Document 1357

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Secretary's Report

Author(s): 920

Copyright holder(s): Name withheld



Madam Chairman, Mr [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Ladies

1995-96 was another busy year for the Guild. Our usual events were fairly well attended and enjoyed by our "regulars".

On the last Saturday in January over 70 members battled through a snowstorm to the Winter Reunion in the Merchants' Hall. They enjoyed warming cups of coffee, delicious home baking and a successful raffle. We were very pleased to welcome Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and Miss [CENSORED: surname] as our guests.

March brought a change of venue for the Annual Dinner when 68 members and guests enjoyed their evening at the Barnton Hotel. Pat [CENSORED: surname], an F.P. and teacher of Drama in the Junior School, Mrs [CENSORED: surname] representing the school and Mr Gilbert [CENSORED: surname], Treasurer of the Merchant Company, delighted the company vyith their interesting and entertaining speeches.

We also entertained representatives from the Stewarts' Melville and Watsonian Clubs and Mrs Margaret [CENSORED: surname] the retiring Housemistress of Erskine House. A framed photograph of the "3 Different Generations" was presented by the President to Miss Ann [CENSORED: surname] to honour her 90th birthday.

The decision of the committee to publicise the Summer Events to local members brought several "new faces" to our informal Coffee Evening. The beautiful May sunshine showed off the New Pavilion and Vlth Form Centre most effectively. Our thanks to Mrs [CENSORED: surname] who personally conducted a tour to view the mural in the Dining Hall.

The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer were guests at Founder's Day on 7th June. The glorious day, excellent speaker - Kate [CENSORED: surname] - and a fine meal, combined to make it a memorable occasion for us all.

The following Sunday, 9th June, the Rev David [CENSORED: surname] welcomed Guild members and school representatives to the Annual Commemorative Service at Greyfriars Kirk. Afterwards he conducted a simple Act of Remembrance at Mary Erskine's grave, so beautifully tended by Mrs Elsa [CENSORED: surname].

A donation was sent to the Greyfriars International Appeal on behalf of the Guild.

Our Summer Reunion was held on 28th June in Ravelston House when over 50 members enjoyed a pleasant evening and a delicious buffet.

Finally last week 47 of our older members gathered at the Carlton Highland Hotel for a chat and afternoon tea. We are grateful that Mrs [CENSORED: surname] was able to join the group and bring news from the school.

The importance of the Junior Section is now clearly recognised by the committee and this year's events proved highly successful.

The Christmas Mulled Wine and Mince Pies Evening was attended by almost 70 recent leavers. This promises to become an annual event on our calendar.

An Aerobics Club was introduced in the Summer Term. Kate [CENSORED: surname] instructs a small but enthusiastic group on Monday evenings in the Gym.

The Inaugural Hockey 7s Tournament in June attracted 8 teams and was won by Heriots F.P. The social occasion and barbecue proved most successful.

Thanks and congratulations are due to Junior President Lesley [CENSORED: surname] on initiating these events and liaising with Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and the senior girls. She has been ably supported this past year by the new School Representative, Kirsty [CENSORED: surname].

The committee is endeavouring to maintain strong links with the school and is indebted to Mr [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs [CENSORED: surname] for their interest in Guild matters. We are grateful to our Vlth year representatives Susan [CENSORED: surname], Claudine [CENSORED: surname] and Ishbel [CENSORED: surname] for providing direct contact with today's girls and for their practical help at our functions.

The President handed over a music centre and a ship's clock - the Guild's gifts to the Vlth form for the new centre - to the entire Vlth year on 19th March.

Finally, a few "Thank Yous" - to Bill [CENSORED: surname] and his janitorial staff for their efficient and cheerful help. To Chris [CENSORED: surname] and his catering team who cope calmly and professionally with all our requests.

I have enjoyed my first year as Secretary and should like to acknowledge the help I have received from the President and her happy team. Shoana [CENSORED: surname] and Audrey [CENSORED: surname] have given me invaluable support and advice. I look forward to renewing friendships and meeting more F.P.s in the coming year.

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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Secretary's Report. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Secretary's Report." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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Information about Document 1357

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Secretary's Report


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Informed lay people
Audience size 100+
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1996
Word count 672
General description Annual report of former pupils' guild

Text medium

Other Circulated to Guild

Text setting


Text type



Author details

Author id 920
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 17
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Retired primary teacher
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Edinburgh
Region of residence Midlothian
Residence CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Advocate's clerk
Father's place of birth Edinburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Post office clerk
Mother's place of birth Edinburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
