Document 1352
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes January 1995
Author(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest
Copyright holder(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest
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held on
in the Guild Room
PRESENT:- Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], President, in the Chair, Mrs S [CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname], Mrs K [CENSORED: surname], Miss C [CENSORED: surname], Mrs J [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Miss N [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Dr L [CENSORED: surname], Mrs S [CENSORED: surname].
Miss T [CENSORED: surname], Miss M [CENSORED: surname], Mrs M [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname].
Minutes were approved and signed.
a) Coffee Morning
Arrangements were made for us this Winter Reunion to be held at Merchant's Hall from 10 - 12 noon: Committee were asked to arrive at 9am. The Secretary will phone Bart [CENSORED: surname] and confirm arrangements and also ask if he could open the back door into Rose Street Lane to make it easier for transport of china etc. from car into Hall.
Miss N [CENSORED: surname] - volunteered to bring coffee, sugar, tea and cheese scones.
Mrs K [CENSORED: surname] will bring kettle and extension.
Miss C [CENSORED: surname] will bring flask and baking.
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] will bring banqueting roll, shortbread.
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] will bring flask and chocolate fudge etc.
Mrs P [CENSORED: surname] will bring fruit loaf and six pints of milk.
Mrs S [CENSORED: surname] will bring tiffin, flask, napkins, sandwich bags, raffle tickets.
Mrs E [CENSORED: surname] will bring a tray bake.
Miss T [CENSORED: surname] will bring new china, fruit slice, two floats. Also notecards, tapestry kits, magazines and perhaps collect books from school shop.
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs S [CENSORED: surname], Mrs K [CENSORED: surname], Miss C [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], will provide raffle prizes.
Everyone will bring tea-towels.
Miss C [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs E [CENSORED: surname] will sell raffle tickets.
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs S [CENSORED: surname] will be "on the door". Mrs P [CENSORED: surname] volunteered to wash dishes and other committee will go down to help.
b) Dinner 11th March 1995
The President and Secretary will shortly meet with Compass.
The Committee felt that when planning the menu they would not want meringue nests or duck.
The Secretary will inquire at the school about a loudspeaker system, If it is impossible to acquire one from this source Mrs E [CENSORED: surname] will speak to Mr Ian [CENSORED: surname].
Invitations will be sent to the Speaker and her husband, the Principal and Mrs [CENSORED: surname], the Master and Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Miss [CENSORED: surname], Miss [CENSORED: surname], Mr & Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and the Presidents of the Watsonian and Stewarts Melville Clubs and their wives.
Guests might be entertained beforehand in Ravelston House (?Guild Room) or in the Old Staff Dining Room. Enquiries would be made as to which would be more suitable. Sherry and soft drinks would be served.
Dr. [CENSORED: surname] suggested spreading non top table guests around other tables with committee members as hosts.
c) Aerobics Club
Dr. [CENSORED: surname] regretfully told us that arrangements have come to a halt. There are a core of 15 ladies interested. Jackie [CENSORED: surname] has moved to Glasgow and approaches are being made to other potential instructors. Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Head of P.E at the school will inquire in her Department as to whether there is anyone who is willing.
The Swimming Club times have been changed and now takes place from 6-8pm. This would mean that either the Aerobics Club would have to run at the same time or on a different night.
d) Junior Section
Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] suggested asking the present Vith form what they would envisage from being members of the Guild.
A Christmas Reunion is a popular idea and could take the form of a "free" evening for the current VI year leavers and the previous 2 years.
"Fliers" could be given to all summer leavers intimating the Christmas function.
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will try and extract the last 15 years leavers from the Computer.
The President suggested leaving further discussion on the subject until after the Dinner in March.
e) Computer
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] had discovered that Escom was modestly priced and would probably be the best option. This would require to be paid for a week beforehand.
Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and Miss [CENSORED: surname] will orgainise the purchase.
The problem seems to be in programming the details. The President suggested having this done professionally possibly by a contact of Dr. [CENSORED: surname].
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will report on progress at next meeting.
f) Tercentenary Fund Prize
The surplus of Mrs [CENSORED: surname]'s reunion will be given to this fund.
The President has written to Mr [CENSORED: surname] about the purpose of this prize and will speak to Mrs [CENSORED: surname].
The money might go to a deserving School Leaver or to a Middle School Prize.
Tickets for Dinner - 11 sold.
Tickets for Summer Reunion - 12 sold.
Tickets for Tea Party - 7 sold.
Tickets for Botanic Garden Tour (3rd May) - 4 sold.
Tickets for Botanic Garden Tour (9th May) - 7 sold.
5 A.O.B
The President thanked the Vice President for standing in at the Guild's night at the Tercentenary Exhibition.
The President reported that she had been present at the Tercentenary Thanksgiving Service in Greyfriars and that Mrs [CENSORED: surname] regretted that it was not possible for more F.Ps to be invited.
Mrs L [CENSORED: surname], Head of English at the school had requested F.P. anecdotes for the next Merchant Maiden publication.
The Secretary read out "Thank-yous" from 2 Christmas Card recipients and the President and Secretary reported the receipt of ChristmasCard to the Committe from members.
Miss N [CENSORED: surname] very thoughtfully brought coffee and shortbread to the meeting which was much appreciated by the Committee.
The meeting closed at 9pm.
Next meeting is on Wednesday 1st February.
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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes January 1995. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 7 March 2025, from
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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes January 1995." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 7 March 2025.
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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes January 1995," accessed 7 March 2025,
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