Document 623
Dipper: 11 - Lament for Connel Burn
Author(s): Dr James A Begg
Copyright holder(s): Dr James A Begg
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Whaur ance stood Auld Bank Pit,
Lang raws o excavators
An giant bulldozers sit -
- Or raither crouch like muckle beasts
Wi great metallic jaws,
For rivin oot the bonny hert
O braes, an holms an shaws,
Whaur peesies ance birlt ower their nests
An whaups cried frae the hill,
While doun ablow, the tree-clad glen
Wad echo tae the trill -
As shelfies, reidbreists, blackies,
Cushie-doos an wheetie-wrens,
Sang in chorus oot o every buss
Frae Laglaff, doun by Stepends;
As dippers doukit in the burn
An flew frae puil tae puil,
An stane-chippers "chakkt" atap the dyke,
When a roe-buck drank its fill.
Frae Burnfuit, Bank an Connelpark,
- Like blin-bats tae a flame –
The magic o that wild glen
Drew laddies faur frae hame.
Wi brammlin worms they'd fish for troots,
Play sodgers in the wid,
In heid-high bracken mak their dens
As frae their pals they hid.
Burnt berry-broun frae heid tae fuit
They'd dam the burn wi stanes,
An a gleefu glen wad ring wi cries
O bare-scud doukin weans.
Nou wae's the herts o daunerin men
Harkin back whan they were boys,
Tae hear the Connel Burn resoun
Tae anither kin o noise -
- As screivin, scartin, roarin beasts
Wi blades, or clawin airm,
Obliterate the hatchery,
An auld Culcreoch Ferm;
Rivin earth, an trees an rocks,
Strivin tae win their goal -
Ance hard-wrocht juist wi miners' picks,
Yon rich black diamonds - COAL.
They maun only hope, as years gae by,
When aa the howkin's duin,
That muckle bings are levellt oot
An craters aa fillt in;
Aiblins then the scaurs will heal,
The burn rin kirstal clear,
An the bairns'll play in Connel Glen
Juist like yesteryear.
cushie-doo/wood pigeon
wheetie-wren/willow warbler
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Dipper: 11 - Lament for Connel Burn. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from
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"Dipper: 11 - Lament for Connel Burn." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.
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