Document 1655
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 19, recording 2: out for a walk
Author(s): N/A
Copyright holder(s):
SCOTS Project, Dr Jennifer Smith
Audio transcription
F1135 |
Right, is that us?
Ready to go?
What kind of lollipop's that? |
F1136 |
Erm apple. |
F1135 |
Try this.
Is this the bag of videos, is it
that's sitting there? Oh, oh, careful.
Your hands aren't sticky, are they?
That's two.
Right, which way do you want to go?
Up the way or down the way? |
F1136 |
That way. |
F1135 |
What way? Down the way? |
F1136 |
That way. |
F1135 |
Okay. We'll go out the gate then, will we? |
F1136 |
[noise of wind] |
F1135 |
Are you warm enough? |
F1136 |
[NOTE: thirty seconds of silence] |
F1135 |
Just tie my lace, [CENSORED: forename].
[inaudible] |
F1136 |
I I wa- |
F1135 |
What? |
F1136 |
I was erm at the yellow table and I was at the white table. |
F1135 |
What did you do at the yellow table? |
F1136 |
Eh, I drew. And cutting. And cutting. |
F1135 |
Ink? |
F1136 |
Eh? |
F1135 |
What were you doing like? Glueing what? |
F1136 |
Cutting. |
F1135 |
Glueing and cutting? |
F1136 |
And I had white scissors. |
F1135 |
What did you do at the white table?
Mm? |
F1136 |
[inaudible] Then we, we drawed and we done. |
F1135 |
You were drawing? |
F1136 |
I don't know what I'm drawing.
Look what they're doing. |
F1135 |
Mm. |
F1136 |
[noise of wind] |
F1135 |
What did you draw? |
F1136 |
Erm, fish. |
F1135 |
[?]Cannae[/?] hear you. |
F1136 |
Fish. |
F1135 |
Fish? |
F1136 |
Uh-huh. |
F1135 |
And did you do colouring in?
What colour? [inaudible] |
F1136 |
I don't know. |
F1135 |
The video's fallen oot the bag, [CENSORED: forename]. |
F1136 |
Mmhm |
F1135 |
Just pack them in.
And then you went to the hall. And what did you do there? |
F1136 |
Flatten up. |
F1135 |
Were you dancing? |
F1136 |
No, flatten up. |
F1135 |
What? |
F1136 |
Flattening up the tent. |
F1135 |
Oh aye, the tent.
And did everybody get a shot to go and get the ball? |
F1136 |
I did. |
F1135 |
Who else?
Right, these videos [inaudible].
Right. |
F1136 |
Him mowing the
//grass.// |
F1135 |
//Can you smell that grass?//
Look, it's all been cut. Fine smell. Do you like that smell? Yes? |
F1136 |
Look that thingy down there! |
F1135 |
What is it? On the boat? |
F1136 |
Mmhm. |
F1135 |
It's a wee windmill. |
F1136 |
Mmhm. |
F1135 |
It's going fast today, isn't it? |
F1136 |
Look at a wee windmill. |
F1135 |
Yes. |
F1136 |
And some people |
F1135 |
Looks a wee bit choppy. |
F1136 |
some people swimming. |
F1135 |
I don't think so, not today. |
F1136 |
Why? |
F1135 |
It's a bit cold for that today.
Oh, there's somebody down there though. |
F1136 |
Mmhm. |
F1135 |
Is he playing in the sand?
Think they must be on holiday to play about the beaches. [inaudible] kinda cold. |
F1136 |
[NOTE: nearly a minute's silence] |
F1135 |
Oh [CENSORED: forename], you missed the wave coming over from the harbour just now.
See if there's another one. Just splashing over the pier.
Watching? |
F1136 |
Let's go in. |
F1135 |
You keep watching and we'll walk round this way.
See if you see another one going over.
No. |
F1136 |
None? |
F1135 |
Must have been a one-off, surely.
Would you like a shot in a boat? |
F1136 |
Mm? |
F1135 |
Would you like a shot in a boat? |
F1136 |
What? |
F1135 |
Sh- out on the sea in a boat.
[inaudible] |
F1136 |
Who's da-, who's that dad?
Mm? |
F1135 |
Mm? |
F1136 |
Who's that dad past there? |
F1135 |
Who's that in the car? |
F1136 |
No, who's that dad past there? |
F1135 |
Don't think he's a dad. |
F1136 |
Mm? |
F1135 |
Somebody at playschool probably. |
F1136 |
[?]That's dirty[/?].
[NOTE: nearly half a minute of silence] |
F1135 |
They're putting tar down on the road. |
F1136 |
Mm? |
F1135 |
They must be putting tar down on the road. |
F1136 |
[NOTE: thirty seconds of silence] |
F1135 |
Which way are we going now?
//Have you lost your tongue today?// |
F1136 |
//That way.//
That way.
[child noise] |
F1135 |
Are you going to have fun at Granny's? |
F1136 |
Hmm? |
F1135 |
Going to have fun at Granny's this weekend? |
F1136 |
Am I sleeping at Granny's tonight? |
F1135 |
Staying there Saturday.
[stops to give directions] |
F1136 |
There's [CENSORED: forename]'s house.
//See!// |
F1135 |
//Her old house.// |
F1136 |
Mmhm, and [CENSORED: forename] had a gatie like that.
//Sure that's.// |
F1135 |
//It's not [CENSORED: forename]'s house any more, is it?// |
F1136 |
Mm mm. Has [CENSORED: forename] [?]not at[/?] that house any more? |
F1135 |
That's not where she stays now, is it?
Here. |
F1136 |
[NOTE: thirty seconds of silence] |
F1135 |
Do you think we'll manage to squeeze past that flowers?
Hiya. |
F1136 |
[CENSORED: forename].
[CENSORED: forename] lived in, erm, [CENSORED: forename] lived in erm chip shop. |
F1135 |
We stayed at the chip shop house a whilie, uh-huh.
He stayed with his granny last night. |
F1136 |
How? |
F1135 |
Cause, his mum and dad are away.
//To Glasgow.// |
F1136 |
They're away to Glasgow now. |
F1135 |
Be home today, though. |
F1136 |
Mm? |
F1135 |
They'll be home today.
Who was at playgroup today?
This afternoon.
[?]Look[/?]. |
F1136 |
I was playing at, I was playing Play-Doh. |
F1135 |
What, today? |
F1136 |
Are we not home yet, see? |
F1135 |
No. we're not home yet. You were playing Play-Doh today, were you?
Did you make anything with it? |
F1136 |
A cat. |
F1135 |
Oh a cat!
A blue cat? |
F1136 |
Mm? |
F1135 |
What colour was it? |
F1136 |
Eh, green. |
F1135 |
Oh, a green one. |
F1136 |
And it's sparkly.
It's sparkly. |
F1135 |
You must have had a busy morning at playgroup today, did you? |
F1136 |
And I got colouring. And. |
F1135 |
And who was helping bake today? |
F1136 |
Eh, [CENSORED: forename]. |
F1135 |
Did she make them herself? |
F1136 |
Mm? |
F1135 |
Did she just make them herself? Who was helping? |
F1136 |
[CENSORED: forename] and erm and, and [exhale] |
F1135 |
And who? |
F1136 |
[CENSORED: forename]. |
F1135 |
And have you had a shot?
Did you not get a shot this week? |
F1136 |
Erm maybe I'll get a shot next week. |
F1135 |
You'll get a shot another time, won't you. |
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Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 19, recording 2: out for a walk. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from
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"Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 19, recording 2: out for a walk." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.
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Information about Document 1655
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 19, recording 2: out for a walk