Document 963

GOW Newsletter Dec 2004

Author(s): John Roberts

Copyright holder(s): John Roberts


GOW Triangle.
Gibson Street, Otago Street,
Westbank Quadrant, Glasgow G12


Backcourts Conference

On Thursday 7th October there was a conference held in "The Teacher Building" in Glasgow to discuss a sustainable backcourts initiative.

This was an opportunity for three backcourt organisations to give a presentation on there plans to the wider public. Those were -
• Tollcross Housing Association.
• Kelvin Clyde Greenspace.
• GOW Residents Group.

Also present were representatives from "City Design Co-operative" who have already carried out successful designs for other such organisations. Environmental Protection Services. GCC. And Govanhill Recycling and Environmental Action Team (GREAT).

The conference was attended by around one hundred interested parties and a lot of discussion was generated on what difficulties were found and how these were resolved.

As a piece of background information, the back court in the GOW was opened up from individual gardens and land scaped in 1980 after all the owners agreed to have the individual fences for each close removed.

On the back of the conference Kelvin Clyde Greenspace have granted GOW substantial funding to help with work in the back court. It is hoped that individual flat owners will now donate a minimum of £50 each to help like for like funding of this project.

The work will include relocating and re-building the bin areas and other improvements to the area.

So things are really happening and we would encourage all of our local residents to come along and get involved.

Anti Social Behaviour!!

There has still been little improvement in the situation with the new restaurant [CENSORED: companyname] on Gibson Street. The smell and noise coming from these premises is still making some peoples lives a misery, however the rubish left in the backcourt has now been cleared away. If you are being effected by this problem please pick up the phone to the council and call Martin [CENSORED: surname] on [CENSORED: phonenumber] with concerns about the smell, or
Peter [CENSORED: surname] on[CENSORED: phonenumber] with concerns about noise.

Re Cycling Initiative Gets the Green light.

The go ahead has been given for recycling bins to be placed between No. 5 and No. 7 Westbank Quadrant. These are to be two blue bins for plastic bottles, paper and tins, NOT GLASS.

Hopefully these will be in place in the next few weeks. Another advantage of using this method of recycling is that it should reduce the amount of waste that goes into our everyday bins and therefor reduce the overflow problem.

Sadly some residents are not taking the issue of keeping the area tidy seriously and are still dumping household goods at the side of the road or just leaving bags by the bins, and this his attracts rats and other vermin.

A pointer on how committed the council is on this initiative is that the two bins already on Gibson Street were overturned recently, and within 24 hrs the council had been out and rectified them. So please help us, help them by taking just a few minutes to think about your rubbish, before it goes into the bin.


GOW Triangle Christmas Demolition Party.

Lets get into the Christmas spirit early and come along to the much loved GOW Christmas Party on the 5th of December. Last year there were around 50 people there, who all had a great time. We are thinking of having a B.B.Q. in the back court, where you can bring along something to eat and drink and make friends for that special New Year Party. Our party is starting at 2.00pm and we would love to see you all there.

We are also demolishing the old bin sheds and some brick walls on the same day. This is starting at 11.00am and is being organised by Nan in the garden flat at [CENSORED: address]. We are looking for lots of helpers to carry out this work, and after you are finished you can help kick start the party.

News Flash !!!!!!!!

There has been some break ins reported in some flats recently. So remember and keep your close door locked at all times.

Rust Busters Wanted!!!!!!

As some of you will have noticed, the tree has been removed from the side of the road and the river bank in Westbank Quadrant.

The next step is that work will start on Monday 22nd of November to replace the coping and the last section of fencing. This will involve some erecting of scaffolding to allow workmen to carry out the necessary repairs. It is planed that the work will take around four weeks to complete, so who knows, it may be finished by Christmas!!

However Ian is still waiting to get his army of "rust busters" into action and paint those shivering railings. It is anticipated that it will take two people per section of railing to give it a good coat of paint. Ian will be out there every Sunday from 2.00pm to do some work on this, so please turn up and help him. On the other hand, if you can spair some time during the week instead please contact Ian as he has all the tool's to hand. You do not need to tie yourself down to any specific day just come along and help, as there are a lot of railings to be done and it isn't a one man job.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to our "Photocopy Angel", Rosemary of the Copy & Print shop @ [CENSORED: address], who prints our news letter free of charge each month.

For more information contact -

[CENSORED: table here in original with private address and phone details]

Dates for your Diary

Every Sunday to paint the railings, from 2.00pm onwards, or just contact Ian. He can also supply materials if other times suit better.

Christmas Party 2.00pm on Sunday 5th December in back court.

Demolition of bin areas. 11.00am Sunday 5th December in back court.

GOW meeting in OffShore Café on Monday 6th December at 6.30pm.

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GOW Newsletter Dec 2004. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"GOW Newsletter Dec 2004." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "GOW Newsletter Dec 2004," accessed 23 October 2024,

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Information about Document 963

GOW Newsletter Dec 2004


Text audience

General public
Audience size 21-100
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2005
Word count 982
General description Community group newsletter

Text medium

Leaflet/brochure (prospectus)
Other Newsletter

Text setting

Other community

Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Other Newsletter


Author details

Author id 859
Forenames John
Surname Roberts
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1950
Educational attainment College
Age left school 17
Occupation Editor
Place of birth Lanark
Region of birth Lanark
Birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Country of birth Scotland
Region of residence Glasgow
Residence CSD dialect area Gsw
Father's occupation lecturer
Father's place of birth Glenboig
Father's region of birth Lanark
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Lnk
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation accountant
Mother's place of birth Dunoon
Mother's region of birth Argyll
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Arg
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes All
