Document 1353
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes February 1995
Author(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest
Copyright holder(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest
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held on
in the Guild Room
PRESENT:- Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], President in the Chair, Mrs S [CENSORED: surname], Miss A [CENSORED: surname], Miss M [CENSORED: surname], Miss N [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Mrs J [CENSORED: surname].
1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:- Dr L [CENSORED: surname], Mrs S [CENSORED: surname], Mrs M [CENSORED: surname], Mrs K [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Miss C [CENSORED: surname], Vicki [CENSORED: surname] and Caroline [CENSORED: surname].
2 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING:- These minutes were approved and signed.
a) Coffee Morning
The President reported a successful event and thanked the Committee for their efforts. The idea of changing the date of this function from January to November was not popular and the Coffee Morning will remain in January each year.
The Treasurer reported that she had banked £512.25 from the event. 79 people paid at the door. Sales items totalled £280.50.
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] had intimated that proceeds from her "Recollections" booklet would go either to the School or the Guild.
We are now selling hardback copies of the "The Merchant Maiden Hospital" at the same price as the paperbacks i.e. £4.50. A Hardback copy of Mrs [CENSORED: surname]'s book will be given as promised to Coopers and Lybrand from the F.P Guild.
b) Dinner
The President and Secretary had had a meeting with Mr Chris [CENSORED: surname] of Compass. He will send the Secretary a copy of arrangements including menu etc. and the Secretary would contact him in connection with drinks at the reception before dinner. She would also confirm arrangements with Mrs Susan [CENSORED: surname] of Ravelston Management Company and also inquire of them about a loudspeaking system.
The Top table will comprise only Speakers and their spouses. Other guests will be placed at tables with Committee Member "hosts". The President, and Secretary will do the seating plan assisted by Miss M [CENSORED: surname] who volunteeered to help.
The Secretary will write to guests informing them of which entrance to use etc.
A vegetarian option will be available and it was decided that on next and subsequent years' Ticket Application Forms, members should be asked to indicate if they are vegetarian.
Decanters containing wine will be on the Top Table.
The President will say Grace.
Bart [CENSORED: surname] will receive a remuneration, also a meal with wine.
Duties on the night will be decided at the next meeting.
c) Computer:-
This has now been purchased from ESCOM at a cost of £826.02.
Mrs P [CENSORED: surname] will investigate the School's data system with a view to finding out if information could be transferred and will report any progress in this area at the next meeting.
The Committee were pleased that we now had our own system independent of that of the School.
d) Tercentenary Prize Fund:-
The President and Secretary had had discussions with the Principal and Deputy Head on this matter.
The prize given in the Middle School would be called "The Former Pupils' Guild Tercentenary Middle School Prize".
It was agreed that the criteria for this prize would be as follows -
"To be awarded to a girl who through strength of character, endeavour and personality had been a noteable asset to the Middle School community". She would be selected by the Middle School pupils' confidential nominations to their form tutors. The final selections would be made by the Head of the Middle School who need not be bound by the said nominations if these were unsuitable.
The Committee discussed proposals for the other prize which might have been given to a deserving Upper School Pupil who found that inclusion in a School Trip e.g. orchestral tour to Prague was financially impossible. It was decided that the President would write to Mr [CENSORED: surname] asking if, given the small amount of money (£100) available for this award, he felt it was worthwhile to pursue the idea. The situation could be reviewed in the future.
It is proposed to try to transfer the Jubilee Fund to a Building Society.
The Treasurer gave her report which is enclosed.
The President requested that at least one Committee Member be present on each occasion.
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] will be present at the afternoon visit (3rd May).
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] will be present at the evening visit (9th May).
Miss M [CENSORED: surname] reported that a "car" could be available and could be called from Rachel's Tea Room at the East Gate to take ladies to the West Gate.
The President had spoken to Mrs [CENSORED: surname] on this matter. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] had thought it an excellent idea.
The Secretary would write to Mrs [CENSORED: surname] inquiring into the availability of the evening of the 20th December, which failing the 21st or 22nd. Once we have a definite date we could make further arrangements.
We would send letters to Leavers of 1995 and to Leavers of the past 5 years at the same time as the mailing of the annual Newsletter.
We would discuss this further at the next meeting.
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] mentioned the subject of furniture labelling. It was decided to use sticky paper labels which would have the words "Property of the Former Pupils' Guild M.E.S" written on them. Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] volunteered for this task.
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] also inquired about our lack of a large amount of money due to us from the sales in June and which had not yet been received from the School. The Secretary will write to Marion [CENSORED: surname], Cashier, inquiring about this.
The meeting finished at 9.30pm.
Date of next meeting - Thursday 2nd March 1995 at 7.30pm.
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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes February 1995. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes February 1995." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.
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