Document 890

Correspondence from Canada: Letter 42 - 23.05.82

Author(s): 852

Copyright holder(s): Name withheld


The Maggie
23 May '82

Dear Mum & Dad,

I'm glad to hear, from the phone call, that you enjoyed your holiday, despite the Yugoslavs & the lack of entertainment. I received your first postcard, at length, last week. Did you actually go up that chairlift?

I got another letter from the AUC on Friday - this time direct from the English Language Institute in Cairo, not the New York office - but it said much the same thing as the first letter. I've not been nominated for a Teaching Fellowship, but if someone drops out, I imagine I'm on a waiting list of alternates. The second letter added that competition for places had been stiff, and that I should know for certain if I've a second crack at the post by the end of June. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm not very hopeful. I don't know what I'll do - I guess I should have had some backup plan but it seems hard from here. I'll have to do some serious thinking over the next few weeks.

So I've been ploughing on with Dunbar, trying not to get too miserable. Helen [CENSORED: surname] was down from Shediac for a few days so she brought a carful of world-famous Shediac lobsters for a meal - Julian, another guy from the English dept. who's just finished writing his PhD, John, a psychology student, and I went round to Ann's (another girl doing English) to eat the ugly creatures. They're great if you don't have to look at them! Afterwards John had to leave, but Julian, Ann and I took Helen down to the "Club Cosmopolitan", the local dive-cum-disco, known affectionately as "the meat market." Julian said it was to give Helen a secret life. That was fun, really silly, and Helen enjoyed it. And I gave her "Sunset Song", which Al sent across.

I've applied to renew my American visa, in case I decide to visit during the summer. Also there's the possibility I may get a lift down to Boston in September, depending on when Julian and I finish, and I could get a cheap flight home from there. I don't know if the visa office will extend my visa beyond August yet, though, since my Canadian visa runs out then. I may have to apply again later, when I get my Canadian one renewed.

Ah, the joys of red tape! Much as I'd like to see you all again, I'm not really looking forward to the dole queue in war-torn Britain. I'll have to put my head together, as they say here. I'm rather confused just now - maybe I'll have a brainwave. Maybe I'll go to Malawi - Ken [CENSORED: surname], one of the Africans in the English programme says they want university teachers there! I wish I could talk to you in person.

I got a letter from David [CENSORED: surname], telling me about the Lincoln interview and that Graeme's given up his job, thus incurring his father's wrath. I also got a letter from Trish [CENSORED: surname], one of the girls in the Eng. class at Glasgow, telling me all the latest Glasgow gossip - like the anti-Papal rallies. What on earth is the world coming to? The Falklands Islands crisis is big news here, as I suppose it is everywhere: artists' impressions of the sinking Sheffield adorn the front covers of "Time" and "Maclean's" magazines. It's a terrible affair - and they'll only come to a political agreement after thousands have been killed. Oh well... I hope I have a cheerier letter soon! Take care, best wishes to all,

[CENSORED: forename]

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Correspondence from Canada: Letter 42 - 23.05.82. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 11 December 2024, from

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Information about Document 890

Correspondence from Canada: Letter 42 - 23.05.82


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Audience size 3-5
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1982
Word count 622

Text medium

Other airmail

Text publication details

Part of a longer series of texts
Name of series Correspondence from Canada

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 852
Gender Male
Decade of birth 1950
Educational attainment University
Age left school 17
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation University Lecturer
Place of birth Ayr
Region of birth S Ayr
Birthplace CSD dialect area Ayr
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Bridge of Weir
Region of residence Renfrew
Residence CSD dialect area Renfr
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Insurance Broker
Father's place of birth Auchinleck
Father's region of birth S Ayr
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Ayr
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Dental Receptionist
Mother's place of birth Ayr
Mother's region of birth S Ayr
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Ayr
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes In most everyday situations
Portuguese Yes No No Yes When trying to communicate with my in-laws
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes In domestic/activist circles; reading literature
