Document 1351

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1994

Author(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest

Copyright holder(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest




held on


in the


PRESENT:- Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], President, in the Chair, Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs S [CENSORED: surname], Secretary, Mrs J [CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname].

1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:- Miss T.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs F [CENSORED: surname], Dr. L [CENSORED: surname], Miss M [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Ms A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs K [CENSORED: surname].

2 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING:- The minutes were approved and signed.

a) Labels for Furniture
It had been decided to use stick-on labels. The Committee agreed that small "letter-size" labels would suffice and would read "PROPERTY OF M.E.S.F.P GUILD".

b) Furniture Valuation
The Bursar would like a note of value for insurance purposes. The Certificates are not yet forthcoming but the Committee agreed that this should be done now. Mrs E [CENSORED: surname] would explore the possibility of using a valuer known to Miss Y [CENSORED: surname]. The President and Vice President would ask the new Estates Bursar, Mr Simon [CENSORED: surname], who has taken over from Mrs Sylvia [CENSORED: surname], to accompany the valuer and identify our furniture.

c) Tercentenary Reunion Weekend
The exact accounting for this would be inserted into the Minutes. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] was anxious that the need for the future early ordering of tickets for events, be stressed in the Newsletter.

The President reported that by using her Forte Gold Card in payment for the Dinner, we had acquired a discount of £858 which was to be donated to the Jubilee Prize Fund.

d) Leavers Coffee Morning
Although quite well attended, Mrs [CENSORED: surname] reported that only 15 VIth Form Leavers had joined the Guild. It was suggested that the girls may not be keen to pay for 3 years of the Merchant Maident which is incorporated in the Life Membership Fee.

e) Printer for Boarding House
This is in hand and is being paid for from Guild Funds.

To be held on Wednesday 21st September in Coopers and Lybrand, Queen Street at 3 pm. Committee Members ie. Miss [CENSORED: surname], Miss [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs [CENSORED: surname] would arrive by 2.30 pm. The President will bring labels and sale items. The Treasurer will bring a float. The Secretary will organise delivery of the Cake.

Duties as follows:-
On the door:- Miss [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will tick-off names.
Selling items:- Miss [CENSORED: surname] and Miss [CENSORED: surname].
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will sell her book of recollections and Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will float. We would ask the oldest member present to cut the Cake and would present Coopers and Lybrand with a copy of the history of the School.

5 A.G.M
Wednesday 28th September. Apologies received in advance from Mrs J [CENSORED: surname].

About 40 people are expected to attend. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] would bring a traybake, Mrs [CENSORED: surname] - a tea-loaf, Mrs [CENSORED: surname] - sandwiches, Mrs [CENSORED: surname] - sandwiches.

The Secretary will ask Compass to provide tea, coffee, milk, sugar, cups and saucers etc.

The Committee would be:-
President:- Mrs A [CENSORED: surname]
Vice President:- Mrs A [CENSORED: surname]
Secretary:- Mrs S [CENSORED: surname]
Asst. Secretary:- Mrs E [CENSORED: surname]
Treasurer:- Mrs S [CENSORED: surname]
Asst. Treasurer:- Miss M [CENSORED: surname]
Membership Secy:- Mrs P [CENSORED: surname]

Committee members serving 2nd year:- Mrs K [CENSORED: surname], D L [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname].

New Committee members:- Mrs N [CENSORED: surname], Mrs M [CENSORED: surname], Miss C [CENSORED: surname].

The President confirmed that gifts had been given to the people concerned in the art work. She wondered if we had perhaps over-ordered the notelets and suggested that they be promoted in the Newsletter at a reduced price. It was agreed not to give Margery [CENSORED: surname] a further gift.

7 LINSAY [CENSORED: surname]
Linsay [CENSORED: surname], a 1994 VIth Form Leaver is involved in Operation Raleigh and had been in contact with the Secretary in connection with a fund raising Venture, possibly in conjunction with the Guild Junior Section. The Committee felt that as similar requests had been made previously, they would have to regretfully decline to help in this way, but would wish Linsay well.

8 1994/95 EVENTS
School Carol Service:- 13th December - St. Mary's Cathedral.
Mrs S [CENSORED: surname] had wondered if F.P.s could be kept seats. The President felt that this would not be possible, but Members interested in attending would be advised in the Newsletter, to come early. There would be an informal meeting of members in the Grosvenor Hotel after the Service.

Coffee Morning -This had been booked for Saturday 28th January 1995 in the Merchants Hall. Price £1 on arrival.

Dinner - 11th March 1995. Price and venue to be fixed at next meeting.
The Secretary would obtain prices and menus from Compass and would ascertain from Mrs [CENSORED: surname] if the school would be available.

Summer Reunion - The Secretary will find out the date of Founders Day 1995.

There was a suggestion that our Reunion weekend be moved from Founders Day. The Annual Service at Greyfriars would be held on the Sunday nearest 4th June.

Tea Party - This would be held on the 3rd Wednesday in September 1995.

The Secretary would write to the Balmoral for terms. If these were unsuitable, she would book up at Carlton Highland.

It was suggested that a Botanic Garden Tour might be popular and the Secretary would explore the possibility of a Tour for 12 -15 people in the Summer time. This would hopefully be accompanied by a small informative talk.

21st November -20th December 1994. In the Merchants Hall.

Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Mrs S [CENSORED: surname] volunteered to be in attendance if required.

A request would be made at the A.G.M for more people.

There is almost £2,000 still in the Fund with interest still to be added. If the Lloyds Bank takeover goes through we should receive a further £800.

It was thought that a gift of a further prize to the School would be appropriate - either to the English Department, for Middle School achievement, or to the Library.

The Membership Secretary, Mrs [CENSORED: surname] requires a new Computer and it was agreed that as the Guild's funds were healthy at the moment, now is the time to invest in a new one.

Current A/C:- £12,345.00
Jubilee Fund:- £1,087.00
High Interest A/C:- £12,160.00
Mrs [CENSORED: surname], advises that we have 2223 members.

The Committee decided that a sub-committee be formed in order to choose and purchase the New Computer which should be compatible with those at the School.

12 A.O.B
The Royal Visit had been a special and memorable occasion. The Mural had been duly handed over in the presence of H.M The Queen and H.R.H The Duke of Edinburgh, and Her Majesty had unveiled the Commemorative Plaque.

There is to be a Civic Reception on 7th October 1994.

The Swimming Club has to have a Life-Saving Bronze Medallion holder present at all meetings.

The School had suggested that the content of the Spring Reunion be printed and sold. It was decided that this would not be worthwhile. The suggestion of producing a tapestry of a small part of the mural, likewise.

The date of the next meeting after the A.G.M would be 6th October 1995.

The meeting finished at 9.45 pm.

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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1994. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1994." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Information about Document 1351

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1994


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Informed lay people
Audience size 1000+
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1994
Word count 1190

Text medium

Other Circulated at committee meetings

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 919
Title Mrs
Forenames Shona
Initials C
Surname Forrest
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Counsellor
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Falkirk
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Bank Manager
Father's place of birth Edinburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Edinburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
French Yes Yes Yes Yes Basic
Japanese Yes Yes Yes Yes Beginner's level. With Japanese family member.
