Document 968

GOW Newsletter May 2005

Author(s): John Roberts

Copyright holder(s): John Roberts


GOW Triangle.
Gibson Street, Otago Street,
Westbank Quadrant,
Glasgow G12


What a difference a day makes.

Sunday the 3rd of April saw the sun come out in all its glory, and the growing GOW team really made the most of the glorious spring day. One team cleared all the rubbish which had gathered in the street opening of the basement flat at No. 1 Westbank Quadrant, whilst another really cleared up the backcourt, another team dug the garden in front of No. 5 Westbank Quadrant. While the privet hedges were trimmed to add that little bit of elegance to the road.

But at last!!!!!! the railings started to be given a new coat of green paint (see next article) after Ian's painstaking job to remove all the rust and prime the damaged parts. Even baby Lia got in on the act.

Now that a serious start has been made the race is on to get them finished for the much hoped for "paintings on the railings" exhibition during the West End Festival
(Which has still to be finalised). So it's getting really exciting. Therefore pretty please people of Gibson Street and Otago Street come along anytime and help us get the job done quickly. All you need to do is contact Nan anytime and just make your mark.

As we may go to press two volunteers are rapidly painting away an other 6 sections on the sunny day of Sunday 24th of April.

[NOTE: picture inserted here in original]

[NOTE: picture caption] Please paint me

[NOTE: picture inserted here in original]

[NOTE: picture caption] Thank you for the painting


As you may be aware, the railings that run beside the river Kelvin on Westbank Quadrant have recently been repaired. This was possible due to the tireless work of Eric [CENSORED: surname] who successfully applied to the West End Committee for a grant.

However, what we need to do now is PAINT OUR RAILINGS! This job is in the hands of the Westbank Quadrant residents and therefore everybody's help is needed. You may not be aware that the railings are in fact owned by Westbank Quadrant flat owners. So it's up to YOU! PLEASE come and help paint - even if you can only spare 1/2 hour - your input will make all the difference. Also, younger and older children are very welcome! All paint, brushes, fluorescent jackets and gloves are supplied. Painting sessions will be taking place on the following dates so come and help:

Saturday 23rd April 10am - 12pm
Sunday 1st May (GOW Clear Up)
2pm - 4pm

Further dates will be scheduled during the summer and posted through letter-boxes. Please don't hesitate to call with any questions about it - Nan [CENSORED: phonenumber].

Next backcourt clean up is on Sunday 1st of May from 12.00 - 2.00pm
GOW meeting in Offshore Café on Tuesday 2nd of May from 6.30pm

Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!

One chance only to see a mock up of what the backcourt is planning to look like.

Karl [CENSORED: surname] from No. 5 Westbank Quadrant is the man planning the design for the area. He will be showing his plan and mock ups of the proposed final plan on Sunday 1st of May in the back court between 2.00 & 4.00pm. The weather will be no problem as there will be a number of temporary covered awnings that will protect you from our beautiful spring weather. Karl is very keen to get some feed back and fresh ideas on this project, so whether you have been along before or this is your first time please make the effort to see the exciting ideas he has. Remember you can always contact Karl on [CENSORED: phonenumber]or email to [CENSORED: emailaddress]

Also at the same time there will be drawings of the security gates and railings planned for the gaps between No.1 & 3 and No.5 & 7 Westbank Quadrant, where once again your input is important, on what style and height they should be. Most of the regular GOW workforce will be there to listen to your comments and tell you more on what is planned for the future. So we look forward to seeing you there, or be warned, we could come knocking on your door.

Its that old theme again!!

We have heard that dear old [CENSORED: companyname] will have to apply for a new late night licence around October.

Due to the non stop trouble and non compliance with health and safety, may I suggest that each individual tenant writes a letter of complaint about this on going saga and suggests in the letter that the continuous stream of trouble since they moved in should be taken into consideration when looking at this application. I do think that your help would make the licensing authority sit up. Letters should go to [CENSORED: organisation name], [CENSORED: organisation address]. Just a few words would make all the difference.

Bigger and Better!!!!!!!!

There has been so much going on this month that I have had to add another page. That can only be good news and thanks to all who have contributed to it.

I am glad to have had some positive feedback on your thoughts about the content of the newsletter and that you are happy now that we have gone into colour print.

( This is how "HELLO" started, so watch out all you budding celebrities ).

I have heard that some of you have been asking how "hunky Eric" is getting on. Well I can tell you that after his experience over Christmas with the bike shop break in and the consumption of that Christmas poudding he is now struggling to stop himself from becoming "chunky Eric". But he is still keeping a keen eye on the goings on in the GOW. As you will see by the article called "Don't dump your rubbish on our back door".

How to contact the Editor

If you have any articles you want to have printed or comments on the GOW and its activities then please contact me by email [CENSORED: emailaddress]
I will be delighted to hear from you.
John Roberts.

Don't dump your rubbish on our back door!!!

On Tuesday 12th April a workman was clearing out a second floor flat in Gibson Street by throwing furniture and other items out of a window into the backcourt where it shattered on impact. When approached he said that this is normal practice as he was clearing the flat on his own.

This behaviour is unacceptable on the grounds of noise, mess and danger to the public and it also sends out a message about lack of proper consideration to others.

The community Police agree about this in that this practice is unacceptable. One of the offences involved is serious. This is "careless and reckless behaviour" which can be dealt with in a sheriff court.

In this case the matter was dealt with swiftly, but can everyone please help keep the back court clean and tidy. Firstly by not doing this and secondly if you do see this happening report it to the community Police.

[CENSORED: permission not able to be obtained for article]

Westbank Q. traffic problems

There is a new proposal to address the problem of speeding traffic (especially lorries and vans) in Westbank Quadrant. In an effort to make GOW a safer place to live Westbank Quadrant would remain as a one way street but for "access only"

This narrow road above the Kelvin was built as a carriage way and not for modern traffic. The cracking on some buildings testifies to the effects of accelerating, resentful motorists in search of elusive parking in Otago Street.

The proposal includes traffic calming humps being introduced to slow the speed of any vehicles which do use Westbank Quadrant.

The part of Otago Street from Gibson Street to the gates of the Parks Dept. would become a short two-way street with turning facilities by the park gates.

The untidy open ground is currently owned by the City Council and attracts many motorists from outside the area.

Proposed Changes in Signs

1. Put an "access only" sign on Westbank Quadrant
2. Ensure there is turning area at the end of Otago Street
3. Remove "no Entry" from Otago Street.
4. Put two traffic calming humps in Westbank Quadrant

Additional Info.

At present, much regular traffic habitually ignores the "no entry" to Otago Street. Suggesting it is feasibly a 2 way street.

In December 2004 Westbank Quadrant was closed for several weeks for the repair to a section of fencing above the river with no adverse effect.

What do you think? Tell the Editor!

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.

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GOW Newsletter May 2005. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"GOW Newsletter May 2005." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "GOW Newsletter May 2005," accessed 23 October 2024,

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Information about Document 968

GOW Newsletter May 2005


Text audience

General public
Audience size 21-100
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2005
Word count 1414
General description Community group newsletter

Text medium

Leaflet/brochure (prospectus)
Other Newsletter

Text setting

Other community

Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Other Newsletter


Author details

Author id 859
Forenames John
Surname Roberts
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1950
Educational attainment College
Age left school 17
Occupation Editor
Place of birth Lanark
Region of birth Lanark
Birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Country of birth Scotland
Region of residence Glasgow
Residence CSD dialect area Gsw
Father's occupation lecturer
Father's place of birth Glenboig
Father's region of birth Lanark
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation accountant
Mother's place of birth Dunoon
Mother's region of birth Argyll
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Arg
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes All
