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will be linked to nationalaverageearnings while the basic state
survey 1998 showed that theaveragegross weekly earnings in moray
earn only 73 3 ofaveragemale earnings notes further that
if you look at theaveragetemperatures of the shetland climate
up although temperatures were aroundaveragethe total rainfall was almost
or third day temperatures wereaveragetoo but there was a
in 1996 with a scottishaverageof 470 per capita the
the scottish executive what theaverageper capita level of funding
of generating a higher thanaverageper capita spend and being
a finger in the airaveragefigure the gross margin on
70 per cent of theaveragegross domestic product per head
95 4mm instead of theaverage58 6 and the sunshine
was april was just aboutaveragein everything hours of sunshine
everything hours of sunshine rainfallaveragetemperature amount of frost and
cancer compared with the nationalaveragein each of the last
qualifications compared to the nationalaveragein each of the last
institution compared with the nationalaveragein each of the last
cancer compared with the nationalaveragein each of the last
disease compared with the nationalaveragein each of the last
and it has higher thanaverageincomes compared to many areas
finance compared to the ukaveragemr mcconnell both those calculations
ask the scottish executive whataverageexpenditure on energy efficiency measures
the scottish executive what theaveragelength of time is for
murder indictment and what theaveragelength of time is since
the scottish executive what theaveragelength of time taken by
scottish executive what is theaveragelength of time taken to
scottish executive what the currentaveragelength of time taken to
the scottish executive what theaveragelength of time was for
ask the scottish executive whataveragelevel of energy efficiency improvement
energy efficiency of houses theaveragenher of the stock is
are available and what theaveragea waiting time and b
are available and what theaveragea waiting time and b
the scottish executive what theaveragewaiting time for paediatric orthodontic
9 june 2000 what theaveragewaiting time for the extraction
scottish executive what the currentaveragewaiting time is to receive
the a target and baveragewaiting time were for patients
scottish executive what the currentaveragewaiting times are for appointments
scottish executive what the currentaveragewaiting times are for detox
that is still below theaveragefor working age people in
that the increase is belowaveragehe did not mention the
000 remains below the nationalaverageof 17 000 and the
also well below the scottishaverageof nearly 150 000 johann
below half of the ukaveragewas for each year since
below half of the ukaveragewas in each year since
annual education budget increases thataverage9 7 per cent over
02 in respect of theaverageannual cost per prisoner place
scottish executive what is theaveragecost per pupil for primary
the scottish executive what theaveragecost to passengers per mile
authority area and c onaveragei per subject and ii
these years and what theaveragenumber of hours worked per
cctv room which monitor anaverageof 600 incidents per month
ask the scottish executive whataveragesaving on fuel bills per
the scottish executive what theaverageselling price per council house
as wet with rainfall aroundaveragealthough 12 wet days is
example was less wet thanaverageuntil two or three rainfall
ask the scottish executive whataveragereduction in demand for energy
aberdeenshire in comparison with theaveragecost in the city of
parliament and return c theaveragecost of each modal form
care however 145 is theaveragecost of personal care and
an investigation into why theaveragecost of providing a local
the scottish executive what theaveragecost to the nhs is
increase of 103 to theaveragehouseholder s yearly tax bill
is really entitled to anaverageincrease of 18 in their
receive if it received theaveragemainland increase in direct grant
been amazing we had anaverageof 15 increase in august
increase greater than the nationalaverageover the next three years
swedes and americans with anaverageage about 22 and the
of nurses is increasing theaverageage in scotland is now
in the ussr to theaverageage of marriage in the
i remember calculating that theaverageage of members of the
than ever before but theaverageage of nurses is increasing
from this area and theaverageage of the group would
many and b what theaverageage was of people who
is about 12 000 theaveragedaily sale of either the
sold in scotland on anaverageday is about 12 000
save at all if theaveragepensioner will receive only 60p
the measures will provide onaverageannual savings on bills of
those sums reflect the currentaveragecosts for those in similar
but it is higher thanaveragein the gnp areas the
people and a higher thanaveragenumber of single parents some
the mean score for theaveragechild in each kin link
how this compares with theaveragefor each of the last
by more than the nationalaveragein each of the next
constituency compare with the scottishaveragein each year from 1996
the scottish executive what theaveragenumber of inmates occupying each
the scottish executive what theaveragetime taken by each health
rate well above the nationalaverageand designated a priority area
household waste as the nationalaveragecongratulates all those in the
to more than 90 onaveragethat was the amount that
wages aften mair than theaverageand hooses and ither things
more traditional means was onaveragebetter than early pfi schools
in a minute than theaverageboy would think of in
care pay more than theaveragedoes the minister accept that
scotland next year than theaveragefor the rest of the
are more than just theaveragestory i th- you know
hospital trust than the scottishaverageto provide an explanation for
older patients take longer thanaverageto recover from surgery or
ask the scottish executive whataveragelevel of match funding it
whether it will monitor theaveragelevel of public liability premiums
reduce by a third onaveragethe number of attacks or
scottish executive what the aaverageand b target times are
the scottish executive what theaveragetime taken to answer a
scottish executive what the dailyaveragenumber of prisoners admitted to
was around 2 c aboveaveragehowever during the course of
scottish executive how long onaveragemultiple sclerosis sufferers wait for
scottish executive what is theaveragesalary for a newly qualified
average time served and theaveragefine involved s1w 17691 tricia
to have been built theaveragejourney time was twenty two
fines in 2000 giving theaveragetime served and the average
and safety and what theaveragetime was for an application
which is masked by theaveragewealth statistics for the area
more closely approaches the scottishaverages1w 26917 robert brown to
of fuel towards the scottishaveragesupport demand responsive transport initiatives
m959: more noise that youraveragefive piece band it s
ruling of those quangos onaverageit is more difficult to
pound a week was anaveragefarm wage therefore new year
grain of salt on anaveragethree days milk was kept
only six were successful theaveragegrant in aberdeenshire of 100
entrance for an overpriced andaveragesandwich at the only snack
being brought closer to theaveragecitizen and about decisions being
and so many do anaveragenight at vegas goes west
snow sleet instead of theaverage2 2 june kept it
50 of the eu 15averageand under 60 of the
link questionnaire and displaying theiraveragecorrect score in terms of
credit will result in anaveragegain of 1 150 a
development programme there is anaverageinvestment of 350 million our
you know the kind ofaveragejoe in the street m605:
ombudsman system deals with theaveragemember of the public the
man to have killed anaverageof 100 elephants i asked
been estimated to take anaverageof between 1 2 and
of mother earth on theaveragepavement is there and we
the council estimates that theaveragepharmacy s sales of pharmacy
er i think the theaveragesize of class at that
under 60 of the greekaveragewhich is the poorest member
the lullaby is hard anaverageday bomb kills another twenty
blake glover chez nous anaverageday stitch up illegal native
going to court that isaveragefor the sspca we usually
discharged into the community theaveragein patient is in need
is it based on anaverageor on the relatively small
is too expensive for theaverageperson local authorities big banks
for example in edinburgh theaveragewait for a plot is
kilmarnock it takes me onaverageabout an hour in the
grand or something for youraveragefuneral it s like f958:
were also down from theaverage148 to 135 the highest
recent survey found that theaveragebritish household presently has 35
not the language that theaveragejoe in the street sh-
market shakespeare after all theaveragenorth american knows burns s
economic co operation and developmentaveragewhen we examine the targets
straw it could mean anaveragesized bunch but it could
hamelin problem vermin to youraveragepunter our rent a pet
pensioner on a modest butaverageincome faces a marginal tax
states countries that have onaveragemuch larger businesses might be

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