a year loretta nathisis settled in for a
people in general aware thatthisis the european year of
only a year to gothisis the problem you wanted
the good ones three sentencesthisis the second year that
consulting you at all ifthisis the year when we
2nd half of the yearthisis very much up in
in this year o 1778thisisna jamaica but scotland we
tae pit up wi owerthislast year here it comes
whaur hae ye been awthislest year syne demanded rab
place this year i openedthisletter to check the contents
and when [censored: forename] was seventhislittle girl was a year
edit two fascicles per yearthismeans one fascicle every eighteen
formal coursing club in scotlandthismeets twice a year in
galumerie an haes been saethismonie a lang year walk
faither dyker aa are ganethismony a year an nou
fearsomely alane i am inthisnarrow stinted society how year
nae mair thrie year synethisnicht anither son wes born
gonnae are ye gonnae keepthison next year or you
for next year but ermthisone is erm er a
s kind of i didthispaper last year on ehm
year of languages 2001 overviewthispaper summarises the objectives of
to bring forward legislation duringthisparliamentary year to abolish warrant
she has been ably supportedthispast year by the new
i got first prize withisplant last year an there
problems every year to addressthisproblem we will develop and
led the committee to initiatethisreport last year was caused
many sick days in totalthisrepresents in each year since
publish information on allowances underthisscheme for each financial year
each financial year information onthisscheme in such form as
the field of education duringthisscholastic year s1w 13112 linda
hell twa three year efterthissplore i wis sittin there
year to get me tothisstage and i am grateful
july of the latter yearthissurvey is based on evidence
nora radcliffe gordon ld aboutthistime last year my husband
been a long time comingthistime last year the minister
year mary scanlon given thatthistime last year we were
tae dee of coorse atthistime o year fowk start
tae brig street an atthistime o year geordie wis
wither o some kind atthistime o year i didnae
them jist over ait atthistime o year of coorse
4 rainfall 1 16 forthistime o year wither is
oh well there s thatthistime o year you don
so did i cause likethistime of year and you
to those normally encountered duringthistime of year both in
in not good enough atthistime of year but i
does it f890: especially atthistime of year grass f889:
storm clouds and untypically forthistime of year heavy rain
can take you unawares atthistime of year i had
the contract is awarded fromthistime of year in 2002
for a few days atthistime of year much dear
clay damp and cold atthistime of year the hearth
burns suppers in ayrshire atthistime of year there is
salmon exports that occur atthistime of year when can
such a situation arises atthistime of year when we
another year and stay uponthistroubled land for lots o
ah hear hir sayin abootthistyme lest year ai thae
see thaim cum anither yearthistyme thae wes hir verra
a year o darg bithistyme wurd o mag s
are there any concerns thatthistype of showcase year might
first year thereafter 25 ofthisvalue annually to cover upgrading
telt afore sax year synethisverra nicht said the keing
an twa hunner year agothisverra nicht the deil cam
sapples twa hunner year agothisverra nicht the warlock laird
year past the day bithisverra yett yeir face an
the european year of languagesthiswas a language and culture
weekend off in the yearthiswas a saturday sunday and
the er the favourites erthiswas launched a year ago
the perfectly sensible view thatthiswas not a typical year
sometimes more a year andthiswas their perquis there were
child for the coming yearthiswill not be restricted to
first year the cost ofthiswould be 325 000 this
everyone getting really excited thatthiswould be the year to
of 147 arrests so farthisyear 119 of which were
small commercial fishery has resumedthisyear 13 inshore and estuarine
prescribed seem to be helpingthisyear 1984 has not been
scottish tourism published in februarythisyear 2 report by the
estimate as late as aprilthisyear 21 by the end
disappointing june first of maythisyear a furnace blast of
european countries was in marchthisyear a sub committee agreed
that has cost 400 millionthisyear across the uk and
and will publish evidence laterthisyear actions must be demonstrable
the over 65 age groupthisyear against influenza compares with
lost a high court actionthisyear against the vac over
there s twa three timesthisyear ah ve cam across
the flee up the watterthisyear an even showin them
oor scots language christmas cairdsthisyear an please fund the
increase in spending to 33mthisyear and a need for
he s what for- fortythisyear and do you know
has given us money forthisyear and erm particularly in
has been for each monththisyear and for each of
are now fully funded forthisyear and for the future
of the scottish executive forthisyear and for the scottish
again that was not evidentthisyear and has damaged the
as recently as june ofthisyear and have spoken to
work more in the librarythisyear and i haven t
he visited kilwinning academy earlierthisyear and i know that
was late in being publishedthisyear and if so what
how do we ensure thatthisyear and in future there
the financial health of collegesthisyear and in future years
stage 1 of the processthisyear and it proved a
thought we ll do itthisyear and it was drizzly
meticulous accounting i have enjoyedthisyear and look forward to
will total 7 7 billionthisyear and next that is
which is to be pilotedthisyear and rolled out next
go on their summer holidaysthisyear and start to use
had too much to dothisyear and that you needed
as a fiddle all yearthisyear and then about two
that there is the problemthisyear and there is the
huh f1149: her standard gradesthisyear and there s seems
so it s in östersundthisyear and they invited erm
in securing yellow flag statusthisyear and what bearing being
and communication and other subjectsthisyear are depressed as are
are starting to be raisedthisyear are kept on the
it will carry out laterthisyear are members happy with
would have received a certificatethisyear as a result i
think he wull play againthisyear as the game progressed
will have been set forthisyear as youngsters have already
slioch crossroads will be constructedthisyear at an estimated cost
concludes at the end ofthisyear at the end of
cases in every 100 000thisyear at what point can
pensioners will be made athisyear b next year or
will be no capital expenditurethisyear because of the accounting
going to have a holidaythisyear because we thought we
fite coats a fyle backthisyear bein sic an early
entry mornin the very firstthisyear bonny day combines intae
sector at their annual conferencesthisyear both the scottish labour
might want to do itthisyear but i am the
fifth year and sixth yearthisyear but on the quality
but have not been validatedthisyear by the university of
about markers being paid lessthisyear can you clarify the
to definitely do more ofthisyear cause i think it
but i cannae make itthisyear cause the lectures are
do like another year afterthisyear coming f809: uh huh
of 78 per 1 000thisyear compared with 1 000
that whatever we bring forwardthisyear continues next year and
in the west end festivalthisyear council permission will be
can be translated as inthisyear cynewulf and the council
higher still to run smoothlythisyear david eaglesham in response
has allocated to local authoritiesthisyear do not even cover
know what are you takingthisyear do you know yet
the scottish parliamentary elections earlierthisyear dr bryson wrote to
we have not had onethisyear dr simpson i cannot
hundred and s- fifty fourthisyear due to go up
end it from 30 novemberthisyear education authorities will have
both hit your seventieth birthdaysthisyear er so you were
more resource into the systemthisyear even more resource the
we re going to praguethisyear f1025: [laugh] f1027: cause
gettin to go to praguethisyear f1025: [laugh] f1027: yes
i m doing with erthisyear f1037: right okay f1038:
yes so we re goingthisyear f1054: okay good any
go back to happy gangthisyear f1122: mum is my
there s actually any snowthisyear f1149: oh [laugh] yeah
did f643: [laugh] m642: wasthisyear f643: [laugh] m642: we
happy wi the course choicesthisyear f832: no i know
scottish tourism published in februarythisyear fergus ewing moved amendment
he was on eh ducatisthisyear for m608: un huh
to wait until 18 septemberthisyear for that discussion to
changed the rules on thatthisyear for the first time
a rebate or relief schemethisyear for those on low
it has received any representationsthisyear from local authorities regarding
a focus for our workthisyear from my experience with
111 million has been transferredthisyear from the department of
to be the gala queenthisyear georgie aye dod s
there will be another electionthisyear got it straight from
asked during the recess particularlythisyear has resource implications for
of sip boards before aprilthisyear having the register is
what have you worked atthisyear he s like well
down and buffed up notthisyear he sighed poor peggy
won the british superbike championshipthisyear he was second the
delay that has taken placethisyear helen eadie i ask
which was published in septemberthisyear highlighted the insufficient number
would continue to work effectivelythisyear however as we have
a further increase in bursariesthisyear i am aware of
at midnight on 31 marchthisyear i am damned sure
another delay in their fundingthisyear i ask the minister
higher still english and communicationthisyear i believed in it
go into a phd programmethisyear i d go crazy
to get them off earlythisyear i don t send
get to class on timethisyear i have enjoyed the
by a supportive committee andthisyear i have had an
year and was really illthisyear i have had one
we had a lovely summerthisyear i hope next year
staying its a busy placethisyear i opened this letter
statement of its intentions forthisyear i quote from its
is like ehm i thinkthisyear i ve i ve
year he s like wellthisyear i was a removal
at la bird s gearthisyear i was briefly reunited
is my silver wedding anniversarythisyear i will retire when
be extended nation wide laterthisyear if so who will
extends beyond students of englishthisyear in addition to our
m determined to get throthisyear in canada without asking
is a good year butthisyear in particular is a
voluntary organisations we should usethisyear in particular to get
jyne in wi [censored: placename] primarythisyear in takin pairt in
but not a great dealthisyear in the light of
for each month so farthisyear indicating in each case
receiving less than they willthisyear individuals are guaranteed payments
us do it stuart duffinthisyear is a particularly good
to go for ski ingthisyear is america and colorado
a mistake i m surethisyear is going to be
mentioned what can we dothisyear is there something that
2 march and 9 marchthisyear it does not matter
a new virus has appearedthisyear it does not seem
however during the course ofthisyear it fell back to
deronda is a big hitthisyear it seems and told
decade at the start ofthisyear it was around 2
that if that is achievedthisyear it will continue for
council in support charges furthermorethisyear it will have to
to talk about the issuethisyear james o rourke i
ll pass oot face doonthisyear jist to be on
i ll go very farthisyear john went to london
may find themselves being affectedthisyear just because we ve
april love would win itthisyear katie morag ran as
am proud to say thatthisyear kilwinning academy offers classes
documents run to 264 pagesthisyear last year s equivalent
oo ll hae holly garlandsthisyear lori an robby kin
re gonna get fae santathisyear m1090: [toy noise] and what
hislop british superbike motorcycle championthisyear m608: oh right m642:
s side she just diedthisyear m608: uh huh m1163:
twelve m816: who was itthisyear m815: it was snow
down and read the booksthisyear m816: yes new year
no seen much o himthisyear m865: well it changes
when it is established laterthisyear many if not all
committee bill were discussed earlierthisyear members have had an
rural development committee in maythisyear members will recall that
represent the candidates potential fairlythisyear most departments submitted far
should step back from themthisyear mr stone your submission
ones he d finished withthisyear mum liked to keep
at that crossroads once againthisyear my party and i
as adopted on 28 novemberthisyear notes the possibility under
which we find oorsels inthisyear o 1778 this isna
hung and still the daythisyear o grace greenockians maun
least one gaelic phrase inthisyear of european languages because
especially helpful to tourism inthisyear of foot and mouth
those distant days but inthisyear of grace 1926 it
full commencement on 2 octoberthisyear of the human rights
the 16th and final meetingthisyear of the public petitions
welcome to the 11th meetingthisyear of the standards committee
which i did around julythisyear on 25 august i
minister for local government earlierthisyear on behalf of a
its hopes for breaking eventhisyear on its increasing success
it will make an announcementthisyear on the outcome of
skatin at the leddrach damthisyear ooto respeckt fur the
ve got one to dothisyear or something f746: ah
bill 5 million in taysidethisyear over 4 million in
other operational problems that arosethisyear partly because higher intermediate
one name among them andthisyear peggy would open her
scottish executive been represented atthisyear peter peacock that question
to have a different onethisyear pick something different m1094:
have been filmed in scotlandthisyear resulting in a record
have been filmed in scotlandthisyear resulting in a record
you like to result fromthisyear s activities douglas hamilton
announced that 6 million ofthisyear s allocation to the
line for the reserve inthisyear s budget however no
than the encouraging figures inthisyear s budget i suspect
whether funds are available withinthisyear s budget of the
that we all agree thatthisyear s budget process was
support of the scottish parliamentthisyear s conference will be
a significant factor in preventingthisyear s difficulties mr kenneth
our forefathers celebrated and atthisyear s end i ll
believes that after analysis ofthisyear s event it would
recognised by the committee andthisyear s events proved highly
the scottish qualifications authority andthisyear s examination results crisis
about progress on preparations forthisyear s examinations it is
take place in time forthisyear s examinations so that
on track to deliver inthisyear s exams process point
the sqa s progress towardsthisyear s exams the exams
will mark the finale ofthisyear s festival there will
too early to tell howthisyear s figure will turn
how do we ensure thatthisyear s flavour of the
lessons have been learned fromthisyear s foot and mouth
quiet please everybody i presentthisyear s gala queen angelica
apply for 100 grant forthisyear s gardens competition the
concerns especially in relation tothisyear s higher grade human
the scottish executive what impactthisyear s increase in water
45 cathy peattie one ofthisyear s key objectives is
will discuss related issues duringthisyear s meeting and calls
questions that we received inthisyear s recess and the
arise in the publication ofthisyear s school examination results
o rourke i hope thatthisyear s scottish national federation
m811: t in the parkthisyear s sold out f814:
up by 45 per centthisyear s spending review which
was put in the systemthisyear s youngsters are 25
sax fit rower bit durinthisyear s youth festival we
and supporters for their achievementsthisyear s1m 1839 mr brian
mike tyson fighting in glasgowthisyear s1o 1765 20 donald
examinations taken by secondary pupilsthisyear s1o 3198 2 mr
to their schools budget earlierthisyear s1w 16541 stewart stevenson
how many places are availablethisyear s1w 27549 mary scanlon
group from the flu virusthisyear s1w 8758 christine grahame
cairds we hae on offerthisyear samples o the cairds
up his mind aboot itthisyear seemed tae be een
and rural affairs in julythisyear set an ambitious target
german french and english butthisyear she actually gave up
weill wi the cattle beissthisyear shona that s guid
its been an early winterthisyear so lets hope it
f1148: erm didn t gothisyear so like last ye-
the british war loan ofthisyear so that our good
had five possibly six relapsesthisyear some have been mild
hurricanes there have been morethisyear than ever before at
much more successful in scotlandthisyear than heretofore but we
the prize money was increasedthisyear thanks to a grant
win the silver trophy againthisyear that evening there was
scottish health service will spendthisyear that is a significant
effort to see each otherthisyear that ll be the
it is too late forthisyear that needs careful consideration
into the early part ofthisyear that the operations unit
multiple occupation were licensed earlierthisyear that was simply tied
nurse recruitment and retention initiativesthisyear that will cover return
committed to social inclusion partnershipsthisyear that will involve communities
the results had been okaythisyear the assessment procedures would
hid affa bonny juicy berriesthisyear the bush bein overladen
my finances alarmingly scotland mallorcathisyear the choice must be
at the end of marchthisyear the consultation on re
in the first part ofthisyear the convener assuming that
will be a big problemthisyear the convener several members
burns suppers that we attendthisyear the deputy presiding officer
elsie [censored: surname] and nancy [censored: surname]thisyear the dinner was held
executive during what period inthisyear the flu vaccine will
one real opportunity to savethisyear the government here has
graduated will start their probationthisyear the guarantee for them
that was also the casethisyear the method that was
issue of lottery funding earlierthisyear the new opportunities fund
we will improve that situationthisyear the reason why they
need that could be addressedthisyear the report that we
to mcintosh i understand thatthisyear the school s allotment
lik the whyte sauch cottonthisyear the spring haes cum
is useful to note thatthisyear the sqa has been
is still more to dothisyear the sqa schools and
element that we could achievethisyear the type of business
it is beyond doubt thatthisyear there are question marks
have continued as it operatedthisyear there have been changes
review 2000 has meant thatthisyear there have been unprecedented
of the problems existed becausethisyear there was a changeover
too many such buildings earlierthisyear there was a desperate
s point but prior tothisyear there was no reserve
low because of the droughtthisyear there were bags of
staff were based in dalkeiththisyear there were probably four
is the only national supplierthisyear there were supply difficulties
of the next three yearsthisyear there will be a
were bigger than a fitbathisyear there wis a section
assessments should not be mandatorythisyear they may serve another
be a fringe book festivalthisyear though wi slots fir
the end of the summerthisyear time marches on the
an increase from 5 millionthisyear to 15 million in
the last three years andthisyear to date and in
the last three years andthisyear to date s1w 17718
the last three years andthisyear to date s1w 17719
the last two years andthisyear to date s1w 17753
that can be turned outthisyear to make really satisfactory
they expect any flu outbreakthisyear to occur in the
granted last year 8 000thisyear to sense and the
scotland s police forces earlythisyear to the scottish office
be a further increase laterthisyear tommy sheridan glasgow ssp
m trying not to takethisyear too seriously i went
the liberal party eh earlierthisyear took a fairly clear
other databases such as paradoxthisyear topics for projects have
on the 476 applications submittedthisyear under the rural stewardship
gaudeamus igitur yule yule arrivedthisyear unmissable as a steam
figure that i saw forthisyear was 50 billion elaine
standards agency scotland in aprilthisyear was an important milestone
scanlon s question about whetherthisyear was good for flu
they had ever done andthisyear was the additional volume
and to consider their feesthisyear we are considering the
year it was wonderful butthisyear we did withoot but
in the rural sector andthisyear we have committed 2
000 to support the initiativethisyear we have increased that
line that has been insertedthisyear we have not decided
and so that s hopefullythisyear we ll have er
to be taken forward laterthisyear we need to know
muckle notice as we canthisyear we propone tae pit
erm thing we re dointhisyear we re trying to
until january or february ofthisyear we realised that entries
be in place by autumnthisyear we then want to
lost in scotland so farthisyear wendy alexander told the
questions were asked solutions forthisyear were given and ways
pressures that markers were underthisyear were phenomenal i am
effect only in june ofthisyear were tied into the
the a95 will be completedthisyear when it is anticipated
the scottish borders since julythisyear when the new assisted
we will have the figuresthisyear when the new year
s bound to be floodsthisyear when there s a
for christmas springs to mindthisyear when we raised entry
her mother died in germanythisyear which involved some visiting
has been on the gothisyear which started in advance
introduced a central reserve supplythisyear which was very helpful
grade that was not donethisyear which would have had
on the ither side sawnthisyear wi barley it wis
realise that what will happenthisyear will be credible to
organisations which was to startthisyear will be delayed for
returning the scripts to schoolsthisyear will create in relation
which only affects one pupilthisyear will remain financially advantageous
assurance gordon brown s budgetthisyear will result in a
year f1037: yeah f1038: butthisyear with my friends in
that warnings from teachers earlierthisyear with regard to the
how they compare the situationthisyear with what happened last
agendas until our final meetingthisyear without further ado we
the british superbikes and thenthisyear won it m608: oh
their courses making radical changesthisyear would disadvantage them and
will be a cold winterthisyear yeah f965: and a
it was in òran mòrthisyear yeah it was good
yeah he ll be ninetythisyear yeah south wales f1038:
up goin tae george squarethisyear you know it s
operational management systems work effectivelythisyear young people and their
f1104: this one f1103: putthisains back in the box
that one who s inthisboat m1092: uh huh erm
revolutionary fervour one expected allthishanging around at least gave
john milton one result ofthisimprisonment was that urquhart was
one schedule to the billthisis a sensible amendment amendment
[censored: forename] s one f1114: nothisis [censored: forename] s one f1113:
that was clever f1126: [?]pass it over[/?]thisis one f1125: will that
dates the reulis and cautelisthisis one of the few
it so finally [laugh] andthisis the last one erm
down f1113: and this isthisis this one nae workin
the m a in onethisis what edward the room
speak with one voice onthisissue today the deputy presiding
canna get going how aboutthisone a cat f1125: a
bike right f1136: what isthisone again f1135: a dandelion
ve just got to finishthisone and then after that
oh a bittie more onthisone bittie more on this
edinburghs there s not justthisone city there are various
f1126: okay f1125: this onethisone drop them on that
mmhm m1110: if i gotthisone f1109: now oh here
s going there f1113: rightthisone f1114: no f1113: going
on there no fitt abootthisone f1114: no f1113: no
eating mm oh look f1116: thisone f1115: fitt s that
m go- no i dothisone f1121: mmhm f1122: ba
f1125: mm f1126: i havethisone f1125: okay f1126: [inaudible]
what s the matter f1126: thisone f1125: this one right
i think i ll havethisone f1126: aye f1125: they
this one this one firstthisone first will we do
for me please m1106 : mamthisone for you f1105: thank
f1121: mmhm f1122: mummy mummythisone go here and that
is going there f1113: andthisone go there f1114: yes
is he singing look atthisone here f1114: say honkety
f1049: uh huh m1048: whereasthisone i don t know
aw [laugh] i ve gotthisone i m writing just
f1113: erm aye it sthisone is it yeah that
mum that s right andthisone is wearing big wellington
it says ehm there sthisone little thing which says
clean that s it f1100: thisone look i do the
ll have a look atthisone look [inaudible] f1114: i
have been no changes tothisone mabel mabel hildebrand no
is often slight 10 tothisone might well add and
and this is this isthisone nae workin there we
whose house f1109: what abootthisone next door fitt s
bit tight for time onthisone no members comments have
f1135: that one there putthisone on top f1136: [sob]
f1113: okay we ll putthisone onto your trousers okay
give me one bit thenthisone right f1114: that ains
re so clever m1106 : andthisone s a rectangle too
there f1113: okay f1114: nothisone s goin in there
farr did you have tothisone s going in my
the farm f1114: [?]neh![/?] [laugh]thisone s going there [?]then this one[/?]
six spots do you thinkthisone s got six spots
f1114: bo- there f1113: nowthisone s hot look he
foreign money is it f1112: thisone s [inaudible] i got
well done f1112: hey thinkthisone s not a sharp
a round mat m1106 : andthisone s round too this
and your other hand andthisone that s a girl
for our next discussion notthisone the convener shall we
it to mummy f1126: nothisone there you go f1125:
this one up here f1126: thisone [tut] up here [inaudible]
ll be able to guessthisone wait till we see
a minutie then what abootthisone we didna look at
put the sprinkles on rightthisone we ll put them
next one it s f1113: thisone what f1114: go in
the buttons just now [inaudible]thisone what s that f1114:
daddy okay right here sthisone where does it go
i want to look atthisone with you f1114: right
in there f1113: no lookthisone would go no go
s postman pat s inthisone yes mm [inaudible] f1115:
one down there f1136: andthisother one f1135: over in
know mum let s dothispicture that one s not
skills to help us withthisplease contact one of the
neighbours and it intrigued methisshy one this quiet one
cobwebs an trapped flies pausethisspace here accommodates only one
on put this on inthisway f1114: one two three
in one nursery suggested thatthiswould be an ideal opportunity

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