Document 1551

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 1: doing a jigsaw before dinner

Author(s): N/A

Copyright holder(s): SCOTS Project, Dr Jennifer Smith

Audio transcription

F1102 Right, here you go Mummy, here's the rest of the next ain.
F1101 Right.
F1102 [inaudible]
F1101 Fitt's that ain there?
F1102 Huh?
F1101 That's the sun, was it?
F1102 [inaudible] [?]cutting up the cake[/?].
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 There you go, Mum.
F1101 Thank you. Put it in the toybox.
F1102 That used to be yours, in your bedroom, didn't it, Mum? That used to be yours in your bedroom, didn't it, Mum?
F1101 Fitt?
F1102 This, [inaudible] in your bedroom.
F1101 Was it? Oh, aye, fann it was up in the cupboard.
F1102 Erm, I told [inaudible] like, can keep it. //We took it on my holidays,//
F1101 //[laugh]// //That's right, we did it on the aeroplane, didn't we?//
F1102 //remember?//
F1101 When we went to Portugal.
F1102 Oh dinna remember. Remember. Can we do it the next time when we go our holidays wi [CENSORED: forename]?
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 Ehm [inaudible] the ain, [CENSORED: forename] [inaudible] by the side.
F1101 [CENSORED: forename].
F1102 No, no that ain.
F1101 Oh, [CENSORED: forename]'s [CENSORED: forename]?
F1102 No.
F1101 [CENSORED: forename] and [CENSORED: forename]'s [CENSORED: forename]?
F1102 No!
F1101 [CENSORED: forename] and [CENSORED: forename]'s [CENSORED: forename]?
F1102 Aye! //Can we dae it when we,//
F1101 //Mm.//
F1102 can we take this back an aa?
F1101 Okay.
F1102 [inaudible] Farr we gaun when we, when we've been there wi [CENSORED: forename]? //There with [CENSORED: forename]?//
F1101 //I dinna ken.// I've nae been on holiday wi them afore.
F1102 And we'll go tae //erm,//
F1101 //Florida.// //[laugh]//
F1102 //Florida! We havenae been to Florida.// Havenae seen the [inaudible] before.
F1101 We'll go to Florida maybe next year. //Right, that's the car ain made up, look.//
F1102 //We [CENSORED: forename].//
F1101 Fitt's this on the car? //Wheels, that's right. C-//
F1102 //Wheels. What does that say?// //Car!//
F1101 //A-R. Car, mmhm.//
F1102 Piggie's nearly ready.
F1101 Where's the rest o the pig at?
F1102 Pig! [inaudible] //Pig, pig, pig.//
F1101 //There it goes.//
F1102 I-P.
F1101 P-I-G. Pig. That's it. Fitt ain we gonna dae next?
F1102 That ain.
F1101 P-I-G.
F1102 Erm. Juggler mannie. Juggling.
F1101 Clown.
F1102 Juggling. Juggling. Juggling. //Juggling!//
F1101 //Canna see any.// Think that's them aa.
F1102 Juggling!
F1101 Here, look.
F1102 Juggling!
F1101 That's them aa.
F1102 Juggling.
F1101 That's them aa.
F1102 Juggling.
F1101 Now, put it together.
F1102 I see we've got a bittie missing.
F1101 That's it. We need the C., don't we? //C. for clown.//
F1102 //C.// C. C. C. //C.//
F1101 //[inaudible]// //We'll mak up the rest o them and then we'll see if we can find it.//
F1102 //C.! Okay.//
F1101 Fitt ain next? Ball?
F1102 Ball. Ball for! //Eh.//
F1101 //B. for ball.// //There we go, there's a bit ower there.//
F1102 //We've got a hat, we've got a bittie over here.//
F1101 B. See the B.? That's it.
F1102 B.
F1101 Is it under aa that ains there? Move that big ains. Maybe they're lying under there, look. //Which one's under your f- leg.//
F1102 //Why?// Duck, I'm makkin a duck. Oh.
F1101 That's a chick, isn't it?
F1102 Duck, no it's a duck //nae a chick.//
F1101 //It's nae a duck.// //A duck's got a big beak.//
F1102 //Aye it is.//
F1101 It's a chick.
F1102 It's a duck, a duck. Duck. Chick chick chick chick //chick chick.//
F1101 //Chicken!// Chick chick chick chick chicken, //lay a little s-, lay a little egg for me.//
F1102 //That's what I said. Me.// Chick chick chick chick chicken. //Tea.//
F1101 //I have some for my tea.//
F1102 Chick chick chick chick chicken. //[inaudible].//
F1101 //No, that ain goes on there.//
F1102 Something for my tea. Chick chick chick chick chicken. Can I have that [inaudible] for my tea.
F1101 [laugh]
F1102 Chick chick chick, that's fitt you have to say. [inaudible] chick chick chick, can I have a little duck for my [?]breakfast[/?]. //[inaudible]//
F1101 //I think you're getting the cauld.//
F1102 How?
F1101 You've got a runny nose. That's it. Last bit. Are you gonna get some chips for your supper? Fae the chip shop?
F1102 Chip chip chip chip [?]chippen[/?]. Can I have chips for my //[?]supper[/?]?//
F1101 //Right, you wanna dae the jug next, look.// //Oh! Mum's a stiffie the day.//
F1102 //[inaudible]// Fitt?
F1101 I'm a stiffie the day.
F1102 [sucks through a straw?] Jug //for milk.//
F1101 //Aye, mmhm.// That's it.
F1102 Fitt does that number say?
F1101 N-W-O-
F1102 [inaudible]
F1101 O-L. Right, sun next?
F1102 Sun. Mister Sun. And Mister Bright Sun.
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 It looks like a moon, doesn't it?
F1101 Mm but the sun's yellow, isn't it?
F1102 Aye. Yellow.
F1101 S-U-N. Sun. U-N. Right? Dog?
F1102 Aye.
F1101 There's a bit at your feet for the dog I think.
F1102 This is mine, isn't it?
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 It used to be [CENSORED: forename]'s, didn't it?
F1101 Fitt used to be [CENSORED: forename]'s?
F1102 Dad told me it used to be [CENSORED: forename]'s.
F1101 Fitt? This jigsaw?
F1102 Aye.
F1101 No it didna. It's aye been yours. Fox?
F1102 No.
F1101 Fitt ain? Van?
F1102 No, I- Can I take off this for two minutes? I'm too hot.
F1101 Do you want to take off your jumper?
F1102 Aye. Hot.
F1101 Right, haud on till I clip this off. Right, pull off your jumper then.
F1102 I'll p- I'll try to put on a, I'll put on a top.
F1101 Mmhm. Manage?
F1102 [inaudible] Broken. Broken. Let me see. Pull that off. //Mm. Put on the top.//
F1101 //Do you want to put on a different ain? Just leave on your vest if you're hot.//
F1102 I'm too hot.
F1101 Well that's your trousers drawer. Shut that ain. Watch your fingers. //This one, look. No, your tops is in this one.//
F1102 //No, it's in this.// No [inaudible].
F1101 Well, that claes in that ain's too big for you. See, that's troosers again, that's troosers that are too big. This one is tops. //This cardigan?//
F1102 //Aye.// No. Right, we have to look for a top. Put on this cardigan [?]too big[/?].
F1101 Aye, but if you tie the buttons you'll be alright.
F1102 Mm.
F1101 Right, and your hands.
F1102 Too cauld, this.
F1101 Have you got it? //You wantin that ain? Aye, come here then.//
F1102 //Can you tie the buttons. They're too// stiffy buttons. //[inhale]//
F1101 //Right?//
F1102 That'll be a monster.
F1101 That's your dad, it's nae a monster.
F1102 A monster.
F1101 [laugh]
F1102 A monster, a monster.
F1101 [Dad calls out] Nae a monster. Aye. Right going down to get your chips.
F1102 Mum, do my jigsaw first.
F1101 Haud on. [NOTE: calling to Dad] We'll be doon in a minute. She's just finishing her jigsaw. Right.
F1102 Fox.
F1101 Fitt ain are you daein? Right, dae fox then.
F1102 Fox, fox. Fox for.
F1101 F. for fox. Right, move that ain up, oot the road.
F1102 Oh, it's all broken.
F1101 It's alright, it's just cause the rug's thingyin on it.
F1102 How is it blue?
F1101 Cause the sky's blue, for the sun to go up. And then when the moon comes up it goes dark, doesn't it?
F1102 Uh-huh.
F1101 The moon'll be comin oot shortly. But I dinna think we'll see it for aa the rain and snow.
F1102 I'll be [?]ootside[/?], won't I, when it's rainy time? //[inaudible]//
F1101 //Mmhm.//
F1102 [?]something in the pocket[/?].
F1101 Just leave it anoo. Right, are you, is that you finished? Can we go doon and get wir supper?
F1102 No, one-.
F1101 Fitt? //Oh that's a boat.//
F1102 //Uh uh.// The boat. //The boat.//
F1101 //Right.//
F1102 The boat.
F1101 Okay?
F1102 Boat.
F1101 That's it, back to front.
F1102 It's nae back to front, is it?
F1101 No, you've done it properly this time. Right, remember the B.
F1102 B.
F1101 That's it.
F1102 Boat.
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 Jug.
F1101 No, that's a van.
F1102 Jug.
F1101 That's jug up there.
F1102 Jug. Oh, it's a van. //A van.//
F1101 //[laugh]//
F1102 Isn't it?
F1101 Mmhm.
F1102 It's a van.
F1101 Right, okay?
F1102 Another bit missing.
F1101 Well you'll hae tae look in the box, look. No, they're nae in there. Look under them. I see a bit ower there. Look, beside Nemo. //That's off the ball, isn't it?//
F1102 //Ball.// Ball. //Ball.//
F1101 //Ball for ball.//
F1102 Ball!
F1101 Up here, look, beside the clown. So we've lost C. for clown and we've lost N. in the van. //Under that ains again, move that ains, see if they're under there.//
F1102 //[inaudible]//
F1101 No. No, oh, here's the C. for clown. So we've just to get the N. for van.
F1102 I-
F1101 But I th-, I've got a feeling it's in the bag that you was playin wi when we went on wir holidays.
F1102 Eh?
F1101 I dinna think we've got the N. for van.
F1102 You've got a feeling.
F1101 I've got a feeling, aye, that it's missin. Right, pick them up then and put them in this box noo.
F1102 Look for that one! Look for that one.
F1101 Aye, but it's alright, cause we'll find it later, cause we'll hae to go doon and get wir chips afore they go cauld. You wantin tomato sauce wi your chips?
F1102 No, I dinna want them.
F1101 You hae to hae something to eat for your supper.
F1102 No, I'll just hae a jam sandwich.
F1101 There's nae bread left for a sandwich.
F1102 [inaudible]
F1101 We're goin up to Asda's the night.
F1102 How?
F1101 Eh? To get wir shopping. To get aa wir messages for Christmas. Cause Mam's got to go back to her work the morn.
F1102 [scream]
F1101 And we'll oot wi wir Christmas presents the night an aa. You're lying on top o the clown. Come on, move!
F1102 Nae broken, look, it's nae broken.
F1101 Right, put it in the box. //That's a girl.//
F1102 //Look,// it's broken, it's broken, it's broken. That's broken.
F1101 That's it. //Throw it in.//
F1102 //[exhale]//
F1101 Gee whizz! Right, come on then. Mm. [exhale] Right, come on then.
F1102 Oh [inaudible].
F1101 Come on!
F1102 That's wasn't me who tipped it out. [child noises]
F1101 [CENSORED: forename],
F1102 [cough]
F1101 stop it! //Come on, up you come!//
F1102 //[child noises]//
F1101 Right, walk!
F1102 [child noises]
F1101 What a silly billy!
F1102 Haud my handie, haud my handie.
F1101 I'll haud your hand doon the stairs, come on.
F1102 Haud my handie.

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 1: doing a jigsaw before dinner. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 4 December 2024, from

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"Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 1: doing a jigsaw before dinner." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 4 December 2024.

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Information about Document 1551

Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 1: doing a jigsaw before dinner


Audio audience

For gender Mixed
Audience size 2

Audio awareness & spontaneity

Speaker awareness Aware
Degree of spontaneity Spontaneous
Special circumstances surrounding speech Participants asked to wear microphone while going about daily life

Audio footage information

Year of recording 2003
Recording person id 509
Size (min) 14
Size (mb) 55

Audio footage series/collection information

Part of series
Contained in Set of recordings made in Buckie of mothers and children

Audio setting

Recording venue Participants' house
Geographic location of speech Buckie

Audio relationship between recorder/interviewer and speakers

Speakers knew each other Yes

Audio speaker relationships

Family members or other close relationship

Audio transcription information

Transcriber id 718
Year of transcription 2007
Year material recorded 2003
Word count 1580

Audio type

General description Dialogue while going about daily life


Participant details

Participant id 1101
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1970
Educational attainment College
Age left school 16
Occupation Beauty Therapist
Place of birth Buckie
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Buckie
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Fisherman
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Support worker
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Participant details

Participant id 1102
Gender Female
Decade of birth 2000
Occupation schoolchild
Place of birth Elgin
Region of birth Moray
Birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Buckie
Region of residence Moray
Residence CSD dialect area Mry
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Roofer
Father's place of birth Buckie
Father's region of birth Moray
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Beauty Therapist
Mother's place of birth Buckie
Mother's region of birth Moray
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Mry
Mother's country of birth Scotland
