Document 1456
Letter from Frances Gardner 02 - 02/09/89
Author(s): Frances Gardner
Copyright holder(s): Dr Sheena Gardner
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2nd Sept.
My dear Sheena,
Thanks for your letter awaiting our return from holiday. Its always nice to find mail when you return home to an empty house. Chilly and damp - a drop in temp from 85° - 55°!! Dad wanted to report us as being back at base so decided to phone yesterday. He was pleased with his card and present and of course I love an excuse for a chat. We are now eagerly awaiting your letter with all the details of your apartment. I wish we could be there to help with the move - no doubt you will be able to get removers to take everything for you and it will surely be better to move before the winter sets in - good, too, that you are having time to catch up with the back log at work - ie Malaysia reports! - We look forward to seeing Bill on Friday. He flies to Edinburgh with World Ways. Auntie Mary is coming next weekend ie 16th for Scott's birthday party. Fancy Dress "Vampires and Virgins" - which category suits us oldies do you think!! U.B. is also invited. - Elspeth [CENSORED: surname] had a great holiday. One hour of panic when they arrived at Vancouver airport to realise they had forgotten the name of the car-hire firm and had no note of it!! - phoned you no reply! Phoned Rick who phoned us - no reply!! So it took them some time to wait in lots of queues before they tracked it down eventually!! Their own fault of course because you had given them all the details. However all was well in the end. They are coming round the evening of 12th to tell us all about it. U.B will be interested. He gave them a very good map for which they were grateful. K & K are coming this evening so I will check up with wedding dates and suggest July instead of June. I think she has made some initial enquiries and most places to date seem to be booked up for more than a year ahead! However she will need to come down market a bit I think, too. Kevin's parents are away until 9th June. So July will suit them better too. I know you will want to be here. I think July is a busy month with John & Barbara but they can just come for a very quick visit - B. thought they might come in May when Lanzarote is quiet and she can help with [?]arranging[/?] events!! Of course Auntie Mary and I will be in Oberamergau then!
No more now.
Lots of love
Mum xxx
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Letter from Frances Gardner 02 - 02/09/89. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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