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in scotland the industry employsdirectlyand indirectly a number of
makes much of this passagedirectlyand indirectly in many of
health system age discrimination occursdirectlyand indirectly through policies aimed
expenditure of employees derived eitherdirectlyor indirectly from fox hunting
i multipliers which include jobsdirectlyor indirectly supported and type
that funding by it eitherdirectlyor indirectly to football bodies
or assistance it has givendirectlyor indirectly to low cost
finance it is making availabledirectlyor indirectly to the city
road or parking charge levieddirectlyor indirectly under the terms
equivalent fte jobs to bedirectlyassociated with these hunts table
people per hunt were employeddirectlyby the seven fox hunts
fox hunts people can bedirectlyemployed by fox hunts to
action taken by universities whichdirectlyaffects staff are consistent with
that effluent from fish farmsdirectlyaffects toxins however we continue
concept of commercial confidentiality thatdirectlyaffects workers on a daily
it affects people s livesdirectlyand we have to take
they will not all bedirectlyaccountable to me for the
the sense that it isdirectlyaccountable to myself and to
who sit on the boardsdirectlyelected and accountable to the
of the parliament and accountabledirectlyto the parliament that would
the bureaux used to bedirectlyfunded by central government in
agricultural college sac which isdirectlyfunded by the scottish executive
its plans to return alldirectlyfunded schools to local authority
its plans to return alldirectlyfunded schools to local authority
is funded gaelic is fundeddirectlythrough the scottish executive education
or administrative functions which relatedirectlyto the business of the
language features referred to relatedirectlyto the kinds of reading
focus on issues that relatedirectlyto the responsibilities of sub
although it does not relatedirectlyto today s debate but
an international conference which relatesdirectlyto or in connection with
or official function which relatesdirectlyto or in connection with
open doors the motion relatesdirectlyto the involvement of gaelic
this item because it relatesdirectlyto the statutory instrument that
children what proportion of staffdirectlyemployed in council managed homes
as being appropriate for staffdirectlyemployed in council managed homes
and that of people employeddirectlythrough mounted fox hunting also
for which you are notdirectlyresponsible at least i take
close to but not currentlydirectlyresponsible for adoption services we
it that you are notdirectlyresponsible for it can you
answer we have not beendirectlyresponsible for such a study
my colleague don giles wasdirectlyresponsible for that with the
some local authorities are moredirectlyaffected by certain issues than
organisations as well as thosedirectlyaffected by poverty and social
s corpus 5 one aspectdirectlyaffected by the enlargement of
areas that would be mostdirectlyaffected such as north east
be fat as a fooldirectlyi shall be fat as
be fat as a fooldirectlym608: [laugh] m078: and it
be fat as a fooldirectlythat word m608: mmhm m078:
have been two further convictionsdirectlyrelated to foxes had there
the convener that is notdirectlyrelated to mr harvey s
understand that those moneys aredirectlyrelated to the allowability of
the highlands all will bedirectlyrelated to the loss of
regional variation and are notdirectlyrelated to the number of
in edinburgh using a unitdirectlyrelated to the scots pint
that word m608: mmhm m078: directlyand the m608: mm m078:
at risk 2 000 jobsdirectlyand 40 companies with current
many jobs the recycling industrydirectlysupports s1w 15055 mr keith
employment in rural communities bothdirectlywith jobs in the fishing
allotment sites are either manageddirectlyby the local authority or
participate in hare coursing eitherdirectlyor as spectators this would
1993 came into force eitherdirectlyor through crofters trusts and
budget in scotland is aimeddirectlyat social exclusion post enlargement
2 post offices are thosedirectlyowned by the post office
royal mail services rather thandirectlyto the post office network
the cabinet office ours comedirectlyto our central silc group
scottish office provided 23 milliondirectlyto the voluntary sector earlier
and their followers employ staffdirectlyprimarily to look after horses
have hit the voluntary sectordirectlyby reducing people s ability
disability services change fund availabledirectlyto voluntary organisations rather than
to local authorities and notdirectlyto voluntary organisations s1w 31118
sure that we were involveddirectlyin the drafting of the
suggest with people who aredirectlyinvolved in implementing the scheme
he was involved with themdirectlyrichard grant we have certainly
for that funding to comedirectlyfrom the scottish executive education
festival bodies should receive fundingdirectlyfrom the scottish executive evaluate
they distribute their funding whetherdirectlyor through targeted project funding
a difficult question to answerdirectlygiven the time available and
provider they will do sodirectlyusing the numbers available in
rather than bringing scottish homesdirectlyinto the executive there is
deliver the majority of servicesdirectlyand through the modernising government
s government s decision todirectlyincorporate the european convention on
uk government through the executivedirectlyinto institutions and in the
fund the area tourist boardsdirectlythe government should consult again
her majesty s government ordirectlyto the european parliament regarding
because we are not representeddirectlyat the council of ministers
the petitioners and to responddirectlyto them the council should
that the issues that aredirectlywithin our remit such as
amongst children and young peopledirectlyto local authorities and allocate
executive what resources it providesdirectlyto the children s panel
interview the children were askeddirectlywho in the family spoke
should citizens be able todirectlyelect the president of the
or should the president bedirectlyelected by the citizens 26
other words should not writedirectlyof political or serious matters
that we should tax peopledirectlyso that when they need
sue ryder mob to accountdirectlythe convener you should ask
that questions should be putdirectlyto mr muir russell who
of the petition that aredirectlywithin our remit we should
european union destinations is exporteddirectlyfrom scottish ports s1w 1152
disabled people that will workdirectlywith members of the european
that many groups have evolveddirectlyfrom an identification of local
it plans to disburse fundsdirectlyto local women s aid
16 billion a year itdirectlyemploys almost 250 000 people
answer the convener s questiondirectlyhowever i hear what people
trade business to business asdirectlyas that the convener that
poem the way that davidsondirectlyaddresses his reader although not
not the launch take placedirectlyafter the tuesday afternoon meeting
revelation which was not spokendirectlyand pointedly of his own
revelation which was not spokendirectlyand pointedly to his own
i would ask anybody notdirectlyconnected with this committee and
keith jones i have notdirectlyconsulted hotels or other premises
not a wetland that isdirectlydependent on an aquatic ecosystem
s careful formulation does notdirectlylink the mismatch in coding
constitutional questions would not beardirectlyon the church of scotland
not regard that case asdirectlyrelevant it concerned discrimination that
has not sought to addressdirectlythe basic position of the
t get to touch notdirectlythere s no magic in
i have made perhaps notdirectlyto mr wilson but more
scottish shops do not competedirectlywith shops south of the
point but will you addressdirectlymy point about cheaper loans
shortage of interpreters that goesdirectlyto the valid point dr
provider though they are approveddirectlyby a university or university
his or her competence moredirectlyfor example a group of
remuneration or reward that derivesdirectlyfrom the role of members
justice agenda those priorities aredirectlyreflected in the budget scotland
which 10 per cent godirectlyto those who are classified
require builders to pipe broadbanddirectlyinto every house but we
urgency to dundas speaking verydirectlyinto his face while maclaurin
hamburgers etc and stopped eatingdirectlyinto my pocket the food
smokers 26 million has gonedirectlyinto public health work in
produce good practice clinical guidelinesdirectlyamong the options which might
finished dictionary copy which isdirectlyattributable to her contribution dost
voice with which to speakdirectlyon the things that affect
and which have been raiseddirectlywith me as the minister
are making contact with scotsdirectlyand changing the structure of
how much this was aimeddirectlyat davidson with whom q
meps and with the commissiondirectlyit is important to get
s lottery with monies goingdirectlyto charitable efforts in scotland
sardinia other sailing routes tradeddirectlywith algiers and tunis via
and rural development to engagedirectlywith other eu states and
issue of the border riversdirectlywith the minister mr munro
rt was unable to communicatedirectlywith the victoria equipped with
appropriate community councils be contacteddirectlyby developers as part of
the representations that are madedirectlyby the commission young disabled
of money that is spentdirectlyby the department we bid
valuation the bruiser was drivendirectlyby the engine by way
higher still developments he wasdirectlycontroverted by hmi at that
paid for by a clientdirectlythe detr in england has
paid for by a clientdirectlythe detr in england has
than of any difficulties arisingdirectlyfrom the nonstandard dialect learners
yes i [inaudible] i mdirectlyacross from there f1041: [laugh]
what i got from herdirectlyand from her notebooks it
and the regulations that floweddirectlyfrom it would provide clarity
it would if it camedirectlyfrom the public petitions committee
central silc group then godirectlyfrom there to the cabinet
from the far mountaintop downdirectlyto the terraces behind us
are first on your leftdirectlyabove the packets of dotheboys
that scotland s interests aredirectlyrepresented on cross border rail
the extraordinary sardinian style mansiondirectlyabove the sea where much
in policy that would impactdirectlyon the most vulnerable sectors
we would ask to responddirectlyphil gallie without a doubt
would write poems in englishdirectlyto be translated back it
would be sensible to writedirectlyto the petitioners to inform
my place to consult hotelsdirectly14 45 derek miller we
to the parliament has beendirectlyaddressed i appreciate that the
attention to the underlined worddirectlyafterwards the researcher called out
to follow an audit traildirectlyand say that if a
languages grammatical features were taughtdirectlyand the pupils ability to
find it difficult to lookdirectlyat the mother and baby
of course ah arniston lookingdirectlyat wedderburn but unable to
over to touch the audiencedirectlyhe recalls past scottish appearances
2 to address fuel povertydirectlyin addition we expect fuel
given the option of talkingdirectlyto a person to have
s port to almost everywheredirectlyto barcelona valencia and nice
has responded to representations madedirectlyto it and to the
same report malcolm chisholm respondeddirectlyto it in the press
whether that issue is linkeddirectlyto our requirement to consider
to me to be linkeddirectlyto thanks to the nearly
the scottish executive and paiddirectlyto the secretary of state
castle grounds and then headingdirectlyto the shore at innermessan
public donations to charities goesdirectlyto the treasury in unrecoverable
1964 to 1969 this drewdirectlyupon the insights of linguistics
without substance i will quotedirectlya senior source who said
solely an executive achievement itdirectlyreflects the very hard work
of the member states asdirectlyaffect the functioning of the
of legislative measures be reduceddirectlyapplicable rules framework legislation and
that a wetland that isdirectlydependent on an aquatic ecosystem
projects that we were sponsoringdirectlyon conflicts of interest the
week s meeting will impactdirectlyon that item i am
that the convention now impactsdirectlyupon the legislative competence of
been eatin trekkil she looksdirectlyat the puddok have you
her beth is now lookingdirectlyat sadie sadie is looking
but what of the centuriesdirectlyafter the conquest a few
is smuggled smuggling stimulates consumptiondirectlyand the sale of cheap
the control of entry regulationsdirectlyimpacts on the survival of
herself in the crowd stoppingdirectlyin front of me she
m017: direct any way ofdirectlyinfluencing what is broadcast f718:
fund raising this initiative grewdirectlyout of the concern felt
the commission the directive willdirectlyaffect some industries in scotland
what does it say bothdirectlyand implicitly about the nature
eh the the chinese scriptdirectlyf718: right m017: er and
rises and addresses the audiencedirectlylizzie she bade in school
floor the view gave outdirectlyonto the brown stone façade
had its own railway stationdirectlyopposite on the west side
sound and accurate yet thedirectlyopposite view was being put
europe in brussels and engagedirectlythe committee is also attending

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