Document 139

Saint Valentine's Day: Glesga

Author(s): Sheena Blackhall

Copyright holder(s): Sheena Blackhall


The khaki Kelvin's reamin fu
Wi thawin frost an dubs, the noo
Twid freeze a bear in an igloo
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

Halflins aroon ae tree are hotchin
Far cloots insteid o leaves are hatchin
Tae the fower wins their wirds despatchin
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

On a park bench, twa lassies blether
Screivin their cards, they winner whether
They ocht tae sign them, 'Yours foriver'
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

Blue doos flee up the Heivenly stair
As free as odes bi Baudelaire
Their feathery oxters beat the air
O Glesga, on this luvers' day.

Twa magpies coortin in the park
Flee aff, at gallus collie's bark
A beech tree chitters in her sark,
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

A purple crocus blinks an ee
At grannie, practisin Tai Chi
A gray an gracefu butterflee
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

I am nae sensual Aphrodite
Or nyaakit nymph wioot her nightie
Queer bird, tae threip o maitters flightie
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

Watter is dreepin doon ma lug
Yet, here I staun, hairt-strings tae rug
Tae gie St. Valentine a plug
In Glesga, on this luvers' day.

Sic poems should be a tidal wave
Spakk bi bauld youth, hett bluided, brave
Nae some auld yowe, ae fit in grave,
In Glesga on this luvers' day.

A biker tattoed wi graffiti
His pectorals say 'I lue Rosie'
Stauns wi a quine fa sooks a sweetie
As sangs war sung, this luvers' day.

An aa the while a Japanee
Made paper birds fur us tae flee
The things that ither cultures dee
Tae shaw they care, this luvers' day!

A lassie in a navy jaiket
The hale performance filmed an tapit
The Internet maun nae be swickit
Doon-load yer lust, this luvers' day!

Ach weel... fowk didna boo, nur sweir.
Twa luvers, wooin on a cheer
War that engrossed they didna hear
Ma barderie, on this luvers' day.

An syne, I left fur Aiberdeen..
Fowk muttered 'Surely nae sae seen'
Cupid luiks best in granite steen
Fin yer ower auncient fur luv-play.

My hame is scoored bi win an cauld
Bit fit's the difference fin yer auld?
For yon's far my best tales were tauld
O coortin, on this luvers' day.

This work is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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Saint Valentine's Day: Glesga. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from

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"Saint Valentine's Day: Glesga." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "Saint Valentine's Day: Glesga," accessed 20 January 2025,

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Information about Document 139

Saint Valentine's Day: Glesga


Text audience

General public
Audience size 100+

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Word count 387

Text medium


Text publication details

Publisher Finavon Press
Publication year 2000
Place of publication Angus
ISBN/ISSN 0952881373

Text type



Author details

Author id 112
Forenames Sheena
Surname Blackhall
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 16
Upbringing/religious beliefs Brought up Protestant, now Buddhist
Occupation Writer and supply teacher
Place of birth Aberdeen
Region of birth Aberdeen
Birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Aberdeen
Region of residence Aberdeen
Residence CSD dialect area Abd
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Manager of Deeside Omnibus Service
Father's place of birth Aboyne
Father's region of birth Aberdeen
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Private Secretary
Mother's place of birth Aberdeen
Mother's region of birth Aberdeen
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area Abd
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic Yes Yes Yes Yes Elementary. Gaelic choir. Poetry.
Scots Yes Yes Yes Yes
