Document 1358

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - President's Report

Author(s): Alyson K Rintoul

Copyright holder(s): Alyson K Rintoul




I should like to welcome you all to the 1996 Annual General Meeting of the Guild. We are particularly pleased to have with us the Principal, Mr Patrick [CENSORED: surname] and the Deputy Head, Mrs Norma [CENSORED: surname].

We hope you will all stay and have some refreshments after the meeting.

Last year in her report Anne mentioned that at Founders' Day 1995, the foundation stone of the new Pavilion was laid and now a year on from that AGM we are sitting (comfortably, I hope) in these very pleasant surroundings.

In January I attended the official opening of the Pavilion. The girls used the red telephone box and spoke to Edith [CENSORED: surname] (Mrs [CENSORED: surname]) even although it was 2 am in New Zealand. The Guild presented the girls with a handsome music centre which Mrs [CENSORED: surname] tells me is very well used. We also gave them the ship's clock on the wall to ensure that they get to class on time.

This year I have enjoyed the hospitality of the Golf Club, the SMFPC, the Tayside and the Borders Clubs.

Despite being what I would call 'a lapsed golfer', the ladies of the club made me very welcome and it was a most enjoyable evening.

The SMFPC held in Merchant's Hall was a most convivial occasion and we were highly entertained by a very amusing speech by Fordyce [CENSORED: surname].

The Tayside dinner was held on a beautiful May evening at the Hunting Tower Hotel in Perth. I was very sorry not to have been able to attend their AGM and Coffee morning.

I spent a very pleasant evening in the Borders accompanied by Shona [CENSORED: surname], Elsie [CENSORED: surname] and Nancy [CENSORED: surname]. This year the dinner was held in Nancy [CENSORED: surname]'s house and it can only be described as a Royal Banquet.

At all these events I was delighted to make new acquaintances and renew old ones.

Throughout the year I have been very impressed by the talents of the girls in art, music and drama.

The art exhibition was excellent and the media in which the girls had worked - so varied. I enjoyed the two musicals Ebenezer and Theseus performed enthusiastically by the Junior school.

The Middle School production of "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder was most impressive. It was a real challenge for young people but they certainly brought it off.

Also challenging yet very entertaining were the two plays "The Ghost" and "Sunshine" which took place at SMC. The girls who took part in these plays were from the Upper school.

Guys and Dolls was a wonderfully colourful musical romp - just the thing for the end of the session - the cast threw themselves with great enthusiasm into the songs and dances.

It think that it is so good that the school maintains the essential balance of musical and straight theatre.

I attended the Bursary Concert held in Ravelston House. This was music "par excellence" and a concert not to be missed. Each performer was so professional and talented.

I have enjoyed attending the Boarding House Committee meetings and not just for the splendid afternoon tea. I was pleased that they had such a positive report from the recent inspection.

I helped to give out medals and certificates on Sports Day. I think I was in the best situation - in a small tent sheltered from the wind that so often plagues Inverleith.

The Founder's Day service was, as usual, excellent and innovative as Mr Tobin introduced Kate [CENSORED: surname], the guest speaker by delighting his audience with a snatch of a song. As Kate [CENSORED: surname] was the musical director of "Joseph" in which the Junior school took part, you will understand why Mr [CENSORED: surname] felt the need to audition.

The Service in Greyfriars was attended by girls from the Boarding House, a few former pupils and members of the committee.

Details of Guild activities will be reported by the Secretary but I should like to tell you all that our Committee meetings now take place in the splendid elegance of a newly decorated room upstairs in Ravelston House. After amicable negotiations, the Committee have agreed to share Mrs [CENSORED: surname] attractive new office. We feel that the Guild will have a greater profile there as many of our artefacts can now be displayed. On behalf of the Guild, I would like to say how indebted we are to you both for your support and encouragement.

On behalf of the Committee, I should like to thank Bill [CENSORED: surname] and his janitorial staff for their unfailing help, also Christ [CENSORED: surname] who produces whatever food we ask for whenever we request it.

The President's task is always made easier by a supportive committee and this year I have had an excellent one. I must especially thank Elsie [CENSORED: surname], my Secretary, for her patience and cheerful efficiency, Shona [CENSORED: surname], my Vice President - who always knows the right answer and Nancy [CENSORED: surname] the Treasurer, who keeps us all right with her meticulous accounting.

I have enjoyed this year and look forward to the events of 1996/97.

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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - President's Report. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - President's Report." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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Information about Document 1358

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - President's Report


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Informed lay people
Audience size 1000+
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1996
Word count 829
General description Annual report of former pupils' guild

Text medium

Other Circulated to Guild

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 918
Forenames Alyson
Initials K
Surname Rintoul
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment L R A M (Drama)
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Humanism
Occupation Drama Teacher
Place of birth London
Country of birth England
Place of residence Edinburgh
Region of residence Midlothian
Residence CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Pharmacist
Father's place of birth Edinburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Teacher
Mother's place of birth Bo'ness
Mother's region of birth W Lothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area wLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
French Yes Yes No Yes With friends in France
