Document 651
Dipper: 39 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1982 - Sheriff David B. Smith
Author(s): John Reid
Copyright holder(s): John Reid
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Nae siller staur adorns his breist,
Nae weel-worn guns hing at his waist.
Scots shirras dinna need sic graith,
They dinna deal in life an daith,
But though denied the raip an aixe
This ane gies Killie's neds their paiks.
Frae early days at Paisley schule
He speiled the brae tae Gilmorehill
Tae gether lear an classic knowledge
Before gaun on tae Embro College
Tae learn Scots law, baith braid an nerra
- A haundy thing for ony shirra!
Frae there he donned the wig an goun
As advocate in Embro toun
He maun hae been ane o their best
Tae win promotion tae the west,
An nou ilk dyvour in Auld Killie
Has cause tae fear this bearded billie,
Forbye a wheen North Ayrshire sinners
He's sent tae pree Barlinnie dinners.
Whiles, on a day o weel-earned leisure,
The kintra-side will gie him pleesure,
'Mang hills an wids an flooers an ferns
Or watchin huidie-craws an herons.
But the roarin gemm's his favourite ploy,
The birlin stane his greatest joy,
An granite clints, he kens them aa,
Frae Ailsa Craig tae Rubislaw.
A curlin expert, dinna doot it,
He's even screived a book( *) aboot it!
He cairries aye a sneeshin-mull
- It clears the heid an spreids guid-will.
But nou his legal mind he turns
Tae judge the case o Robert Bums
- Nae hasty verdict, waled at random,
But weel threshed oot at avizandum.
* "Curling: An Illustrated History" by D.B.Smith (John Donald)
raip an aixe/rope and axe
paiks/deserts, punishment
Gilmorehill/site of Glasgow University
Embro College/Edinburgh University
Barlinnie/well-known Glasgow prison
roarin gemm/curling
clint/rough curling stone
Rubislaw/granite quarry in Aberdeen
avizandum/further consideration
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Dipper: 39 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1982 - Sheriff David B. Smith. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from
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"Dipper: 39 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1982 - Sheriff David B. Smith." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.
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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Dipper: 39 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1982 - Sheriff David B. Smith," accessed 20 January 2025,
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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.